How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (2024)

If you sell products or services online, it's only a matter of time before someone requests a refund. If you wish to reserve the right to decline refund requests, there are a few things you can do to help the process go smoothly.

This article will help you understand how to best decline refunds via email, which is the most common method of communication between businesses and customers/users.

Use our to generate a Return and Refund Policy for your store. Just follow these steps:

  1. At Step 1, select where your Return & Refund Policy will be used.

    How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (1)

  2. At Step 2, add information about your website/app and business.

    How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (2)

  3. Answer some questions about your business practices.

    How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (3)

  4. Enter an email address where you'd like to receive your Return and Refund Policy and click "Generate."

    How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (4)

    Done! You'll be able to instantly access and download your new Return and Refund Policy.

  • 1. Why Should You Have a Refund Policy?
  • 2. Examples of Refund Clauses
  • 3. How Do You Enforce Your Refund Policy?
  • 3.1. Have Clear Communication
  • 3.2. Be Realistic
  • 3.3. Set Fair Deadlines
  • 4. How to Best Decline a Refund
  • 4.1. Use company letterhead or signatures
  • 4.2. Be firm and courteous
  • 4.3. Express regret but remain logical
  • 4.4. Thank the customer and offer appreciation
  • 5. Examples of Emails Declining Refunds
  • 5.1. Products returned outside a warranty
  • 5.2. Discontinued products
  • 5.3. Used Products
  • 6. Summary

Why Should You Have a Refund Policy?

When a customer contacts you wanting a refund for a purchase, it can be an awkward experience.

This becomes especially true if you cannot issue a refund due to the condition of the returned item or your business policy on returns & refunds.

Your business needs a comprehensive Return and Refund Policy in order to set out your right to decline refunds for specific reasons (or for any reason).

When declining refunds by email, you can quickly and easily include a link to your Return and Refund Policy in the email so users can reference your policy for more answers.

Examples of Refund Clauses

Here are some examples of clauses in legal agreements that address returns and refunds, and limits on them.

Apple iTunes offers a strict Refund Policy which it maintains in its Terms & Conditions agreement. Since iTunes digital products or services, returns are not a frequent occurrence as they are with goods. This approach is more than adequate.

But the retail branch of Apple offers a separate Return Policy in the support section of its web page but this policy has nothing to do with iTunes' policy.

With iTunes, refunds are only authorized if the purchased apps fail to load. The policy also explains that if fraud or abuse is suspected, the refund will not be authorized:

How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (5)

Barnes and Noble places timeframe and conditions requirements on returns and refunds. For most products, that deadline requires returns to be submitted for a refund within 30 days, and the products also need to be in new condition:

How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (6)

Even customizable products and in-person classes can be addressed within a Return Policy:

How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (7)

It's up to you how broad or strict you want your Return and Refund Policy to be. Just keep in mind that the policy will be a deciding factor in whether someone will purchase from you.

How Do You Enforce Your Refund Policy?

You won't be able to easily enforce your policies surrounding refunds unless you have a well-drafted, publicly-displayed Refund Policy.

You also have to make a policy that you're willing to exercise.

To allow for effective enforcement of your Return/Refund Policy, consider these guidelines:

Have Clear Communication

If you have restrictions such as final sale items or conditions for returns, be upfront about them. Likewise, if you want room to deny refunds while still being generous, put in a "We reserve the right" phrase.

While you have flexibility and freedom with how you handle returns and refunds, you do need to communicate your policies clearly.

Be Realistic

Denying all refunds and returns on sale merchandise is actually a reasonable policy. Many consumers expect that, even if they don't appreciate it.

However, if you don't allow any refunds or returns at all, it's likely you'll be appeasing many angry customers with refunds against your policy.

Rather than take a path that compromises goodwill, create a realistic refund policy that you can consistently enforce. Your customers and potential customers will favor this.

Set Fair Deadlines

A 14-day or 30-day return deadline is reasonable.

Keeping the return deadline open-ended risks having to appease customers with refunds for obviously well-used merchandise.

If you create a clear Return/Refund Policy that you can live with and enforce consistently, declining refunds becomes easier.

How to Best Decline a Refund

The best course of action when declining refunds is to explain why you are declining one.

Be concise and give specific reasons and you're less likely to lose faith or receive pushback from a customer.

