How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (2024)

Web3 authentication is an integral point of all decentralized applications (dapps). As such, if you want to become a Web3 developer you need to be able to authenticate your dapp’s users. And, in case you’ve used any DeFi platforms or other Web3 applications before, you know that you can do this with popular crypto wallets, such as MetaMask. So, how to use these Web3 wallets to authenticate dapp users? Well, we can tell you that with the right tools, it’s a lot simpler than you might think. In fact, it takes less than ten minutes, which includes completing the initial setup. We know that it sounds quite unbelievable. However, thanks to Moralis everyone with some basic JavaScript proficiency can have a web application that supports Web3 login up and running in no time. If that’s something you want to learn more about, make sure to follow our lead.

Moving forward, we’ll cover a simple example project using Moralis’ SDK. We will show you how to connect it with Vanilla JS. However, we will first need to complete some initial Moralis setup, which will provide us with dapp credentials. Essentially, there’ll be no coding in this example project – we’ll copy-paste the lines of code provided by the Moralis documentation. Though, we will walk you through the code to make sure that things are clear. Furthermore, you’ll also see how neatly this Firebase for crypto logs and indexes users by looking at the Moralis database. However, we must first provide more context for those of you who have never heard of Moralis before. As such, you’ll get to meet Moralis and learn more about how it enables you to effortlessly authenticate dapp users. Then, we’ll roll up our sleeves and tackle today’s example project.

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (1)

Web3 Authentication with Moralis

Moralis is the ultimate Web3 development platform. Its goal is to help legacy developers with bridging Web2 and Web3. Hence, Moralis focuses on three key areas of dapp development – Web3 authentication, Web3 API, and syncing on-chain events. And, since the need to authenticate dapp users is the starting point, we will focus on that part herein.

Moralis enables you to effortlessly unify Web3 wallets and Web2 accounts in your applications. As such, it is the go-to tool for those who are building dapps from scratch and those who want to add Web3 functionality to their existing Web2 applications. Moreover, Moralis authentication is compatible with any tech stack. Of course, you also own and control all user data. Furthermore, when you tackle Web3 authentication with Moralis, you can also utilize standards, such as OpenID, OAuth, DIDs, and others. So, if you are:

  • Building a new Web3 app
  • Connecting an existing Web2 user database with Web3 authentication
  • Interested in using authentication aggregators for your enterprise’s Web3 authentication flows

Then you should make sure to use Moralis!

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (2)

Moreover, in case you’ve dealt with Web3 authentication implementation before, you know that it can be quite challenging. However, when you use Moralis Web3 Auth API, you get to the finish line without any hassle. This means:

  • You don’t need to redirect the users to a third-party auth interface.
  • No need to truly understand Web3 authentication flows.
  • You don’t have to learn how wallets sign or verify messages.
  • No need to master varying wallet standards.
  • You don’t have to discover how wallets work on different blockchains.
  • No need to worry about the authenticating solution’s security.
  • You don’t have to update and maintain the auth solution.

Essentially, Moralis gives you one unified API for all Web3 authentication methods and comprehensive SDKs for easy integration.

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (3)

Speed and Future-Proofing

The Moralis’ Web3 Auth API enables you to authenticate dapp users without breaking a sweat or a bank. Basically, it helps you turn months of work into a task as simple as copying and pasting one line of code. As such, you get to devote your precious time and resources to the things that really matter. This is the way to eliminate any onboarding friction and scale effortlessly.

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Moreover, thanks to Moralis cross-chain interoperability, your sign-up flows are not stuck to any particular chain. Even if you are new to the crypto sphere, you know that blockchain is cutting-edge technology. It’s evolving fast, and thus being ready for any change is the key. When you use Moralis’ Web3 Auth API, you are ready for any new wallets, chains, and authentication methods. That’s without you ever worrying about it at all.

Now that you have the basic idea of what Moralis is and how its auth solution can help you authenticate dapp users, let’s look at a simple example project. And, as promised, let’s start with a quick demo so that you’ll know what to expect moving forward.

Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask – Demo

Here’s our simple webpage:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (5)

Looking at the above screenshot, you can see that we kept things super simple. That way there are no unnecessary distractions. After all, the goal is to show you how to authenticate dapp users with MetaMask. When users land on this page, they intuitively know that they need to press the “Moralis Metamask login” button. When they do that, their MetaMask extension pops up with the following signature request:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (6)

To confirm their login attempt, users need to click the “Sign” button in their MetaMask wallets. By doing so, the Moralis’ Web3 Auth API does the rest in the backend. This also means that after signing the signature request, users are authenticated:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (7)

As you can see, our example dapp displays users’ wallet addresses and offers them to log out. That’s all. However, the backend log users log into your Moralis database. As such, you can automatically use all publicly available on-chain data to obtain users’ balances, transaction history, and more. Do you see the power of this?

With the above demo under our belts, it’s time to take a close look at how to create such a simple dapp. We assure you that it’s super easy and fast. So, make sure to follow our lead and get your hands dirty. It will take no more than ten minutes of your time. And, this might just be the best investment of 10 minutes you’ve ever made.

