How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (2024)

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How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (3)

Professional Trader, Author & Coach

Nial Fuller is a professional trader, author& coach who is considered ‘The Authority’ on Price Action Trading. He has taught over 25,000 students via his Price Action Trading Course since 2008. In 2016, Nial won the Million Dollar Trader Competition.



Forex Trading Strategies By Nial Fuller How To Anticipate Your Next Trade

How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (4)

By Nial Fuller in Forex Trading Strategies By Nial Fuller |63 Comments

How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (5)There’s an old saying that goes something like “Success happens when opportunity meets preparation”. Hopefully, by the end of today’s lesson, you will understand just how applicable that saying is to trading success and why it’s so important to be an anticipatory trader instead of a reactive one.

If you take a close look at any successful trader or business person in any industry, you will find they did not achieve success by being reactionary and acting without a plan. Every success story, whether in business, trading, professional sports or anything else, always is based in planning, in anticipating what needs to happen now to attain success in the future.

As traders, we are facing a never-ending stream of constantly-changing variables when we look at the market. The only way to effectively trade and make money from those variables is to develop the ability to anticipate high-probability trades before they happen, otherwise you will always be reacting, usually emotionally to the market.

We need to plan, anticipate and then pull the trigger once market conditions meet our anticipated criteria…

Map the market in advance

The first step to anticipating trades rather than reacting emotionally to the market, is learning how to map the market in advance. By “map the market”, I am talking about understanding what the market is doing, where the key levels are, what the trend is, if any, etc. You want to make this into a trading routine that you do at the start of each week.

When you know what a market has been up to and you understand the trend and key levels, when a price action signal forms, you will instantly know if it makes sense in the context it is forming in. Once you get good at this, you will truly be focused in on key levels and value areas you anticipate a trade forming at. Then, when (if) a signal does form at that area, you are ready to go with no hesitation or fear.

So, to put this a little different way; you shouldn’t be waking up every day looking for something totally new in the market, you should already know in advance what the market is doing and where you’re waiting for a signal at. Also, by a ‘signal’, I mean a price action signal or even just a retrace to a key level and a blind entry at that level. If you are anticipating a retrace to a key level and your entry is simply at the level, that is also anticipating a trade and is just fine. Remember, don’t just react to what’s happening today; you should have already been anticipating it well in advance based off your map of the market.

In the example chart below, we can see that we have mapped out the obvious / key horizontal level and identified the dominant / overall trend of this market. Note, as the market swings, you will need to adjust your key levels to reflect those new swing points, this can typically be done on the weekend, before the new week begins…

How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (6)

Identify ‘hot’ areas in the market…

The point of anticipating trades is that you have a plan of action for how you will react if XYZ happens…this is a much more professional way to conduct yourself in the market than simply “running and gunning” with no logic or method behind your trades. Remember, you should trade like a sniper not a machine gunner ;).

The importance of performing weekly and daily market analysis in a structured and methodical manner can be emphasized enough. Doing so will help you to get “in-tune” with the overall market structure and dynamics and learn to anticipate high-probability trading scenarios…this is how you trade like a sniper or trade like a crocodile, pick your metaphor.

When you sit down at your computer to analyze the market, you should already have a good idea of where you are looking for signals and what markets are “hot” right now…you should be anticipating signals in confluent areas and levels in the market based on previous analysis you’ve already done. For example, in the Gold chart used above, we had been watching the key support level at 1300.00 – 1310.00 for many weeks in our commentary because we knew that price had previously bounced very aggressively from that level. So, 1300.00 – 1310.00 was a ‘hot’ or confluent area to watch and to anticipate a trade at…

How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (7)


As we wrap this lesson up, I want to make sure you understand the difference between anticipation and reaction in regards to trading the market.

Anticipation and planning for future events is an ability that is unique to humans, at least to the degree we can plan and anticipate. We have the ability to understand what has happened, what is happening and what might happen as a result of those two things. Other animals simply do not have this advanced cognitive ability.

Reactions are something every living thing has. Any animal or insect can react to their environment. Indeed, almost everything an animal or insect does is an instinct or a reaction they don’t have to think much about.

