How Much to Charge for Life Coaching: The Fees You Deserve (2024)

Are you a life coach looking to determine the right prices for your services?

Life coaching is a beneficial tool to help individuals achieve their goals and reach their full potential in various aspects of their life.

It is a service that empowers individuals to create positive changes in their personal and professional lives.

As a coach, the fees you charge for life coaching reflect the value of your services, as well as how much revenue you can generate. Simply put, clients may decide on the quality of your service based on the fees associated with your life coaching services.

However, understanding how much to charge for life coaching services is crucial for your success in the field. This article will provide insights and recommendations to guide life coaches in determining the right prices for their services.

Categories of Life Coaching

Life coaching can be classified into two broad categories: personal and workplace/business coaching.

Personal coaching is geared towards helping individuals achieve their personal goals, such as health, relationships, and spirituality. Workplace or business coaching, on the other hand, focuses on the professional development of individuals and teams.

When determining the right prices for life coaching services, it is essential to consider the type of service and the complexity of each case. For instance, a basic personal coaching package may cost less than an in-depth business coaching program. Additionally, the length and frequency of sessions can also influence the price.

It is important to note that these prices are only recommendations. Ultimately, you should determine the fees that feel appropriate for your services.

Two Types of Life Coaching

The pricing for life coaching services varies depending on the type of coaching offered. Life coaches can charge either per session or use package pricing for a certain number of sessions.

  • Per-session pricing is typically preferred by coaches who work with clients on an as-needed basis.
  • Package pricing, on the other hand, is popular among coaches who offer a set number of sessions or a specific coaching program.

For personal coaching, some can charge from $130 per session for their coaching service, whereas, for business coaching or coaching for executive clients, the charge per session can go to $330, depending on the complexity of the pro­gram. Some coaches charge an initial setup fee to get the program started.

So, how much should you charge for your life coaching services? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The amount you charge for your services will depend on various factors, including your experience and qualifications, location, type of coaching, and coaching format.

Consideration to Determine Your Price

When determining the appropriate fees for life coaching services, there are several factors to consider.

How qualified are you?

One of the most significant factors that affect pricing in the life coaching industry is the level of experience and qualifications of the coach.

Generally, coaches who have been in the industry for a long time and have gained significant experience charge more than new coaches.

Coaches who have obtained advanced degrees, certifications, or specialized training in their area of expertise also charge higher fees than coaches who do not have these credentials.

Location of your office

Location is another factor that affects pricing in the life coaching industry. Coaches in major cities or high-income areas generally charge more than coaches in rural or low-income areas.

The cost of living in different regions can also affect pricing.

What kind of services will you offer?

The type of coaching offered also affects pricing.

Personal coaching, which focuses on individual development, is generally less expensive than business coaching, which requires specialized knowledge and expertise. Some coaches specialize in a particular area of personal coaching, such as health or spirituality, and may charge higher fees for their expertise.

In-person vs. online coaching

The coaching format you choose will also affect pricing. In-person coaching sessions generally cost more than online coaching sessions.

This is because in-person coaching requires the coach to factor in the cost of renting an office space or traveling to meet clients, while online coaching, facilitated by an interactive digital flipbook, allows the coach to work from home or any location without incurring additional costs.

Traps to Avoid When Deciding on How Much to Charge for Life Coaching

When it comes to setting your brand’s life coaching prices, it is vital not to rush the decision-making process. Setting your prices too low can leave you underpaid and unable to cover your operating costs.

On the other hand, if you charge too high a rate, potential clients may be discouraged from investing in your services, since they perceive that they cannot afford the cost. However, striking a balance between these two extremes is important for establishing a profitable business model.


It can be challenging to balance providing a premium service and maintaining customer expectations.

When setting life coach rates, ensure that you are valuing your services accurately and realistically, in order to ensure client commitment and prevent the risk of under-delivering. If you set your rates too high, you may discourage clients from committing.


Considering undercutting the competition may be tempting, but is it sacrificing the value of your services?

It’s true—charging more can be scary. Ask yourself honestly: are you cutting prices due to fear that people won’t be willing to pay you that much money? Or are you just making assumptions about how much they can afford to pay?

Always challenge the narrative you’re telling yourself. Remember, people often take you seriously when they’re required to invest more. And the fewer clients you have, the better you can attend to each client’s specific needs.

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Life Coaching Industry Standards for Pricing

How much does a life coach cost in different countries?

The life coaching industry has no standard pricing structure, but some countries have established industry standards for pricing.

