How To Buy A Quantum Computer. The 5-minute Easy Guide You Need To Understand The Quantum Computer Market (2024)

All jokes aside, yes, you can buy a quantum computer. Although it’s probably not what you expect, you won’t find one you can carry around. But there are publicly available quantum computers that you can buy. However, they typically only have a couple of qubits, which limits their utility beyond teaching, and the price is still way more than a super high-powered gaming machine equivalent.

How to Buy a Quantum Computer?

What is a Quantum Computer?

Firstly let’s start with the basics. A quantum computer is a type of computational machine that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to process information. Unlike classical computers that use bits, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. While a classical bit can represent a 0 or a 1, a qubit can represent a state representing 0, 1, or any quantum superposition of these states. The process of interference and superposition is used to compute some quantum algorithms faster than a classical machine effectively.

Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of chemical reactions, enabling the discovery of new materials and drugs. For instance, Google’s Sycamore processor was used to simulate a chemical reaction, providing insights that would be nearly impossible using classical machines alone. Like the D-Wave system, Quantum annealers are designed to solve complex optimization problems. These can range from logistics (finding the most efficient route for delivery trucks) to finance (portfolio optimization).

Shor’s algorithm on a sufficiently powerful quantum computer could potentially break many of today’s cryptographic systems. This has spurred interest in post-quantum cryptography, which seeks to develop cryptographic methods that remain secure even in the presence of a quantum computer.

Quantum computers might provide faster ways to train machine learning models, especially as datasets become more complex. In conclusion, while quantum computing is still in its infancy and faces many technical challenges, the potential applications are vast. They can impact multiple fields, from medicine to finance to artificial intelligence.

Qubits, or quantum bits, form the foundational units of quantum computation and come in various types, each with unique physical implementation and properties. Superconducting qubits harness Josephson junctions to create and manipulate quantum states, while trapped ions utilize individual ions held in electromagnetic traps.

Photonic qubits leverage the quantum properties of photons, and topological qubits are based on anyons—quasi-particles that exist in two-dimensional systems—whose braiding operations can serve as quantum gates. Spin qubits employ the spin state of an electron in a quantum dot as the computational unit. Each qubit type has its advantages, challenges, and specific application areas.

How to buy a quantum computer?

D-Wave was the first company to sell quantum computers. They typically sold the room-sized machines to various industries and sectors such as defense with the likes of DARPA. A price list we’ve not seen (so far), but it’s safe to say these machines cost in the order of millions and were bought by well-funded companies such as Lockheed Martin. These quantum computers performed quantum annealing, which is a form of annealing. But typically, those who buy quantum machines need to do so because of security concerns so they want to keep all the data and information in-house and not rely on quantum cloud services.

The reasons quantum computers are bought is usually one of security or teaching. As the cost of hardware is high, there has to be sufficient reasons to invest in hardware and the software to run quantum circuits on your quantum device. There are a few machines out there bought mainly for research, and as the field is so developing, it’s not like users can play games on quantum computers.

A Quantum Computer for the home?

Not quite yet. Well, you can, but many would question whether there is any point. If you wanted to, you could buy a machine such as a D-Wave, but why would you like to? You’d need a specialist application and likely a few million pounds. But you could buy a desktop machine from SpinQ, which has just qubits. Again, you could not do much with a two-qubit quantum computer, but you could use it to explore.

Exploring quantum computing can quickly be done without a quantum computer! You don’t need a quantum device; you need to simulate one. Pick the IBM quantum experience and log in from your computer. You don’t need the quantum hardware; software can do a great job of simulating a quantum circuit before you ever need to run on actual quantum hardware.

However, if you are keen to acquire a quantum computer, you have a few options: buy one, rent one, or build one.

Building a Quantum Computer

If you have the skills, you could build your machine. You’ll likely need a few scientists with quantum experience, a laboratory (lab), and a vast array of machines, tools, and techniques. There isn’t one type of technology that scientists are exploring. The popular approaches that researchers are taking are ion-trap machines, superconducting, and even photonic amounts. You’ll also need deep pockets, likely ranging into the multi-million dollars, to buy the equipment, space, and skills.

