How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips (2024)

Are you perplexed about how to cut your electric bill in half and save on all your utility bills?

Last month, I put out a little survey on Facebook asking what followers struggle with the most regarding finances. I got a lot of really great answers and also some fantastic topics for blog posts.

One of my friends said she understands how to save money on things like groceries, clothes, and all other items that vary from month to month, but what she doesn’t know is how to save on the things that seem to be more fixed amounts like electricity and utilities.

I can give you a few ideas on how to save money on utility bills.

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips (1)

Save on Heating and Cooling

No matter what part of the country you live in, you are always going to need either heating or cooling. Or like me, both. Some heating and air conditioning units can be terrible energy hogs.

But there are a few money-saving hacks that you can incorporate to help save a little bit of money on your energy bill.

1. Make sure all windows are closed up tight when running your heat or air. The last thing you want to do when paying for temperature control is to have it all go out the window!

Look for any cracks or spaces where air can pass. Consider a plastic window kit or weather stripping where needed.

2. In the summer, try sheer curtains, blinds, or solar shades to keep the sun from warming up your room. There is also a tinted window film that you can put on your storm door or windows. The reverse goes for the winter. Open up those curtains and let the sunshine in.

3. When it is freezing, use thermal insulated or lined curtains to keep your home warm.

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips (2)

4. Keep the heat down and cool up automatically with a programmable thermostat. We have one of these, and we love it.

We set it so it automatically goes down at night in the winter and then stays at a comfortable temperature during the day.

It has saved us a lot of money over the years in heating costs. If you have air conditioning units in your windows, keep those at a temperature that you find bearable.

If your air conditioning is on and you must put a sweater on or throw a blanket on your lap while watching tv, you might have room to make some adjustments.

5. Perform regular maintenance on your heating and cooling equipment. Every year before we put the air conditioners away, I take them outside on a folding table, take them apart and scrub them down.

A few great videos on Youtube show you how to do it. Don’t be concerned. I have done it for years and haven’t lost one yet.

Also, make sure you are changing any filters and cleaning any ductwork you can get to so the heat can pass without obstruction.

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips (3)

6. Consider upgrading outdated heating and cooling appliances to more energy-efficient ones. According to the Department of Energy experts, you can save up to 30% on your energy bills in the long run.

Save Money on Electric or Gas

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips (4)

I am a fan of Instant Pots and Crock Pots. These appliances will easily cut your electric bill in half, especially if your stove and oven are electric.

I am a fan of anything I can do to make my life easier. Add the idea that they can reduce my energy usage, and it’s a winner-winner (yummy chicken dinner)!

But there are lots of frugal alternatives that will reduce your electric and gas usage. Smaller appliances are just cheaper to operate than larger ones.

7. Use a crockpot, toaster oven, or Instant Pot to keep from turning on your oven or stove. Not only will it save money, but it won’t heat your house in the summer.

We are experiencing a heatwave, and I used myInstant Pot to make dinner. Worked great!

8. Self-clean your oven in the colder months to help warm up your house. Doing it right after you have baked is a perfect time for energy saving because the temperature is already more than halfway there!

9. Using glass or ceramic cookware in the oven will cook your food faster and use less energy. They hold heat better than aluminum, so you won’t need to run your oven as long.

10. Consider plugging everything into a power strip and turning it off or unplugging it when unused. Many appliances have a light that glows even when not in use.

Most appliances also use something called phantom power. You are paying for this. Unplugging things when not used will save you money on your electric bill.

11. Turn things off when you leave the room. If you aren’t in the living room, you don’t need the lights or the tv on.

12. Rely on natural lighting or chose task lighting. Turn on a lamp or, even better, a book lightrun by batteries when reading or sewing instead of the overhead light.

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips (6)

13. Switch all your light bulbs to LEDlight or CFL bulbs. It will save you money and time since you won’t have to change them as often!

14. Use wool dryer balls in the dryer. They are proven to decrease drying time, and that saves money. Keep your dryer lintarea and vent clean, too.

15. Air dry your clothes. This will work outside in the beautiful weather and inside on a drying rack when it is cold. The moisture from the wet clothes will also help with the dry air that results from running heat.

