How To Beat MBA Law - Upsolve (2024)

In a Nutshell

If MBA Law contacts you to collect a debt or tries to sue you for a debt, you have rights and can fight back. To start, have them validate the debt. If they can validate the debt but you disagree with it, you can dispute it. If the debt is valid and you agree that you owe it, you can pay it off in full or try to settle the account for less than what you owe. These negotiations are common with debt collectors like MBA Law. If MBA Law sues you, it’s best to respond quickly, or you risk losing the lawsuit and potentially having your paycheck garnished.

How To Beat MBA Law - Upsolve (1)

Written by Curtis Lee, JD.
Updated February 24, 2024

If MBA Law contacts you, it’s probably because they’re trying to collect a medical debt they believe you owe on behalf of the original creditor or lender.

MBA Law, also known as The Law Offices of Mitchell D. Bluhm and Associates, is a third-party debt collector that collects past-due medical bills. Unlike other third-party agencies, MBA Law doesn’t usually buy and own the debt account. A medical provider likely sold your debt to a debt collector, who then hired MBA Law to help them collect it.

To learn more, read Upsolve’s article How to Deal with MBA Law.

Do I Have To Pay MBA Law?

Maybe. This depends on whether MBA Law can validate the debt and if you can successfully dispute it. If MBA Law validates the debt, you recognize that you owe it, and it’s in the correct amount, you probably have to pay it. If you don’t pay a valid debt, your credit score is likely to drop and you risk being sued. If you lose the lawsuit, you risk having your wages or bank account garnished.

If you want to pay the debt to get MBA Law off your back but you can’t afford to pay the full amount, you can try negotiating with MBA Law to settle the debt for less than the full amount.

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How To Negotiate a Debt Settlement With MBA Law in 3 Steps

The debt collection business is just that — a business. MBA Law wants you to pay them so they can get paid for successfully collecting the past-due account from you. This desire to get paid and close your account is why they may be willing to negotiate the debt.

MBA Law might reach out to you with a settlement offer, but you can act first, too. Going up against a debt collector may feel intimidating, but you’ll see it’s not as hard as you think once you know how it works.

Step 1: Make Sure the Debt Is Valid

Before you start negotiations, you need to validate the debt to confirm:

Third-party debt collectors like MBA Law are required to send debt validation letters when they try to collect on a new account. The letter should notify you of your right to dispute the debt within 30 days, as well as explain how to dispute the debt. This is all according to a debt collection rule from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a federal agency that helps enforce consumer protection law.

Why do you need to validate a debt? When third-party debt agencies collect on behalf of another company, they sometimes get account information wrong or try to collect debts that have already been paid. Simply put, you don’t want to pay a debt you don’t actually owe. Validating ensures you don’t.

If MBA Law hasn’t sent you a debt validation letter or you want more information about the account, you can write and send them a debt verification letter.

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Step 2: Figure Out What You Can Pay

If you’ve confirmed that the debt is valid, you can start to figure out how to pay it. Medical bills can be very expensive. If you’re struggling to pay your medical debt in full, you aren’t alone. Luckily, you can offer a debt settlement and try to negotiate down your medical bills.

But first, you need to calculate how much you can pay. Start by looking at your monthly paycheck and any other income sources. Then, subtract your regular expenses, like utility bills, housing payments, groceries, and other debt payments. This can give you a sense of how much you can realistically afford to pay toward the medical debt each month.

If you want help with this process, you can use the CFPB’s budget worksheet and debt worksheet. If this feels overwhelming, consider scheduling a free consultation with an accredited nonprofit credit counselor. They can help you with the budgeting process and explain all your debt-relief options.

Payment Plans vs. Lump-Sum Debt Repayment: Which Is Better?

The best debt repayment option is the one you can follow through on! That said, many debt collectors prefer a lump-sum payment and may be willing to negotiate your debt amount down further if you can pay it all off in one go. If this feels impossible, consider whether you’ll have extra income coming in through a tax return or work bonus. Or you could consider selling some items to try to earn some cash.

If it’s simply not possible for you to come up with a lump-sum payment, don’t fret. You can ask MBA Law to set up a monthly payment plan. They may be more willing to agree to this if you set up a direct withdrawal from your bank account. If you agree to go on a payment plan, make sure you can afford the monthly amount and that the repayment timeline feels reasonable to you.

Step 3: Make a Settlement Offer to MBA Law

Now that you know what you can afford to pay, it’s time to make an offer. As with any negotiation, your initial offer should be lower than what you ultimately hope to pay. Don’t be surprised if MBA Law counters your initial offer with a higher number. If it seems reasonable, you may want to accept it. If not, you can make a counter offer.

Though you can negotiate over the phone, it’s best to write these things down so you have a record of the agreement. Plus, negotiating in real-time on the phone can feel intimidating. Give yourself time to plan and think. You can use Upsolve’s sample debt settlement letter to get started.

