How to Create a Node.js Cluster for Speeding Up Your Apps — SitePoint (2024)


is becoming more and more popular as a server-side run-time environment, especially for high traffic websites, as statistics show. Also, the availability of several frameworks make it a good environment for rapid prototyping. Node.js has an event-driven architecture, leveraging a non-blocking I/O API that allows requests being processed asynchronously.One of the important and often less highlighted features of Node.js is its scalability. In fact, this is the main reason why some large companies with heavy traffic are integrating Node.js in their platform (e.g., Microsoft, Yahoo, Uber, and Walmart) or even completely moving their server-side operations to Node.js (e.g., PayPal, eBay, and Groupon).Each Node.js process runs in a single thread and by default it has a memory limit of 512MB on 32-bit systems and 1GB on 64-bit systems. Although the memory limit can be bumped to ~1GB on 32-bit systems and ~1.7GB on 64-bit systems, both memory and processing power can still become bottlenecks for various processes.The elegant solution Node.js provides for scaling up the applications is to split a single process into multiple processes or workers, in Node.js terminology. This can be achieved through a cluster module. The cluster module allows you to create child processes (workers), which share all the server ports with the main Node process (master).In this article you’ll see how to create a Node.js cluster for speeding up your applications.

Node.js Cluster Module: what it is and how it works

A cluster is a pool of similar workers running under a parent Node process. Workers are spawned using the fork() method of the child_processes module. This means workers can share server handles and use IPC (Inter-process communication) to communicate with the parent Node process.he master process is in charge of initiating workers and controlling them. You can create an arbitrary number of workers in your master process. Moreover, remember that by default incoming connections are distributed in a round-robin approach among workers (except in Windows). Actually there is another approach to distribute incoming connections, that I won’t discuss here, which hands the assignment over to the OS (default in Windows). Node.js documentation suggests using the default round-robin style as the scheduling policy.Although using a cluster module sounds complex in theory, it is very straightforward to implement. To start using it, you have to include it in your Node.js application:

var cluster = require('cluster);

A cluster module executes the same Node.js process multiple times. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to identify what portion of the code is for the master process and what portion is for the workers. The cluster module allows you to identify the master process as follows:

if(cluster.isMaster) { ... }

The master process is the process you initiate, which in turn initialize the workers. To start a worker process inside a master process, we’ll use the fork() method:


This method returns a worker object that contains some methods and properties about the forked worker. We’ll see some examples in the following section.A cluster module contains several events. Two common events related to the moments of start and termination of workers are the online and the exit events. online is emitted when the worker is forked and sends the online message. exit is emitted when a worker process dies. Later, we’ll see how we can use these two events to control the lifetime of the workers.Let’s now put together everything we’ve seen so far and show a complete working example.


This section features two examples. The first one is a simple application showing how a cluster module is used in a Node.js application. The second one is an Express server taking advantage of Node.js cluster module, which is part of a production code I generally use in large-scale projects. Both the examples can be downloaded from GitHub.

How a Cluster Module is Used in a Node.js App

In this first example, we set up a simple server that responds to all incoming requests with a message containing the worker process ID that processed the request. The master process forks four workers. In each of them, we start listening the port 8000 for incoming requests.The code that implements what I’ve just described, is shown below:

var cluster = require('cluster');var http = require('http');var numCPUs = 4;if (cluster.isMaster) { for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) { cluster.fork(); }} else { http.createServer(function(req, res) { res.writeHead(200); res.end('process ' + + ' says hello!'); }).listen(8000);}

You can test this server on your machine by starting it (run the command node simple.js

) and accessing the URL When requests are received, they are distributed one at a time to each worker. If a worker is available, it immediately starts processing the request; otherwise it’ll be added to a queue.There are a few points that are not very efficient in the above example. For instance, imagine if a worker dies for some reason. In this case, you lose one of your workers and if the same happens again, you will end up with a master process with no workers to handle incoming requests. Another issue is related to the number of workers. There are different number of cores/threads in the systems that you deploy your application to. In the mentioned example, to use all of the system’s resources, you have to manually check the specifications of each deployment server, find how many threads there are available, and update it in your code. In the next example, we’ll see how to make the code more efficient through an Express server.