Now, stop and ask yourself, do you want to trade like a reactionary animal or insect? Or do you want to trade like an intelligent human being?? Well, I am sure that 100% of you answered that you want to trade like a human. However, I am not sure that even 90% of you are trading that way.

Most struggling traders are so busy reacting to the market that they hardly even have time to stop and think about what they’re doing, let alone to map the market, make a plan and anticipate their trades. It might sound a bit harsh, but I prefer honesty over sweet-talk, and I am going to be honest with you now. If you are only reacting to the market with no planning or anticipating, you are basically trading like an animal, certainly not a high-functioning human. Remember this point: Professional traders plan and anticipate their trades; they control themselves rather than allowing the market to control them.

The market will not ALWAYS do what you want it to or what you anticipate it might do. It won’t always move into the high-probability / confluent zones that you highlight on your charts…but sometimes it will, and when it does you need to be ready and confident, and that is the point of today’s lesson. To make sure you’re totally prepared to anticipate your trades rather than reacting to the market like a scared gazelle being stalked by a lion, check out my trading course and members’ area for more help.



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How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (9)

About Nial Fuller

Nial Fuller is a Professional Trader, Investor & Author who is considered ‘The Authority’ on Price Action Trading. His blog is read by over 200,000+ followers and he has taught 25,000+ students since 2008. In 2016, Nial won the Million Dollar Trader Competition.Checkout Nial's Professional Trading Course here.

63 Comments Leave a Comment

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  1. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (12)melaloy

    very use full and explained briefly.


  2. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (13)Eric

    This is real, and I love it.


  3. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (14)Благодарность

    very informative article Mr. Nial! I think the trade magazine, thanks for your articles will help to go with the place with the market


  4. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (15)Ahsan Ali

    very right sir


  5. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (16)Merriam

    Hi, Sir

    you really know your story in trading, I love every moment where I engage with everything that is on the website, I have learnt a lot even though I am not yet a member surely I am going to take the course

    Thank you


  6. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (17)sbu

    Good niel


  7. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (18)olaniyi

    Thanks great education about the market mapping.


  8. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (19)lilele moeketsi

    I do understand lesson behind anticipation and reaction in the market so im to change attitude. Thanks sir Nial


  9. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (21)Roman



  10. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (22)Roman

    Dear Nial

    Thx so much for your efforts. I’m at very beginning of this subject and sure that i have to learn to anticipate.

    Thx again and keep reading you
    Take care
    Roman Kolos


  11. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (23)alex

    wow that so true ad helps so much,thank you


  12. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (24)Thulani

    Very informative indeed, I can`t wait to take your Course.


  13. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (25)Thabang

    Im glad to have followed you from the beninning, now I know what I’m looking for when analysis the market. Your “TLS” method combined with “Set and Forget” method really improved the way I trade. I still have a lot to learn from you my mentor and thanks for your kindness. Salute


  14. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (26)Ivane Zurabishvili

    Hi Nial, all your articles i read with great pleasure, many thanks.


  15. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (27)Euphemia Nwachukwu

    Thanks Nial for this great information , I now see the importance of maping out level in anticipation, and not reacting to what the market is doing.and equally I now know that patient must be applied. Please keep up the goodwork.

    Remain Blessed.


  16. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (28)M Felly


    Thank you so much Nial. I always wonder what I have done to deserve bumping into such a guru as you.

    Keep up the good work!


  17. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (29)Sthembiso

    I prefer to be an anticipatory trader not a reactive one.


  18. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (30)Atul Kapatkar

    Planning makes man perfect.


  19. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (31)Larry nielsen

    Well said


  20. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (32)Nigel Harvey

    Your articles motivate me to persevere.


  21. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (33)Helen

    Thanks you!


  22. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (34)Agripa

    thanks coach for your articles they motivates,i am a new member ,they is no great course like yours , been struggling with trading but since i am studying the course i see a big difference in my trades through price action setups,GOD bless you more.