16. Wash clothes in cold water. It is better for your clothes and your wallet. I wash only whites in hot water.

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips (7)

Save Water

Our village is in the process of putting water meters in everyone’s house. We have never had to be conscious of our water consumption, so this is an area I will have to put some serious thought!

17. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing your face. There is no reason to keep it running. My husband brushes his teeth in the shower. He’s a smart cookie!

18. When waiting for hot water to heat up, fill a pitcher to fill the pet’s water bowl, water your plants, or fill your water pitcher in the refrigerator.

19. Look for leaks. Check your basem*nt and pay attention to a continuously running toilet. Take care of these as soon as possible. It will save you much more than it will cost you to fix it.

20. Set a timer for showers. A teenage boy does not need to spend 30 minutes in the shower!! I can do it in 15 minutes, and I have much to do there!

21. Switch out your regular shower head for a low-flow shower head that will help you conserve water.

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips (8)

Other Ideas

22. Consider eliminating things like landlines and cable. If everyone has a cell phone and you would rather be watching Youtube or Netflix, you might want to explore the idea.

23. Insulate outlets. Have you ever felt a draft when touching an exterior wall outlet? Grab some of those foam outlet insulators. Every little bit helps!

24. Consider adding insulation to your attic.

25. Many electric companies will come to your home and do a home energy audit for free. We had one done years ago, and it came with a whole box of free stuff like weather stripping and light bulbs.

26. Lower the temperature of your hot water tank. It is recommended not to go higher than 120 degrees.

I suggest turning your hot water to the maximum and then adjusting that to the most comfortable temperature. It doesn’t need to be any higher than that.

27. Invest in dimmer switches for lights. We have these and enjoy them. If you replace your light bulbs in the lights with dimmer switches, you will need a specific type of lightbulb.

28. Insulate your water heater with a cozy blanket. Keep that heat in.

29. Upgrading your windows to new, more energy-efficient windows if they are older will undoubtedly save you money. Although this is a more significant expense, it might be worth considering seriously.

30. If you are not using it, turn it off or unplug the little clock on your microwave, the lights, the baby monitor, and the coffee maker. Every little bit will help.

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips (9)

Final Thoughts On Ways To Cut Your Electric Bill

I have come up with a generous list of ways to save money on your energy bill and reduce your energy usage. The truth is we all have things we keep plugged in when we are not using them. We have those energy hogs at our fingertips, and we don’t think too much about how much money we are spending because we can’t immediately see the energy leaving the clock.

Try it for a month and see what your energy usage looks like.

Email me with any tips you might have or comment below.

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips (2024)


How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips? ›

Unplug Unused Electronics

Unplugging electronics when they are not in use can drastically reduce your electric bill. Many devices, such as computers and televisions, still draw power even when they are turned off, so unplugging them can make a big difference in your energy costs.

What is the simple trick to cut your electric bill? ›

Unplug Unused Electronics

Unplugging electronics when they are not in use can drastically reduce your electric bill. Many devices, such as computers and televisions, still draw power even when they are turned off, so unplugging them can make a big difference in your energy costs.

What runs your electric bill up the most? ›

Which home appliances use the most electricity?
  1. Heating and cooling: 45-50% The largest electricity consumer in the average household is your heating and cooling appliance. ...
  2. Water heater: 12% ...
  3. Lighting: 9-12% ...
  4. Refrigerator: 8% ...
  5. Washer and dryer: 5% ...
  6. Electric oven: 3% ...
  7. Dishwasher: 2% ...
  8. TV and cable box: 2%
Dec 20, 2022

What are the extreme ways to lower your electric bill? ›

How to Lower Your Energy Bills in Any Season
  1. Seal up windows, doors, and air leaks. In the colder months, one of the best ways to stay warm and keep your energy bills from skyrocketing is to make sure your home isn't leaking heat. ...
  2. Opt for the fan. ...
  3. Inspect, clean, and replace filters regularly. ...
  4. Use devices efficiently.
Feb 20, 2024

How do I reduce my electricity usage? ›

Tips for Saving on Your Electric Bill
  1. Turn Down Your Thermostat. It's one of the most effective ways to cut your energy usage. ...
  2. Take Care of Your Furnace. ...
  3. Keep the Cold Out. ...
  4. Turn Down the Tank. ...
  5. Cook Smart. ...
  6. Think Before You Wash and Dry Clothes. ...
  7. Reduce Phantom Load.