How to Develop a Highly Scalable Express Server

Express is one the most popular web application frameworks for Node.js (if not the most popular). On SitePoint we have covered it a few times. If you’re interested in knowing more about it, I suggest you to read the articles Creating RESTful APIs with Express 4 and Build a Node.js-powered Chatroom Web App: Express and Azure.This second example shows how we can develop a highly scalable Express server. It also demonstrates how to migrate a single process server to take advantage of a cluster module with few lines of code.

var cluster = require('cluster');if(cluster.isMaster) { var numWorkers = require('os').cpus().length; console.log('Master cluster setting up ' + numWorkers + ' workers...'); for(var i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) { cluster.fork(); } cluster.on('online', function(worker) { console.log('Worker ' + + ' is online'); }); cluster.on('exit', function(worker, code, signal) { console.log('Worker ' + + ' died with code: ' + code + ', and signal: ' + signal); console.log('Starting a new worker'); cluster.fork(); });} else { var app = require('express')(); app.all('/*', function(req, res) {res.send('process ' + + ' says hello!').end();}) var server = app.listen(8000, function() { console.log('Process ' + + ' is listening to all incoming requests'); });}

The first addition to this example is getting the number of the CPU cores using the Node.js os module. The os module contains a cpus() function, which returns an array of CPU cores. Using this approach, we determine the number of the workers to fork dynamically, based on the server specifications to maximize the utilization.A second and more important addition is handling a worker’s death. When a worker dies, the cluster module emits an exit event. It can be handled by listening for the event and executing a callback function when it’s emitted. You can do that by writing a statement like cluster.on('exit', callback);. In the callback, we fork a new worker in order to maintain the intended number of workers. This allows us to keep the application running, even if there are some unhandled exceptions.In this example, I also set a listener for an online event, which is emitted whenever a worker is forked and ready to receive incoming requests. This can be used for logging or other operations.

Performance Comparison

There are several tools to benchmark APIs, but here I use Apache Benchmark tool to analyze how using a cluster module can affect the performance of your application.To set up the test, I developed an Express server that has one route and one callback for the route. In the callback, a dummy operation is performed and then a short message is returned. There are two versions of the server: one with no workers, in which everything happens in the master process, and the other with 8 workers (as my machine has 8 cores). The table below shows how incorporating a cluster module can increase the number of processed requests per second.

Concurrent Connections124816
Single Process654711783776754
8 Workers5941198211030103024

(Requests processed per second)

Advanced Operations

While using cluster modules is relatively straightforward, there are other operations you can perform using workers. For instance, you can achieve (almost!) zero down-time in your application using cluster modules. We’ll see how to perform some of these operations in a while.

Communication Between Master and Workers

Occasionally you may need to send messages from the master to a worker to assign a task or perform other operations. In return, workers may need to inform the master that the task is completed. To listen for messages, an event listener for the message event should be set up in both master and workers:

worker.on('message', function(message) { console.log(message);});

The worker

object is the reference returned by the fork() method. To listen for messages from the master in a worker:

process.on('message', function(message) { console.log(message);});

Messages can be strings or JSON objects. To send a message from the master to a specific worker, you can write a code like the on reported below:

worker.send('hello from the master');

Similarly, to send a message from a worker to the master you can write:

process.send('hello from worker with id: ' +;

In Node.js, messages are generic and do not have a specific type. Therefore, it is a good practice to send messages as JSON objects with some information about the message type, sender, and the content itself. For example:

worker.send({ type: 'task 1', from: 'master', data: { // the data that you want to transfer }});

An important point to note here is that message event callbacks are handled asynchronously. There isn’t a defined order of execution. You can find a complete example of communication between the master and workers on GitHub.

Zero Down-time

One important result that can be achieved using workers is (almost) zero down-time servers. Within the master process, you can terminate and restart the workers one at a time, after you make changes to your application. This allows you to have older version running, while loading the new one.To be able to restart your application while running, you have to keep two points in mind. Firstly, the master process runs the whole time, and only workers are terminated and restarted. Therefore, it’s important to keep your master process short and only in charge of managing workers.Secondly, you need to notify the master process somehow that it needs to restart workers. There are several methods for doing this, including a user input or watching the files for changes. The latter is more efficient, but you need to identify files to watch in the master process.My suggestion for restarting your workers is to try to shut them down safely first; then, if they did not safely terminate, forcing to kill them. You can do the former by sending a shutdown message to the worker as follows:

workers[wid].send({type: 'shutdown', from: 'master'});

And start the safe shutdown in the worker message event handler:

process.on('message', function(message) { if(message.type === 'shutdown') { process.exit(0); }});

To do this for all the workers, you can use the workers property of the cluster module that keeps a reference to all the running workers. We can also wrap all the tasks in a function in the master process, which can be called whenever we want to restart all the workers.

function restartWorkers() { var wid, workerIds = []; for(wid in cluster.workers) { workerIds.push(wid); } workerIds.forEach(function(wid) { cluster.workers[wid].send({ text: 'shutdown', from: 'master' }); setTimeout(function() { if(cluster.workers[wid]) { cluster.workers[wid].kill('SIGKILL'); } }, 5000); });};

We can get the ID of all the running workers from the workers object in the cluster module. This object keeps a reference to all the running workers and is dynamically updated when workers are terminated and restarted. First we store the ID of all the running workers in a workerIds array. This way, we avoid restarting newly forked workers.Then, we request a safe shutdown from each worker. If after 5 seconds the worker is still running and it still exists in the workers object, we then call the kill function on the worker to force it shutdown. You can find a practical example on GitHub.


