How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (2024)

Asking for a deal can be scary, but it's such a great way to save some money! Don't worry though, we're here to help you out and teach you how to ask for a discount. Get all of our best tips and put that money you save towards something meaningful!

How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (1)

It's important to ask questions any time you're spending money. Technology can mess up (*gasp, what, really?!*) and you never know when there might be a bug in the system or user error that makes something ring up the wrong price. But wanna know our favorite way to ask questions when you're spending money? Yes, tell us more, tell us more!!!

*Note: When you click the links in this post, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

Okay, okay, we get it, you're excited. 😉 Ask for deals. Yep, you read that right! You can save a bundle by doing this. that's why it's one of our top ways to save money. Don't worry, we've got all the best tips and tricks over how to ask for a discount, so don't start panicking and breaking into a cold sweat. You are going to be a pro at it in just a few minutes. So, let's get started on why you should…


This tip can certainly be a hard one for you to do, but is probably the best way to save some money on things! We try this all the time. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Even if it only works 1 time out of 100, it's worth it! It doesn't cost you anything, it takes no time or effort (maybe just a little bravery) to simply ask for something and you get a discount on something that you would've paid full price for!

Put that money you save towards something meaningful for you and your family. We suggest putting any extra money towards debt first, then savings. It's always fun to save up for something you've been wanting or that dream family vacation! Work hard at saving money wherever you can so you can put it towards those things that need it the most. This is why we want to teach you…


How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (2)

It's really quite simple. Seriously, you're going to be surprised at how easy it is. As long as you're willing to ask a few questions and speak up when you wouldn't normally, then we're about to rock. your. world. Here are our best tips on how to ask for a discount.

  • Just Ask! – If you're not a super outgoing person who can easily ask for things, then this one may be a little hard for you. But it's okay! Really, the worst thing they can do is tell you “no.” As long as you keep that in mind, there's really no reason that you shouldn't ask for a discount.
  • Be Polite – Kill them with kindness! Be genuine and make them want to give you a discount. If
  • Ask for a Manager – A normal salesperson or employee probably won't be able to give you a discount. If they tell you no, don't fret! Just ask to speak to a manager because they're more likely to give you a deal.
  • Inquire About Future Sales – If they can't give you a discount, ask them if they can tell you when any upcoming sales will be. If they find out that you're willing to leave without buying anything and come back later to save some money, they're likely to give you any sale dates that they have.
  • Ask for an Upgrade or Comp – If you're staying somewhere or doing something that you could be upgraded to the next level, ask! Especially if you're staying at a hotel and there's something wrong with your room. Don't just be okay with it; talk to a manager and they're likely to do something for you.
  • Be Firm and Persistent – Be confident in your way of asking. Say, “Will you give me 10% off my purchase since I'm buying two pairs of pants? That would help me afford this and be able to buy both” rather than “Do you think I'd maybe be able to get a little discount? If it's ok with you?” Be firm!
  • Negotiate – If they keep saying no, ask something like “what do I need to do to get this to $___?” Let them lay the rules and it just may work!


How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (3)
  • Ask for any Leftover Free Merch – Going to a grand opening where they're giving away free coupons or merchandise? Ask for extra! You can even go in the next day and ask them if they had any coupons left.
  • Go for the Damaged Items – When you're at the store and see an item that has a scratch or dent in it, don't be afraid to grab that puppy and ask for a discount! As long as you're okay with the damage, this is one of the best ways you can get a discount at the store.
  • Timing is Everything – If you're hoping to snag a deal, don't go during the busiest time of the day. Go at opening or closing when they're slower and have more time to chat. If they're commission-based, go at the end of the month or quarter when they're trying to meet their quotas and are more willing to make a deal.
  • Be Okay with Switching Services – If your yearly subscription is about to renew and your introductory rate is coming to an end, don't be afraid to call and ask to stay at that rate. Do your research and mention that you'll have to switch services over to a different company if they can't lower your prices. Just be okay with actually having to switch services if they won't work with you.
  • Get Creative – In any situation anywhere at any time there is an opportunity to ask for a discount! Think outside of the box.

