How to Change NAT Type on PS4 (Updated 2024) (2024)

Experiencing some weird connection issues when gaming online on your PS4? Does it take forever to find a match in games that you know have a ton of players? You might have your NAT type set in a way that’s actually making your life harder.

See, Network Address Translation (or NAT) can drastically affect your ability to connect to servers, other players, and other people’s computing devices in general. This includes gaming consoles. The good news is that we can help you choose the right NAT type to get you up and gaming, and tell you how to set it up for your PS4.

After you’ve set your NAT type in a way that works for you, you should grab CyberGhost VPN as well. It can help get you more stable connections to game servers, help to protect your data and identity, and even lower your ping in some cases.

How to Change Your NAT Type on PS4

Changing your NAT type isn’t as simple as rummaging through your PS4’s settings. You have a few options, but each comes with its own set of challenges.

Set Up a DMZ on Your Router

Just like in military jargon, DMZ stands for demilitarized zone. A DMZ is a subnet that separates your local area network (LAN) from open networks like the internet.

To set up a DMZ for your gaming console, you’ll need your PS4’s IP address. The exact steps you need to perform depend on your router’s manufacturer and firmware, but here are the basics:

  1. Open the browser on your PC or phone
  2. Enter your router’s settings
How to Change NAT Type on PS4 (Updated 2024) (1)

Any browser will do

  1. Log in with your router’s username and password
  2. Find the network or firewall settings
  3. Look for a DMZ or DMZ Host option
  4. Enter your PS4’s IP address
  5. Save your settings.

For exact details, consult your router’s manual.

This option is a good alternative to port forwarding, which we’ll discuss next. Setting up a DMZ doesn’t require as much networking knowledge, and it leaves less room for error. That said, it’s highly insecure, leaving anything in the DMZ completely exposed to external threats.

If you’re familiar with specific ports or knowledgeable in networking, you might consider opening a few of them instead of facing the security risk of using DMZ.

Open Ports on Your Router

Opening ports is sometimes called port forwarding. It’s a mechanism that allows incoming traffic to be redirected to a specific device on your network, like your PS4, through your router. Keep in mind that opening ports can pose some security risks, since you’re essentially telling your firewall to let in external connections. Even though your firewall will still scan incoming connections to your PS4, it might not stop all malicious traffic anymore.

Port forwarding automatically changes your NAT type on your PS4 to NAT Type 2 (Moderate NAT).

Some ports are more common, and are generally considered safe. These are:

  • TCP: 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480
  • UDP: 3478, 3479

Tip: TCP and UDP represent the port protocol and the numbers represent the port designation or range on the network server. Both work together to manage requests from devices connected to the internet to send traffic to the correct destinations.

Specific game servers may use other ports. Even different versions can have different configurations. For example, Minecraft uses TCP port 25565 with the exception of Minecraft Bedrock Edition which uses UDP port 19132. You’ll have to research the games you want to play to find the ports they use.

Like with the DMZ option, the steps you need to take to open ports depend on your router and firmware. The basic steps are:

  1. Open the browser on your PC or phone.
  2. Enter your router’s IP address to go to its settings.
  3. Login in with your router’s username and password.
  4. Find the ports or port forwarding option in your router’s settings (this might have different names and be located in different places depending on your router).
How to Change NAT Type on PS4 (Updated 2024) (2)

Each router is different

  1. Type the port number or port range you want to forward — you’ll likely use the same number for both internal and external ports.
  2. Choose a protocol (you can choose both TCP and UDP if needed).
  3. Type in your PS4’s IP address.

If you’re not sure how to proceed, check your router’s manual.

Call Your ISP

If all else fails, contact your ISP. Sometimes, the company implements settings that restrict your NAT type. For example, your modem might have a firewall that limits the ports you can use, or your network’s firewall simply caps your connectivity.

Your ISP can either remove these restrictions or suggest a different plan that doesn’t cause issues for your PlayStation’s NAT type.

What Is NAT Type and Why Does it Matter?

NAT stands for Network Address Translation. Your firewall, router, or computer uses this process to translate your device’s private IP address into a public one when it communicates on a larger network (like the internet).

The reason we use NAT is because we’re running out of available IPs. Every device on a network is assigned an IP address. This address uniquely identifies it. Since the early days of the internet, we’ve relied on IPv4 as the system to assign IP addresses.

IPv4 is one of the core protocols for networking, but it was developed on a 32-bit code. This restricts the number of available IPs to approximately 4 billion until we adopt IPv6. IPv6 uses 128-bit code, so it would allow for 340 trillion trillion trillion unique IP addresses.

In response to the dwindling number of available IPv4 addresses, John Mayes developed NAT in 1994 as a temporary measure to safeguard the remaining unregistered IP addresses. We currently have three NAT types that describe your network’s accessibility. Playstation uses numbered types that correlate to the common names we use to describe

NAT types.

