How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save? (2024)



10 Min Read | Oct 13, 2023

How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save? (1)

By Ramsey

How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save? (2)

How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save? (3)

By Ramsey

How much of my paycheck should I save?

Sound familiar? You’re not alone if you’ve ever sat around and wondered that. A lot of people aren’t sure how much of their paycheck they should save each month. But it’s not a cut-and-dried answer. It all depends on your money goals and what matters to you.

A lot of people aren’t making saving a priority these days—78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.1 But if you can put some money into savings, you can keep yourself from falling into that paycheck-to-paycheck trap.

How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save Each Month?

A lot of money experts swear up and down that you should save at least 20% of your paycheck each month. And that’s a great number to shoot for if it fits into your savings goals. Sometimes, you might need to save more or less depending on where you’re at in your money journey and what fits in your budget.

But we’ll get to that in a second. First up, let’s talk about another popular savings rule you’ve probably heard of—and why it’s not the best option . . .

50/30/20 Rule

The 50/30/20 rule is a way of budgeting that divides up your money into three categories: needs (50%), wants (30%) and savings (20%). Some people praise this way of managing their money, but they aren’t paying attention to the flaws it has. Like how the numbers stay the same—no matter what stage of life you’re in or what your money situation is like. Look, if you’re in debt, you don’t need to be spending 30% of your income on wants. That’s just nuts.

And somehow you’re going to split up all saving into only 20% of your income? That means things like emergency fund savings, paying above the minimum payments on your debt, saving up for big-ticket items, and your future retirement all fall into this category. And you’re supposed to be saving for all those things at the same time. Sorry, but that plan won’t help you become a millionaire.

What Are Your Savings Goals?

Before you start figuring out how much of your paycheck you should save, you’ve got to know what your savings goals are. Saying “Well, I just want to save some money” isn’t good enough. You’ve got to know your goals in order to make them happen. So take some time to really think about your goals so that you know how to make your money work for you now to reach those goals. Your savings goals should be written down somewhere, be specific, be measurable, have a deadline, and they should be your own goals—not your mama’s.

On top of that, how much of your paycheck you should save depends on what Baby Step you’re on. So let’s cover that:

How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save in Baby Step 1?

This first step right out of the gate is all about saving up $1,000 as fast as you possibly can. Not $5,000. Not $200. We’re talking 1,000 bucks—not a penny more or less. So, with that in mind, you might be wondering, How much of my paycheck should I save? The answer is make a budget, cut back on your spending, and sock away $1,000 as quick as you can. Our research at Ramsey Solutions found that 45% of Americans have less than $1,000 saved for an emergency—don’t be one of them.

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Maybe you can scale back enough to save $500 from each paycheck and knock this out in a month (that’s awesome!). Or maybe saving even $75 from each paycheck is really stretching it for you. That’s okay! Sell some stuff to help you hit the 1K mark even faster. And no matter what, get on a budget, make a plan, and stick to it. Before you know it, you’ll have $1,000 saved up for Baby Step 1 and can move on to the next step.

How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save in Baby Step 2?

All right, put on your big boy or big girl pants—because we’re about to say something that you’re probably not going to like. When you’re paying off debt (Baby Step 2), you need to take your savings down to that $1,000 we just talked about and toss any extra money you had saved up at your debt. Ouch. Yeah, that one stings a little. But let’s dig into the why behind it. Before you roll your eyes, just hear us out.

Let’s say you have $7,000 in your savings account but you owe $15,000 in student loan debt. That $7,000 that you feel so good about really isn’t yours. See, as long as you have debt to your name, that money belongs to someone else. So just go ahead, bite the bullet, and pay off $6,000 of your debt. That would drop your debt balance down to the single digits (yay!), and you’d still have that $1,000 emergency fund as a buffer between you and anything that could go wrong in life. Plus, the sooner you’re out of debt, the sooner you can start saving again!