The geographical location of a life coach may affect their rate; research has indicated that rates tend to be higher in the United States and Europe compared to other regions. Coaches in cities such as New York and London typically charge more than coaches based in rural areas.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) reports that the average annual salary for a coach in North America is $62,500.

Australia reported an average salary of $64,600, while the study determined North America to be the highest-earning country.

If you are considering providing coaching services in an area where the profession is relatively new, such as Asia, conducting research and utilizing local knowledge may be necessary to determine what the market is willing to accept based on your niche.

The cost of life coaching or executive coaching sessions typically ranges between $100 and $500+ per hour in the U.S. and Australia; fees may vary depending on the location.

U.S. average price for life coaching

Personal life coaching typically costs $75 to $200 per hour, with an average of $120 per hour. Packages of four 30-minute sessions may cost $300 a month, while programs of eight 90-minute sessions can cost up to $2,000. Corporate life coaches typically have monthly charges of between $750 and $1,000.

Life coaching fees are usually structured as per-hour, monthly, or long-term packages. Some life coaches also offer retainer agreements that enable clients to pay for a minimum number of sessions. This type of arrangement is more commonly used by experienced and popular life coaches, although it has been gaining popularity recently.

Hourly rates

Many life coaches charge hourly. The amount charged by life coaches varies, ranging from $75 to $200 per hour on average.

Novice life coaches typically have an hourly rate of less than $75, while more experienced ones may exceed $200 per hour.

Nevertheless, before deciding on charging on an hourly basis, check this video:

Charging for coaching packages and bundles

Charging for coaching packages and bundles is a great way to make income as a coach.

The first step in setting this up is to decide how much you want to make in the year ahead. This will give you a target that you can use as your pricing benchmark.

After deciding on this amount, take into account how many days and hours you are willing to work each week.

For instance, if your goal is to make $80,000 annually but also to have a month off and only work four-hour days four times per week for the remaining 11 months (48 weeks), then you would need to calculate an hourly rate that reflects this time commitment.

To do this calculation:

Hourly rate = desired yearly revenue / (work weeks × work days × work hours)

80,000 / (48 × 4 × 4) = 80,000 / 768 = $104.17

Understanding what return your efforts will yield and pricing accordingly helps ensure every second spent coaching is well worth it!

One-on-one vs. group coaching pricing

Group coaching is a cost-effective way of providing services to multiple individuals simultaneously, which can be an attractive proposition for those who may not otherwise have the means for individual coaching or would like to test life coaching sessions before committing.

Group coaching can provide potential clients with an overview of a coach’s capabilities, potentially leading to one-on-one sessions for more in-depth work.

But how do you price group coaching?

Generally, group coaching rates should be 30% of one-on-one coaching prices. As an example, if one-on-one coaching is $500 per month, then the rate for a group should be roughly $150 per person each month. To make the most of this rate structure, it is suggested to have four people in each group coaching session.

Bonus Tips: Customer Loyalty Programs

Creating customer loyalty programs, such as upselling and cross-selling strategies, is a great way to stay connected with current customers while helping your business grow by acquiring new clients.

By creating reward systems that motivate returning customers to buy additional products or services, or to refer their friends and family for discounts and promotions, businesses have the perfect opportunity to build on customer loyalty.

  • Upselling refers to when a customer purchases a higher-priced service or product after buying related items. This is an excellent method of getting current customers to increase their spending with the same business.
  • Cross-selling involves suggesting an item that complements one already purchased by a client to increase profits from one single sale.
  • Lastly, down-selling implies offering cheaper alternatives for certain products and services that can benefit both the company as well as the customer in different ways. With strategic and tailored loyalty programs in place, businesses can continuously attract more shoppers, while sparking increased interest among existing ones.

Conclusion on How Much to Charge for Life Coaching

Determining how much to charge for life coaching services is a critical aspect of building a successful coaching business. While there is no single correct answer to this question, understanding the factors that affect pricing can help you make informed decisions when setting your prices.

As a life coach, your experience, qualifications, and the type of services you offer will all have an impact on your fees. Furthermore, understanding the value that life coaching can bring to individual clients can also help you price your services appropriately.

Finally, it’s important to consider customer loyalty programs such as upselling, cross-selling and down-selling when setting your rates to maximize profits. When taken into account, these factors can help you determine the fees that are right for your business.

Hungry for more?

We have just what you need! Dive into additional resources about life coaching and gain more knowledge:

  • The Best Guide on How to Make Money as A Life Coach
  • The Most Insightful Life Coaching Statistics You Need to Know
  • The Most Successful Life Coaches You Can Learn From
  • How To Get Clients As A Life Coach For Your Coaching Business
How Much to Charge for Life Coaching: The Fees You Deserve (2024)


How Much to Charge for Life Coaching: The Fees You Deserve? ›

Personal life coaching typically costs $75 to $200 per hour, with an average of $120 per hour. Packages of four 30-minute sessions may cost $300 a month, while programs of eight 90-minute sessions can cost up to $2,000. Corporate life coaches typically have monthly charges of between $750 and $1,000.