Reasons for declining a refund can vary. Here are some common reasons why a refund may be declined:

  • The item is one of a special no-refund category such as a consumable or undergarments
  • The refund window has closed
  • The product was part of a promotion with no refunds authorized

You will want to explain these reasons and do so with courtesy.

Before you write an email rejecting a refund request, consider carefully how you wish to present that correspondence.

Here are some tips:

Use company letterhead or signatures

If you have a trademark email signature or letterhead, use it to appear more official.

This will not be an informal email but one written like business correspondence.

The professionalism and voice of authority here may help customers accept the fact that they cannot have a refund.

Be firm and courteous

Start by acknowledging the refund request and your steps in determining if it was valid. Then explain your decision to deny the refund.

Use active language like, "I looked into your situation and our refund policy does not allow one in this case."

Consider indicating that you spoke to a manager to add to the authority. This also shows that you looked into this matter thoughtfully and did not reject the refund request right away.

Investigation, even when it ends in a negative conclusion, is appreciated more than uninformed or seemingly brash decision making.

Express regret but remain logical

There's no harm in indicating that you're sorry but the policy does not allow a refund in this matter. It shows empathy but also demonstrates that your hands are tied when it comes to the situation.

If there's a manufacturer's policy that voids the warranty or other items out of your control, mention them, too.

You want to give specific reasons because being vague will only contribute to frustration of the customer.

Thank the customer and offer appreciation

Appreciation can go a long way with negative news. Indicate that you're grateful for their patronage and you hope they will shop with you again.

Offer a discount for their next purchase if you have the means to do so. Even a 15 percent discount can encourage forgiveness.

Before you send the email declining a refund, proofread it carefully and check to see if you missed any policy explanations.

You want your letter to be clear, well written, and contain all applicable reasons for denying the refund.

Examples of Emails Declining Refunds

Here are a few examples of how to decline a refund through email.

Products returned outside a warranty

Products returned outside a warranty are a frequent reasons for refund refusals. You'll likely deny these refunds because you'll not get reimbursed by a manufacturer and you don't want to absorb that cost.

For this situation, try this approach:

How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (8)

Discontinued products

Discontinued products that people attempt to return past return deadlines is also a regular occurrence.

This example will give you ideas even if the only issue with the return request was the deadline:

How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (9)

Used Products

When products are obviously used or have been tampered with, it suggests bad faith from the customer. It's apparent that a refund is not appropriate.

However, even in this tough situation, it's best to stick with facts and offer a full explanation:

How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (10)

If the email exchange involved a particularly unruly customer, you can always suggest they talk to an attorney or a consumer agency. The above example reflects that possibility.

Remember that when you encounter difficult customers to keep a file of correspondence and policies in case they really do consult an attorney or file a consumer complaint.


It's in your best interest to create a good Refund Policy and enforce it consistently, especially if you wish to decline user refund requests.

Note important details like how long your return window is and how users can go about requesting a refund. Reserve your right to decline refunds at your discretion, and note any conditions of return that must be present, such as the item having original packaging or being returned within 10 days.

Let users know how to go about requesting a refund as well.

When you do decide to decline a refund request, you can do it via email by being polite, to the point, and letting the user know why you made your decision. Link to your Return and Refund Policy as well so the user can find out more detailed information about your decision.

How to Decline Refunds by Email - TermsFeed (2024)


How to decline a refund by email sample? ›

Refund Not Granted

Dear [Customer Name], After careful review of your refund request for order #ORDER1234, we regret to inform you that we are unable to grant the refund. [Provide reason for denial, if appropriate.] We understand this may be disappointing and apologize for any inconvenience.

How to politely refuse a refund request? ›

Be Polite But Clear
  1. Give a specific reason why you're declining the request. ...
  2. You may use apologetic language, such as "unfortunately," "regretfully," or "we are sorry we can't provide a refund on this occasion." However, your position should be clear and firm.
  3. Show that you've truly considered the request.
Jul 6, 2023

How do you say we do not accept returns? ›

All sales are considered final. We do not offer refunds or exchanges for any products or services sold through [Insert Company Website or Platform].

How do you explain no refund policy to customers? ›

You explain “no refund policy” by stating which items will not be refunded, outlining any exceptions, and posting the policy prominently on your site. No refund policies usually apply to products such as: Customized items. One-time use items.