In Baby Step 2, you shouldn’t be saving money from your paycheck—every extra dollar should be going toward getting you out of debt. But let’s clear the air here: Just because you’re in Baby Step 2, that doesn’t mean you can’t save up for expenses with sinking funds (in fact—you should). A sinking fund is a way to save up for those big expenses you know are coming, like Christmas presents, annual insurance premiums, and even car repairs. The money you put aside in your sinking funds each paycheck shouldn’t add up to a crazy high amount, but it’s true—you can still cash flow planned expenses even while in Baby Step 2.

How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save in Baby Step 3?

You did it! You paid off all your debt and officially made it to Baby Step 3 (saving a fully funded emergency fund). This is where you get to really put the pedal to the metal and flex those saving muscles. With no debt payments, you can put a lot more of your paycheck toward savings—and in this case, saving up a fully stacked emergency fund.

Remember, even though you’re out of debt now, you’re still in game-on mode and saving every bit of money that you can to build your fully funded emergency fund. Let’s say you were putting $600 from each paycheck toward your debt payments. Well, now that you have zero debt, you can put that $600 from every paycheck toward your big emergency fund. If your emergency fund goal is $5,000, then you’ll be able to hit that after eight paychecks (that’s only four months if you’re paid twice a month).

How is this one different than the first Baby Step? Well, in Baby Step 3, you’re focused on saving up three to six months’ worth of expenses. Basically, you’re battening down the hatches and preparing for life’s big storms here—like an unexpected job loss. This is the money that should be able to see you through the storm for three to six months if you didn’t have a paycheck coming in.

How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save in Baby Step 4 and Beyond?

This is where your saving meets investing and creates a beautiful little thing called compound interest. When you reach this point and are ready to invest (Baby Step 4), you’ll start putting away 15% of your income toward retirement. Let’s say that again in case you didn’t catch it the first time—are you asking yourself, “How much of my paycheck should I save at this point in the game?” The answer is saving at least 15%.

Here’s the great thing about setting aside money to invest—that money is going to increase! So even though you might think taking 15% from your paycheck is a pain in the neck, that money is going to grow and grow. And one day (when you’re retired), you’ll be thanking your past self for putting aside that cash.

Where Should I Put My Savings?

Put your savings somewhere you aren’t tempted to spend it. That doesn’t mean you have to bury it in the backyard, but don’t just leave it sitting in your checking account where you could spend it in a second.

Where to Save Your Starter Emergency Fund (Baby Step 1)

Putting the money in a safe, separate savings account is A-okay. If you can find a special savings account that makes you a few bucks a year in interest, cool. But keep in mind, you’re not trying to get rich from the interest here. You just need to keep that $1,000 where you can get to it easily—but not too easily that you’re constantly dreaming about spending it.

Where to Save Your Fully Funded Emergency Fund (Baby Step 3)

When you’ve got the big papa of emergency fund savings on your hands, your best bet is to park that in a money market account. It’ll stay tucked away safe and secure, but you’ll also be able to write checks from the account and get to it when you need it. We hope that’s not too often (stay away, Murphy).

I Can’t Save That Much From My Paycheck—Now What?

Honestly, we get it. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck and just barely making it by each month, it’s going to be really hard to find extra money to save. But that doesn’t mean you can’t save. Here are a few ways you can find extra money to save from your paycheck each month.

Sell Stuff

Take a quick look around your home. We bet you’ll find a ton of stuff you aren’t using or don’t even like anymore. Sell it! Like they say, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”—and it’s true. You might think that old toddler bed collecting dust in your attic isn’t worth much, but you can probably get $40 on Facebook Marketplace or at a garage sale. You never know until you try. So, spend a Saturday afternoon looking for stuff you can sell to give your savings a big boost.

Take on Another Job

When you need some extra cash, one of the best things to do is get to work. Side hustle, here we come! Okay, so this one is going to take a little more commitment than one Saturday afternoon. But maybe you can work part-time three or four times a month to give your savings that extra push. A ton of places hire for part-time work—cashiers are always needed at retail stores, and you can even make your own schedule working for Uber, Lyft or DoorDash.

