How Often Should You Blog In 2024 To Become A Successful Blogger - The She Approach (2024)


How Many Blog Posts To Write A Week Explained

Blogging has been around for decades now. And today, there are many types of bloggers, such as hobby bloggers, travel bloggers, business bloggers, etc.

Regardless of your blogging niche, you’ve probably got stuck wondering how often I should be blogging? Once a week? Once a month? More? Less?

The truth is the answer is different for everyone, and there’s no perfect formula.

There are so many contributors to blog frequency that it can be difficult to find the best blog posting schedule.

And in this article, I’ll explain why there isn’t one hard and fast rule for blogging frequency and how to determine what works best for your niche.

What Is The Ideal Blog Frequency?

There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there about how often you should be blogging. Some people say you should blog as often as possible; others say you should focus on quality over quantity and only publish the very best stuff.

The best answer is it depends. It depends on your audience, content quality, and many other factors. The truth is what works for one person or company might not work for another.

The best way to determine the right blog frequency is through experimentation and A/B testing based on your goals and the needs of your audience.

For example, if you aim to be a thought leader with long-form articles, you should post at least twice per month. But if you are producing short-form content or quick tips, you might want to consider posting over four articles per month.

Different niche audiences have different expectations regarding how often they like to hear from their favorite bloggers and brands.

How Often Should You Blog To Become Successful In Your Niche

When it comes to blogging, the right frequency can make a huge impact on your blog’s growth. Below are some things you should consider before making a blogging schedule.

The Overall Goal Of Your Blog:

The frequency of your blog posts will depend on the overall objective of your blog. Take a step back and think about why you are blogging? What is the end goal of your strategy? You should have a clear idea of what success looks like for your blog.

For example, if you’re focusing on building your brand’s reputation in a specific industry, then you might want to blog once a week to stay relevant, but not so much as to overwhelm your audience.

On the other hand, if you’re a hobby blogger looking to build an audience, you’ll probably want to blog a few times a week. The more content you have, the more likely people will find your website and be interested in what you have to say.

Try asking yourself the following question to help you determine the goal of your blog:

  • Who is your audience?
  • How much time are you willing to spend on your blog?
  • How many page views do you want per month?
  • Do you want to be a thought leader in your industry?

Organic Traffic:

Publishing content on your blog is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and establish your authority in your field. In addition to this, it’s an important component of search engine optimization (SEO), a strategy for making sure Google, Bing, and other search engines see your site and prioritize it.

Search engines have developed incredibly sophisticated algorithms to determine which sites are most valuable for users. The algorithms look at everything from how often the term being searched for appears on a page to how quickly pages load.

The more time you spend writing content and optimizing your blog for SEO, the more likely search engines will find and prioritize your site in their results.

But it’s important to remember that frequency is only one part of the bigger picture. Your overall goal should be to provide useful, helpful content that speaks directly to your buyers, not to hit some arbitrary number of posts per month.

For example, HubSpot has more than 100 great marketing posts on its blog. But each post is chock-full of great information; they don’t churn out junk just to post something new every day.

More SEO Tips For Bloggers:

  • 10 Easy Steps To Writing And Publishing Your First Blog Post
  • How To Write Catchy Titles For Your Blog Posts
  • Best SEO Practices For Bloggers
  • 7 Key Elements Of A Seo Friendly Blog Post

Your Blogging Niche:

Your blog niche plays a major role in how frequently you should post. Some blog niches require daily posts since they are related to news or events, while other niches don’t need as frequent publications.

If your blog is about a topic that doesn’t change much over time (e.g., gardening tips), you can probably post content less frequently.

In fact, you might find that some of the most popular posts were written years ago and continue to draw a lot of traffic month after month.

However, if the topic of your blog changes regularly (e.g., news reporting), then your blog frequency should be higher. Readers will expect to see new posts on a regular basis.

In general, the more competitive your niche is, the more frequently you’ll need to publish.

Strategy For Content Creation:

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How often you should publish a blog post will also depend on how you plan to create content for your blog. Usually, this is tied to the resources you have available.

For example, If you have a small team, blogging once or twice a week is generally enough to maintain the momentum. You can even consider publishing “evergreen” content (content that will continue to be relevant for months and years) on a weekly basis.

If you have a bigger marketing team, you can increase the number of blog posts to three times a week, although it’s important to realize that this doesn’t mean you should sacrifice high-quality content.

The key is that your frequency needs to be sustainable. It would be best to find a pace that works for your brand and your team.

Your Audience:

Knowing your audience is the most important aspect while determining a publishing schedule. Your target audience dictates how often you should post.

