How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income (2024)

How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income – The best tips and tricks for how to afford to be a stay at home mom even if you’re living on one low income. Great ways for stay at home moms to find the best ways to help their families stay on budget and how to stay sane.

When I had my oldest in 2010, Pinterest has just opened and there was very little info on how to afford to be a stay at home mom on one income. I remember sitting there with this new baby and wondering how on earth I was every going to be able to make it living on just one income. It felt so lonely.

Luckily for you, Pinterest IS a thing and that means that you can hear all about what you need to do as a stay at home mom to afford to live on one income.

Fair warning – being a stay at home mom on one income isn’t easy.

It’s actually pretty tough. BUT. It IS doable.

You absolutely 100% CAN live on one income and afford to be a stay at home mom. We lived off of $17,000 as a family of 4 – trust me, it can be done.

For me, staying at home was really the only option for my family. Any money that I made working only would have ever gone straight to paying for childcare for the kids so that I could work. That made no sense to me!

We worked hard and saved fiercely to live on one income so that I could be a stay at home mom. And that’s why I’m here today to share with you what you can do to afford to stay at home with your kid on one income.

How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income (1)

How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income

1. Make it your JOB to save.

This is actually pretty controversial believe it or not! When you are a stay-at-home mom, your job is to take care of the kids and the house and everything comes between those two. But it’s also super important for you to try to make it your job to save money.

Like you need one more thing on your plate am I right?

But if you look at saving money as part of your job, it’s much easier to be motivated to save.

We’re talking about each time you go to the store you bring a coupon. Or each time you leave a room you turn off the light. Maybe one week you call the phone company and ask about getting promotional rate for your family. Maybe you go through all the subscriptions that you guys have as a family and find some to get rid of.

Those are all things that you can do that makes you huge deal for your family. These are huge wave that you can afford to be a stay-at-home mom on one income. By looking for new ways to save, you’re helping contribute to the family without ever having to go out and find a new job.

Here are some easy-to-use tools to help you save more money as a stay at home mom on one income:

  • Use Ibotta when you go grocery shopping (get $5 to start here)
  • Start using Digit and Acorns to save money automatically (get $5 bonus for each when you sign up!)
  • Sign up for Amazon subscribe and save on groceries to save up to 20% off
  • Shop second hand or thrift instead of buying new
  • Make your own detergent (2 ingredient detergent that costs me $25 a year to make!)
  • Find the cheapest gas using the GasBuddy app
  • Do babysitting swaps with friends instead of paying for a sitter
  • Don’t throw out leftovers –reuse them into a new dish or freeze for later
  • Avoid going out as much as you can
  • Turn the lights off when you leave the room
  • Shut off all electronics when you’re not using them
  • Call your bill companies to ask for lower rates
  • Ask your insurance provider what they can do to lower your rates

2. Control your spending

Believe you me. I get this. Being at home is boring. You have to get out of the house! And that’s where the trap of going to Target and getting a coffee and then browsing around the Dollar Spot and then next thing you know you’re looking at Joanna Gaines stuff the next thing you know your cart is full of stuff that you have absolutely no need for.

We’ve all been there in mark but this is where making sure that your job is to help your family save money comes into place. You want to make sure that at the end of the day you are supporting the family. That means no spending money that you don’t have budget for. That means not maxing out a credit card. I mean it’s not going to the mall or to HomeGoods or Target and just spending constantly.

You have to be super aware of what makes you want to spend. Again, I know that staying home is super boring. It’s so easy to say that going to Target gets the kids out of the house and get you out of the house, but is it really worth it?

Just always be aware you need help your family save.

3. Don’t fall for MLMs targeting moms

For the love of all that is good and holy! Do not join an MLM!

MLM, or multi-level marketing companies, are companies like Jamberry, It Works, Scentsy, etc.

They target moms. They know that they’re bored, they know that they’re looking for something to do, and they know that they’re looking for a community.


MLMs are just going to drain your bank account. You will not make any money from them. It seems like it’s a great thing that might be able to make some money so that you can still be a stay-at-home mom living on one income, but honestly… It’s going to do nothing but cost you money.

(Don’t like what I said here? I’m ok with that. Statistics are on my side here – virtually no one will make money in an MLM.)