  23. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (35)Idris Ahmad

    Nial,thanks this should be my first remark to you,because your articles are always on time.practicalising your article made me got a lot,especially the precious metals,as the trend move downward.At first I couldn’t believe my eyes on what I got,yea indeed,trading like a sniper by taken the crocodile approach is more profitable than anything else,after observing the key support and resistance level,respectively as you have said.In fact ,Nial you are an undisputable guru in the Forex world,thank you very much,looking forward for your precious articles.


  24. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (36)'Dare Ajayi

    Nial. Yours is GREAT! It’s FOREX TRADING LIFE CHANGING. I like it.


  25. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (37)Keith D.

    Thanks Niall for a great post. Having now stuck with my (your) strategy, cut the markets I look at to the same ten and no others & restricted my trades to a max of 3 in any week, if they shout out (none if they don’t) I’ve reversed losses to profit at last. Small beginnings but a positive move in the right direction after 3 years of undisciplined struggle in the forex markets. Really appreciate your continued support to all of us out here!


    • How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (38)M Felly

      Impressive Keith. I see myself now as you in those last three years. But there’s hope now that I’m part of this amazing platform. Keep it up, discipline is key


    • How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (39)Roy Peters

      Great story Keith. We all wish to be like you one day!


  26. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (40)Emmanuel

    Hmmmm sometimes your articles just confirm my observations. Good, keep i up


  27. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (41)Tshepo

    You’ve raised some important facts , I’ve learned a lot from this article .Thanks Nial


  28. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (42)Mauricio Raspa

    Learn point&figure and get control over your charts . It has in built moneymanagement as well. The method that dont let The emotions take over. If you follow it of course.


  29. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (43)Yousri

    One of the most important lessons for new and struggling traders to learn


  30. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (44)yasrib

    Thanks Nial. I think anticipation and discipline is 90% of success in trading.


  31. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (45)Ray Imomon

    Thank you. This article will help a lot. It another eye opener to forex trading.


  32. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (46)Gary Bell

    Your persistent focus on the mental side of the trading equation is commendable – it is THE (95%) key to successful trading. There are many strategies that work, but ALL will ultimately fail and wipe out your account if patience, anticipation, and discipline are not the cornerstone.
    Love reading your articles. All the best.


    • How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (47)M Felly

      Very true


  33. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (48)Nick Warwick

    Niall, when you point these things out, it’s like you’re stating the obvious — except one doesn’t tend to get them oneself until you point it out! A nice stabilising lesson.


  34. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (49)Romeo Par

    Hi Nial, I meant to ask you, what do you do while waiting for high probability set up, I am new in trading business and I do what I learned from you, hunting like a crocodile but those PIN BARS rarely appears, I must admit those signals are very effective but sometimes I get very impatient and get in a trade using other candles formation which are not as reliable as PIN BARS


  35. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (50)Olatunde Adigun

    Quite right. I have followed and practiced what you impart for so long I know it is the only way to be profitable in trading.


  36. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (51)olatunde

    This is really the truth of the business. On GBPAUD, I had marked a strong support but did not place a pending order. Had I done that, I would have made at least 150 pips with absolute ease out of over 200 pips price rallying up. And there are many more like this.

    Thank you so much for this timely reminder.


  37. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (52)Karen M Lydon

    Thanks Nial, great lesson.
    There’s a line from the movie The Untouchables where they’re waiting for the mob to come over the hill and ambush the Feds. Sean Connery cautions them,
    You can’t want it to happen, you can’t wait for it to happen, You just have to be ready when it does happen .” That’s what I get in this lesson


  38. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (53)Bill Sur

    superb article


  39. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (54)Rogerio Amado

    Good point, Nial.

    One question. When we anticipate the trade, and the conditions are favorable, do we wait for a confirmation signal, at least the next candle to trigger the trade?

    If yes, what time frame do you recommend we use for the analysis and the trigger? e.g. Do the weekly analysis using Daily Charts, the daily analysis using H4 Charts, and the trade itself observing H1 or shorter Charts?

    Thanks for the post,


  40. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (55)Ola

    It has always been a logical handling of complex issues regarding forex trading which I have known long time as your core value and aim.
    More greece to your elbow Nial!


