How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? (2024)

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One of the most important skills in direct sales is knowing how to follow up and stay in touch with your customers. You don't want to be too pushy or too distant, but you want to build trust and loyalty. How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? Here are some tips to help you find the right balance.

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  • Rickey Green Solutions sales specialist, story collector, proud father, published author.

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1 Know your customer

Different customers have different preferences and expectations for communication. Some may like frequent updates and reminders, while others may find them annoying or intrusive. Some may prefer email or text, while others may prefer phone calls or social media. The best way to know your customer is to ask them. Find out how they like to be contacted, how often, and for what purpose. Then, respect their wishes and tailor your communication accordingly.

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  • Rickey Green Solutions sales specialist, story collector, proud father, published author.


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    Over my 25-plus years in sales, the most important thing to remember is that people buy from people. People will buy from people that they like, and people that they trust. Listen more than you speak. Always be available for your prospect, customer, colleague, whomever needs you.- "Rickey, always tell the truth. It's the easiest thing to remember." - Fred Crum


    How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? (20) How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? (21) 17

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    During my 25 years selling, across varying sectors, one thing has always remained. I always ask the best time to speak with clients. We book the next time period in on that call, I take the time to understand their pain points, how they want to receive communication from us and fulfil that. Not everyone wants to be bombarded but its important to keep the lines of communication open, you don't want to go too quiet, there needs to be a good balance. Above all else, I listen, respond, support and will always be open and transparent with all our clients, even if its something they don't want to hear. It's important to be that reliable source, that go to person, if our client retention is anything to go by, our clients agree with these values.


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  • Chris Heyer Passionate about building and developing teams of trusted advisors focused on long-term customer success.
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    "The best way to know your customer is to ask them." This is spot on. Too often sales professionals focus on making the sale and forget to focus on making the connection and to follow common sense. If you want to know something, just ask. Bring genuine curiousity and humanity back to sales and make that personal connection to foster your collaborative relationship.


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    Follow-up has been an big part of how I manage my business, both past and future. If you are a "prospective client" i will continue to follow up (on schedule) to check in with you even if its just to say hello. The whole point of that is keeping my name front of mind as frequent as possible. Once you become an existing customer of mine and we have done business together, i will regularly check in. I cannot tell you how many times i will call/email someone to see how their week is going and i get a "i have a project for you" in return. Do not follow up with customers expecting a new deal, because if you do so you will be angered/disappointed when you don't receive one. Go in with no strings attached and work on forming the relationship.


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  • There are no cookie cutter customers, and there is no cookie cutter way to communicate with them. Build a relationship with them and get to know their needs and preferences. Then, communicate with them accordingly based on how they prefer to work, not your own needs. Utilize newsletters, emails, social media and other methods to provide new information, answer questions, and to prospect for new customers and new projects with current customers. Some items are fine to communicate in a blast format such as new hours, new services, and a new location. However, many things need to be individualized such as order fulfillment. Ask your clients how they want you to communicate with them. They'll answer honestly and will appreciate you!


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2 Provide value

Every time you contact your customer, you should provide some value to them. This could be a helpful tip, a relevant offer, a testimonial, a referral, or a thank you note. You should also show genuine interest in their needs, goals, and feedback. Don't just contact them to sell them something or to check in. Contact them to add value and to show that you care.

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    It's not enough to simply stay in touch with your customers - you also need to provide value in every interaction. By offering helpful tips, relevant offers, testimonials, or referrals, you can demonstrate that you genuinely care about their needs and goals. Additionally, it's important to listen to their feedback and show a willingness to help them in any way you can.


    How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? (66) 5

  • Elayne Nusbaum I MAKE $ALES HAPPEN I CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO INCREASE YOUR OWN SALESPublished author/Sales Specialist/Sales mentor/
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    You should be very up-to-date with your customers needs and have them give you dates and that way you won’t be bothering them too much. They will either tell you to not call or they will tell you when they think they might need your services.


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    I agree with both colleagues that just "checking-in" does not add value. Our customers are overwhelmed with so much information coming at them from different channels. They are looking for reps that can help them make sense of that information, "sense-making approach" as highlighted in an HBR article. So to add value, every time we reach out, we have to ask ourselves, 'how am I adding value, how am I helping my customers navigate all this overwhelming information?' when we adjust the lens and put ourselves in their shoes, we stand out and add value!


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    Knowing your own product or service is not enough. You need to know the market and be honest about competitors. By knowing the market you show that you understand the sector and your clients needs.There are other ways of adding value for example, the classic go out for a coffee or lunch. Everyone likes to feel special or at least feel like they are treated well. Taking a client for a coffee (or beer) every now and again will only enhance the relationship. In a less formal setting it is ok to talk about their kids, their new car, their hobbies or mutual interests. (This point links to my previous point Know Your Customer)


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  • Cheryl L. N. Enterprise Experience Management @ Qualtrics | Unconscious Bias, Inclusive Conversations
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    Establishing personal connections with clients is crucial for building meaningful and productive business relationships. By recognizing the importance of human engagement, we create a foundation of trust and understanding that benefits both parties. These connections also provide a rewarding and fulfilling aspect to our professional lives.