Buying a Quantum Computer

There isn’t a lot of choice. There are no off-the-shelf quantum computers other than D-wave and SpinQ. Maybe one of the large providers, such as IBM, will sell a research machine, but we don’t think they are expressly for sale. Companies like Google also research quantum machines and have their own devices, but these don’t appear for sale. But they could be. Again, you’d likely need to part with many millions of dollars, and you’d need a team to run it. Then, you might need to cool the device using a refrigerator or cryogenic service.

Rigetti Quantum Computer $900,000

Rigetti is one of the pioneers of superconducting quantum computers. It has now released a device that can be bought. It’s for research purposes as you’ll need special equipment like a dilution refrigerator to keep those qubits cold, but the fact is that you can buy one. Just don’t expect it to “work out of the box”. The device has 9 Qubits, which we believe to be the most that you can buy commercially unless you go for one made by D-Wave (which uses a different technology, utilizing quantum annealers rather than gate-based principles)

Rigetti is selling the Novera Quantum Computer for $900,000. The device has 9 Superconducting Qubits.

How To Buy A Quantum Computer. The 5-minute Easy Guide You Need To Understand The Quantum Computer Market (1)

SpinQ Desktop Quantum Computer $5,000

Regarding price point, the SpinQ Desktop Quantum Computer is probably the most reasonable. At around $5,000 per quantum computer, you’ll get 3 NMR Qubits for your money, and the device is reminiscent of a “tower” Personal Computer that will sit on your desk.

The SpinQ quantum computer is aimed at researchers and teachers. But the price point is such that almost anyone can own one. However, most people can probably rely on simulating quantum circuits for teaching.

How To Buy A Quantum Computer. The 5-minute Easy Guide You Need To Understand The Quantum Computer Market (2)

D-Wave Quantum Computer $X,000,000

D-Wave was the first to commercialize quantum computing with their devices, based on a type of technology called “Quantum Annealing.” It’s important to understand that these work differently from most of the devices we typically cover, which are “gate-based” devices. There is a gentle introduction if you want to explore the differences between annealing and gate-based.

D-Wave has sold its quantum computers to a range of companies such as Lockheed-Martin and Google, as these buyers typically wanted to understand these machines in more detail and not be worried about sharing data or sensitive information.

As far as we know, D-Wave will happily sell you a quantum computer, but do expect to part with a few million dollars per machine. You’ll also need to consider running costs, which include a team of people to help maintain, service and support quantum algorithms running on the physical hardware. In most use cases, customers will typically use QCaaS (Quantum Computing as a Service), which is available from D-Wave and named D-Wave Leap.

How To Buy A Quantum Computer. The 5-minute Easy Guide You Need To Understand The Quantum Computer Market (3)

Renting a Quantum Computer

QCaaS (Quantum Computing as a Service) is by far the most usual way that people interact with quantum computers. Via the cloud, just as cloud computing has allowed massive computing at scale without owning hardware, the quantum cloud enables researchers to create circuits on remote hardware from almost anywhere on the planet.

In most cases, all you need is a browser such as Chrome and internet access. You can also use the services to build your circuits and run experiments, and what’s more, you don’t always need to run on quantum hardware. You can run on a quantum circuit simulator. Cloud providers range from full-stack quantum companies to Amazon’s AWS Braket.

IBM Quantum Experience

IBM was one of the pioneers in offering quantum computing services through the cloud. With the IBM Quantum Experience, users can access IBM’s quantum processors and simulators, run experiments, and even work on building quantum applications. The platform is designed for beginners with no quantum experience and advanced users, providing a comprehensive suite of tools and resources to facilitate learning and research.

Amazon AWS Braket

Amazon Braket is a fully managed quantum computing service by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables researchers and developers to explore, test, and build quantum algorithms. The platform provides a unified development experience and allows users to design quantum algorithms, test them on simulated quantum computers, and run them on different quantum hardware architectures.