Node.js applications can be parallelized using cluster modules in order to use the system more efficiently. Running multiple processes at the same time can be done using few lines of code and this makes the migration relatively easy, as Node.js handles the hard part.As I showed in the performance comparison, there is potential for noticeable improvement in the application performance by utilizing system resources in a more efficient way. In addition to performance, you can increase your application’s reliability and uptime by restarting workers while your application is running.That being said, you need to be careful when considering the use of a cluster module in your application. The main recommended use for cluster modules is for web servers. In other cases, you need to study carefully how to distribute tasks between workers, and how to efficiently communicate progress between the workers and the master. Even for web servers, make sure a single Node.js process is a bottleneck (memory or CPU), before making any changes to your application, as you might introduce bugs with your change.One last thing, Node.js website has a great documentation for cluster module. So, be sure to check it out!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Node.js Clustering

What is the main advantage of using Node.js clustering?

The primary advantage of using Node.js clustering is to enhance the performance of your application. Node.js operates on a single thread, which means it can only utilize one CPU core at a time. However, modern servers usually have multiple cores. By using Node.js clustering, you can create a master process that forks multiple worker processes, each running on a different CPU core. This allows your application to handle more requests simultaneously, significantly improving its speed and performance.

How does Node.js clustering work?

Node.js clustering works by creating a master process that forks multiple worker processes. The master process listens for incoming requests and distributes them to the worker processes in a round-robin fashion. Each worker process runs on a separate CPU core and handles the request independently. This allows your application to utilize all available CPU cores and handle more requests simultaneously.

How can I create a Node.js cluster?

Creating a Node.js cluster involves using the ‘cluster’ module provided by Node.js. First, you need to import the ‘cluster’ and ‘os’ modules. Then, you can use the ‘cluster.fork()’ method to create worker processes. The ‘os.cpus().length’ gives you the number of CPU cores available, which you can use to determine the number of worker processes to create. Here’s a simple example:

const cluster = require('cluster');
const os = require('os');

if (cluster.isMaster) {
const cpuCount = os.cpus().length;
for (let i = 0; i < cpuCount; i++) {
} else {
// Worker process code here

How can I handle worker process crashes in a Node.js cluster?

You can handle worker process crashes in a Node.js cluster by listening for the ‘exit’ event on the master process. When a worker process crashes, it sends an ‘exit’ event to the master process. You can then use the ‘cluster.fork()’ method to create a new worker process to replace the crashed one. Here’s an example:

cluster.on('exit', (worker, code, signal) => {
console.log(`Worker ${} died`);
console.log('Forking a new worker process...');

Can I use Node.js clustering with Express.js?

Yes, you can use Node.js clustering with Express.js. In fact, using Node.js clustering can significantly improve the performance of your Express.js application. You just need to put your Express.js application code inside the worker process code block in your cluster script.

What are the limitations of Node.js clustering?

While Node.js clustering can significantly improve your application’s performance, it also has some limitations. For example, worker processes do not share state or memory. This means you cannot store session data in memory, as it will not be accessible across all worker processes. Instead, you need to use a shared session store, such as a database or a Redis server.

How can I load balance requests in a Node.js cluster?

By default, the master process in a Node.js cluster distributes incoming requests to worker processes in a round-robin fashion. This provides a basic form of load balancing. However, if you need more advanced load balancing, you might need to use a reverse proxy server, such as Nginx.

Can I use Node.js clustering in a production environment?

Yes, you can use Node.js clustering in a production environment. In fact, it is highly recommended to use Node.js clustering in a production environment to take full advantage of your server’s CPU cores and improve your application’s performance.

How can I debug a Node.js cluster?

Debugging a Node.js cluster can be a bit tricky, as you have multiple worker processes running simultaneously. However, you can use the ‘inspect’ flag with a unique port for each worker process to attach a debugger to each process. Here’s an example:

if (cluster.isMaster) {
// Fork workers.
for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
cluster.fork({ NODE_OPTIONS: `--inspect=${9229 + i}` });

Can I use Node.js clustering with other Node.js modules?

Yes, you can use Node.js clustering with other Node.js modules. However, you need to be aware that worker processes do not share state or memory. This means that if a module relies on shared state, it might not work correctly in a clustered environment.

How to Create a Node.js Cluster for Speeding Up Your Apps — SitePoint (2024)


How do I make my NodeJS app faster? ›

Follow these steps to optimize NodeJS Application performance:
  1. Track and Analyze Your App Data.
  2. Reduce Latency With the Help of Caching.
  3. Make use of HTTP/2.
  4. Use Load Balancers That Allow for Scaling to Several Machines.
  5. Stateless Authentication.
  6. Optimize Frontend.
Nov 3, 2023

How to enhance node's performance through clustering? ›

Our first approach to improving node performance is using the built-in node cluster module. The cluster module allows you to create copies of your node process that each run your server code side by side in parallel.