Pro Tip: If you're dealing with services that you've already paid for and THEY messed up your bill, don't back down! It's not your fault that they messed up and charged you the wrong amount. Push until you get your money back or they credit your account for the next month. Don't be afraid to ask for a manager or higher up!


How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (4)

Alright, now that you know how to ask for a discount, we thought we'd give you a taste of the different types of things you can ask for! Here are some examples of how we have gotten deals on things by simply asking.

  • Our internet bill went up from the introductory rate we got for the first year of service with them. We called and asked them to match the introductory rate and at first they said, “no” but after we pushed back for a bit, they gave in!
  • We've needed to cancel two checks that got lost in the mail before. The bank was going to charge us $39 EACH CHECK to cancel them, but after asking nicely, they cut the fees in half.
  • We took a trip with some friends and the hotel we booked was not that great. After going to the front desk and asking for an upgrade to a nicer room, and they gave it to us. We went from the cheapest room to almost the nicest room the hotel had!
  • We went to a baseball game once and our team won! They handed out coupons at the exit gates for a free taco. We simply asked for extra coupons and the guy gave us a big stack. We had enough free tacos to feed us for about 15 days!
  • Once we were clothes shopping at a store that had their grand opening the day before. As part of their celebration, they gave away free gift cards to everyone that shopped on grand opening day. We asked if we could have some if they had any left over and they gave us a huge stack!
  • One time we were at a restaurant and the manager walked by and asked us how we were liking our meal. We told him we absolutely loved the service and the bread that came with our meals. We said “this bread is amazing, but it was hard to decide which one to try since you have so many options. Do you think we could get a side of each kind of bread so we can at least try each one?” Low and behold, he brought us out an entire tray of every kind of bread in the restaurant. We were so full on bread we packed our meals and took them home for the next day!

These are only a few examples; there are TONS of other things we've gotten for a discount or for free just by asking!

How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (5)


If you loved these tips, then you'll definitely want to check out Budget Boot Camp! It's a fun online video program that has everything you'll ever need to know about getting your budget and finances on track. Plus, you get awesome tips like this on saving money!

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Alright, now that you're a master at asking for a discount, go get to it! Just remember: the worst they can do is say no! Have you gotten crazy deals before? Share them with us in the comments!

Here are just a few of our other ways to save money!

  • Save $100 fast with over 55 ways!
  • Wash your car at home and save a bundle.
  • Save big time on your electric, heating and water bills!
  1. How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (6)

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      • How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (9)

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    APK Mod Androidon April 22, 2022 at 9:48 pm

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    Aaronnon September 4, 2023 at 11:39 am

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    Instagram Proon December 16, 2023 at 10:29 am

    Mastering the art of seeking discounts is a valuable skill in contemporary times. It’s not about exerting pressure; instead, it’s about acknowledging the worth of your hard-earned money.


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    Hello Neighboron March 28, 2024 at 5:00 am

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  33. How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (48)

    harny jameson May 9, 2024 at 12:40 pm

    If you’re staying somewhere or doing something that you could be upgraded to the next level, ask! Especially if you’re staying at a hotel and there’s something wrong with your room


  34. How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (49)

    Mishal Khanon May 25, 2024 at 4:54 am

    Thank you for sharing such beneficial content.


  35. How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (50)

    SosoModProon June 1, 2024 at 9:08 pm

    Sounds amazing! I’m always on the lookout for great deals, and a 100% money-back guarantee plus a discount code is definitely a win-win. I’ll definitely be checking this out. And I totally agree – asking for a discount is always worth a shot. I’ve scored some fantastic deals in the past just by asking. Can’t wait to see what others have to share in the comments! Thanks for the tip!


  36. How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (51)

    sheikh faisalon June 9, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Great informative article,thanks for sharing this piece of gold for us


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How to Ask for a Discount - The Power of ASKING! - Fun Cheap or Free (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.