What is the average cost of a life coaching session? ›

Life coaches who charge by the hour typically range from $75 to $250 per session. In most cases, the life coach will require a minimum number of sessions (usually three to six) in order to help you achieve your goals.

What should I charge for a coaching session? ›

They will have to do their homework and research the state of the market for their area and align their prices with the competition finding the perfect "relative market price". Usually, a personal coaching session will waver between €60 and €100 per session.

How much should I charge for 1:1 coaching? ›

Prices for a single session of 1-on-1 coaching can vary, but generally are over $100, sometimes up to $1000. This type of coaching service is also the most flexible in terms of how coaches charge for it: you could decide to charge your clients per hour, create packages or offer a monthly subscription.

How much does it cost to have a good life coach? ›

Essential information about your Life coaching
✅ Average price :₹2,058/hr
✅ Average response time :3h
✅ Tutors available :7,166
✅ Class format :Face-to-face or online

How do you set your coaching fees? ›

Coaching Pricing Strategies to Use in 2024
  1. Hourly Rate. You can set an hourly rate, where clients pay for each hour of coaching. ...
  2. Retainer. You can set a retainer fee, where your client pays a fixed amount monthly. ...
  3. Package. Opting for a structured package allows you to set a fixed rate.
Feb 23, 2024

What is a 3 month coaching package? ›

The package includes a pre-program assessment, a shared online workspace to track progress and action steps, strategic guidance, encouragement and email support throughout the program.

How do I know what to charge for coaching? ›

Take your price base price for the one hour of coaching, and then start adding the rest of the time that you're spending preparing for that client each month to run their package. If a package offers three coaching sessions, all at $100 each, you would be looking at a price of $300.

How do I start charging for coaching? ›

The most common are:
  1. Hourly pricing. You bill clients by the hour.
  2. Package pricing. You set a price for a package of coaching services (such as a two-month program including eight sessions).
  3. Value-based pricing. You charge your clients based on the value you create through coaching.
  4. Monthly retainers.
Mar 3, 2023

Why is life coaching so expensive? ›

Continuous Learning: To maintain their effectiveness, life coaches must invest in ongoing professional development, which can be time-consuming and costly. Business Overhead: Independent life coaches often shoulder business expenses, including marketing, insurance, and website maintenance.

How much does a 1 1 coaching session cost? ›


My standard hourly rate for one 60 minute session of 1 to 1 coaching is £80 online or £90 face to face.

How many life coaching sessions do I need? ›

Long-term goals:

Depending on your specific needs, you're looking at around 12 – 20 life coaching sessions in total.

What is a coaching package? ›

An online coaching package is the offer you sell as a coach and that clients use to achieve the results they want for themselves. The thing is: If you want to succeed as a coach, you need to sell the right types of coaching packages that people want to buy.

What is a fair price for a life coach? ›

U.S. average price for life coaching

Personal life coaching typically costs $75 to $200 per hour, with an average of $120 per hour. Packages of four 30-minute sessions may cost $300 a month, while programs of eight 90-minute sessions can cost up to $2,000.

What is the average revenue of a life coach? ›

According to the 2023 ICF Global Coaching Study, the average global annual revenue and income for coaches is $52,800 USD. The average salary for a life coach in North America is around $67,800 USD/year. However, many life coaches earn more than this average.

What is the downside of life coach? ›

The key disadvantages of life coaching are the expectations clients have and the promises that certain life coaches make. Life coaching can be an excellent way to set yourself clear goals, work out how to achieve them, and achieve them. It isn't some sort of miracle cure for everything you don't like about your life.

Is paying for a life coach worth it? ›

So, should you put your hope in a life coach, or should you save your money? There is no one answer to if it is worth it or not. It is not a question of how much money you have to spend either. If you are not prepared to change or do not have the inclination to do so, then no amount of coaching will change you.

What is included in a life coaching package? ›

A coaching package offers more value to a coaching client.

For example, you can include email or Voxer coaching, access to a resource library, access to bonus training, or even check-in emails and calls. This helps your client get the most out of the coaching experience.

How many sessions is typical with a life coach? ›

For time-critical goals like these, you should aim to meet with your coach once a week as a minimum and preferably twice a week for the first week or two. So, you're looking at around eight to 12 life coaching sessions in total.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.