How to Ask the Right Questions to Get the Most Out of Your Chat GPT / AI Conversations in 2024 | Jatinder Palaha - Digital Business Strategist, Consultant, Coach (2024)


Having AI conversations with some form of artificial intelligence chatbot has become a part of our everyday lives for many. Whether it’s through voice-activated assistants like Chat GPT Siri or Alexa, customer service chatbots, or virtual counsellors/therapists and other services, AI is playing an increasingly important role in our lives.

However, many of us are unsure how to appropriately interact with AI and get the best out of our conversations. Asking the right questions is critical to successful AI conversations, as it helps guide the conversation in the right direction and ensures that you receive accurate answers to your queries.

In this post, we will discuss the importance of asking the right questions when conversing with AI, what types of questions get the best responses from AI, and provide tips on how to phrase your questions in order to get the most out of your conversations. By doing this, you can maximize the potential of AI conversations and ensure you get accurate and helpful information.

When conversing with AI via a chat bot, it’s important to remember that the information you receive is only as accurate and as helpful as the questions you ask. When asking your questions, ensure they are concise and clear so the AI can understand what you are asking. It’s also important to be specific when asking your question in order to get the most accurate answer.

For example, rather than asking an AI assistant a broad question like “What is the weather today?” try something more specific such as “What is the current temperature in New York City?” This will help ensure you receive clear and precise information from your AI conversations.

Additionally, you should also be aware that AI can only answer questions about topics it is programmed to recognize. If you ask a question outside of its scope, it will not be able to answer the question accurately. A good rule of thumb is to keep your questions focused and avoid asking overly complex or open-ended questions as they are unlikely to get the best responses from AI.

AI conversations and questions may also be known as prompts. Read more about prompt engineering here.

Finally, you should also be aware of how you phrase your questions. Using polite language and avoiding criticism or negative words in your conversations can help ensure that you receive helpful answers from AI. Additionally, if an AI assistant does not understand something, rephrasing your question in different words will often help

How to Ask the Right Questions to Get the Most Out of Your Chat GPT / AI Conversations in 2024 | Jatinder Palaha - Digital Business Strategist, Consultant, Coach (2)


  • Where can I go to ask AI questions, is there an AI I can talk to?
  • The Best types of questions to ask to get the most out of your ai conversations
    • 1. Be specific
    • 2. Use clear, concise language in your ai conversations
    • 3. Provide enough information in your ai conversations
    • 4. Use appropriate tone and wording when having ai conversations
    • 5. Test and refine
  • What is an example of conversational AI?
  • What are questions that ai can’t answer?
  • What questions should I ask about AI?
  • Why is AI so interesting?
  • What is the best AI to talk?
  • How To Ask AI What Things Look Like?
  • Can You Ask AI How to Draw?
  • Conclusion

Where can I go to ask AI questions, is there an AI I can talk to?

A good source at the moment is ChatGPT (ai chat free and has paid account) and Jasper AI (recommended), which is a very good paid service and can help you speed up your writing and help clear writer’s block.

The Best types of questions to ask to get the most out of your ai conversations

The best types of questions to ask AI depend on the specific task or application that the AI is being used for. Here are a few general tips for getting the best responses from AI:

1. Be specific

The more specific your question is, the more accurate and helpful the AI’s response is likely to be and the better the AI conversations will be. Avoid asking open-ended or ambiguous questions, and instead, provide as much context and detail as possible.

Example 1:

Question: “What is the weather like today?”

This question is too broad and does not provide enough context for the AI to give a specific or accurate response. A more specific question might be: “What is the weather like today in New York City?”

Example 2:

Question: “Can you recommend a good restaurant?”

This question is too vague and does not provide the AI with enough information to make a meaningful recommendation. A more specific question might be: “Can you recommend a good Italian restaurant in downtown San Francisco that is open for dinner tonight?”

Example 3:

Question: “What are the top news stories today?”

This question is too broad and does not specify which news stories the AI should prioritize. A more specific question might be: “What are the top three news stories in the business section of the New York Times today?”

By asking specific and well-defined questions, you can help ensure that the AI provides accurate and helpful responses.

2. Use clear, concise language in your ai conversations

Use clear, concise language when posing questions to AI. Avoid using jargon or complex phrases that the AI may not understand.

Example 1:

Question: “Can you recommend a good restaurant that serves delicious, locally-sourced, organic, farm-to-table cuisine?”

This question is too long and uses jargon that may be unfamiliar to the AI. A more concise and clear question might be: “Can you recommend a good restaurant that serves healthy, locally-grown food?”

Example 2:

Question: “What is the weather forecast for the next five days in my area, including high and low temperatures, wind speeds and directions, and probability of precipitation, for each hour of the day?”

