How Much Money Can You Make By Selling Power Back To The Grid? (2024)

Do you have solar panels on your residential property? Are you planning to get a solar system installed in your home?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be having further questions like, "Do electric companies pay for excess solar energy generated?" or "How much does the electric company pay for solar power?". Continue reading this article to get an answer to these questions (and more)!

Do Utility Companies Pay for Excess Solar Energy?

This short answer to this is- Yes, they do! But that doesn't happen in every case.

How much money you can make selling energy back to the grid depends on your usage, how many kilowatt hours of energy are generated in your residential property, incentives in your state, and utility company.

The longer answer will be-

You need to figure out if your utility company pays for solar energy that is sent to the grid. After which you need to look up if your state has its own rules and regulations when it comes to how much the electric companies pay for solar power or even whether they do!

If your state is one of those who mandate a set price per kilowatt-hour (kWh) that the utility companies must pay for solar energy systems, then you're all sorted.

However if your state doesn't have any specific rules and regulations about what price electric companies should pay to customers monthly who generate their own renewable power through renewable sources like solar panels or wind turbines, then it's a whole different ball game.

In this case, you will have to negotiate the best price or credit with your utility company yourself or in the worst case scenario, even look for a new utility company that pays well monthly for solar energy, generated by their customers!

So yes, selling electricity generated through solar panels is possible and can be very rewarding – but it's not as easy as ABC! But this article will help you figure out what works best for you, so continue reading!

Net Metering is a program offered by most solar energy system companies that allows you to sell back any excess solar power produced during peak hours.

This is good for the solar panel company because they are spending less money on infrastructure costs and it's also great for homeowners/ consumers who can end up making some extra cash or gain credits monthly instead of paying a higher cost in order to get their electricity from somewhere else!

Net Metering is not available everywhere and some states like California, Colorado, and Hawaii are even phasing out the program!

Why are some US states phasing out the Net Metering Program?

First launched in 1997, Net Metering caught on quickly because it was an easy way for people to make money off of investments in solar panels and other renewable energy sources. However, many US states are beginning to phase out this program.

In 1997, California became the first state to launch a net metering program for homeowners, and all fifty states quickly followed suit. The idea of someone generating their own electricity and then selling solar power back to the local power company seemed too good to be true; How were these people getting so many benefits from solar panels? The truth was, Net Metering took off quickly because it was the easiest way for homeowners to make money on investments in solar panels and other different forms of renewable energy.

Meanwhile, some are beginning to phase out net metering programs due to rising electricity prices. This is most likely because of Net Metering's business model, which allows people to sell their excess electricity back to the power company. This means that the utility company has to buy this electricity, even if it doesn't need it, resulting in an increase in costs for everyone. Supporters of net metering argue that the program incentivizes households and businesses to go solar and produce clean, renewable energy. They add that everyone should have the right to generate their own electricity and be compensated fairly for it.

So if you have access to its benefits then take advantage of it while you still can.

If your state doesn't allow net metering or there isn't one in your area yet- don't worry. There are still plenty of other ways to make money selling energy back to the grid!

There are also some companies that will buy your excess solar power and give you a set rate per kilowatt hour (kWh), but they might not be as flexible when it comes to timing. So make sure that if you choose this method for selling energy back to the grid- there is no minimum amount of electric production needed!

Can you make money selling solar energy?

If your household is using less electricity than before, it might be worth selling back to get paid for something that would have been free before- basically getting new "customers" who are paying more per kWh from having an electricity bill at all. Now you may wonder, how much does the electric company pay for solar power?

How much does the electric company pay for solar power?

The electric company will pay you for your excess solar power. How much they are willing to pay depends on your specific situation.

It also depends on where in the US you live. Kilowatt-hour (kWh) prices differ from state to state and province to province.

For example, in California, you get paid more to generate excess solar power than you would in Texas.

Why? There are a few reasons.

Electricity demand is higher in California than it is in Texas, so the price for electricity generated through solar power needs to be high enough to cover their costs.

How much the utility company credit you also depends on how many other people are selling energy produced- if everyone else has solar panels and your electric company doesn't have enough money to pay everyone, they will cut down the value of solar power.

Also, because it's a hot state, California has more demand for air-conditioning units which increases your energy bill during peak hours if you are using solar panels.

How much does the electric company pay for solar power? You can expect around $0.15/kWh in California and $0.08-0.09/kWh if you live elsewhere.