Microsoft Azure Quantum

Microsoft’s Azure Quantum service is a comprehensive offering that combines quantum programming, simulators, and access to quantum hardware. Partnering with several leading quantum hardware providers, Azure Quantum offers users the flexibility to choose the quantum solutions that best meet their needs. The platform also integrates with Microsoft’s Quantum Development Kit, making it easier for developers to create and test quantum solutions.

Google Quantum Computing Service

While Google has been at the forefront of quantum computing research, especially with its announcement of quantum supremacy in 2019, its formal QCaaS offerings have gradually developed. However, Google has been providing select partners and researchers with access to its quantum processors, aiming to refine and expand its quantum cloud services in the future.

D-Wave Leap

D-Wave Systems, a leader in quantum annealing technology, offers D-Wave Leap, a cloud-based platform that allows users to access its quantum annealers. Quantum annealing is a specific kind of quantum computing suited for optimization problems. With Leap, developers, businesses, and researchers can build and run quantum applications, learn about quantum computing, and even collaborate on open-source quantum projects.

Rigetti Quantum Cloud Services

Rigetti Computing, a startup specializing in the fabrication of superconducting quantum processors, offers Quantum Cloud Services (QCS). QCS allows users to develop and run quantum algorithms on hybrid quantum-classical systems. The platform integrates Rigetti’s quantum processors with classical computing resources, optimizing the performance of hybrid algorithms.

How To Buy A Quantum Computer. The 5-minute Easy Guide You Need To Understand The Quantum Computer Market (4)

Can you Buy a Quantum Computer? Fantasy or Reality?

You can buy a quantum computer, but we might question why you’d ever want to. Your options are fairly limited, and it doesn’t make much sense unless you want a machine for teaching purposes. If you want a machine for teaching purposes, SpinQ offers a new desktop quantum computer with 3 NMR-based Qubits for what is purported around $5,000.

Just as you might not want to spend several million pounds on a computing cluster, buying or building your device makes little sense unless you have a new idea for building qubits.

For those who want a toy Quantum Computer, there is the device from Chris Ferrie called Quokka, which is an emulated 30-qubit quantum computer.

How To Buy A Quantum Computer. The 5-minute Easy Guide You Need To Understand The Quantum Computer Market (5)


Q: Can I buy a Quantum Computer?
A: Yes, you can buy a device you can physically own and install on your premises “on-prem”. That means the physical hardware belongs to you instead of being hosted as a Quantum Cloud Service.

Q: How much will it cost to buy a Quantum Computer?
A: Prices range from thousands, around $5,000 to millions. But there isn’t a lot to choose from.

Q: Where can I buy a Quantum Computer?
A: Only a few providers of quantum hardware will sell you a device: Rigetti, SpinQ, and Potentially D-Wave.

Q: Where do I put a Quantum Computer?
A: It depends on the device. Some require cooling, such as the superconducting device, and will require a room or facility. The NMR-based device from SpinQ can fit on a desk.

Q: Should I buy a Quantum Computer?
A: We would argue there is little or no need to buy one unless you want it for teaching or research purposes.

Q: Will there be more quantum computers for sale?
A: Potentially, yes. But right now, the devices are not designed for mass market. Most users who access a quantum computer will do so via the Quantum Cloud as a QCaaS or Quantum Computing as a service.


Buy Buy a Quantum Computing Quantum Computer Quantum Computing

How To Buy A Quantum Computer. The 5-minute Easy Guide You Need To Understand The Quantum Computer Market (2024)


Why did NASA shut down the quantum computer? ›

The Shutdown and the Reasons Behind It

The abrupt shutdown of NASA's quantum computing project was triggered by an unforeseen incident during a routine test. During the analysis of a complex simulation, the quantum computer demonstrated unprecedented computational power, solving a previously intractable problem.

