How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (2024)

How to analyze growth stocks

A tool that is extremely important when it comes to growth stocks analysis is the delta of the delta. We will use Visa as a growth stock example and by the end of the article you will have another valuable tool when it comes to assessing the risk and reward of an investment, in this case a growth stock. The following chart explains the growth stock analysis we will discuss and what you’ll fully master by the end of the article.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (1)

Growth stocks – The decade ofgrowing valuations

The last decade has been the decade of growth stocks. The Nasdaq index is up almost 6 times over the last decade.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (2)

That is an amazing performance and tech businenesses,growth stocks, did perform really well over the past decade. However, did thosebusinesses perform as well as their respective stock prices?

Microsoft’s (MSFT) price to earnings ratio increasedfrom 7.5 in 2011 to the current 30.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (3)

Source: MSFT growthstock – Macrotrends

Such an expansion in valuation means that investors’ expectations considering growth have also been constantly growing in comparison to what they expected at the beginning of the decade.

Similarly, Visa’s PE ratio expanded from 15.5 in 2010 to the current 33.5.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (4)

Source: Visa growth stock – Macrotrends

Such valuationexpansions tell us that investors expect strong growth rates going forward thatjustify paying a relatively high price for a growth stock. The expectation offuture growth, in combination with current growth, is what keeps the stockprice going higher and higher as investors combine current strong businessgrowth with even higher expectations of growth in the future. This leads togrowing PE ratios and consequently constantly higher stock prices.

As investors, wehave to look at the key factor that will influence future investment returns:the delta of the delta – the change in the growth. I have recently analysed Visa stockand it will serve as a great example for the application of this tool. Let megive you first a quick introduction to Visa’s stock and then we’ll apply thetechnique to make a Visa growth stock analysis.

VisaGrowth Stock Analysis

Visa Stock (NYSE:V) is the ultimate compounder. Revenuekeeps growing, earnings and cash flows too, that leads to constantly higherdividends while the market for Visa simply keeps increasing thanks to globaleconomic growth.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (5)

Visa growth stock – revenue growth

I have two bank accounts; one is Visa the other isMasterCard. I think if you open your wallet, you’ll probably find a Visa card.

Visa Stock Growth Performance

When you look at what Visa did in the past, it is simplyamazing. Over the last decade, revenues more than tripled, net incomequadrupled and the dividend was increased by a factor of 10.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (6)

Visa growth stock – dividend growth

With such financial metrics, the only outcome for a stock isto skyrocket.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (7)

Visa stock growth – stock price performance

Visa stock analysisand valuation

On the other hand, Visa’sstock also comes with a high valuation and low dividend. The whole game withVisa stock is that it has to continue to grow and compound for the stock priceto keep growing. As soon as the growth slows down, there will be a big hit forthe stock too.

Fortunately for Visa stock holders, the company just keeps on giving and giving. They have a low dividend payout ratio of around 20% because they can reinvest capital at rates above 20%.

Visa stock profitability

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (8)

Source: Visa Stock Morningstar

The company has all what you can dream about when it comes to investing; growing revenues, a high margin, high return on invested capital alongside constantly growing distributions to shareholders. Apart from the dividend, the number of Visa stock outstanding fell from 3 billion to 2.2 billion over the last 10 years. That is almost 30% less than the number of Visa stocks outstanding in 2009!

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (9)

Visa’s growth comes from their strong moat that is also reflected within their extremely high net profit margin of 50%.

Visa stock business performance

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (10)

Source: Visa Stock Investor relations

Visa stock growth outlook

The outlook is simple when it comes to Visa stock. For as long as the company can keep growing earnigns at 15% per year, the stock will follow. The menagement expects the company to continue to grow earnings in the mid-teens range.

Visa stock earnings outlook

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (11)

Source: Visa Stock Investor relations

Visa growth stockinvestment analysis

When it comes to investing, it all depends on growth. If there is an economic halt, Visa’s traffic and profitability could stagnate for a while and consequently the stock would stagnate too. Visa is definitely a business that compounds, but I would say fairly priced given the PE ratio of around 30. If earnings continue to compound at 15% per year, the PE ratio on the current price will be just 15 in 5 years and just 7.5 in 10 years. The stock price will consequently grow alonside earnings growth at a constant valuation.