If you get a lot of traffic, then publishing frequently might be the best option. And that is the reason why sites like HuffPost and Tech Crunch are successful. They provide readers with constant, fresh content that’s easy to digest and share.

But if your readers are less engaged, once a week might be enough; if they’re professionals looking for in-depth analysis, once a month is probably fine.

When you write a blog post, you’re making a commitment not only to your readers but also to yourself to come up with something worth saying.

Numbers Of Posts Available:

The more blog posts available on the site, the less often you need to publish new content. This is because old posts can keep driving traffic for years, even if you’re not publishing new content.

In fact, some old blog posts can continue to drive traffic long after you have abandoned them.

On the flip side, If you’re just starting out, there won’t be much content on your site, to begin with. You’ll want to ramp up quickly so your site can start delivering some real value to users.

It’s recommended that blogs with over 100 posts publish one to two times per month, while those with less than 20-30 posts should publish at least twice per week.

Topic Ideas:

When it comes to how often you should blog, it’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. If you’re inspired and find ideas for blog posts that your audience will find intriguing, then write more frequently.

On the other hand, if you’re struggling to come up with new ideas and want to maintain your current frequency of posting, it’s perfectly acceptable (and even preferred) not to publish something just for publishing.

The adage “quality over quantity” certainly applies here. It’s far better to publish a thoughtfully crafted piece of content once a week than a mediocre post daily.

However, you can increase engagement by sharing an old post on your social media accounts every so often, which increases traffic to your site.

This is especially useful if you have evergreen content that remains relevant long after being written.

Content Marketing:

The number of blog posts that you publish each week also depends on how you market your content and what channels you use.

It’s not enough just to put the content up on your site. You also need to promote it, so people know it’s there!

As an example, if your target audience is active on social media and you are using social media as one of your primary channels, then it makes sense to post less often.

But if most of the traffic coming to your site is via organic search, and you’re not actively promoting your posts, then it might be best to publish more frequently.

Pros And Cons Of Posting Blog Posts Frequently

The Pros of Publishing Blog Posts Frequently:

  • Posting frequently will keep your website fresh.
  • It also gives you better opportunities to improve your search engine rankings.
  • More blog posts mean more opportunities for people to link back to your website.
  • The more often you publish, the better you’ll get at it, and the more likely it will be that your audience will grow.
  • Creating a lot of content can help you become a better writer.
  • It allows you to build connections.

The Cons of Publishing Blog Posts Frequently:

As you can see, there are many benefits to publishing frequently. But there are some drawbacks to it too, and it’s essential to acknowledge them.

  • If you’re going to maintain a high frequency of posting, you’ll spend a lot of time writing and editing.
  • The more posts you publish, the more time it will take to get the word out about them on social media.
  • If you start getting a lot more comments than usual, be prepared to put in the extra time to respond to all of them.
  • If you post too frequently, you may find that your readers lose interest in reading all your posts.
  • You may find that it’s hard to come up with new content regularly.

Finally, Let’s Wrap It Up

Ultimately, it’s up to you. Is there a particular schedule you will be able to adhere to? Does it fit your lifestyle and ease into your routine? How many blogs are you trying to market at once? What kind of content will you have coming out weekly, monthly, or periodically?

These are the kinds of questions you need to ask yourself before deciding how long you should wait between each post. If you can maintain a posting schedule for your blog, you’ll likely be more successful.

I hope you find this article helpful if you have any suggestions leave a comment below! We will discuss it together!

Frequently Asked Question

Q: How Often Should You Blog To Be Successful?

There is no right number that will help your blog succeed. It depends on your goals, your audience, and your niche. But a small number of bloggers recommend publishing at least one-two post per week.

Q: Should I Blog Everday?

The answer is no; you don’t need to blog every day. The best frequency for posting depends on the type of audience you’re targeting and the degree of competition in your niche.

Suppose you’re targeting an audience interested in information about a specific topic, and you’re competing with many other blogs for their attention. In that case, you’ll probably have to post daily or several times a week to get enough traffic.

If you’re targeting an audience interested in a specific product (e.g., a new car or laptop), your readers are likely to be more interested when that product is released.

Q: How Many Posts Should I Publish In A Month?

If you have an established blog and want to increase your traffic, I suggest publishing 2–3 posts per week. This will give you enough volume to attract more readers.

Q: How Often Should I Blog To Make Money?

It all depends on your blogging niche, audience, and content strategy. Some bloggers make money by putting out content every day, and some only post once a week and still earn the same amount.

Written by: Author and the founder of Blogituplife, Shama Shafiq, writes about blogging and marketing on her blog. Her goal with her blog is to help beginner bloggers who need step-by-step guidance.