Does unplugging appliances save electricity? ›

Yes, unplugging appliances can reduce the overall amount of electricity you save. When you turn an appliance off, it no longer draws electricity from the outlet; however, there is still a small current that flows from the wall to the device. This is as phantom energy (also called vampire energy).

How to cut a heating bill in half? ›

8 Ways to Lower Your Heating Costs
  1. Caulk and weather strip. ...
  2. Insulate your attic. ...
  3. Change your air filter. ...
  4. Get your heating system inspected. ...
  5. Install a programmable thermostat. ...
  6. Set your thermostat at 70 degrees or lower. ...
  7. Let the sun heat your house. ...
  8. Sign up for budget billing.
Jan 9, 2023

What wastes the most electricity in a house? ›

What Can I Unplug? These Household Items Cost the Most Electricity
  • Cooling and heating: 47% of energy use.
  • Water heater: 14% of energy use.
  • Washer and dryer: 13% of energy use.
  • Lighting: 12% of energy use.
  • Refrigerator: 4% of energy use.
  • Electric oven: 3-4% of energy use.
  • TV, DVD, cable box: 3% of energy use.
Sep 1, 2022

What pulls the most electricity in a house? ›

What uses the most electricity in my home?
  • Air conditioning and heating: 54%
  • Water heating: 16%
  • Refrigeration: 4%
  • Lighting: 4%
  • Appliances and electronics: 23%
Dec 13, 2023

How to save money on electric bill thermostat? ›

Ways to lower your energy bill
  1. Set your thermostat at 68F in the winter and 78F in the summer, health permitting.
  2. Consider a space heater or ceiling fan, following safety guidelines of all equipment.
  3. Open blinds and windows to warm and light home during daylight hours, or close window coverings to keep the cold out.

How can I lower my bills? ›

1. Negotiate with service providers: Contact your service providers such as cable/internet companies, insurance companies, or utility companies and ask if they have any promotions, discounts, or loyalty programs available. Sometimes, simply asking for a better rate can lead to savings.

How to lower electric bill in summer? ›

10 Ways To Beat The Heat & Save Money On Your Energy Bill This Summer
  1. Give your air conditioner a checkup – or a replacement. ...
  2. Adjust your thermostat. ...
  3. Spend time outdoors. ...
  4. Unplug devices. ...
  5. Use fans instead of A/C. ...
  6. Plants can provide much needed shade. ...
  7. Lower your water heating costs. ...
  8. Use electricity during off-peak hours.
Aug 30, 2018

What are 7 ways to reduce consumption of energy? ›

Top 10 energy saving tips
  • Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not using them. ...
  • Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ...
  • Shut doors and close curtains. ...
  • Understand and improve your home's energy use. ...
  • Manage your heating and cooling. ...
  • Get the best energy deal. ...
  • Insulate your roof. ...
  • Save money with solar energy.
Nov 17, 2023

How am I spending so much on electricity? ›

If you're not on a fixed-rate plan, some utilities or suppliers may charge you higher rates for consumption during “peak” hours when more people are using electricity. The more electricity you are using during this time, the more you may be paying per kilowatt-hour.

Do ceiling fans use a lot of electricity? ›

Running a fan takes a lot less electricity than running an air conditioner; ceiling fans average at about 15-90 watts of energy used, and tower fans use about 100 watts. The best ceiling fans, window fans, towers and whole-house fans use only a fraction of the energy consumed by an air-conditioner.

Do energy saving devices really work? ›

They often claim you can reduce or even eliminate your power bill by plugging in their devices around your home. The fact is, there is nothing that you can plug in that will reduce your electricity usage and lower your household power bill.

How do I cut the main power to my house? ›

To turn off the power to the entire house, flip off the main breaker, usually a double-width switch located at the top of the service panel. You might need a flashlight handy when you turn off the power to your entire home.

How to reduce always on electricity? ›

3 Easy Tips to Reduce Your Standby Power Loads
  1. Use a Power Strip with Switches. You can use a power strip with on/off switches to plug in your appliances. ...
  2. Unplug Your Products. Another sure way to reduce your standby power load is to just unplug your products. ...
  3. Consider using ENERGY STAR® products.
Feb 9, 2022

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.