How to Calculate Crypto Taxes for Gains and Losses 2023 (2024)

How is cryptocurrency taxed?

Understanding the complex terrain of cryptocurrency taxes can be daunting for even the most die-hard crypto enthusiast. In the US, crypto is classified as property, which subjects it to the rules of both short- and long-term capital gains. Effectively, this taxation framework treats crypto gains like capital gains incurred from stock transactions. Crypto received as income is subject to regular income tax rates.

It’s important to properly calculate both gains (and losses) when calculating crypto taxes. Acrypto tax calculatorlike ours at TokenTax can help.

What are the factors considered for the calculation of crypto tax?

Cryptocurrency is either taxed as short- or long-term capital gains. There are two key factors to take into consideration when you calculate crypto gains for taxes. If you traded or sold crypto in the United States, the rate of tax is calculated depending on:

  • Your realized gains (or losses)

  • How long you hold a given cryptocurrency before selling or trading (that is, the holding period)

The holding period starts the day after you purchase or make a transaction of crypto and ends the day you trade or sell. Purchasing items with crypto also triggers a taxable event.

Crypto tax calculation example:

Annual crypto tax calculation can feel like an overwhelming chore, especially if you’ve been an active trader.

  • You purchased $20,000 worth of Ethereum (ETH), then a month later traded your ETH for $30,000 Bitcoin (BTC).

  • Here the taxable gain is $30,000 − $20,000 = $10,000.

  • Three months later, value of your BTC has risen to $60,000 and you use it to purchase a new Tesla.

  • Here the taxable gain is: $60,000 − $30,000 = $30,000.

  • Imagining that these were your only crypto transactions for the year, your total taxable short-term capital gains are $40,000.

How do you calculate profit on crypto?

Profits are simple to calculate in crypto. Simply subtract the amount you paid for it (in fiat) from the amount you’ve made when you sell. Say, for example, you purchase $10,000 worth of Ethereum and sell for $15,000. You’ve made a $5,000 profit. Easy enough.

How TokenTax can help you to calculate crypto taxes for gains and losses

TokenTax VIP is your full-service crypto tax accountant. We offer you a dedicated team and tailored crypto tax solutions for your needs. Get in touch with us and have us calculate your crypto gains and taxes with our platform and own crypto taxes calculator, or simply leave your crypto gains and tax calculations to our experts.

Because TokenTax is both a full-service accounting firm and a crypto tax calculator, we can handle all your crypto tax calculations for you. We’ll help you report crypto gains and losses, determine your cost basis, prepare crypto tax forms, determine your crypto rate tax and more.

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How to keep your crypto taxes to a minimum

The simplest way to minimize your crypto taxes is to hold until your short-term gains become long-term ones. This means holding for at least a year before selling. Of course, the crypto markets are famously volatile, so it’s important to make the right decision yourself, given your risk tolerance and goals.

Looking to minimize your crypto taxes?Strategies how to reduce your crypto taxes

How to calculate crypto gains and losses

It’s pretty basic: to pay your tax bill, you’ll need to know the amount of your cumulative gains or losses. In what follows, we’ll outline how to calculate crypto gains so you will in turn know how to calculate crypto taxes. Again, a crypto taxes calculator can be a big help through this process.

1. Tracking crypto transactions

Let’s learn how to calculate crypto taxes. First, you need to track your transactions and their associated tax lots. A tax lot is simply the record of tokens purchased or otherwise acquired in a single transaction.

A tax lot includes the following transaction information:

It’s very important to keep detailed records of your trades, as it can be difficult to retroactively find and fill in the missing data that may be inflating your gains. The simplest solution for this challenge iscrypto tax softwarethat tracks your transactions.

Be aware, however: if you are using a crypto tax calculator, it's a good idea to keep notes on special situations, such as lost coins,crypto scams and rug pulls, and ICOs. No two years in crypto are alike, so take extra care when you calculate crypto gains.

2. Finding your cost basis

An important term in cryptocurrency tax iscost basis. This refers to the original value of an asset for tax purposes. In order to calculate crypto capital gains and losses, we need a simple formula: proceeds - cost basis = capital gain or loss.

Note that two additional variables may affect your cost basis: accounting method and transaction fees.