How Much Money Can You Make By Selling Power Back To The Grid? (1)

Benefits of Selling Solar Power Back To The Grid

Selling energy back to the grid is good for everyone- even if you aren't really saving money by getting paid.

In some states, you are able to make money by selling SRECs, or solar renewable energy certificates.

The electric company has more incentive to provide, better service and lower rates because they are now competing with other companies that offer solar power systems. And, it's good for their customers too!

Increase in demand for renewable energy sources

Everyone wants renewable energy sources but not everyone can afford solar panels installed on their own or through group programs like Solarize. Solarize is a program that teams up homeowners together so they have enough money to install larger-scale projects.

This kind of initiative reduce carbon emissions as well as pressure on local utility companies who might otherwise be charging higher prices in order to cover costs associated with building new plants/infrastructure.

The more people who sell surplus energy back to the power grid, the better it is for everyone involved!

How much does selling energy back save me money every month?

A home solar panel system can easily lower your monthly electric bills by a few hundred dollars every month.

Depending on how much you use, you could see savings of anywhere from $50-700+ per month which means that the 30-year returns for going green with solar are very likely to be higher than what you'd get in interest rates if you had invested that money elsewhere. In fact, homeowners who install their own systems often report seeing payback periods as low as five or six years – and some people even make profits after about seven months because electricity is so expensive!

Some of you might be wondering, "If my family goes off-grid completely, will we still sell energy back?"

Although having a lot of excess power isn't necessarily required to start making extra cash selling back to the grid, you probably won't see as many savings if your solar system is too small.

This means that whether or not you decide to include batteries in order to keep "old" energy for yourself and only sell back what surplus you have during peak hours will depend on how worried you are about emergencies in your home like bad weather or power outages which could knock everything offline.

It's important to remember that even though this might seem scary at first- it happens all over the world often enough (especially with less developed countries where infrastructure isn't quite up-to-par) but customers who do choose off-grid solar systems usually continue selling their excess electricity back because they enjoy having a backup plan. Just in case something goes wrong, they won't suffer high electricity bill costs.

How much can you make monthly by selling solar energy back to the grid?

Depending on your state and how much power your solar panels produce, what you make by selling solar energy back to the grid might vary. But on average, you can make about $50-$700+ per month.

How much you actually get paid is dependent upon factors like how big your system is and what time of day it is producing energy. It's important that if you are planning on setting up a solar energy system, check with PG&E or another electric company for rates.

If they're high enough where electricity prices are concerned (which depends on demand), then PV systems will be very attractive options financially speaking- compared to conventional means of generating power which may not provide as many savings over time.

If you are really concerned about off-grid living, then go for it! But if not then continue to sell your solar energy back to the grid and that will reduce carbon emissions as well as pressure on local utility companies who might otherwise be charging higher prices in order to cover costs.

Is it worth selling back the energy to the grid?

When you are eager to reduce your electricity bills, then it is definitely worth selling back the energy to the grid. Doing this will not only save money but also protect you from incurring high utility costs during emergencies like power outages or bad weather!

Purchasing batteries can be an added expense which might make this option slightly less attractive financially. But if you don't want to completely go off the grid, then using solar panels and selling back energy can still save a lot of money in the long run.

The best thing that you can do is look at how much money you spend on electricity every month after all other factors have been considered and use this as a general guideline so that you know whether or not going solar could save you money in the long term!

And can end up making some extra cash every month instead of paying more in order to get their electricity from somewhere else! This means that if they're spending $200/mo then it might take about 20 years before those panels start saving them significant amounts of money each year—and sometimes even longer depending on how much electricity is being produced and used.

All the points considered, the only question left to ask is-


Solar energy is a great renewable energy source because it provides a stable stream of renewable power that doesn't depend on anything else. This means that during the day you'll be producing more power than you're using, which contributes to making this an excellent alternative fuel to gasoline and other fossil fuels as well as one that returns good dividends over time!

With solar panels, there is no need to wait for the sun if it isn't shining and this means that you can still get power during other times of the day or night. This makes solar panels an excellent choice when designing a home so if you've been thinking about adding solar panels, then go for it!

About earning money through selling excess energy to utility companies, you should know that not many people actually get something for this. So if your utility company offers net metering or a rebate, you might be better off with it (but only when the additional panels are already paid for) than to sell solar power back to the grid.