This question is very lengthy and asks for a large amount of detailed information. A more concise and clear question might be: “What is the weather forecast for the next five days in my area?”

Example 3:

Question: “Can you give me a list of the top ten most popular smartphone brands, ranked by market share in the United States, for the second quarter of 2021?”

This question is specific and clear, but it may be too long and detailed for some AI systems to understand. A more concise and clear question might be: “What are the top ten most popular smartphone brands in the United States?”

How to Ask the Right Questions to Get the Most Out of Your Chat GPT / AI Conversations in 2024 | Jatinder Palaha - Digital Business Strategist, Consultant, Coach (3)

3. Provide enough information in your ai conversations

Make sure to provide the AI with enough information to understand your question and provide a relevant response. For example, if you are asking a chatbot about a specific product, provide the name or product number to help the AI identify the correct information.

Example 1:

Question: “What is the price of the new iPhone?”

This question does not provide enough information for the AI to give a specific or accurate response. A more informative question might be: “What is the price of the new iPhone 12 Pro Max in the United States?”

Example 2:

Question: “Can you recommend a good book to read?”

This question is too vague and does not provide the AI with enough information to make a meaningful recommendation. A more informative question might be: “Can you recommend a good mystery novel for someone who enjoys Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes?”

Example 3:

Question: “What is the capital of France?”

This question is clear and specific, but it does not provide any additional context or detail. A more informative question might be: “What is the capital of France, and what are some interesting facts about the city?”

4. Use appropriate tone and wording when having ai conversations

The tone and wording of your question can also impact the AI’s response. Try to use a neutral or polite tone and avoid using language that may be perceived as rude or aggressive.

Example 1:

Question: “What is the weather like today, stupid machine?”

This question uses a rude and aggressive tone, which may be perceived as disrespectful by the AI. A more appropriate question might be: “What is the weather like today?”

Example 2:

Question: “Where is the nearest gas station, you idiot?”

This question uses a rude and aggressive tone, which may be perceived as disrespectful by the AI. A more appropriate question might be: “Where is the nearest gas station?”

Example 3:

Question: “Can you recommend a good restaurant for dinner tonight, please?”

This question uses a polite and respectful tone, which may be more likely to elicit a helpful response from the AI.

5. Test and refine

If you are not getting the responses you expect from an AI, try rephrasing your question or providing additional context. You may also want to test different approaches to see which yields the best results.

Example 1:

Question: “What is the weather like today?”

Response: “I’m sorry, I don’t understand your question. Could you please provide more context or detail?”

In this case, the AI is unable to understand the question because it is too vague. To get a more helpful response, you could try rephrasing the question to be more specific, such as “What is the weather like today in New York City?”

Example 2:

Question: “Can you recommend a good Italian restaurant in downtown San Francisco that is open for dinner tonight?”

Response: “I’m sorry, I don’t have enough information to make a recommendation. Could you please provide your location or preferred price range?”

In this case, the AI is unable to provide a recommendation because it lacks certain pieces of information. To get a more helpful response, you could try providing your location or price range to give the AI more context.

Example 3:

Question: “What are the top ten most popular smartphone brands in the United States?”

Response: “I’m sorry, I don’t have that information. Could you please provide a different question or topic?”

In this case, the AI is unable to provide a response because it does not have the requested information. To get a more helpful response, you could try asking a different question or providing a different topic for the AI to explore.

By testing and refining your questions, you can help ensure that you get the most accurate and helpful responses from AI.

What is an example of conversational AI?

How to Ask the Right Questions to Get the Most Out of Your Chat GPT / AI Conversations in 2024 | Jatinder Palaha - Digital Business Strategist, Consultant, Coach (4)

An example of conversational AI is a chatbot or virtual assistant, like ChatGPT, which is designed to interact with users using natural language processing (NLP) and understand, generate, and respond to text or spoken input in a human-like manner. Conversational AI can be used across various platforms, including messaging apps, websites, and voice-activated devices.

Here’s a hypothetical conversation between a user and a conversational AI chatbot:

User: What’s the weather like today in New York City?

AI Chatbot: The weather in New York City today is mostly sunny with a high of 75°F (24°C) and a low of 60°F (16°C).

User: What are some good outdoor activities to do in this weather?

AI Chatbot: On a sunny day with pleasant temperatures, you could consider the following outdoor activities in New York City:

  1. Take a walk or bike ride in Central Park.
  2. Visit the High Line, an elevated park built on a historic freight rail line.
  3. Explore the Brooklyn Bridge by walking or cycling across it.
  4. Relax on the waterfront at Battery Park or Hudson River Park.
  5. Take a ferry to Governors Island or the Statue of Liberty.

User: Thanks! How can I get to Central Park from Penn Station?