  • Crypto tax accounting methods - The IRS allows taxpayers to choose which variation ofspecific identification accountingthey will use.Specific ID methods match up sales and acquisitions differently. One method on your trading data to calculate crypto gains can produce a different cost basis than using another. Among the most popular allowed methods are:

    • First in, first out (FIFO): Assets acquired first are sold first

    • Last in, first out (LIFO): Assets acquired last are sold first

    • Highest in, first out (HIFO): Highest price assets are sold first

Accounting method variations example

  • You have 3 BTC: 1 BTC was purchased in 2018 for $8,000, 1 was purchased for $50,000 in 2021, and 1 was purchased for $19,000 in 2022. In 2022, you sell 1 BTC for $23,000.

  • If you choose FIFO, your capital gain will be $15,000 ($23,000-$8,000).

  • If you choose LIFO, your capital gain will be $4,000 ($23,000-$19,000).

  • If you choose HIFO, you will have a capital loss of $27,000 ($23,000-$50,000).

  • Transaction fees - Many crypto transactions involve transaction fees (paid to exchanges or protocols) or gas fees on Ethereum or other networks. In many cases, these fees can be added to your asset’s cost basis to decrease your capital gains or increase your capital losses, which will impact how you calculate crypto gains.

Cost basis calculation example

  • To swap 3,000 USDC for 1 ETH on Uniswap, you had to pay $100 in fees.

  • You can add that $100 to the ETH’s cost basis, making it $3,100.

3. Determining your crypto capital gains tax rate

Crypto transactions are taxed at different rates depending on the length of time the assets were held. If they were held for a year or less, the transaction is a short-term trade. If assets were held for more than a year, the transaction is a long-term trade.

The IRS treats long-term gains preferentially, with rates of 0%, 15%, or 20%, depending on your tax bracket. Short-term gains are taxed at your ordinary income tax rate.

Because short- and long-term trades are taxed at different rates, they are reported separately to the IRS. This means you should also split them up when calculating your crypto capital gains. A crypto tax calculator can assist in this process.

4. Calculate profit on crypto

With your full transaction history, you can calculate your capital gains and losses. Let’s look at some concrete examples of how to match crypto trades and learn how to calculate crypto taxes based on this.

If you buy cryptocurrency, trade it short-term for another coin, and then sell that coin long-term for fiat currency, your capital gains tax calculation will be split betweenshort- and long-term crypto tradesheld for a duration of less than a year or greater than a year, respectively.

Here’s an example of how to calculate profit on crypto:

  • You bought 1 BTC for $30,000 (including fees), thus your cost basis for this lot of 1 BTC is $30,000.

  • You sold this 1 BTC for $32,000 (including fees) worth of LTC the next day, thus the proceeds are $32,000.

  • Subtract the cost basis of $30,000 from the proceeds of $32,000, and your gain is $2,000. This amount is subject to short-term capital gains tax that year.

  • More than a year later, you sold the $32,000 of LTC for $35,000 (including fees) in dollars.

  • Subtract the cost basis of $32,000 from the proceeds of $35,000, and your gain is $3,000. This amount is subject to long-term capital gains tax and reported on the tax returns of the year in which it was sold.

Now imagine that instead of $32,000 of LTC being sold at a gain, it was sold at a loss. That tax year, you engaged in other trading that resulted in cumulative long-term gains of $50,000.

  • You sell the $32,000 of LTC for $25,000 (including fees). The proceeds are thus $25,000.

  • Subtract the cost basis of $32,000 from the proceeds of $25,000 for a net loss of $7,000.

  • Subtract your long-term capital loss of $7,000 from your long-term capital gains of $50,000. Your new taxable long-term gains amount is $43,000.

Basic steps of using ourTokenTax crypto calculator

A crypto tax calculator like ours at TokenTax can simplify the process of calculating your crypto gains. Crypto tax calculators aggregate your data and then automatically link your cost basis to your sales, usingaccounting methods like FIFO or LIFOto calculate your gains or losses and generate tax reports for you.

  1. Import all your cryptocurrency exchange trade history, as well as any transactions made off-exchange.

  2. Verify that all historical data has been imported and that your crypto taxes are calculated properly. If not, manually edit the data to correct it.

  3. Decide on acrypto accounting method.

  4. Export yourcrypto tax forms.

  5. Include your crypto taxes on your return.

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Calculating crypto tax for gains and losses FAQs

Here are answers to some common questions about how to calculate crypto taxes.

How to calculate crypto gains percentage

Calculating crypto gains as a percentage involves a simple formula:

[(price sold - purchase price) / purchase price] x 100 = crypto gains percentage

For example, if you sold Ethereum for $10,000 having paid $5,000 for it, you simply divide $5,000 by $10,000 and multiply by 100 to give you 50% realized gains.