Is it legal to own a quantum computer? ›

Can You Buy a Quantum Computer? Yes, it's possible to buy a quantum computer in 2023. However, quantum computers are not yet widely available to the general public and are currently very expensive and extremely difficult to manufacture.

Can I self learn quantum computing? ›

After spending 100 to 200 hours in self-learning, learners will learn quantum computing foundations, know the research point, and get into the intermediate or advanced levels. Self-learning quantum computing is not simple, but it is possible.

What is a quantum computer explained simply? ›

Quantum computing is a multidisciplinary field comprising aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics that utilizes quantum mechanics to solve complex problems faster than on classical computers.

How close are we really to building a quantum computer? ›

The current field of quantum computers isn't quite ready for prime time: McKinsey has estimated that 5,000 quantum computers will be operational by 2030 but that the hardware and software necessary for handling the most complex problems won't be available until 2035 or later.

Has anyone built a quantum computer yet? ›

Quantum computers are being manufactured and used. But they cannot yet make the large-scale calculations that are expected to be possible in the future. You may be one of those waiting for the quantum computer, the arrival of which we have been told is imminent for several years.

What is the price of a quantum computer? ›

Commercial quantum computers like D-Wave One with 50 qubits – $10,000,000. D-Wave's 2000 qubit quantum computer – $15 million. For every extra qubit in processing power – $10,000.

What is the problem with quantum computers? ›

Challenges of Quantum Computing. Despite remarkable advances, quantum computing still faces many technological hurdles that limit its applications, scalability, and reliability for the time being. Due to their fragility, qubit interconnection, decoherence, and external noise, quantum systems are prone to errors.

Can I get access to a quantum computer? ›

Access IBM quantum processing units through our Open Plan or Pay-As-You-Go Plan, with the opportunity to apply for IBM Quantum Credits. Receive technical support to ensure you get maximum performance out of our quantum technology.

Where to start with quantum computing? ›

The canonical reference for learning quantum computing is the textbook Quantum computation and quantum information by Nielsen and Chuang. Another good book (with more of a "little yellow book" experience) is Classical and Quantum Computation by Kitaev, Shen and Vyalyi.

How do I get started in quantum? ›

The field of quantum computing requires a broad mastery of science and math, as you will work with numbers and calculations almost every day. Jobs in quantum computing typically require at least a bachelor's degree in one of the following areas: Mathematics. Physics.

Where to start learning quantum? ›

In order to study elementary quantum mechanics you must ideally have an understanding of the following mathematical ideas:
  • Complex numbers.
  • Partial and Ordinary differential equations.
  • Integral calculus I-III.
  • linear algebra.
  • fourier analysis.
  • probability theory.

How does a quantum computer work for dummies? ›

Quantum computing uses subatomic particles, such as electrons or photons. Quantum bits, or qubits, allow these particles to exist in more than one state (i.e., 1 and 0) at the same time. Classical computers today employ a stream of electrical impulses (1 and 0) in a binary manner to encode information in bits.

Does Google have a quantum computer? ›

Astonishing capabilities of Google's quantum computer

Google's latest iteration of its quantum machine, the Sycamore quantum processor, currently holds 70 qubits.

What runs a quantum computer? ›

Quantum computers have a simpler architecture than conventional computers and they have no memory or processor. The equipment consists solely of a set of qubits that makes it run.

Why did NASA shut down the space program? ›

It was never as economical as expendable rockets for the task of launching satellites. NASA budget pressures partly caused by the chronically high NASA Space Shuttle program costs have eliminated NASA crewed space flight beyond low earth orbit since Apollo, and severely curtailed use of uncrewed probes.

Why did Google stop quantum computing? ›

Google said the quantum system offered a combination of fewer errors and better performance than its previous systems. But the company also found out that it had to sacrifice a lot of quantum performance in order to bring stability to the system.

When did NASA stop using human computers? ›

In the 1960s and the 1970s, most human computers were replaced by machine computers. Some female mathematicians, such as Katherine Johnson, continued to work at NASA as technologists. These women made significant contributions to NASA. There legacy still exists today.

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