How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024) (2024)

Real Estate Virtual Assistant – How do you get started?

Do you want to work from home in real estate, but you’re not interested in being a realtor?

I’ve always had a passion for real estate. I’m a 3 time real estate investor. One of the properties brings us regular rental income, which has been crucial to managing cash flow during my maternity leave!

Naturally, I’ve looked into becoming a realtor. I went as far as passing the real estate exam, but never took the next steps to join a brokerage.


How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024) (1)

Depending on the state or province you’re in, becoming a realtor can cost $1000’s in initial and ongoing fees. You have to pay for the prerequisite courses for the exam, the license, association dues and marketing materials (because you’re marketing your business).

I wasn’t ready to invest this kind of money.

When I found out about how you could be a Real Estate Virtual Assistant, I was intrigued!

It’s an opportunity to

  1. learn about real estate AND
  2. get paid doing it.

It’s an online role. You don’t have to go into the office.

Being a Real Estate Virtual Assistant gives you a taste of the field without the heavy costs.

How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024) (2)

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What does a real estate virtual assistant do?

Let’s break it down.

Have you heard about what a Virtual Assistant is?If you don’t know what a Virtual Assistant (VA) is, it’s a job where you offer any service to a client for money. Here’s a list of over 275+ services you can offer as a VA.

Most of the services can be done online. This job is a good fit for people who need flexible hours working from home. If you’re interested in learning how to become a Virtual Assistant, check out my interview with a successful Virtual Assistant.

Related Note: Have you heard about Pinterest Virtual Assistants? If not, a Pinterest Virtual Assistant helps a client manage their Pinterest account. Here are my interviews with Yi Ming Lai and Megan Haskin – 2 successful Pinterest Managers if you’re curious about this job.

Now that you know what a virtual assistant is, a Real Estate Virtual Assistant helps realtors with any service they need for their business. Here are just a few:

  • Organize the paperwork for a real estate transaction
  • Manage email
  • Manage social media
  • Create marketing materials
  • Prepare and proofread listings
  • Provide market research

What is the demand for real estate virtual assistants?

How many realtors are in the United States? There are 1.3 million according to the National Association of Realtors.

Realtors are in a highly competitive field.

There’s a lot of work involved with being a realtor. They’re running their own business. They’re constantly juggling sales, marketing, customer service, research, and transactions.

The smart ones who want to grow – they NEED to hire assistants to have an edge. This will save them time so they can not only focus on their clients and networking to get more leads, they can have more work-life balance.

While realtors can hire any assistant, using a real estate virtual assistant will give them more options. They can delegate more than just calendar management.

Real estate virtual assistants can help with tasks that will generate revenue. They’re experts in their field and can probably educate realtors on some best practices they might not have heard of.

How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024) (3)

Interview with a successful real estate VA

Here’s the inside scoop from Diana Sweeney.

She went from being a registered nurse to a stay-at-home mom to a real estate VA. When she decided to re-enter the workforce, she wanted to pursue a career that was flexible so she could still spend time with her son. She’s always had a passion for real estate. This job was a perfect fit!

3 years in, she’s now sharing her best practices and systems in this Virtual Assistants course! Dan Frank (the realtor Diana assists) and Gina Horkey are also co-creators of this course.

In this interview, Diana discusses how much money a real estate virtual assistant can expect to make, the hours, the training and her advice.

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Diana, why do real estate agents need virtual assistants?

As real estate agents are typically independent contractors and work for themselves, there aren’t “industry standards” or SOPs when it comes to running their businesses. As a result, they don’t usually have systems and processes in place to keep their business organized and growing.

A major aspect of this lack of systems is little to no follow up with leads or past clients, which is crucial to the growth of any business.

As well, the name of the game for lead generation for realtors these days is social media. Most agents are either too busy to establish and maintain a presence, lack the knowledge to do so or aren’t even aware of how important it is for the growth of their business.

How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024) (4)

A real estate agent also needs to prioritize how his or her time is spent with tasks like showing properties and generating leads, not managing paperwork and their inboxes.

Lastly, as a real estate agent sells more properties, demands on his or her time and availability increase. The pace of trying to manage client contact combined with all the other moving parts that make up a successful real estate business would be exhausting for anyone.

These are all “pain points” for real estate agents – lack of systems, lack of social media presence, lack of follow up, prioritizing time with the right tasks and dealing with burnout from an intense pace – that a virtual assistant can step into and work wonders with right off the bat. A real estate VA would make a big impact on an agent’s bottom line by creating systems and taking over tasks that will free him or her up to get out there and sell more homes.