NAT Type (Common Name)NAT Type (PlayStation Name)
OpenType 1
ModerateType 2
StrictType 3

PlayStation defines the three types in its user manual as follows:

  • Type 1: The system is connected directly to the internet
  • Type 2: The system is connected to the internet with a router
  • Type 3: The system is connected to the internet with a router

The manual makes it clear your PlayStation 4 can’t communicate with other PlayStation systems if you’re using Type 3 (Strict). Your system’s network features might also be limited.

NAT and How Data Travels Online

To understand NAT types, let’s first learn how network packets travel. You communicate on the internet through packets. Packets are sets of data that are passed through networks, more commonly from your device to a server.

Your device sends packets with a private IP address to your router. Your router modifies the packets by replacing your private IP with a public one. Without a router, you’d have what’s called a static NAT. Static NAT means your IP address doesn’t change from private to public, which poses a security risk.

With that in mind, let’s see what NAT types look like. Sony is one of the few companies to categorize NAT types using numbers so it can get a bit confusing. Let’s go through each type and see what they’re all about.

Type 1 – Open NAT

Open NAT types have no restrictions in place. This type disables your firewall settings, so nothing will prevent external connections from accessing your systems. Open NAT usually means you’re connected directly to the internet without a router, or that you opened the ports on your router to allow direct packet flow.

Open NAT is the best setting for online gaming, since it allows seamless connections to game servers and doesn’t affect speed or ping. That said, it’s the most insecure option, and leaves your connection vulnerable to cyber threats. This is because your router’s firewall normally does some heavy lifting when it comes to filtering out malicious activity.

Type 2 – Moderate NAT

Moderate NAT types are the middle ground between open and strict. Your connection goes through your router, which acts as your first line of defense online. Moderate NAT types operate with a few open ports. This enables your connections to third-party servers, but still offers some protection from external traffic.

Your router modifies your private IP address. You can play games online with NAT Type 2 but some options might be limited.

Type 3 – Strict NAT

Strict NAT types prevent data from traveling freely to and from your network. Your router modifies your IP address but doesn’t forward incoming traffic to your device. This makes online gaming difficult or impossible. You won’t be able to connect to most game servers, and you’ll experience considerably slower speeds since your traffic has to be filtered.

The Strict NAT type is the most secure and private setting. For example, it can help mitigate cyber attacks like volumetric DDoS attacks. It’s also the type most likely to cause connectivity issues with the PlayStation network.

NAT Type Compatibility

Your NAT type has a huge impact on your online gameplay. Different NAT types communicate differently with other networks.

NAT TypeType 1Type 2Type 3
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3

If you’re on an NAT Type 3, you can only join servers where everyone else is an NAT Type 1. This means it might take a long time before you find a match. You also can’t host sessions, which might limit your options more. Games like Call of Duty are notoriously hard to play on NAT Type 3.

NAT Type 1 makes it easiest to connect and play online but you have little protection from malicious servers or domains. That said, you can switch NAT types to suit your needs. First, you need to check what NAT type your PS4 has.

How to Find Out Your PS4’s NAT Type

From your PS screen, you can check your NAT type in 3 simple steps:

  1. Open the Settings menu
  2. Choose Network
  3. Select View Connection Status
How to Change NAT Type on PS4 (Updated 2024) (3)

NAT type 1 is great for your game, but not so great for your security

Tip: Here you can also see your PS4’s IP address. Make note of it. You’ll need it if you want to change your NAT type.

Should You Enable Port Forwarding on Your NAT Router?

Port forwarding lets devices in private networks (like the one you have at home) communicate with other external devices or servers via the world wide web. This option is available through NAT routers.

Opening ports can help you change your PS4 NAT type, and solve a variety of network issues. These include:

  • No sound for voice chat
  • Matchmaking issues
  • Lag
  • Online or co-op connection issues
  • Getting booted off servers with no apparent cause
  • Inability to host online matches
  • Others not being able to connect to your server

Forwarding ports can improve your connectivity, provide better stability, and enable P2P connections among different players. The process of opening ports isn’t risky, but malicious actors can access your devices via unsafe ports once you open them.

Most consumer routers don’t have very rigid security settings when it comes to ports. This is a problem because the majority of people don’t know what ports are open on their routers, and never receive any security warnings.

For example, cybercriminals used TCP port 3389 to exploit the Remote Desktop Protocol which is used to share Windows desktops. This allowed them to gain entry to their victims’ systems so they could steal data and distribute malware. Even the FBI published a warning about this type of attack.

Sadly, you won’t find any accurate databases to find out which ports have been used in attacks and are prone to exploitation. This means you’ll have to do some research into the specific port you want to open.