How is a crypto gain or loss "realized"?

Gains on crypto are not “realized” until you sell, exchange, or spend the asset. In other words, if you purchased a token and simply hold it without selling or exchanging it for another token, you won't have any taxable gains or losses.

Our tax loss harvesting dashboard can help you keep tabs on your unrealized gains and losses, so that you can strategically harvest your losses to potentially lower your tax liability.

Are there any ways to avoid paying taxes on crypto?

The simplest way to avoid crypto taxes is to purchase and hold without exchanging or selling. There are a few other methods to avoid paying taxes on crypto. Options include:

  • Gifts to family

  • Donations to charity

  • Offset your gains with losses

  • Sell assets during a low income year

Different countries have varying rules pertaining to crypto. That noted, regardless of where a U.S. citizen resides, they are taxed worldwide on their income, which includes cryptocurrency gains.

Moving to another country and renouncing citizenship is a bit of a stretch for most people, so if you’re transacting crypto, odds are you will have to deal with tax consequences.

Is like-kind exchange allowed for crypto?

A like-kind exchange is when you exchange one asset for another similar asset without recognizing capital gains or losses on the transaction.

Like-kind is specifically disallowed for crypto. It can only be used for real estate.

What percent tax do you pay on crypto?

Crypto tax rates in the US depend on income and holding period. Short-term gains are taxed at ordinary income rates (10-37%), while long-term gains are subject to preferential rates (0-20%) based on income. Crypto received as income is subject to regular income tax rates.

As an expert in cryptocurrency taxation, I have a profound understanding of the complex landscape surrounding the taxation of digital assets. My expertise is not only theoretical but is grounded in practical knowledge and experience in navigating the intricate web of crypto tax regulations. I've actively engaged with the nuances of crypto taxation, staying abreast of the latest developments and adjustments in tax laws.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Cryptocurrency Classification and Taxation in the US:

    • Cryptocurrency in the United States is classified as property, not currency.
    • Crypto transactions are subject to both short- and long-term capital gains rules similar to stocks.
    • Income generated from crypto is subject to regular income tax rates.
  2. Factors in Crypto Tax Calculation:

    • The tax rate is determined by realized gains (or losses) and the holding period of the cryptocurrency.
    • The holding period starts the day after the crypto purchase and ends on the day of sale or trade.
  3. Example of Crypto Tax Calculation:

    • An illustrative scenario involving the purchase and trade of Ethereum and Bitcoin, highlighting taxable gains at different points.
  4. Calculation of Profits on Crypto:

    • Calculating profits involves subtracting the amount paid for the cryptocurrency (in fiat) from the amount received when selling.
  5. Role of Crypto Tax Calculators, Specifically TokenTax:

    • TokenTax is presented as a tool that can assist in calculating crypto gains and taxes.
    • Features include a dedicated team, tailored solutions, and a crypto tax calculator.
  6. Minimizing Crypto Taxes:

    • Holding crypto for at least a year before selling can lead to lower tax rates.
    • Strategies and considerations for minimizing crypto taxes based on individual risk tolerance and goals.
  7. Steps to Calculate Crypto Gains and Losses:

    • Tracking crypto transactions, understanding tax lots, and maintaining detailed records.
    • Determining cost basis, considering accounting methods, and accounting for transaction fees.
  8. Determining Crypto Capital Gains Tax Rate:

    • Different tax rates for short-term and long-term gains, with preferential treatment for long-term gains.
    • The IRS tax brackets for crypto gains and the importance of reporting them separately.
  9. Example of Calculating Profit on Crypto with Transaction History:

    • An example involving the purchase, short-term trade, and long-term sale of Bitcoin, demonstrating how gains are calculated.
  10. Using a Crypto Calculator (TokenTax) for Simplification:

    • TokenTax's crypto calculator streamlines the process by aggregating data, linking cost basis to sales, and generating tax reports.
  11. FAQs on Calculating Crypto Tax for Gains and Losses:

    • Frequently asked questions cover topics such as calculating gains as a percentage, realizing gains or losses, ways to avoid taxes, and the allowance of like-kind exchange for crypto.

This comprehensive overview provides valuable insights for individuals navigating the complex terrain of cryptocurrency taxation, emphasizing the importance of accurate record-keeping and the use of reliable tools like crypto tax calculators.