  41. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (56)WL Taba

    Love this post, it’s a great motivator.


  42. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (57)Walter

    Thanks Nial. Very helpful


  43. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (58)John Meester

    Nial, Thank you for your great course.



  44. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (59)James George

    Your comments are always appreciated and helpful.


  45. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (60)Adam

    Thank you for yet another fantastic article on trader psychology and planning. I hope people will listen and follow. It’s great advice that I wish I had known when I was starting out, especially the idea to redraw levels and trend lines at the end of the week. This will definitely help with anticipating where the market can move. Notice that all charts used by Nial are Daily charts.


  46. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (61)Nick

    Thanks Nial, Great article on anticipating trades – just what I needed. Cheers Nick


  47. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (62)GIANFILIPPO DI CLEMENTE

    Thanks You, this article is very important!!!!!


  48. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (63)john

    Thank you for the article.
    Very enlightening. looking forward to the next one.


  49. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (64)KRISTOFA OKENTA

    This sums up the whole article.
    “If you take a close look at any successful trader or business person in any industry, you will find they did not achieve success by being reactionary and acting without a plan. Every success story, whether in business, trading, always is based in planning, in anticipating what needs to happen now to attain success in the future.”
    Thanks Nial


  50. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (65)Max

    Would it be in order to place pending orders at those expected reaction points?


  51. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (66)Salim Jabagi

    A very interesting and useful lesson. Thanks a lot.


  52. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (67)Nhlanhla

    Wow this lesson has been an eye opener for me, much clearer (Plan and Anticipate). Thank you very much Mr Fuller, keep up the good work.


  53. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (68)sez elabor

    Very interesting piece Nial as usual. Thanks


  54. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (69)freight

    great article Sir. you are helping us very much. keep on teaching us and motivating us, one day we will be good traders


  55. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (70)Mangut K. Mafwalal

    Good and nice article. You are a good mentor.


  56. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (71)Thabo

    Hi Nial

    I agree with you about the importance of understanding your price movement before placing a trade. Trend analysis very important more especially understanding your “tentative / confirmation point” during your analysis because u you will be able to identify / anticipate market retracing level and release your trigger.

    I committed lot of mistakes due my failure to conduct trend analysis before placing my trades.

    You are indeed a blessing Nial


  57. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (72)eric

    Hmmm…. this is really building me into something else. Thank you Nial


  58. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (73)Dan

    Jesse said,” the money is made in the waiting”
    You also stress this, until one learns to wait they will never achieve success in trading.
    But this is just one of the things needed
    Your articles are truly well written.
    Thanks for putting and keeping us on track Nial


  59. How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (74)Karen

    thank you Nial, this was very informative, I really appreciate your straight talk…


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    How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (78)

    How To Anticipate Your Next Trade » Learn To Trade The Market (2024)


    What is anticipated trading? ›

    The point of anticipating trades is that you have a plan of action for how you will react if XYZ happens… this is a much more professional way to conduct yourself in the market than simply “running and gunning” with no logic or method behind your trades. Remember, you should trade like a sniper not a machine gunner ;).

    How to learn trading step by step? ›

    The following tips will help you begin your journey in stock trading.
    1. Open a demat account. ...
    2. Understand stock quotes. ...
    3. Bids and asks. ...
    4. Fundamental and technical knowledge of stock. ...
    5. Learn to stop the loss. ...
    6. Ask an expert. ...
    7. Start with safer stocks.

    What is the most important thing to learn in trading? ›

    One skill every trader needs is the ability to analyze data quickly. There is a lot of math involved in trading, but it is represented through charts with indicators and patterns from technical analysis. Consequently, traders need to develop their analytical skills so they can recognize trends and trends in the charts.

    How do you become successful in trade? ›

    1. 1: Always Use a Trading Plan.
    2. 2: Treat Trading Like a Business.
    3. 3: Use Technology.
    4. 4: Protect Your Trading Capital.
    5. 5: Study the Markets.
    6. 6: Risk Only What You Can Afford.
    7. 7: Develop a Trading Methodology.
    8. 8: Always Use a Stop Loss.