Why You Should Use CyberGhost VPN with PS4

No matter what you have your NAT type set to, that’s just one layer of security. And if you’re using “Type 1,” also known as Open NAT, that’s no security at all. You can help to protect your identity and your data by using CyberGhost VPN to shore up your defenses.

Our military-grade encryption will keep hackers from seeing what you’re doing if you’re playing on any kind of public network. It’ll keep local network administrators and your ISP from being able to see any of that too. Meanwhile, routing your traffic through one of our many VPN server locations will hide your IP address. That can help protect your identity, and prevent DDoS attacks on your home network.

And with VPN servers in pretty much every country where your games have data centers, you’ll always be able to get a smooth, stable, and fast connection. In some instances, where congested networks and other issues might normally slow you down, CyberGhost VPN can actually lower your ping and reduce lag.

Best of all, CyberGhost VPN specifically supports PS4 as a platform, as well as every other major console.


What NAT type is best for PS4?

According to Sony itself, the Open NAT type or NAT Type 1 is the best option for gaming due to its speed and connectivity. That said, NAT Type 1 is the least secure option. It requires you to have open ports on your router, or to connect your PS4 directly to the internet.

This leaves your PlayStation exposed to potentially harmful external connections. To get the best of both worlds between security and performance, consider testing out a NAT Type 2 connection.

What does NAT Type 2 mean on PS4?

NAT Type 2 is a moderate NAT type. This means your PS4 connects over your router, which secures your private IP address. At the same time, it filters external data through a firewall but doesn’t totally restrict it.

It’s the best option that balances fast speeds and security. Most gaming consoles operate just fine with NAT Type 2.

Why does PS4 change to NAT Type 3?

If your PS4 reverts to NAT Type 3, it might be that your network has some restrictions in place or closed ports that prevent external connections. NAT Type 3 is the most restrictive NAT type, and it’s likely to cause issues for your connectivity. Check your router to change your settings, or consult your ISP.

Can I use CyberGhost VPN with my PS4?

Yes, you can. CyberGhost VPN has a Smart DNS solution that allows you to connect to our servers on a PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. You also have the option to set up CyberGhost VPN on your router directly. This will cover all devices in your household, and protect your data with top-notch VPN encryption.

How do I change my NAT type to open on PS5?

Like pretty much everything regarding NAT and PlayStation consoles, this will have to be handled in your router. You’ll either need to set up a “DMZ” just for your console in your router settings. The way this works is dependent on your specific router or modem. Click here for more details.

How do I change my NAT type on PS4?

The easiest way is to set up a DMZ, or “demilitarized zone,” for your console on your router. Basically, this changes the NAT type for your console, but not the rest of your home network, allowing for a smoother connection. This option is easiest, but not necessarily the most secure.

Or, you could also use your router to open up any specific ports you want to use for your online games. Failing that, you might need to call your ISP for help. Sometimes ISPs have settings in place that will determine your NAT type for you, and you might need them to change it.

Is NAT Type 2 good for PS5?

Officially, Open NAT, or NAT Type 1, is the best option. At least it’s the option that provides the best connectivity, and smoothest gaming experience. However, it’s also the least secure option. We recommend testing your online games with NAT 2, and just using that if it works.

How do I check my NAT type on PS4?

Go to the Settings menu, then “Network,” and then select “View Connection Status.” In the list of details, you’ll see information on your connection’s NAT type. Just remember that Sony lists NAT types by numbers.

Remember: Type 1 means Open NAT, Type 2 means Moderate NAT, and Type 3 means Strict NAT. Sony recommends Type 1, but Type 2 is a little more secure. Just test to make sure it works with your game.

How to change NAT type without access to your router on PS4

This is a little involved, but possible. Basically, you’ll need a computer, and a good gaming VPN. Then, you’ll need to install virtual router software, and basically turn your computer into a hotspot through which your console can connect to the internet.

Then, you turn on your VPN, and that bypasses the strict NAT type forced on you by the router. Like I said, it’s not the easiest solution, but it’s certainly possible. It’s an especially good option if your ISP doesn’t give you access to your router’s settings.

How to Change NAT Type on PS4 (Updated 2024) (2024)


How to Change NAT Type on PS4 (Updated 2024)? ›

NAT Type 2, or Moderate NAT, indicates that the device is behind a router or firewall and some restrictions are in place. Most gaming services can function well with NAT Type 2, but it may offer a different level of performance than NAT Type 1.