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3 Be consistent

Consistency is key to building trust and rapport with your customers. You should contact them regularly, but not too frequently. A good rule of thumb is to contact them at least once a month, but no more than once a week. Of course, this may vary depending on the type and stage of your relationship. For example, you may want to contact a new customer more often than an established one, or a customer who is ready to buy more often than one who is still exploring options. The important thing is to be consistent and reliable in your communication.

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    I have always taught a 3-prong client quarterly call method for customer satisfaction and service. In these 4x per year conversations we are checking in as well as answering any questions or concerns the client may have. We end the call by asking for 1-2 introductions as referrals. There is no one in my business that consistently contacts every customer 4x per year without building a successful business and satisfied client base while creating a business that literally builds itself over time.


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  • Rickey Green Solutions sales specialist, story collector, proud father, published author.
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    Consistency will make you or break you in any customer interaction, sales or otherwise. You should always know as much as you can about your customers and your clients because you should be talking to them on a regular basis, and while everyone is busy, even a 1-minute email check-in can change a relationship.


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    I use the method of 4x a year min. There are 26 letters in the alphabet and 52wks a year. 13wks per quarter so I contact my customers with AB last names first week of each quarter CD 2nd week of the quarter and so on. Plus an extra touch on a special occasion birthday or something important to them.


    How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? (128) How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? (129) 2

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    The following is another cliché but also very true. Treat your customers/clients how you want top be treated. In my accounting practice we offered all clients a 30 minute monthly catch-up call, free of charge and the client could bring forward 2 agenda points/questions. Even if the client didn't have any particular business related questions we still conducted some of the calls just to stay in touch, many clients appreciated this. We always gave the option for the client to cancel the call.


4 Be creative

There are many ways to stay in touch with your customers besides the usual phone calls and emails. You can use social media, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, videos, webinars, or events to share valuable information, insights, and stories with your customers. You can also use cards, gifts, or rewards to show your appreciation and recognition. Be creative and use different channels and formats to keep your communication fresh and engaging.

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    Establishing a good relationship was key to the success of the sale- but the ongoing relationship is key to long term success working with the same customer, wherever you go, with whatever you may sell- you’re a trusted advisor at that point which drives repeat business. Ensure you follow their content and be consistent in engaging with it, checking “celebrations” and sending a note based on the celebration, delivers a sense of value for that individual and their business. In addition, if you are in a community together, send a quick “how are you? How’s {{insert something personal about them that you learned and they shared}}? This overall is key to strengthening your relationship, and showing up where they “live” most.


    How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? (146) 4

  • Nicco Springer Business Development Manager
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    I think that sometimes customers expect you to just offer the service and don't know what they are missing out on. I think following up with your customer and adding value can really change the game. An example I like to use is - a lot of people go to Chic-Fil-A over various other restaurants, but they are actually a little more expensive in comparison. As someone who never use to go, I can say a big reason I go there is because of consistent quality and great customer service. I use to expect service to be off every once in awhile, or the drinks to not be the best because of different people working. Once I was showed that there is something better out there than what I was use to, I couldn't turn back.


5 Track and measure

Finally, you should track and measure the effectiveness of your communication with your customers. You can use tools like CRM software, surveys, analytics, or feedback forms to monitor how your customers respond to your messages, offers, and content. You can also ask them directly for their feedback and suggestions. By tracking and measuring your communication, you can identify what works and what doesn't, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

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    “No matter how badly your manager wants it to be” Love it! I recently turned down a job where the metrics required 100 calls a day. I’ve been at it for almost 20 years. I’m great at what I do because I do get to know my customers. It is impossible and disrespectful to the customer to think you will develop a real sincere relationship when you are speed dialing to make those metrics. Not to mention annoying the heck out of people. Recipe for bad relationships!! My numbers will always reflect my success for self, said business and customer without working 6 days a week 12 hours a day. Yay sales 🤦🏼♀️ When a position asks this of you ask the hiring manager when is the last time they did it?


    How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? (163) 67

  • Rickey Green Solutions sales specialist, story collector, proud father, published author.
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    While CRM usage is almost required by most companies at this point, do not let it become your focus (no matter how badly your manager wants it to be). It is a tool - utilize it as such. I speak to hundreds of people in a week, literally, and having a good CRM tool that I can utilize helps me stay organized. The key thing to remember is TO USE IT!


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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    The frequency with which you should contact your customers will depend on your business and your customers' preferences. It's important to find the right balance between staying in touch and being intrusive.


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    Building relationships with customers means you should know their needs, including how often they need to hear from you. If you have new information pertaining to them, that is always worth an update, but sometimes just checking in on your customers is useful and valuable also. Don't be afraid to call or email them just to see how they're doing and if anything new is going in their world, both personally and professionally. Making your customers your friends is not bad business, it's how you build customers for life.


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Direct Sales How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? (191)

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How often should you contact your customers to stay in touch? (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.