As mentioned before, in order to get your hands on the Moralis’ Web3 Auth API, you need to complete the initial Moralis setup. As such, make sure to complete the following steps:

  1. Visit Moralis’ home page and click the “Start for Free” button to create your free account. On the other hand, if you already have an active account, just log in using your credentials:
How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (8)
  1. Once inside your Moralis admin area, click the “Create New Dapp” button to create a new Moralis dapp:
How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (9)
  1. First, you need to select the environment. For most example projects, you will go with “Testnet”; however, today we will focus on the Ethereum mainnet. Thus, select the “Mainnet” option:
How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (10)
  1. Moralis supports all leading chains and lets you select all of them. However, as mentioned in the previous step, we will authenticate dapp users on the Ethereum mainnet herein. Hence, make sure to click on “Eth Mainnet” followed by “Proceed”:
How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (11)
  1. As far as the region goes, you need to choose the city closest to your location from the options in the drop-down menu:
How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (12)
  1. The final step of creating your Moralis dapp requires you to name it. This can be anything you want but avoid overthinking this step. Once you enter the name, just click the “Create Your Dapp” button:

It usually takes just a couple of seconds before your dapp is ready. With your Moralis dapp up and running, you get to access its details and all the functionality. You just need to click the “Settings” button:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (14)

By clicking “Setting”, you will automatically land on the “Dapp Details” tab. This is where you can copy your dapp’s credentials:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (15)

However, before you copy the above credentials, you need to get the code where you will paste them ready.

Creating a Simple Vanilla JS Dapp

First, open your favorite IDE. Feel free to follow our lead and use Visual Studio Code (VSC). Inside the VSC open a folder that you will use for this project. We created the “WEB3AUTH” folder. Then, start by creating a new file and name it “index.html”:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (16)

Moreover, as promised above, you don’t need to write the code manually. Instead, use the Moralis documentation:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (17)

In the side menu, you will see “Connect with SDK”. If you remember, we said that we will use Vanilla JS to authenticate dapp users. Thus, select the “Connect with Vanilla JS” option:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (18)

On that page you will find the code that will get the job done:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (19)

After copying the above code, return to VSC and paste it into the “index” file:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (20)

Looking at the above lines of code, we first have the title. Next, there’s a URL, which brings in the latest version of the master Moralis SDK. Inside the body, we first have the “Morallis Hello World!” heading. Then, there are two buttons that serve for initiating Web3 login and logout. Finally, we bring in the “main.js” file, which will define the logic for the two buttons. Hence, you need to create that file next.

Logic to Authenticate Dapp Users

Create the “main.js” file (do not misspell it as we did):

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (21)

Again, you do not need to write the code yourself. Simply go back to the same documentation pages that we used above and scroll down a bit. Stop when you see the “Add Authentication” section and copy the code:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (22)

Then, return to VSC and paste the code into the “main.js” file that you created above. Looking at the image above, you can see that the top four lines cover the Moralis integration. This is where you need to paste your Moralis dapp’s credentials:

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (23)

Note: Make sure to use your credentials and not the ones in the image above.

With your dapp URL and ID in place, you are ready to authenticate dapp users on Ethereum. However, before you run it, let’s walk you through the rest of the code.

The “login” function gets the current users if they are already logged in. However, if they are not yet authenticated, it uses “Moralis.authenticate”. The latter triggers MetaMask with the “Log in using Moralis” signing message. Then, the code console-logs users’ Ethereum addresses. Furthermore, the code also console-logs any errors.

Further down the code, we have the “logOut” function, which gets the current users (the ones that are logged in) and logs them out. It also console-logs the “logged out” message. Finally, at the bottom of the code, we have the two on-click events for our “login” and “logout” buttons.

Test Run Your Dapp

Last but not least, we encourage you to watch the video below. In it, you’ll have a chance to follow our in-house expert as he runs this example dapp and uses a browser console for a deeper insight. Starting at 5:05, you’ll learn how to add the “Live Server” extension in VSC. The latter will enable you to run your dapp locally.

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask – Summary

If you covered the above sections, you now know that Moralis is the simplest way to incorporate Web3 authentication. Thanks to its powerful Web3 Auth API, you get to authenticate dapp users with a single line of code. Essentially, “Moralis.authenticate” does the trick. Of course, you need to complete the initial Moralis setup first, where you create your Moralis dapp. Then, you need to paste that dapp’s credentials into the code. And, to make things even simpler, in many cases you don’t need to write the code yourself. Instead, you can just copy-paste it from the Moralis documentation, which is exactly what you did to complete today’s project.

Now, that you know how to easily authenticate dapp users, you are ready to take on more complex projects. If you have your own idea for Web3 apps, tackle them. However, if you need some additional practice, taking on other example projects might be a good idea. You can take your pick on the Moralis’ YouTube channel and the Moralis’ blog. As such, you will get to learn how to work with smart contract events and thus utilize the “Sync” feature, which is another core tool of the Moralis’ SDK. This is also a place to learn more about why to build on Solana.