How much does a real estate virtual assistant make?

Real estate VAs typically start out at an hourly rate of around $15-25 with a small bonus when a home sells. It’s also an option to charge per project.

A standard rate for managing a transaction, for example, might be in the $150-$200 range. And lastly, some real estate VAs charge for their services using a monthly retainer paid up front. A 20-hour week, for example might translate to a $2,000 per month retainer fee.

How many hours per week does a real estate virtual assistant need to work?

When it comes to being a real estate VA there is no “need to.”

It really depends on your availability, your goals for your business, how much time you want to put into your work as a VA and what your clients’ needs are. There is plenty of opportunity to work part or full-time, and you can always scale your time up as you further develop your working relationships.

What skills and training are required?

To be a successful real estate VA you don’t need experience or even involvement in the real estate industry, but it does pay off to have some knowledge and training about niche-specific tasks. By the time a real estate agent needs a VA, he or she is likely way too busy to teach someone what they do “from the ground up” so to speak.

Starting off on the right foot with some specific tools and training under your belt will not only help you find clients more easily, but will enable you to step in with more confidence and begin knocking their socks off right away.

This Virtual Assistants Courseprovides perspective on what the needs and “pain points” of agents are – straight from an agent’s mouth, so that when you’re out there looking for your first clients you’ll know what to look for and speak to.

How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024) (5)

The course also provides training about the actual real estate process, and what things “look like” from the inside. There’s task-specific training in the course also, like listing preparation workflows and a deep dive into transaction management – the biggest, most time-consuming task that agents deal with and which they typically need help with the most. We cover social media management and email management specific to working with realtors as well.

Additionally, the course also covers tools that a real estate VA would want to know about and use in their business, as well as tips and tricks for being as successful as possible.

We cover productive client communication, and takes a good look at setting up your real estate virtual assistant business. This includes setting your rates, providing our students with a clear picture of what the ROI is for an agent working with a VA (which can be a priceless tool for talking with potential clients!) and dealing with taxes.

Lastly, we cover where and how to look for those first (and 5th or 10th!) clients and how to pitch them effectively. We provide bonus materials to set our students up for success right away, like:

  • an onboarding checklist for new clients,
  • a social media posting checklist,
  • links to extra tutorials,
  • email templates,
  • a real estate process cheatsheet,
  • a glossary of terms for real estate VAs and
  • homework at the end of each lesson designed to keep you engaged and taking action with what you’re learning

We’ve also included video so you can hear firsthand about the ins and outs of being a real estate VA.

Is this suitable for busy moms looking to work at home?

Absolutely! This course was designed to meet a variety of circ*mstances when it comes to building a successful real estate VA business.

For some that might mean jumping in feet first full-time, for others it may be more of a side hustle to start off with. You can go through the course at your own pace, and you’ll have lifetime access with free updates, so it will always be there and be relevant for you.

Like the majority of VA niches, a major bonus of being a real estate VA is the flexibility and ability to craft your business – including your available hours – to suit your needs and lifestyle.

How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024) (6)

What kind of person is a good fit to be a real estate VA?

There are be many different personality types that would be a good fit for becoming a REVA.

Some traits that come top of mind would be self-motivated, detail-oriented, eager to learn and a passion for keeping things organized! And of course, it’s a bonus if you have a love for real estate!

What is the most challenging aspect about being a real estate VA?

One thing specific to real estate, is that each real estate transaction has different variables. The most challenging part of becoming a real estate virtual assistant was simply the unknown.

  • How do I help get a listing on the market?
  • How to I manage a transaction?
  • Who am I supposed to communicate with, and why?

When I started as a REVA, I wanted to know it all! It was challenging for me to ask so many questions at first. I didn’t want to come across as “annoying,” yet at the same time I wanted to make sure I did the job right.

When I started working with Dan, we lacked systems for social media and transaction coordination. We now have proper systems in place to handle all of the daily tasks and hope to help others take a “shortcut” on who would like to become a REVA. They will be light years ahead of me when I first started!

How do I start a real estate virtual assistant business?

Your first steps to becoming a successful real estate VA should definitely include investing in yourself and your business by getting some real estate skills-specific training.