4. Find community.

It gets really really lonely being a stay-at-home. I get that!

That’s why it’s super important for you to find some kind of a community that you can belong to. It can be other moms from a church that you go to your mom’s and play group or just moms that you meet at the library or the park. But finding some kind of a community that you can be a part of will help you in so many ways.

It will help you to feel less isolated. It will help you have something to do without constantly feeling like you have to go and buy things for the kids to keep them occupied or keep you occupied. It will help you not be bored and depressed at home. It will help you find other things to do and other outlets for your creativity and time.

Plus, it’s so nice to not be around toddlers all the time!

5. Find some extra ways to pull in some extra cash.

This goes back to what I was talking about with the MLMs. There are plenty of ways that you can make money from home as a stay-at-home mom living on one income!

MLMs are not one of them. But! Being able to bring in some kind of money for the family to help is huge.

And I am absolutely not telling me to go and find a job! That’s kind of the opposite!

I am telling you that there are plenty of ways for you to make money from home as a stay-at-home mom.

Here are some of the ways that you can make money as a stay-at-home mom living on one income:

  • Teach English to kids in China for $20 an hour
  • Sell stuff you have lying around the house
  • Be a proofreader and make $30k+ working part time
  • Transcribe court reports and make money on your own time
  • Start a blog talking about what you love (it’s what I did and now it’s my full-time income)
  • Babysit or watch kids before and after school
  • Walk dogs
  • Mow lawns
  • Freelance write
  • Secret shop (I do all of mine on the phone so I never have to leave home)
  • Sell plasma (unsavory, maybe. But it’s good money and you could save lives)
  • Drive for Lyft or Uber
  • Graphic design and sell mugs, shirts, etc.
  • And more!

6. Do at least one thing for you.

I said it once and I’ll say it again: being a stay-at-home mom really is very lonely. Things they don’t tell you when you become a mom, am I right?

But it’s really true! It can be so lonely to be at home all the time. And you could love your kids so much! But it doesn’t change the fact that at the end of the day you need other adult interaction.

Which is why it is so important to do at least one thing for you each week. It’s called self care. No, I’m not talking about spending $500 a week getting a massage and a facial and a manicure and a pedicure.

It could be as simple as having a babysitter watch your kids for an hour so that you can sit in a coffee shop and drink your favorite drink for $3. It could be going grocery shopping by yourself. Or it could be that once a month to get your nails done! Whatever it is that makes you feel refreshed.

And yes, I am encouraging you to spend money on yourself once in awhile. Here’s why! Because if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

And it’s the truth.

As a stay-at-home mom, you set the mood for the entire house. For kids, for your husband, for yourself, everyone! If you are burning the candle at both ends by taking care of everything for the kids and everything for the house everything for your husband and there’s nothing left for you to take care of yourself.

If you are feeling like you are taking care of and refreshed, then you are much less likely to spend your days at Target spending $300. you are much less likely to be bored and to go over budget because you are bored. You’re much less likely to fall for an MLM because you’re so desperate for community.

When you take care of yourself, then you’ll see everything else also falling into place.

It is possible to learn how to afford to be a stay at home mom on one income!

If you have the goal of staying at home with your kids, it truly is possible. Will it require some extra work and sacrifice? Sure! But will it be worth it? Absolutely.

Never feel like you can’t afford to be a stay at home mom on one income. Because if you follow these steps, you can make it happen for yourself and for your family, too.

How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income – The best tips and tricks for how to afford to be a stay at home mom even if you’re living on one low income. Great ways for stay at home moms to find the best ways to help their families stay on budget and how to stay sane.

How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income (2024)


How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income How to Afford to be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income? ›

However, it looks like researchers have actually put a price tag on all those hours mom puts in every single day. According to a survey from, stay-at-home moms should earn upwards of $162,581 per year.

How can a stay-at-home mom survive on one income? ›

How To Be a Stay-at-Home Mom with One Income
  1. Create a Budget with Precision to Prepare for Being a Stay-at-Home Mom with One Income. ...
  2. Build an Emergency Fund. ...
  3. Tap into Community Resources for Sustainable Living. ...
  4. Meal Planning and Smart Grocery Shopping. ...
  5. Cultivate a Home Garden for Fresh Produce. ...
  6. Embrace Frugal Living.