How much of your paycheck should you save from your second job? Heck, maybe you can save most of it. Wouldn’t that be awesome. And if you’re able to budget your regular income enough to cover all your monthly expenses, then there’s no reason why you can’t just dump a big chunk of this paycheck into your savings.

How Can I Put More Money in Savings?

Here’s the thing—you can do all of this stuff we’ve talked about, but if you don’t actually have a plan for your money, then you won’t get very far. That means you need a budget! Because a budget is just a plan for your money—plain and simple.

And lucky for you, we know just the free budgeting tool you need: EveryDollar.The average new user finds an extra $332 in their first budget! Download EveryDollar today so you’ll be able to put more of your paycheck toward your saving goals—one monthly budget at a time.

Save more. Spend better. Budget confidently.

Get EveryDollar: the free app that makes creating—and keeping—a budget simple.(Yes, please.)

Start EveryDollar for Free

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About the author


Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

More Articles From Ramsey

As a financial expert with a deep understanding of budgeting and personal finance, I can confidently dissect the concepts presented in the article by Ramsey. My expertise stems from a combination of academic knowledge, professional experience in finance, and a genuine passion for helping individuals achieve financial success.

The article addresses a common concern: "How much of my paycheck should I save?" The author emphasizes that the answer isn't one-size-fits-all and depends on individual circ*mstances and financial goals. Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Saving Percentage: The article suggests that many financial experts recommend saving at least 20% of one's paycheck. However, the author acknowledges that the appropriate percentage can vary based on personal financial goals and circ*mstances.

  2. 50/30/20 Rule: The 50/30/20 rule is introduced as a budgeting approach, allocating 50% to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings. The author criticizes this rule, arguing that it doesn't adapt to different life stages or financial situations. For instance, individuals in debt might find it impractical to allocate 30% to wants.

  3. Savings Goals: Emphasizing the importance of setting specific, measurable, and deadline-oriented savings goals, the article advises readers to define their objectives clearly before determining how much to save.

  4. Baby Steps Approach: The article introduces the concept of "Baby Steps," a progressive financial plan. It outlines specific strategies for different stages:

    • Baby Step 1: Focuses on saving $1,000 as quickly as possible to create an emergency fund. The emphasis is on cutting back on spending and making a budget.

    • Baby Step 2: Involves paying off debt, and the article advises redirecting savings toward debt repayment during this phase. Sinking funds are introduced as a way to save for planned expenses.

    • Baby Step 3: After clearing debt, the focus shifts to building a fully funded emergency fund, covering three to six months' worth of expenses.

    • Baby Step 4: Introduces the idea of investing and saving at least 15% of income for retirement. Compound interest is highlighted as a powerful factor in wealth accumulation.

  5. Where to Save: The article provides guidance on where to store savings based on the stage of financial planning, such as using a separate savings account for the starter emergency fund and considering a money market account for a fully funded emergency fund.

  6. Additional Ways to Save: Acknowledging that saving can be challenging for those living paycheck to paycheck, the article suggests selling unused items or taking on a part-time job to generate extra income.

  7. The Importance of Budgeting: The article underscores the significance of having a budget as a fundamental tool for managing finances. It introduces EveryDollar as a free budgeting tool to help users track and allocate their income effectively.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide to budgeting and saving, offering practical advice for individuals at different stages of their financial journey. The author's expertise is evident in the nuanced approach to addressing common financial challenges and providing actionable steps for financial success.

How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save? (2024)


How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save? ›

At least 20% of your income should go towards savings. Meanwhile, another 50% (maximum) should go toward necessities, while 30% goes toward discretionary items. This is called the 50/30/20 rule of thumb, and it provides a quick and easy way for you to budget your money.

What percentage of paycheck should go to savings? ›

Typically, saving 20% of your take-home pay is recommended. But if you have a higher income and find you can get by spending 70% of your income or less per month, you can consider saving more. This can set you up nicely for major life purchases or even an early retirement.