AI Chatbot: From Penn Station, you can take the C subway line uptown towards 168 St, and get off at the 59 St-Columbus Circle station. Central Park is just a short walk from there.

In this example, the AI chatbot understands and responds to the user’s queries in a natural, conversational manner, providing helpful information and suggestions based on the user’s input.

What are questions that ai can’t answer?

Artificial intelligence has made significant strides in recent years, becoming an indispensable tool for answering questions and solving problems. However, AI is not without its limitations, as certain types of questions continue to challenge even the most advanced language models. Here are eight types of questions that AI often struggles to answer, including future predictions, subjective opinions, recent events, and highly specialised topics. By understanding these limitations, we can better appreciate the capabilities of AI while acknowledging areas where it still has room for improvement. Sometimes your ai conversations wont work properly because of limitation coded into the ai or because it just does not have a big enough data set around the topic of the ai conversations.

  • Questions about future events or predictions: AI models can’t predict the future with certainty. While AI can provide information on trends or historical data, it can’t guarantee specific future outcomes.
  • Questions that require subjective opinions or personal experiences: AI don’t have personal experiences or emotions, so it can’t provide answers based on subjective opinions or personal feelings.
  • Questions about recent events or updates: Chat GPT knowledge is up-to-date only until September 2021, so it cannot provide information about events or developments that have occurred since then.
  • Ambiguous or vague questions: If a question is unclear or has multiple interpretations, it may struggle to provide an accurate or relevant answer.
  • Highly specialised or niche topics: While AI have a broad base of knowledge, there may be some specialised or niche topics that AI is not well-versed in.
  • Questions that require ethical or moral judgments: AI don’t have personal values or beliefs, so can’t make ethical or moral judgments. AI can, however, provide information on different perspectives and approaches to ethical issues.
  • Questions involving personal information: AI is not able to access personal information about specific individuals and cannot provide answers about them.
  • Questions that involve creating new or original content: While AI can generate content based on existing knowledge, it may struggle to create truly original ideas or works that don’t draw from existing sources.

What questions should I ask about AI?

For one’s interest and in the interest of business use when exploring the topic of artificial intelligence, it’s essential to ask questions that can help you understand its capabilities, applications, limitations, and potential impact on society. Here are some questions you may consider asking about AI:

  1. What is artificial intelligence, and how does it work?
  2. What are the different types of AI (e.g., narrow AI, general AI, and superintelligent AI)?
  3. What are the most common AI techniques and algorithms (e.g., machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning)?
  4. How do neural networks function, and what are the key components of a neural network?
  5. What are some real-world applications of AI across various industries (e.g., healthcare, finance, transportation, entertainment)?
  6. What are the primary benefits of using AI in different fields?
  7. What are the limitations and challenges that AI currently faces?
  8. How do AI models handle data privacy and security concerns?
  9. What are the ethical considerations surrounding AI development and use (e.g., bias, transparency, accountability)?
  10. How might AI impact the job market and workforce in the future?
  11. What are the potential risks associated with AI, and how can they be mitigated?
  12. How do governments and organizations regulate AI development and deployment?
  13. What is the role of AI in addressing global challenges, such as climate change or poverty reduction?
  14. How can AI be used to promote inclusivity and accessibility for people with disabilities?
  15. What advancements in AI research and development are expected in the near future?

These questions cover various aspects of AI, from its foundational concepts to its real-world applications and potential consequences. By exploring these topics, you can gain a deeper understanding of AI’s role in our lives and the broader implications of its continued development.

Why is AI so interesting?

The field of artificial intelligence is interesting for several reasons:

  1. Interdisciplinary nature: AI combines elements from computer science, mathematics, psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience, among other fields. This interdisciplinary approach allows for a rich and varied exploration of knowledge and innovation.
  2. Real-world impact: AI applications are increasingly integrated into everyday life, revolutionizing industries such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. Understanding AI helps us appreciate its transformative potential and how it shapes our lives.
  3. Problem-solving capabilities: AI systems can process vast amounts of data, find patterns, and make predictions at a scale and speed that are often beyond human capabilities. This makes AI a powerful tool for solving complex problems and addressing global challenges, such as climate change, disease outbreaks, and poverty reduction.
  4. Ethical considerations: The development and use of AI bring about important ethical questions, such as privacy concerns, algorithmic bias, and the impact on the job market. Exploring these issues is crucial for understanding the broader implications of AI on society and ensuring its responsible deployment.
  5. Technological advancements: AI research is continually pushing the boundaries of what machines can do, leading to groundbreaking innovations, such as autonomous vehicles, advanced robotics, and natural language processing. This rapid progress sparks curiosity about the future potential of AI and its role in shaping human experience.
  6. Intellectual curiosity: The quest to create intelligent machines is an extension of humanity’s age-old fascination with understanding the nature of intelligence and consciousness. AI offers a unique lens through which to explore these fundamental questions and challenges our assumptions about what it means to be intelligent.