Don’t Just Negotiate the Amount… Negotiate Everything!

Negotiating the settlement amount is key, but you can also negotiate other things.

As mentioned earlier, you can negotiate whether you pay off the debt in one lump sum or over time with a payment plan. You can also negotiate when the payments are due and how long the payment plan is.

Another important term you can negotiate is how MBA Law reports your account to the credit bureaus. By default, settled debts are often reported as “partial payment” or “settled.” But you can ask MBA Law to report the account as “paid in full.” This can help boost your credit score.

Can You Still Negotiate a Settlement if There’s a Debt Lawsuit Against You?

Yes, you can still negotiate a debt settlement even if you get sued. If you find yourself in this position, be sure not to ignore the lawsuit, though. You should still attend any court hearings and respond to any court filings until the case is officially closed or dismissed by the judge.

Tips for a Successful Debt Settlement

Here are some tips to help increase your chances of succeeding with your debt settlement negotiations and give you extra confidence during that process.

How To Beat MBA Law - Upsolve (6)

You can learn more tips and information about the negotiation process by reading Upsolve’s article 5 Solid Steps for Negotiating With Debt Collectors.

How To Beat MBA Law in a Debt Lawsuit

Since MBA Law collects on behalf of other creditors, they’re unlikely to sue you. But the original company or another debt collection agency might.

If you get sued, you should be notified with two official documents: a summons and complaint. It’s important to respond to the summons. If you don’t respond to the lawsuit, you’ll probably lose. If this happens, the person suing you can get a court order to garnish your paycheck or freeze your bank account.

You don’t have to hire an attorney to respond to a lawsuit. Here are the basic steps to follow.

Step 1: Read the Summons and Complaint Carefully

If you get sued, you should receive a summons or a similar document notifying you of the lawsuit. Though these documents can vary a bit by court, they typically tell you:

  • The court’s name and address

  • The name and contact information of the plaintiff (the person suing you) and the defendant (you, or the person being sued)

  • A case or docket number

  • The date the court issued the summons

  • The date by which you need to respond or how many days you have to respond

  • The consequences if you don’t respond to the case

The summons is usually accompanied by a complaint form, which explains why you’re being sued. These reasons are usually listed as claims in numbered paragraphs. You’ll need this information to fill out your answer form, which is how you respond to the lawsuit.

Step 2: Fill Out an Answer Form (and Any Other Required Forms)

Many courts offer templated answers you can use if you are representing yourself (instead of hiring an attorney). You can usually find the form by going to the courthouse in person or looking online. To see if your court has a templated answer form you can use, Google “court forms” or “answer form” plus the court’s name. (You can find this on the summons.)

Many answer forms come with basic instructions, but if you still have questions, a court clerk can help. They can’t give you legal advice or tell you what you should write on the form, but they can explain what the form is asking and what the rules are for filing it.

You may need to explain your defenses in your answer form. To learn more about common defenses in debt collection lawsuits, read Upsolve’s article 3 Steps To Take if a Debt Collector Sues You.

Finally, some courts will require you to submit other forms, such as a certificate of service, alongside your answer form. The exact requirements depend on the court. For instance, some courts will include the certificate of service on the answer form. Read the court’s website or talk to a court clerk if you aren’t sure whether you need to fill out other forms.

Step 3: File the Answer Form With the Court and Serve on the Plaintiff

To respond to the lawsuit, you have to file your answer form with the court and serve or deliver a copy to the person suing you. Filing rules vary by court, but you can almost always file in person at the courthouse or send your answer via mail. It’s best to use certified mail if you mail your form.

It’s becoming more common for courts to accept forms via email or an efiling system on the court’s website. Don’t hesitate to ask the court clerk if you need help understanding your filing options.

Your final step is making sure the person suing you gets a copy of the answer form, too. This is typically called “service” or “process of service.” Often, you’ll have the choice to serve the forms by mail or deliver them in person to whoever is listed on the summons. Though it’s less common, some courts allow you to serve forms via email.

Let’s Summarize…

If MBA Law contacts you, they’re probably trying to collect a medical debt. If they haven’t already done so, ask them to validate the debt. It’s your right to file a dispute if you disagree with the debt validation details. If the debt is valid and you agree that you owe it, you can likely negotiate a debt settlement to pay less than the original debt amount. If you get sued, you can probably still negotiate a debt settlement, but it’s best to also respond to the lawsuit unless and until the court dismisses or closes the case.

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How To Beat MBA Law - Upsolve (7)

Curtis Lee, JD


Curtis Lee is a writer and co-owner at Marvel Hill Freelance. Curtis earned his Bachelor of Science in Business from Wake Forest University and his Juris Doctor (JD) from Villanova University School of Law.After graduating law school, Curtis had the honor of clerking for a stat... read more about Curtis Lee, JD

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How To Beat MBA Law - Upsolve (2024)


How To Beat MBA Law - Upsolve? ›

A final option to remove MBA Law Collections from your credit report is a Pay to Delete. This strategy consists of negotiating with your creditor to have them remove the account from your credit report upon payment. It's important to obtain an agreement in writing before making any payments.