How to reject a request politely in email sample? ›

Thank you for your recent request. We value your engagement and are always happy to assist you where we can. However, your request seems to fall outside the scope of our services. As much as we would like to help, it's important to maintain the distinction between our roles.

How do you tell someone you won't refund them? ›

  1. It depends on the policy, timing and condition.
  2. I'm sorry we can't refund for a purchase that long ago.
  3. I'm sorry, the manufacturer requires all returns go to them.
  4. I'm sorry you don't think the food was properly done but we can't refund after you eat it all.
Oct 12, 2020

How do I tell a client they will not get a refund? ›

Use active language in your communication. Instead of saying “Your case has been investigated” and “The refund can't be provided”, go for “I have carefully looked into your situation” and “We can't issue a refund according to our policy”. Make sure to show your customer that you've really investigated the case.

How do you respond to a customer who wants a refund? ›

Here's a step-by-step guide to navigate such conversations and turn it into a positive experience for your customer:
  1. Step 1: Acknowledge the request. ...
  2. Step 2: Understand the reason for the refund. ...
  3. Step 3: Explain the refund process. ...
  4. Step 4: Offer a solution or alternatives. ...
  5. Step 5: Confirm the action taken.
Sep 2, 2024

Are you allowed to say no refund? ›

It is legal to offer no return or refund policies in the US and Canada, but in Australia, the UK, and parts of Europe, returns are required by law for faulty products.

When can you refuse a refund? ›

When you do not have to offer a refund. You do not have to refund a customer if they: knew an item was faulty when they bought it. damaged an item by trying to repair it themselves or getting someone else to do it (though they may still have the right to a repair, replacement or partial refund)

What is the best approach to handle a customer who wants a refund for a non-refundable product? ›

Facing a non-refundable product refund request? Here's how to manage it: Acknowledge the customer's frustration, then clearly explain the return policy. Explore alternative solutions like store credit or exchange (if possible). Remain professional and courteous throughout.

How do I politely decline a refund request email? ›

Start by acknowledging the refund request and your steps in determining if it was valid. Then explain your decision to deny the refund. Use active language like, "I looked into your situation and our refund policy does not allow one in this case." Consider indicating that you spoke to a manager to add to the authority.

How to word no refund policy? ›

A no refund policy should include specific details about the types of purchases that are non-refundable, the reasons behind the policy, any exceptions (e.g., damaged goods), and tips for customers to avoid situations where they might want a refund.

How do you avoid returns from customers? ›

Here are seven tactics you can implement to reduce high return rates.
  1. Focus on detail-rich product descriptions. ...
  2. Focus on improving product imagery. ...
  3. Implement a dynamic sizing chart. ...
  4. Elevate the value of customer reviews. ...
  5. Promote exchanges instead of returns. ...
  6. Leverage Quality Tiles in Your Product or Category Pages.
May 29, 2024

How do I reply to a refund email? ›

How to Respond to Refund Requests
  1. Step 1: Acknowledge the request. First things first, let the customer know you've received their request. ...
  2. Step 2: Understand the reason for the refund. ...
  3. Step 3: Explain the refund process. ...
  4. Step 4: Offer a solution or alternatives. ...
  5. Step 5: Confirm the action taken.
Sep 2, 2024

How do you write an email for a refund not received? ›

Dear [Company Representative's Name], I am writing to request a refund for [product/service name] purchased on [Date] with order number [Order Number]. Unfortunately, the [product/service] did not meet my expectations due to [reason for dissatisfaction], and I believe a refund is warranted.

How to reject a claim politely? ›

Best Practices To Follow When You Decline A Customer's Request
  1. 💡 Listen To & Understand The Request.
  2. 💡 Be Empathetic Towards The Customer.
  3. 💡 Start With A Sincere Apology.
  4. 💡 Keep Your Reply Short & Simple.
  5. 💡 Explain The Rejection With Clarity.
  6. 💡 Use A Positive Tone to Decline Requests.
  7. 💡 Carefully Personalize Your Response.
Feb 15, 2022

How to politely decline a request for money? ›

Make it a Policy:

Make a policy to NEVER loan people money or co-sign loans. When someone requests help, just say, “I have a personal policy to never lend money to friends or family.” If they ask why, you can say, “My relationships are too important to have money come between us.”

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.