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How Much Money Can You Make By Selling Power  Back To The Grid? (2024)


How much can you make selling energy back to the grid? ›

You can expect around $0.15/kWh in California and $0.08-0.09/kWh if you live elsewhere.

How much do you get back from the grid? ›

Once you're registered for a SEG tariff, you'll earn money for each unit of electricity you export back to the grid. Tariffs can be fixed or variable. A fixed tariff pays a rate based on kilowatt hours (kWh). These payments vary among suppliers, from around 2p to 15p per kWh.

Do I get money back for excess solar energy? ›

If you have a grid-tied solar system, you can send the surplus electricity back to the grid, which entitles you to a credit from the utility company, or they may purchase it from you at a nominal wholesale price.

How much power can I feed back into the grid? ›

This limit varies according to your location, but it's typically somewhere around 5 kiloWatts. Once you reach that limit, you can't transmit any more energy into the grid. Why is this restriction in place?

Is selling back to the grid worth it? ›

It can be a great way of saving money; by sending your excess energy back to the grid, you may be able to use this energy later on in the winter months, when your system is not producing as much solar power.

How much is the power grid worth? ›

By my analysis, the current (depreciated) value of the U.S. electric grid, comprising power plants, wires, transformers and poles, is roughly US$1.5 to $2 trillion. To replace it would cost almost $5 trillion.

What happens if my solar panels produce more electricity than I use? ›

In most cases, if your solar system generates more energy than your home needs at any given time, the excess energy will flow back to your utility. Your utility company may provide you with a credit for energy you send back to it. This credit is called net metering.

How many solar panels do I need to make money? ›

You can calculate how many solar panels you need by multiplying your household's hourly energy requirement by the peak sunlight hours for your area and dividing that by a panel's wattage. Use a low-wattage (150 W) and high-wattage (370 W) example to establish a range (ex: 17-42 panels to generate 11,000 kWh/year).

Who pays the most for solar export? ›

The best overall export tariff is Intelligent Octopus Flux. With this tariff, customers who choose Octopus as their energy supplier can typically gain 29.4p for every kWh (kilowatt-hour) of solar electricity they export between 4pm and 7pm, and 22p per kWh at all other times.

How much money can you make selling solar? ›

Solar Sales Representative Salary in California
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$298,538$144
75th Percentile$142,100$68
25th Percentile$76,500$37

Can you make money selling electricity? ›

But did you know that you can also make money from the electric company? This involves selling electricity back to the company's grid, if you have excess from your renewable energy source. So if you're thinking about generating renewable energy on your property, those solar panels can earn you money.

How long until you make money back on solar panels? ›

Solar panels pay for themselves over time by saving you money on electricity bills, and in some cases, earning you money through ongoing incentive payments. Solar panel payback time can range between 5 and 15 years in the United States, depending on where you live.

How much can you sell back to the grid? ›

The amount you get from selling back to the grid will depend on your energy supplier. As of 2024, you can expect to get around 22 - 35p for every kWh (kilowatt-hour.)

How much power can I export to the grid per day? ›

How much solar can I install? You can export up to 3.68kW per phase (11.04kW for a three-phase connection) to the grid without needing permission to connect to the electricity grid. This limit is based on the inverter output, so typically up to 4kWp of solar panels can be installed per phase.

What is the cost of 15kw solar system? ›

On average, the cost of a 15 kW solar system in India ranges from Rs. 8 Lakhs to Rs. 12 Lakhs. This amount includes the cost of the 15 kilowatt solar panel price, inverter, battery, and other equipment, along with installation charges and other necessary permits required.

How much energy can I export to the grid? ›

How much solar can I install? You can export up to 3.68kW per phase (11.04kW for a three-phase connection) to the grid without needing permission to connect to the electricity grid. This limit is based on the inverter output, so typically up to 4kWp of solar panels can be installed per phase.

Can you feed electricity back into the grid? ›

Any excess electricity you produce is fed back into the grid. When renewable resources are unavailable, electricity from the grid supplies your needs, eliminating the expense of electricity storage devices like batteries.

How much is the waste to energy market worth? ›

The global waste to energy market size was valued at USD 34.50 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow from USD 35.84 billion in 2024 to USD 50.92 billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.5% during the forecast period. Asia-Pacific dominated the waste to energy market with a market share of 47.24% in 2023.

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