Moreover, in case you are looking for a professional approach to your blockchain development education, Moralis Academy should be on your radar. This is where you get to attend top-notch Web3 development classes. Furthermore, you also get a personalized study path, expert mentorship, and membership in one of the most advancing communities.

How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask - Moralis Web3 | Enterprise-Grade Web3 APIs (2024)


How to verify a dApp? ›

Ensure the dapp is not impersonating another dapp. Double check URLs to inspect for slight changes that are commonly overlooked, such as extra letters or swapped characters (like the number 0 and the letter O). Use a VPN when accessing dapps, especially on public networks, to prevent unauthorized access to your assets.

How to authenticate users in Web3? ›

A user connects their digital wallet to access the application in two possible ways:
  1. Connecting a crypto wallet to use some on-chain data (like a specific coin or NFT) to authenticate.
  2. Using an identity wallet to verify personal information that is not on-chain.
Jan 10, 2024

How to access dApp on MetaMask? ›

Many websites with dapp functionality will have a button on the site that says 'Connect wallet', or 'Connect to dapp'. Clicking should launch a set of interactions that end up with your MetaMask wallet being connected to the dapp you're on.

How do I authenticate a user with MetaMask? ›

Authentication Flow
  1. Connect to MetaMask and receive the user's address.
  2. Obtain a one-time code (nonce) for a user address.
  3. Sign a message containing nonce with a private key using MetaMask.
  4. Authenticate the user by validating the user's signature on the back end.
Sep 12, 2023

How do I verify a contract in MetaMask? ›

Look up the address on the relevant block explorer.

MetaMask will also show you the smart contract's address before you sign any transaction. Input the address into a block explorer's search bar. Many of these, including Etherscan, will tell you if the code is verified or not, as highlighted below.

How to test a DApp? ›

How can you effectively test your DApp code?
  1. Choose the right testing framework. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  2. Use a local blockchain. ...
  3. Write unit tests and integration tests. ...
  4. Test your frontend and user interface. ...
  5. Test your security and performance. ...
  6. Test on testnet and mainnet. ...
  7. Here's what else to consider.
Feb 28, 2024

How do you authenticate users via API? ›

The most common form of authentication is to send or receive an API key which consists of a long series of letters or numbers. This code of numbers calls programs from a different application; the key then recognizes the code, its developer, the end-user, and the application where the API call is made from.

What are the three major ways of authenticating users? ›

There are three common factors used for authentication:
  • Something you know (such as a password)
  • Something you have (such as a smart card)
  • Something you are (such as a fingerprint or other biometric method)
Jun 6, 2011

What is the proper way to authenticate users? ›

Passwords are the most common methods of authentication. Passwords can be in the form of a string of letters, numbers, or special characters. To protect yourself you need to create strong passwords that include a combination of all possible options.

How to connect Web3 to MetaMask? ›

  1. Install the module​ Install the Web3-Onboard MetaMask module into your dapp: npm i @web3-onboard/metamask.
  2. Import the module​ In your project script, add the following to import the module: ...
  3. Instantiate the module​ Instantiate the module using any JavaScript SDK options, for example, dappMetadata : ...
  4. Use the module​

How to connect MetaMask API? ›

Connect to MetaMask directly using Vite​
  1. Create a project​ Create a Vite project using the template for vanilla TypeScript: ...
  2. Set up the project​ In your Vite project, update src/vite-env.d.ts with the EIP-6963 interfaces: ...
  3. Update main.ts ​ Update src/main.ts with the following code: ...
  4. Connect to wallets​ ...
  5. View the project​

How do I authenticate a user using token? ›

Token-based authentication works through this five-step process:
  1. Request: The user logs in to a service using their login credentials, which issues an access request to a server or protected resource.
  2. Verification: The server verifies the login information to determine that the user should have access.

How do I authenticate a user without username and password? ›

Users can conveniently and securely access applications and services using other authentication methods such as:
  1. Proximity badges, physical tokens, or USB devices (FIDO2-compliant keys)
  2. Software tokens or certificates.
  3. Fingerprint, voice or facial recognition, or retina scanning.
  4. A mobile phone application.

How to authenticate users with MetaMask using React? ›

Approach to connect React JS with MetaMask

We will connect MetaMask to React using Ether library which can be used to initialize the authentication using MetaMask wallet browser extention. Then a request will be made to acces the account info e.g. current balance, last transections etc.

How to check if a crypto is legit? ›

Before you invest in crypto, search online for the name of the company or person and the cryptocurrency name, plus words like “review,” “scam,” or “complaint.” See what others are saying. And read more about other common investment scams.

How to spot a fake cryptocurrency wallet? ›

If a firm asks you to share your keys to participate in an investment opportunity, it's highly likely to be a scam. Keep your wallet keys private. Keep an eye on your wallet app: The first time you transfer money, send only a small amount to confirm the legitimacy of a crypto wallet app.

How do I verify my token? ›

You can validate your tokens locally by parsing the token, verifying the token signature, and validating the claims that are stored in the token. Parse the tokens. The JSON Web Token (JWT) is a standard way of securely passing information. It consists of three main parts: Header, Payload, and Signature.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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