    How to anticipate the market? ›

    The first step to anticipate and prepare for market shifts and trends is to know your market well. You should research the historical and current data on sales, listings, inventory, absorption rate, median price, days on market, and other key indicators.

    What is market anticipation? ›

    Anticipation marketing is a strategy that focuses on building curiosity, excitement and yes, anticipation, within a targeted group of potential customers. It's used to generate “buzz” prior to a certain date, drive customer engagement, and if executed successfully, generate immediate success upon launch.

    How do I start learning a trade? ›

    Apprenticeships and internships are some of the best ways to prepare for a career in the skilled trades. Skilled trade jobs usually do not require a traditional four-year college degree. Instead, students prepare for their careers by attending trade school, community college, or on-the-job training programs.

    Can I learn trading on my own? ›

    Starting trading on your own can become complicated at times, and you would need a mentor to walk you through the investment process. The mentor can be a family member, your teacher or professor, your stockbroker or just a trustworthy person you know, who has the knowledge about the market and can guide you through it.

    What are the golden rules of trading? ›

    Let profits run and cut losses short Stop losses should never be moved away from the market. Be disciplined with yourself, when your stop loss level is touched, get out. If a trade is proving profitable, don't be afraid to track the market.

    What should beginners do in trading? ›

    12 Trading Tips for Beginners
    • 1 Follow the Trend. A fundamental view will not generate a profit, it has to be confirmed by the price action. ...
    • 2 Use a Stop Loss to Exit Losing Positions. ...
    • 3 Never Average Down. ...
    • 4 Stay Patient. ...
    • 5 Have a Process. ...
    • 6 Mind Your Risk. ...
    • 7 Develop Your Trading Knowledge. ...
    • 8 Take Your Time.
    Mar 14, 2022

    Is trading hard to learn? ›

    The Bottom Line. Day trading is difficult to master. It requires time, skill, and discipline. Many who try it lose money, but the strategies and techniques described above may help you create a potentially profitable strategy.

    How do you learn to trade properly? ›

    When you get your head on straight, you can embark on learning trading and start with these five basic steps.
    1. Open a Trading Account. Sorry if it seems we're stating the obvious, but you never know! ...
    2. Learn to Read: A Market Crash Course. ...
    3. Learn to Analyze. ...
    4. Practice Trading. ...
    5. Other Ways to Learn and Practice Trading.

    How do I start trading successfully? ›

    8 steps to start trading
    1. Understand how trading works.
    2. See examples of trades.
    3. Research the available markets.
    4. Know the risks of trading and how to manage them.
    5. Learn more about trading styles and strategies.
    6. Create a trading plan.
    7. Begin trading on a practice account.
    8. Get into trading by opening your live account.

    What is the secret of successful traders? ›

    Emotional management

    Success in trading is intrinsically linked to emotional control. Almost 90% of this success depends on managing emotions during market fluctuations. Patience, discipline, and objectivity are essential for making accurate decisions.

    What is prediction trading? ›

    A prediction market is where participants or people can trade contracts that reward them based on the outcomes of unknown future events. In simple terms, prediction markets are exchange-traded markets created for the purpose of trading the outcome of events.

    How do you anticipate stock movement? ›

    A popular method for modeling and predicting the stock market is technical analysis, which is a method based on historical data from the market, primarily price and volume.

    What is the difference between predict and anticipate? ›

    What is the difference between anticipation and prediction? Prediction is about foretelling the future outcome based on result from the past execution. Anticipation is about foretelling the future outcome based on factors considered and factors ignored or overlooked.

    What is an example of future trading? ›

    Let us assume that you have purchased a futures contract for 100 shares of XYZ company at a value of Rs. 50 per share at a certain date. When the contract expires, you will receive those shares bought at Rs. 50, the same price at which you agreed to buy them, irrespective of the present price prevailing.

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    Article information

    Author: Corie Satterfield

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6674

    Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

    Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Corie Satterfield

    Birthday: 1992-08-19

    Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

    Phone: +26813599986666

    Job: Sales Manager

    Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

    Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.