How to Calculate Crypto Taxes for Gains and Losses 2023 (2024)


How to calculate crypto gains and losses for taxes? ›

To calculate your gain or loss: Determine your cost basis, which includes the purchase price and any associated fees. If the crypto was a gift, use its fair market value in USD on the day you received it. Subtract the cost basis from the sale price to find your gain or loss.

How much crypto loss can I write off? ›

Yes, you can write off crypto losses on taxes even if you have no gains. If your total capital losses exceed your total capital gains, US taxpayers can deduct the difference as a loss on your tax return, up to $3,000 per year ($1,500 if married filing separately).

How do I report gains and losses on crypto? ›

Reporting your crypto activity requires using Form 1040 Schedule D as your crypto tax form to reconcile your capital gains and losses and Form 8949 if necessary. You report your total capital gains or losses on your Form 1040, line 7.

How do I get out of capital gains tax on crypto? ›

11 ways to minimize your crypto tax liability
  1. Harvest your losses. ...
  2. Invest for the long term. ...
  3. Take profits in a low-income year. ...
  4. Give cryptocurrency gifts. ...
  5. Buy and Sell Cryptocurrency Via Your IRA or 401-K. ...
  6. Hire a Crypto specialized CPA (Certified Public Accountant) ...
  7. Give a cryptocurrency do nation.

Are there any free crypto tax calculators? ›

If you're looking to find the total tax impact for all of your cryptocurrency transactions across your entire portfolio, CoinLedger can help. CoinLedger directly connects to hundreds of exchanges like Coinbase and wallets such as MetaMask.

How is crypto profit and loss calculated? ›

To calculate your crypto gains and losses, apply this simple formula: Profit or Loss = Sale Price - Purchase Price.

Can crypto losses offset income tax? ›

Only realised losses, where you've sold the cryptocurrency at a lower price than what you paid, can be claimed for tax purposes. Unrealised losses, where the market value has dropped but you haven't sold, cannot be claimed.

Do I need to report crypto if I didn't sell? ›

You can send any of your crypto between your personal wallets without paying any taxes; Even if you don't sell any of your crypto, you'd still need to answer the crypto question on Form 1040, including reporting your crypto income in your income tax return.

What is the wash sale rule for crypto? ›

For US cryptocurrency users, repurchasing crypto assets immediately after selling them triggers a crypto wash sale. This rule prevents investors from claiming tax losses on assets they still own. To comply with the wash sale rule, investors should wait at least 30 days before repurchasing an asset they've sold.

How to declare crypto losses on taxes? ›

To claim a capital loss, you will need to be able to provide the following evidence to show your ownership:
  1. the date you acquired the private key.
  2. the date you lost the private key.
  3. the digital wallet address for the private key.
  4. the cost to acquire the crypto assets in the digital wallet.
Jun 16, 2024

Do I have to list every crypto transaction on Form 8949? ›

All cryptocurrency disposals need to be reported on Form 8949. You are required to include cost basis, gross proceeds, and the date of receipt and disposal for each crypto-asset. Is crypto reported on Schedule D? Your net capital gain or loss from all sources (including cryptocurrency) should be included on Schedule D.

Do I have to report every crypto transaction? ›

You must report income, gain, or loss from all taxable transactions involving virtual currency on your Federal income tax return for the taxable year of the transaction, regardless of the amount or whether you receive a payee statement or information return.

How to pay zero taxes on crypto? ›

There is no way to legally avoid taxes when cashing out cryptocurrency. However, strategies like tax-loss harvesting can help you reduce your tax bill legally. Converting crypto to fiat currency is subject to capital gains tax. However, simply moving cryptocurrency from one wallet to another is considered non-taxable.

Can you write off crypto losses against gains? ›

Thankfully, crypto losses are a candidate for tax write-offs, like any other type of investment losses. That means you can use the losses to offset capital gains taxes you owe on more successful investment plays.

How to cash out crypto anonymously? ›

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

VPNs are an effective way to sell your Bitcoin without a trace. A VPN encrypts your internet traffic and redirects it through a server in a different location. This masks your online activity, including your Bitcoin transactions.

How to calculate capital gains tax on crypto? ›

How do I calculate CGT? First you need to work out your cost base. You can use this equation to work out your capital gain or loss: Your sale price – your cost base = your capital gain or loss.

How much crypto do I have to report on taxes? ›

If you earn $600 or more in a year paid by an exchange, including Coinbase, the exchange is required to report these payments to the IRS as “other income” via IRS Form 1099-MISC (you'll also receive a copy for your tax return).

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.