The course also walks you through how to set up your business, including figuring out your rates, educating you on what tools you’ll want to know about and use, where and how to look for clients and how to pitch them. If you take action with what we teach you, you can literally begin looking for clients as soon as you get through the course.

Where can I find work as a freelancer?

We are living in simply incredible times when it comes to being a freelancer. More and more businesses are getting away from the “9-5” employee model and are outsourcing for their services.

It just makes good business sense, ultimately ends up saving them money and frees business owners up to tend to the parts of their businesses they actually enjoy. Not to mention the huge impact a freelancer can have on a business’ growth!

How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024) (7)

Having said that, there are tons of places to look for work as a freelancer. Some examples include:

  • Looking as far as your immediate network
  • Marketing yourself through blogging and guest posting
  • Using social media networks like LinkedIn and Facebook
  • In-person networking events
  • Job boards
  • Agencies
  • Marketplaces
  • Exploring your local market

The course goes deep into a few key marketing strategies specific to finding realtors to work with.

And, if you’re serious about building a long-term, successful and sustainable business as a freelancer you should invest in yourself by taking a course.

This course covers everything you’d need to know about establishing, building and scaling a successful VA business. Once you’re inside that course, you’ll also have access to our VA Leads Community where we have a steady flow of qualified leads looking to hire freelancers.

A final piece of advice for those looking to become a real estate VA?

Go for it!

Don’t feel like you have to know everything about everything to get started, you really don’t. You can absolutely step into a new real estate virtual assistant business with some skills and knowledge under your belt, no experience, a strong willingness to learn, the right attitude and totally succeed.

This can be a great “learn as you go” experience once you get that first client, and you just never know where your initial decision to take the plunge and go for it will lead you.

Thanks Diana for offering your insights!

✅ If you’re interested in being a real estate VA, check out the Fully Booked Virtual Assistants course.

Any questions about the real estate virtual assistant career? Concerns? Comment below.

Interested in other work-from-home opportunities?

Here are work at home options that are well-paid:

  • SEO Writer – earn more than $20,000/month
  • Virtual Assistant – make $100/hour
  • Transcriptionist – earn more than $100,000/year
  • Scopist – earn $4000/month
  • Pinterest Account Manager – make $30+/hour
  • Proofreader – work part-time and earn $40,000
  • Etsy Shop Seller – make $1500-3000/week

Other ways to make some money from home

If you only want to earn a little bit of side cash quickly and easily each day, here’s a list of legitimate survey companies with user-friendly sites that I’ve personally tried and liked:

The more companies you join, the more surveys you’ll qualify for taking. If you like taking surveys and being able to voice your opinion and know that it’ll make a difference with brands and products, taking surveys might be right up your alley.

Related Work At Home Articles:

  • Best Virtual Assistant Jobs As A Beginner
  • Gina Horkey’s Virtual Assistant Course Review
  • 11 Flexible Work-from-Home Jobs
  • 11 Proven Ways to Make $100 Fast
  • How to work from home as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant
  • How to become a Bookkeeper from Home
  • Etsy Printables Shop Success Story: How to Sell Printables Successfully on Etsy

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How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024) (8)

Ready to become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024) (2024)


How to Become a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (2024)? ›

To become a real estate virtual assistant, you need to learn about the real estate industry and develop skills like organizing tasks, managing calendars, and scheduling appointments. With this job, you will support real estate agents from anywhere by handling their day-to-day tasks.

How to start being a virtual assistant? ›

How to Become a Virtual Assistant
  1. Assess Your Skills. Before you launch your virtual assistant job search, assess your current skills. ...
  2. Obtain Necessary Training. ...
  3. Create a Business Plan. ...
  4. Set Up a Home Office. ...
  5. Create a Portfolio. ...
  6. Develop an Online Presence. ...
  7. Network and Market Yourself. ...
  8. Look for Jobs and Clients.

How to get clients as a VA? ›

9 Ways to Get More Clients as a Virtual Assistant
  1. Network with Other Virtual Assistants. ...
  2. Reach Out Locally. ...
  3. Give Existing Clients Opportunities to Write Reviews. ...
  4. Keep Your LinkedIn Profile Updated. ...
  5. Reconnect with Past Clients. ...
  6. Join Groups and Advertise Yourself. ...
  7. Optimize Your Customer Service. ...
  8. Improve Your Payment System.

Is virtual assistant still in demand? ›

With the onset of remote work, virtual assistants are in demand more than ever. Becoming a virtual assistant can grant you flexibility and freedom to offer your services and earn an income from anywhere in the world (with an internet connection).