Visa earnings analysis

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (12)

So, the questions are:

  • Will Visacontinue to grow as fast for a long time?
  • What happens ifVisa’s growth is in the low teens or in the high teens?

The answers to the questionswill be given by the delta of the delta tool that looks at the change in thegrowth rate.

The change in the growth rate – the delta ofthe delta growth stock analysis tool

For example, if Visa’sgrowth, that is expected to be at 15% going forward, falls down to 10% peryear, everything would change from an investing perspective. This is counterintuitivebecause 10% yearly growth is still amazing, but it might not be what is bakedinto the stock price.

If Visa’s earnings grow 10% over the next 5years, earnings per share would grow from the current $5.32 to $8.71 and not to$10.70 as it would be the case with 15% growth.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (13)

You might think how thisdoesn’t really make a great difference. Well, the change in growth makes allthe difference. The market is willing to pay a price earnings ratio of 33 for15% yearly growth. If the growth falls to 10% and the growth trend is slowingdown, the market might want to pay a price to earnings ratio of just 20 forthat. Thus, in five years, earnings per share of $8.71 with a PE ratio of 20would lead to a stock price of $174, a stock price close to current levels.This would meand investors would look towards zero returns in the coming 5years, despite the fact that the company is still growing at 10% per year.

The same works on the upsidetoo. If Visa manages to grow at 20% per year, earnings per share would go from$5.71 to $14.2 over the next 5 years and the market would probably value thestock with a PE ratio of 40 and the stock price would reach at an incredible$568.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (14)

But this is the magic ofgrowth stocks and when you analyze growth stocks, the key to watch is thechange in the growth rate, i.e. the delta of the delta.

Growth stock analysis conclusion

The best way to apply thedelta of the delta growth stock analysis tool is to use it for investment risk andreward analysis:

  • What is theprobability that Visa growts at 20%?
  • What is theprobability that we have a global slowdown over the coming 5 years and thatVisa’s growth falls to single digits?

The delta of the delta growthstock analysis tool gives you a range of what you can expect qua valuations,stock price targets and investment returns in relation to the growth rate.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (15)

Growth impact on stock price:

  1. Growth matchesexpectations

If the growth matches thegrowth expectations, the stock price will likely grow at the same rate of thegrowth.

  • Growth rate beatsexpectations

If the growth rate beatsexpectations, the stock price will likely growth even faster as investors willgive it an even higher price to earnings ratio in expectations of even higherearnings in the future due to faster growth. This is the case where Visa stockcan easily grow form $178 to $568 over the next 5 years.

  • Growth rate belowexpectations

If the growth rate fallsbelow expectations, all the exuberant fellings quickly turn cold, the marketgives a much lower valuation to the stock and consequently the stock price canfall a lot. This is why investing in growth stocks is considered risky and whyinvestors expect a high return when doing so.

I hope this helped toincrease your tool box when it comes to investing. It is a simple technique butso important when it comes to assessing investement risks and rewards of agrowth stock. If you with to learn more, please check my FREE Comprehensive Stock Market Investing Course – did I mention it is FREE? It has many similarlectures, both in video and written form.

If you wish to look at the best stocks I find through research and analysis, take a look at my portfolios, check my Stock Market Research Platform. There is a 28-day money back guarantee policy so even this can be FREE if you wish so.

How to Analyze Growth Stocks – Simple Delta of the Delta Tool – Visa 15% Growth Stock Example - Sven Carlin (2024)


How do you analyze growth stocks? ›

Growth investors tend to favor smaller, younger companies poised to expand and increase profitability potential in the future. Growth investors often look to five key factors when evaluating stocks: historical and future earnings growth; profit margins; returns on equity (ROE); and share price performance.

How to evaluate growth stock? ›

Another alternative that many people choose to use is the PEG ratio. The idea is simple, take the P/E ratio and divide it by the expected growth rate (typically the 5 year annualized growth rate). A PEG ratio below one can be interpreted as undervalued.

What are the best metrics for growth stocks? ›

By considering metrics such as revenue growth rate, EPS growth, ROE, P/E ratio, FCF growth, and market share, investors can make informed decisions when investing in growth stocks.