AI is interesting because it encompasses a wide range of disciplines, has profound real-world impacts, offers powerful problem-solving capabilities, raises important ethical questions, drives technological advancements, and stimulates intellectual curiosity.

What is the best AI to talk?

As a tech blogger, I’d like to share with you that, up until September 2021, OpenAI’s GPT-3 was widely regarded as one of the best AI models for natural language processing and generating human-like text. Known as “Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3,” GPT-3 is a cutting-edge language model with the ability to understand context, answer questions, and engage in conversations with users just like you. While newer AI models may have emerged since then, GPT-3 remains a notable example of how AI has advanced in recent years, offering fascinating insights into the world of conversational AI.

Some popular AI chatbots and virtual assistants built on top of GPT-3 or similar advanced language models include:

  1. OpenAI’s ChatGPT: A powerful AI chatbot designed for generating human-like text and engaging in conversations with users across various topics.
  2. Google Assistant: A virtual assistant available on smartphones and smart speakers, providing personalized assistance, answering questions, and supporting home automation tasks.
  3. Apple’s Siri: A voice-activated virtual assistant available on iOS devices, macOS, and other Apple platforms, offering help with tasks, answering questions, and providing recommendations.
  4. Amazon’s Alexa: A voice-activated virtual assistant found on Amazon Echo devices and other platforms, supporting home automation, providing information, and answering questions.
  5. Bing chat bot

It’s essential to note that AI language models and chatbots are continuously evolving, with new advancements and improved capabilities emerging regularly. The “best” AI to talk to depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the platform you prefer to use and chat GPT has data only until September 2021, and there may be newer, more advanced AI models that have emerged since then.

How to Ask the Right Questions to Get the Most Out of Your Chat GPT / AI Conversations in 2024 | Jatinder Palaha - Digital Business Strategist, Consultant, Coach (6)

How To Ask AI What Things Look Like?

To ask an AI like me about the appearance of various objects or things, simply phrase your question by mentioning the object or thing you’d like to know about, followed by a request for a description. Here are a few examples:

  1. “What does the Eiffel Tower look like?”
  2. “Can you describe the appearance of a panda?”
  3. “Tell me about the design of the Sydney Opera House.”
  4. “What are the features of a classic Corvette car?”

Ask about any object or thing you’re curious about, and it will share what it knows from its dataset.

Can You Ask AI How to Draw?

Yes, you can, and to ask an AI for guidance on how to draw a specific object or concept, phrase your question by mentioning what you’d like to draw, followed by a request for step-by-step instructions or tips. Here are a few examples:

  1. “How can I draw a cat?”
  2. “What are the steps to draw a tree?”
  3. “Can you give me tips on drawing a realistic human face?”
  4. “How do I sketch a landscape scene?”

Once you provide the subject you’d like to draw AI will best offer guidance and suggestions to help you create your artwork.

For example, if you type any of the above as a prompt, you may get something like this:

Tips on drawing a realistic human face:

  • Pay attention to proportions: Eyes are typically halfway down the head, with the nose halfway between the eyes and chin, and the mouth halfway between the nose and chin.
  • Use guidelines: Lightly sketch vertical and horizontal lines to help place facial features symmetrically.
  • Study facial anatomy: Understand the underlying bone and muscle structure for more accurate and realistic rendering.
  • Observe light and shadow: Pay attention to how light falls on the face and create shadows accordingly.
  • Practice drawing different expressions, angles, and features to improve your skills.


Asking the right questions when conversing with AI is essential for getting accurate information. To maximize the potential of your conversations, make sure to be specific, use clear and concise language, provide enough information, and use appropriate tone and wording. Additionally, testing different approaches and refining your questions can help you get even better results. With these tips in mind, you can ensure that your conversations with AI are productive and informative.

Have you read my interview with Jasper AI? If not click here to have a read.

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How to Ask the Right Questions to Get the Most Out of Your Chat GPT / AI Conversations in 2024 | Jatinder Palaha - Digital Business Strategist, Consultant, Coach (7)

Jatinder Palaha

Digital Business Coach | Web Revenue Strategist | Award-Winning IT Consultant | Author

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With over 18 years of industry experience in business and personal development, I’ve successfully been working with coaches, consultants and authors set up the right systems and implement strategic content strategies to start, grow and scale their businesses online with automation, digital products and services. (To work with Jatinder – click here)

How to Ask the Right Questions to Get the Most Out of Your Chat GPT / AI Conversations in 2024 | Jatinder Palaha - Digital Business Strategist, Consultant, Coach (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.