How do I change my NAT type to open on PS4? ›

Enable UPnP (NAT type 1, or Open NAT)
  1. You'll need to look through your router's settings to find the UPnP function, and make sure it's enabled. Consult your router's manual. ...
  2. Once you've enabled it, restart your router.
  3. Go check your PS4 settings to make sure it says NAT type 1.
Apr 15, 2024

How to fix failed NAT type on PS4? ›

With the right troubleshooting steps, you can get back online quickly.
  1. What is NAT and Why NAT Type Failed Errors Occur. ...
  2. Fix 1: Power Cycle the PS4. ...
  3. Fix 2: Use a Static IP Address. ...
  4. Fix 3: Enable DMZ for PS4. ...
  5. Fix 4: Configure Port Forwarding. ...
  6. Fix 5: Enable UPnP in Router. ...
  7. Fix 6: Clone Your PS4's MAC Address.
Dec 28, 2023

How do I turn the NAT type to open? ›

How do I change my NAT type to open?
  1. Open your web browser and type your IP address into the address bar.
  2. Fill in your login info.
  3. Look for UPnP settings (usually goes under Settings / Advanced Settings / Network Settings).
  4. Enable UPnP, reset the router, and restart your device.

Is NAT type 2 good for gaming? ›

NAT Type 2, or Moderate NAT, indicates that the device is behind a router or firewall and some restrictions are in place. Most gaming services can function well with NAT Type 2, but it may offer a different level of performance than NAT Type 1.

Why is my NAT type strict? ›

Strict NAT protects you from various attacks and is enabled by default in most routers. Its downside is that it slows down your internet, and you may experience more lag while gaming. This type can only connect to networks with open NAT, so you may experience connectivity problems more often.

Does NAT type affect ping? ›

A strict NAT inherently means you will have trouble connecting to some services/servers so it can have an affect on your connection, traffic may have trouble reaching the source/destination properly. So people with a strict NAT may have a worse connection generally which you may feel when playing against them.

How do I fix my NAT error? ›

Advanced NAT troubleshooting (single console)
  1. Step 1: Open network ports using port forwarding.  ...
  2. Step 2: Enable perimeter network (also known as DMZ) functionality on your router. ...
  3. Step 3: Restore your router to factory defaults.

What does NAT type failure mean? ›

The NAT type error is caused when your PlayStation can't access the PSN servers through the usual ports. This can sometimes be caused by having an outdated router, or just overly strict settings.

Why does my PS4 keep saying the internet connection failed? ›

Your Wi-Fi network lost internet connectivity. You're attempting to connect with an invalid username or password. The DNS settings on your PS4 aren't configured correctly. The distance between your PS4 and the wireless router is too far, causing intermittent signal loss.

How do I enable NAT? ›

Create Public NAT configurations
  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud NAT page. ...
  2. Click Get started or Create NAT gateway.
  3. Enter a Gateway name.
  4. For NAT type, select Public.
  5. Select a VPC network for the NAT gateway.
  6. Set the Region for the NAT gateway.
  7. Select or create a Cloud Router in the region.

Why is my NAT type unavailable? ›

If you see any of these messages on your Xbox console, your network connection may be blocked or dropped: NAT Type: Unavailable in Network settings. Error code 0x89231806 when you're trying to join a party chat session.

How to check NAT type? ›

To check your NAT type in Windows 10, you can follow these steps:
  1. Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type "cmd" (without quote) and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.
  3. Type "ipconfig" and press Enter to display your network information.
Jan 29, 2024

How to change NAT type to open PS4? ›

Step 1: Find and enable your router's DMZ settings. Step 2: Input your PS4's IP address and save the changes. By removing restrictions and firewall settings, Open NAT types facilitate unrestricted external connections to your systems.

What NAT type is best for PS4? ›

What NAT type is best for PS4? According to Sony itself, the Open NAT type or NAT Type 1 is the best option for gaming due to its speed and connectivity. That said, NAT Type 1 is the least secure option. It requires you to have open ports on your router, or to connect your PS4 directly to the internet.

How to change NAT status? ›

  1. Find your router's IP address. To access your router, you'll need to obtain your router's default IP address. ...
  2. Enter the IP address into your browser's address bar. ...
  3. Log in with your router's credentials. ...
  4. Go to your router settings. ...
  5. Enable UPnP. ...
  6. Restart your router and device.

What ports need to be open for PlayStation Network? ›

The port numbers used to connect with the PlayStation™Network servers via the Internet are:
  • TCP: 80, 443, 465, 993, 3478, 3479, 3480, 5223, 8080.
  • UDP: 3478, 3479.

Is NAT type B good? ›

If your NAT type is A or B, your console is connected properly and shouldn't run into issues. If you are having problems, this may just be a glitch with your connection and may be resolved with a simple reboot.

How to change NAT type 2 to 1 on PS5? ›

Here's how to enable it:
  1. Go into your router's settings page, find UPnP, and make sure it's enabled.
  2. Restart the router to make sure the changes are saved.
  3. Go check your PS5's network settings again, and make sure it says NAT type 1.
Apr 17, 2024

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.