What is a growth stock example? ›

Examples of growth stocks

Online retailer Amazon (AMZN) is one of the best known growth stocks. It has reinvested earnings back into the company rather than pay dividends to investors. Indeed, for many years the company intentionally operated a loss while it spent heavily on expansion.

What is the best indicator of a growth stock? ›

These and the other key traits detailed below can signal a stock that may be poised to take off.
  1. A Strong Leadership Team. Growth companies focus on increasing their sales and profits. ...
  2. A Promising Growth Industry. ...
  3. Commanding Market Share. ...
  4. Strong Sales Growth. ...
  5. A Large Target Market.

How to do stock analysis for beginners? ›

Please note that this is a simplified version of the process.
  1. Research the industry in which the company operates. ...
  2. Understand the Underlying Company and What It Does. ...
  3. Understanding Financial Statements for Stock Market Analysis. ...
  4. Study the Management of a Company. ...
  5. Evaluate the Prospects of the Company.
4 days ago

What is the formula for growth stock? ›

The formula is Growth rate = Absolute change / Previous value. Find percent of change: To get the percent of change, you can use this formula the formula of Percent of change = Growth rate x 100.

How do you identify growth stocks and value stocks? ›

Unlike growth stocks, which typically do not pay dividends, value stocks often have higher than average dividend yields. Value stocks also tend to have strong fundamentals with comparably low price-to-book (P/B) ratios and low P/E values—the opposite of growth stocks.

How do you know when to sell growth stock? ›

Many investors use price targets to determine when to sell a stock. Investors that use the strategy typically will determine a price range for when to sell the stock at the time of purchase. As a stock price rises, investors can begin selling the position once it reaches the price target range.

What is the best index for growth stocks? ›

Another popular alternative to the S&P 500 Growth index is the Russell 1000 Growth index. This fund selects growth stocks from the broader Russell 1000 index based on earnings growth rate, price-to-sales, price-to-book value, and low dividend yields. It's also more diversified with about 400 holdings as of present.

What is a good stock growth percentage? ›

The average stock market return is about 10% per year, as measured by the S&P 500 index, but that 10% average rate is reduced by inflation. Investors can expect to lose purchasing power of 2% to 3% every year due to inflation. » Learn about purchasing power with the inflation calculator.

How are growth stocks measured? ›

Stock growth can be measured by its absolute return, the difference between the starting and ending stock prices, or by its percentage return, calculated by dividing the absolute return by the initial price.

What are 3 growth stocks to buy now? ›

3 Unstoppable Growth Stocks to Buy if There's a Stock Market Sell...
  • AVGO.
  • NVDA.
  • ASML.
Jul 25, 2024

What is a simple example of growth? ›

Growth refers to the increase in mass and size of a body or organs. It typically occurs through the multiplication of cells and an increase in intracellular substance. Development refers to the physiological and functional maturation of the organism.

How to pick up growth stocks? ›

To find growth stocks, screen for factors such as these:
  1. Above-average growth in earnings per share, or the profits the company generates each year.
  2. Above-average profitability (operating margin or gross margin), or the percentage of sales a company turns into profits.
  3. High historical growth in revenue or sales.

How do you Analyse stock in grow? ›

8. Indicators
  1. RSI – Relative Strength Index. One of the fundamental aspects that traders look for is assessing the momentum of the stock price. ...
  2. MACD – Moving Average Convergence Divergence. ...
  3. VWAP – Volume Weighted Average Price. ...
  4. Moving Average. ...
  5. Bollinger Bands.
May 30, 2024

How do you analyze growth rate? ›

To calculate the percentage growth rate, use the basic growth rate formula: subtract the original from the new value and divide the results by the original value. To turn that into a percent increase, multiply the results by 100.

How do you analyze market growth? ›

Your market analysis checklist
  1. Research your industry. Gain a holistic understanding of everything happening in your industry and prepare to navigate it.
  2. Investigate competitors. ...
  3. Identify market gaps. ...
  4. Define your target market. ...
  5. Identify barriers to entry. ...
  6. Create a sales forecast.
Mar 26, 2024

How do you Analyse a growth chart? ›

Reading the lines

Age is at the top and bottom of the chart, and length and weight are along the left and right sides. The curved lines show the percentile numbers, or patterns of growth. The percentile number means that your child's growth exceeds that percentage of other children their age.

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