How to remove MBA law from credit report? ›

A final option to remove MBA Law Collections from your credit report is a Pay to Delete. This strategy consists of negotiating with your creditor to have them remove the account from your credit report upon payment. It's important to obtain an agreement in writing before making any payments.

How do you beat cavalry spv i llc in a debt lawsuit? ›

To settle a debt with Cavalry SPV, you should respond to your pending lawsuit with an Answer, determine how much you can pay off in a lump-sum, send a settlement offer, and get the settlement agreement in writing.

Why is MBA law on my credit report? ›

MBA Law is reaching out to you because you may have an unpaid medical bill. A medical provider likely sold an unpaid healthcare bill to a debt collector who then hired MBA Law to help them collect the debt.

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The most important thing you can do is to respond to the summons, which you can usually do on your own without hiring a lawyer. If you ignore Velocity Investments, they will probably win the lawsuit. Then, they can get a court order to garnish your wages or freeze your bank account.

What is a legal loophole to remove collections from credit report? ›

A 609 Dispute Letter is often billed as a credit repair secret or legal loophole that forces the credit reporting agencies to remove certain negative information from your credit reports. And if you're willing, you can spend big bucks on templates for these magical dispute letters.

Can I dispute a hard inquiry? ›

If you can't trace the reason for a hard inquiry or you believe it was done without your consent, you can dispute it online. If the credit bureau can't confirm it as a legitimate inquiry, it's required to remove it.

Will cavalry spv i LLC negotiate? ›

It is always wise to respond to a lawsuit. In any case, Cavalry Portfolio Services still have the right to contact and get you to negotiate a settlement. >>

How do you settle with cavalry? ›

Once you verify that the debt belongs to you, you can choose how to deal with Cavalry. The main options you have are disputing the debt (if the information is incorrect or you disagree with the debt amount) or negotiating a settlement to pay less than you owe and resolve the matter.

How do I defend myself in a debt lawsuit? ›

Defenses you can use in a debt lawsuit
  1. The plaintiff took too long to file the suit. ...
  2. The plaintiff engaged in wrongdoing or misrepresentation. ...
  3. You don't agree that you owe the plaintiff. ...
  4. The matter was decided in another legal case. ...
  5. The issue you're being sued for was not agreed to in writing. ...
  6. You paid or tried to pay.

Can a loan company run your credit without permission? ›

So, if you're applying for a credit product like a new credit card or a car loan, your potential lender will perform a hard credit inquiry to see your full credit report, which will impact your score. They must ask you permission to perform this kind of inquiry, however.

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It demonstrates that you're goal-oriented, you have drive and determination, and you're not content with staying put where you are, professionally or personally. The curriculum of an MBA program is rigorous—whether you attend classes full-time or part-time.

Can I sue a company for running my credit without my permission? ›

Can you sue for unauthorized credit inquiries? You do have the right to sue for willful violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). You should consult with an attorney if you are considering this route.

Why are Velocity Investments suing me? ›

"Velocity Investments files so many lawsuits for one reason: it wants to profit off bad debts." When consumer debt becomes severely delinquent, creditors often charge-off the account. Sometimes, they try to collect the account themselves. Other times, they sell the account to a third-party “debt buyer.”

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If you want to try negotiating a debt settlement, start low and offer to pay 25% or 30% of the debt's amount. Don't be surprised if Velocity rejects this offer, but don't get discouraged either. It's a negotiation process, and they might agree on a number around 50% to 60%.

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If you've been served with a lawsuit from Velocity Investments, it is extremely important you do not default or ignore the summons. The collector can have wages garnished, bank accounts levied, and liens filed against your car or home.

Can you legally remove things from your credit report? ›

Even if you admit to the negative action that's being reported by the credit reporting agencies, you may be able to get the item deleted from your credit report by requesting a "goodwill deletion." This is particularly useful if you have a single late or missed payment on a long-standing account.

How do I remove a lien from my credit report? ›

Dispute the lien with local credit reporting agencies. They will receive a confirmation of the withdrawal from the courthouse, enabling a quick removal. Each credit reporting agency will notify whether the lien removal took place.

What is an MBA law debt collector? ›

MBA Law, also known as The Law Offices of Mitchell D. Bluhm and Associates, is a third-party debt collector that collects past-due medical bills. Unlike other third-party agencies, MBA Law doesn't usually buy and own the debt account.

How do I remove statute of limitations on my credit report? ›

How do you get something removed from your credit report after seven years? In most cases, debts are automatically removed from your credit report once they reach their legal expiration date. If you see debts on your credit report that are older than that, you can dispute the error with the credit bureau(s).

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