How to become an Airbnb virtual assistant? ›

How do I become an Airbnb assistant? To become an Airbnb assistant, start by creating a compelling profile on the platform highlighting your skills, experience, and availability. Emphasize strong communication, organization, and customer service skills. Obtain positive reviews to build credibility.

What qualifies you to be a virtual assistant? ›

Most companies prefer candidates with experience in administrative roles that required similar skills, such as filing, scheduling, organizing, and responding to emails and phone calls. To cultivate your administrative skills, obtain an entry-level position in an office.

Is virtual assistant a side hustle? ›

Working as a freelance virtual assistant (VA) can be a great side hustle. Being a virtual assistant offers a high potential hourly pay and encompasses many different types of work.

How do you pitch yourself as a virtual assistant? ›

With that in mind, here is a step-by-step guide on crafting that perfect elevator pitch!
  1. Introduce Yourself. ...
  2. Explain What You Do. ...
  3. Promote Your Benefits. ...
  4. Sell Your Differences. ...
  5. Get Them Involved. ...
  6. Follow Up With a CTA. ...
  7. Examples.
Sep 16, 2021

Where can I advertise myself as a virtual assistant? ›

Here are a few ways you can market yourself as a Virtual Assistant to start getting clients:
  • Website. ...
  • Social Media. ...
  • Face to Face Networking. ...
  • Masterclasses / Webinars. ...
  • Word-of-Mouth Referrals. ...
  • Business Cards. ...
  • Past Colleagues. ...
  • Friends and Family.

Are virtual assistants in demand in 2024? ›

From managing calendars and scheduling appointments to answering emails and handling customer inquiries, virtual assistants are revolutionizing the way businesses operate in 2024 and beyond. In a world where time is money, efficiency is paramount.

How to find your niche as a VA? ›

Analyze the landscape of other virtual assistants in your chosen field. What services are they offering, and how can you differentiate yourself? Identifying gaps or areas where you can offer a unique perspective or specialized services can help you carve out your niche.

What are the disadvantages of becoming a virtual assistant? ›

Cons of Working as a Virtual Assistant
  • Isolation and Loneliness. While the freedom to work remotely is liberating, it can also be isolating. ...
  • Uncertain Income. ...
  • Self-Discipline and Motivation. ...
  • Lack of Job Security. ...
  • Client Dependence. ...
  • Skill Set and Services.
Aug 30, 2023

How do I start a career at home virtual assistant? ›

7 steps to becoming a virtual assistant
  1. Identify your skills. ...
  2. Define the services you'll offer and your pricing structure. ...
  3. Obtain any necessary equipment. ...
  4. Search for jobs. ...
  5. Build a portfolio. ...
  6. Market yourself. ...
  7. Consider a specialization.
Apr 8, 2024

How do I become a self employed virtual assistant? ›

How to become a virtual assistant with no experience
  1. Take training courses. ...
  2. Determine the work you like and can do. ...
  3. Figure out the prices to charge. ...
  4. Create an online presence. ...
  5. Start applying to jobs. ...
  6. Learn about yourself and your clients.
Mar 21, 2024

What is a VA for short-term rentals? ›

A short-term rental virtual assistant can manage a wide range of tasks including booking management, guest communication, calendar synchronization across platforms, updating listings, handling reviews, and overseeing pricing strategies. They also handle administrative support tasks such as invoicing and reporting.

How do you introduce yourself as a virtual assistant with no experience? ›

Cover Letter Intro Examples for Beginner Virtual Assistant

I am writing to apply for the Virtual Assistant job. I don't have much experience in this field, but I think I can do the job. I have used a computer before and I am pretty good at organizing things. I think I can handle the tasks you need help with.

Is virtual assistant good for beginners? ›

Engaging in these helpful tasks is also an excellent way to begin your career because it helps you hone your skills and gather relevant experiences that prepare you for crucial career growth. Virtual assistants on Fancy Hands can expect to earn different amounts for different projects.

Is virtual assistant high paying? ›

How much do virtual assistants earn on average? The average salary for virtual assistants ranges from $5 to $30 per hour. However, some virtual assistants charge an hourly rate of $50 or more, depending on their level of experience, and the complexity of the job.

Does virtual assistant pay? ›

Depending on your needs, you can hire a virtual assistant on a per-project basis and pay them hourly, or go with a fixed-price if you have a short-term project.

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.