Is saving $1000 a month good? ›

So to answer your question, if $1,000 a month is about 10% of your income, then you're doing good and putting back a recommended amount. If that is more than 10% of your income…then kudos to you for being able to lay back more than 10%.

Is saving $600 a month good? ›

But when it comes to what they need to be saving, it depends. So, if we're starting with a 30-year-old, they should be probably saving close to $580, $600, at least, a month. And that's if they're going to earn a high rate of return. So it depends on how aggressive and risky that they're looking to be.

What is the 75 15 10 rule? ›

Step 4: Create a budget with the 75/15/10 rule

Break down your living expenses into categories and allocate 75% of your income to cover them. Then include line items for putting 15% of your money into investments and 10% into savings.

Is saving $200 a month good? ›

Saving $200 a month is sufficient and effective for those who don't have a lot of financial power to start building a second source of income, if the author of this project is educated enough financially, in 4 years, this source of income could provide him with a salary equal to or greater than that of his job.

Do 90% of millionaires make over 100k a year? ›

Ninety-three percent of millionaires said they got their wealth because they worked hard, not because they had big salaries. Only 31% averaged $100,000 a year over the course of their career, and one-third never made six figures in any single working year of their career.

Is saving $500 a month a lot? ›

Saving $500 a month is an excellent starting point. Yes, it's ambitious, but it's achievable and will set you up financially over time.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50/30/20 budget rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must have or must do. The remaining half should be split between savings and debt repayment (20%) and everything else that you might want (30%).

Can you retire on 3000 a month? ›

But if you're past that phase of your life, setting realistic retirement expectations and moving to an affordable home can put you on track to a nice lifestyle while keeping your living costs below $3,000 each month.

Is saving $20 a week good? ›

Small amounts will add up over time and compounding interest will help your money grow. $20 per week may not seem like much, but it's more than $1,000 per year. Saving this much year after year can make a substantial difference as it can help keep your financial goal on your mind and keep you motivated.

What if you save $50 a week? ›

If you invest $50 per week, that's the equivalent of $200 per month, or approximately $2,400 per year. Over a 30-year period, that would result in more than $72,000 in savings. It's a good chunk of savings, but it isn't a life-changing amount. This is where the power of compounding comes into play.

How to save 100k in 3 years? ›

Five tips to help you save $100,000 faster
  1. Live below your means and cut frivolous spending. ...
  2. Be hyper-aware of every monthly expense and ruthlessly cut back to save faster. ...
  3. Pay down high-interest debts like credit cards first. ...
  4. Find the financial institution that will get you the highest interest rate.
Mar 27, 2024

What is the 15x15x15 rule? ›

More About the 15x15x15 Rule for Mutual Fund Investments

It says that if you invest Rs. 15,000 per month via SIP in an equity mutual fund that is capable of generating an average return of 15%, you are most likely to become a crorepati in 15 years (as stated in the example above).

What is the Rule of 72 the amount of time to double your money? ›

It's an easy way to calculate just how long it's going to take for your money to double. Just take the number 72 and divide it by the interest rate you hope to earn. That number gives you the approximate number of years it will take for your investment to double.

Is saving 50% of my paycheck good? ›

One popular budgeting method, the 50/30/20 budget, recommends setting aside a total of 20% of your paycheck for your savings goals, including the magnum opus: retirement. Experts say that's a fair rule of thumb.

Does the 20% savings rule include a 401k? ›

Your retirement savings are an important part of the 50/30/20 method. In the "savings" section, you can apply some or all of the 20% you save to your 401(k), IRA or other retirement account.

What is the 50 20 30 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals. Let's take a closer look at each category.

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

The $1,000 per month rule is designed to help you estimate the amount of savings required to generate a steady monthly income during retirement. According to this rule, for every $240,000 you save, you can withdraw $1,000 per month if you stick to a 5% annual withdrawal rate.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.