How to improve API speed in node js? ›

12 actually useful ways to optimize Node.js performance
  1. Use Node's built-in profiler.
  2. Monitor and profile with APM.
  3. Use caching to reduce latency.
  4. Optimize your data handling methods.
  5. Use timeouts.
  6. Ensure secure client-side authentication.
  7. Improve throughput through clustering.
  8. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Jun 14, 2023

How can you improve the scalability of a node JS app? ›

However, there are several strategies you can use to improve performance and scalability: Utilize the built-in cluster module in Node. js to distribute the workload across multiple processes or cores. Use services like Nginx or Apache to serve static content, offloading the task from Node.

How can I make an app run faster? ›

How To Make Apps Load Faster? 7 Proven Tips
  1. #1 Efficient Code Practices. ...
  2. #2 Optimize Images and Media Content. ...
  3. #3 Leverage Caching Techniques. ...
  4. #4 Utilize Asynchronous Loading. ...
  5. #5 Improve Server Response Times. ...
  6. #6 Adopt Modern Web Technologies. ...
  7. #7 Regular Performance Testing and Monitoring.
Nov 22, 2023

What makes NodeJS so fast? ›

The primary reason why NodeJS is fast because of its non-blocking I/O model. NodeJS utilizes a single asynchronous thread to handle all requests made. This reduces the CPU workload and avoids HTTP congestion and takes up less memory as well.

How to create a node cluster? ›

Clustering in Node. js involves creating multiple worker processes that share the incoming workload. Each worker process runs in its own event loop, utilizing the available CPU cores. The master process manages the worker processes, distributes incoming requests, and handles process failures.

When to use cluster in nodejs? ›

Node. js runs single threaded programming, which is very memory efficient, but to take advantage of computers multi-core systems, the Cluster module allows you to easily create child processes that each runs on their own single thread, to handle the load.

Does clustering improve performance? ›

Clustering addresses how a table is stored so it's generally a good first option for improving query performance.

How to increase node speed? ›

You can optimize the performance of the Node. js application by implementing several tips, such as optimizing your code, using a caching layer, using compression, using load balancing, using a content delivery network (CDN), optimizing database queries, using a reverse proxy, and using HTTP/2.

How can I increase my API speed? ›

10 Tips for Improving API Performance
  1. Cache When You Can. Avoiding redundancy is an easy way to improve API performance. ...
  2. Limit Payloads. ...
  3. Simplify Database Queries. ...
  4. Optimize Connectivity and Reduce Packet Loss. ...
  5. Rate Limit to Avoid Abuse. ...
  6. Implement Pagination. ...
  7. Use Asynchronous Logging. ...
  8. Use PATCH When Possible.
Nov 8, 2023

How do I speed up my node build? ›

7 Ways to Speed Up Your Node. js Development Process
  1. Utilize Typescript. By introducing types, TypeScript expands JavaScript. ...
  2. Utilize Cache. ...
  3. Go Asynchronous. ...
  4. Make Use of Gzip Compression. ...
  5. Parallelize. ...
  6. Monitor in Real-Time. ...
  7. Look Deeper.
Jun 11, 2022

Why node js is not scalable? ›

js is scalable and can handle a large number of concurrent connections due to its asynchronous, non-blocking I/O model. However, the scalability of a Node. js application also depends on other factors such as server size, processing power, memory, and network bandwidth. Here are some ways to scale a Node.

What is highly scalable in node JS? ›

Scalability refers to an application's ability to handle increasing loads and user traffic while maintaining optimal performance. For Node. js applications, achieving scalability involves various considerations, including database optimization, caching, load balancing, and horizontal scaling.

How does clustering improve the performance in node JS? ›

Clustering is the process through which we can use multiple cores of our central processing unit at the same time with the help of Node JS, which helps to increase the performance of the software and also reduces its time load. Cluster is the module of JavaScript required to enable clustering in your program.

How do I reduce node build time? ›

Make sure you are using the latest version of Node. js, NPM/Yarn, and the React framework. These updates often come with performance improvements and optimizations that can help reduce build time. Review your code and ensure that you are writing efficient and clean code.

How to make js run faster? ›

Now that we've discussed what can hinder JavaScript performance, let's look at some ways to give an application's JavaScript performance a boost:
  1. Use HTTP/2. ...
  2. Use pointer references. ...
  3. Trim your HTML. ...
  4. Use document. ...
  5. Batch your DOM changes. ...
  6. Buffer your DOM. ...
  7. Compress your files. ...
  8. Limit library dependencies.
Dec 21, 2022

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