Blogging Frequency Advice For New Bloggers

How Often Should You Blog In 2024 To Become A Successful Blogger - The She Approach (2024)


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Tips for blogging in 2024. Now that we know the answer is yes, people still read blogs, how do you make yours stand out with 600 million blogs on the internet? I use these blogging tips for every article to attract and keep blog readers: Quality and quantity matter.

How to be a successful blogger in 2024? ›

How To Make Money Blogging In 2024
  1. #1. Choose the Right Blogging Niche. ...
  2. #2. Create a Professional Blog Site. ...
  3. #3. Create Helpful, Original Content. ...
  4. #4. Leverage Google and Pinterest SEO. ...
  5. #5. Build a Social Media Presence. ...
  6. #6. Leverage Email Marketing. ...
  7. #7. Explore Blog Monetization Strategies. ...
  8. #8. Collaborate and Network.
Dec 23, 2023

How often should you blog to be successful? ›

How often should you blog? In general, publishing one or two high-quality blog posts per week is a good starting point. And you may want to put up even more. According to a study by Orbit Media, bloggers who publish between two and six times each week are 50% more likely to achieve positive results.

How many blogs per month for SEO? ›

We usually recommend you start out with two to four posts per month if you're just beginning to invest in your blog. This way, you can begin to build an SEO foundation while getting to know what your customers want to read from you.

Are blogs becoming obsolete? ›

While blogging isn't dead, certain types of blogs are no longer successful. With increased competition from other blogs, social networks, and video sites, some types of blogs just can't keep up and are dying. Blogs are no longer the best way to share the details of your personal life with your friends.

How to start a travel blog in 2024? ›

Quick Guide on Starting a Travel Blog
  1. Step 1: Choose a Domain Name.
  2. Step 2: Pick a Web Hosting Service.
  3. Step 3: Install WordPress.
  4. Step 4: Choose a WordPress Travel Blog Theme.
  5. Step 5: Adjust Your Blog's Settings.
  6. Step 6: Add Essential Plugins.
  7. Step 7: Craft Your First Blog Posts.
  8. Step 8: Spread the Word About Your Blog.
Apr 16, 2024

How do I monetize my blog in 2024? ›

How to monetize a blog over the long term
  1. Build a paid membership program.
  2. Create online courses.
  3. Start a podcast.
  4. Make a webinar.
  5. Host a virtual summit.
  6. Offer coaching or consulting services.
  7. Sell merchandise.

Do blogs make money? ›

Bloggers make money in 5 main ways: Advertisem*nts: selling space on their web page or website for companies to advertise on. Affiliate marketing: promoting a third-party's products in exchange for earning a commission. Products: creating physical products to sell to their audience (e.g., merch)

How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

I get this question a lot from readers: “How long does it take to make money from a blog?” The short answer is, it depends. In most cases, it's safe expect at least 6 to 12 months (minimum) to start earning something from your blog—and in the 1 to 2 year range to begin earning $1,000/mo+.

Is blogging once a week enough? ›

There is no set number of blog posts that you should write per week for brand building. It really depends on your blog topic, how much content you have to share, and how much time you have to write. However, I recommend posting at least once a month to keep your blog active and engaging for your readers.

How many blogs should I post a day? ›

According to Google 2022 updates, a minimum of 24 blog posts every day can boost the traffic by 30%, while more than 50 posts per day can boost the organic traffic by at least 77%.

Can you make 5K a month blogging? ›

Anatomy of a $5,000 blog writing month

If you're getting $300 a post, doing 4 posts a month, that's $1,200 a month from one client. You can see that it's not hard to build to $5K a month at this rate — and at this point, $300 a post is on the low end of what better blog writers are getting.

What is the best day to post a blog post? › says that most people read blogs in the mornings and most blogs get the most traffic on Monday around 11:00 am EST. They say that if you're blogging to get backlinks, Monday and Thursday are the best days to publish at 7:00 am EST.

How many blog posts to get traffic? ›

You should have somewhere between 10 to 15 posts ready before launching your blog in order to bring in meaningful traffic.

Does blogging have a future? ›

Blogging can be a good online business in 2024 and beyond, but if you want to make sure your future you shouldn't have blogging as a hobby it should be a serious business, and make sure your blog is a skills-based website.

When should you stop blogging? ›

Whatever the exact situation, if you can see big imminent trouble coming your way as a result of the content you're publishing, it might be time to quit your blog (while you're still ahead) and start something new & less controversial for your needs.

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Blogging Isn't Dead – It's Simply Evolving

Blogging is simply evolving into something more sophisticated and rewarding. Today's bloggers understand the need to focus on a specific niche, provide high-quality content, and engage with their readers.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.