How can I afford to live on my own as a single mom? ›

Here are five tips for surviving—and thriving—financially as a single mom:
  1. Open a savings account.
  2. Make your savings automatic.
  3. Do a debt checkup.
  4. Get life insurance.
  5. Learn about financial tools and resources.
Apr 24, 2024

What is a good income for a stay-at-home mom? ›

However, it looks like researchers have actually put a price tag on all those hours mom puts in every single day. According to a survey from, stay-at-home moms should earn upwards of $162,581 per year.

How do families survive on one income? ›

Lower or eliminate costs, such as unused subscriptions or gym memberships. Make savings work for you. Commuting and childcare costs may not be what they were if one partner is now home. Put any savings from situations like that in an interest-bearing savings account or use the extra money to pay down debt.

How can I be a single mother financially? ›

How to survive financially as a single mom
  1. Update your paperwork. ...
  2. Get insurance coverage. ...
  3. Make a spending plan. ...
  4. Save for emergencies. ...
  5. Pay off high-interest debt. ...
  6. Set goals, but don't rob your retirement. ...
  7. Model good money habits. ...
  8. Don't let “work-life balance” hang over your head.
Feb 7, 2024

How can a stay at home mom protect herself financially? ›

Be sure to protect it with disability and life insurance in the event something happens to your spouse. Even if you aren't earning any income, you should have a life insurance policy to help your spouse with additional costs if anything happened to you.

How do I budget to be a stay at home mom? ›

  1. Assess Expenses and Cut Spending.
  2. Make Cheap Meals at Home.
  3. Use Coupons and Sales Wisely.
  4. Budget Holidays and Birthdays.
  5. Consider Part-time Work or Working from Home.

How can a stay at home mom make $2000 a month? ›

  1. 4 Simple Gigs: Turning Stay-at-Home Moms into $2000 Monthly Earners. ...
  2. Start a Blog and Get Paid to Write About Your Passions. ...
  3. Managing Social Media Allows You to Work From Anywhere. ...
  4. Unleash Your Creativity as a Freelance Graphic Designer. ...
  5. Build and Design Websites for Businesses From Home.
Jan 24, 2024

Can you get money from the government for being a stay-at-home mom? ›

Types of Grants For Stay At Home Moms

One common type is the Federal Pell Grant, which provides financial assistance based on need. Another option is the Women's Independence Scholarship Program (WISP), specifically designed for survivors of domestic abuse looking to further their education.

How can a single person afford to live on their own? ›

The budgeting method calls for 50% of the salary to be used to pay for basic living expenses, such as rent and bills, 30% for personal spending, and 20% to be put into a savings account or used to pay down debt. The data used in the study analyzed the cost of living in each city as of 2024.

What income do you need to live alone? ›

To live “comfortably” as a single person in 99 of the largest U.S. metro areas, you'll need a median income of $93,933, according to a recent SmartAsset analysis.

How much money does a single person need to survive? ›

An individual needs $96,500, on average, to live comfortably in a major U.S. city.

Can you get money from the government for being a stay at home mom? ›

Types of Grants For Stay At Home Moms

One common type is the Federal Pell Grant, which provides financial assistance based on need. Another option is the Women's Independence Scholarship Program (WISP), specifically designed for survivors of domestic abuse looking to further their education.

How can a stay at home mom make $2,000 a month? ›

  1. 4 Simple Gigs: Turning Stay-at-Home Moms into $2000 Monthly Earners. ...
  2. Start a Blog and Get Paid to Write About Your Passions. ...
  3. Managing Social Media Allows You to Work From Anywhere. ...
  4. Unleash Your Creativity as a Freelance Graphic Designer. ...
  5. Build and Design Websites for Businesses From Home.
Jan 24, 2024

How can a stay at home mom make $500 a month? ›

Moms looking to make $500 a month most likely aren't going to be able to do that with surveys alone, but it's not uncommon to hit that goal with freelancing services like writing, graphic design, or social media management. Of course, another way to earn extra income is self-publishing!

How can a single mom make money with a full time job? ›

Engaging in flexible, home-based side hustles, such as freelance writing, virtual assistance, or sleep consulting, allows single moms to earn an income while being available for their children. It requires careful planning, time management, and sometimes, support from a network of family or community resources.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.