How To Donate Goods | The Pros and Cons of Donating Goods Instead of Cash — Everyday Activism Network (2024)

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Written By Everyday Activism Network

The Pros and Cons of Donating Goods Instead of Cash

Donations come in many forms. You can donate money, goods, time and talent, blood, rewards points, stocks, other assets, and much more.

Today, we are talking about how to donate goods (think: food, clothing, supplies). It makes us feel good to believe we are helping people in need by donating tangible goods, whether new or used. However, many donated items can become a burden rather than a benefit.

Here’s how to increase your impact.

When donating used items

The old adage that one person’s junk is another person’s treasure is not always true. Nobody needs your junk.

Nonprofits often get stuck with unusable donated clothes, furniture, equipment, and household items that must then be disposed of at the expense of the nonprofit.

Before donating used items, ask yourself if this is something you would directly gift to someone if you could see them face-to-face. Nobody wants clothes or furniture with stains, holes, and tears. Nonprofits and low-income people don’t need obsolete computers or appliances on the fritz. Instead, find a way to recycle these items.

Donate high-quality items and follow the guidelines

If you have high-quality used items to donate:

  • Look for organizations with established donation programs or a call for specific items.

  • Do your research and make sure you follow the guidelines provided. Established programs will have policies that list exactly what you can and cannot donate.

By donating high-quality used goods to an existing program, you are more likely to reduce the burden to the organization and ensure that the item is redistributed to individuals and communities in need.

Considerations when donating to thrift shops

Second-hand shops, vintage stores, and thrift shops have many ethical, environmental, and economic benefits. In recent years, thrifting has gained in popularity and become trendy among more wealthy consumers who reject fast fashion and want to increase their sustainable consumption patterns. This can have unintended consequences for the low-income consumers that thrift stores were meant to serve. For example, some thrift stores have moved to higher-income neighborhoods that are less accessible. And, an increase in consumer interest means that high-quality items go more quickly and may not reach the people who cannot otherwise afford them. When donating to thrift shops, it’s important to consider the clientele to help ensure that your donation reaches an individual in need.

When donating new items

It’s often much more cost-effective and empowering to donate cash than new items.

Nonprofits typically can purchase items they need in bulk, at a discount, and with less sales tax. For the amount you spend on a can of soup to donate to a food bank, that food bank could use those same funds to buy three cans of soup.

Promote dignity, not charity

If you are responding to a specific call for items (think: a back-to-school drive or Toys for Tots), look for programs that distribute new items in a way that promotes dignity and empowerment, not charity.

It can be humiliating to admit that you aren’t able to provide for yourself or your family and accept handouts from strangers. On top of that, it is frustrating to receive donations that aren’t an exact match to what you need. Organizations that use a people-centered approach focused on the needs of the individuals or communities they serve rather than the donor are likely to be more successful. Look for programs that:

  • Collect specific wish-list items from intended recipients.

  • Set up simulated stores where individuals can browse the inventory and make their own decisions about what to “purchase.”

  • Provide gift cards instead. While giving gift cards to friends and family may seem impersonal, it is very empowering to individuals in need to be able to go into a store on their own and pick out precisely what they want.

Considerations when donating goods directly to nonprofits

You can also donate items (new or used) to the nonprofit, itself, versus items that the nonprofit passes on to communities and individuals in need. The same rules apply. Make sure that it is something that the nonprofit needs and that it is of high quality. If not, donate cash instead. Nonprofits rely on cash donations from individuals to use as unrestricted funding. Many large-scale donations and grants come with strings attached and must be spent on specific items (aka restricted funding). Cash donations allow nonprofits the autonomy to direct funds to where they are needed most and respond to unexpected emergencies. Learn more in our Making the Most Of Your Monetary Donations post.

When donating during an emergency

If you want to donate goods during an emergency, please ensure that you are responding to a call for specific items that the community needs. Otherwise, following a disaster, it is usually best to give cash, not goods. Although well-intentioned, sending goods can do more harm than good.

The best way to help during a crisis is to make monetary donations to locally-led organizations already operational on the ground.

When donating goods, you can never be sure what communities need most. Particularly when responding to an emergency where cultural preferences may be different from your own. It is much more cost-effective for you to give them money to buy in bulk and locally than it is for you to buy a product that must then be shipped to the community in crisis (especially considering the burden of shipping costs and customs fees). Buying locally has the added benefit of bolstering the local economy. It also ensures that shipping routes are not clogged with unneeded items, interfering with large-scale, coordinated relief efforts to deliver harder-to-get supplies.

How To Donate Goods | The Pros and Cons of Donating Goods Instead of Cash — Everyday Activism Network (3)

When a crisis hits in another country, it can be hard to figure out who the most effective local organizations are. We also recommend donating to trusted international grantmaking organizations that redistribute funds to local groups in the form of grants. We like AJWS, Global Fund for Women, Global Fund for Children, Grassroots International, MADRE, Mama Cash, Thousand Currents, and Urgent Action Funds, among others. Check with them to see if they have grantee-partners in the country in crisis where you want to donate.

The benefits of direct cash transfers to people living in poverty

Some people prefer to donate goods because they think that people living in poverty will misuse a cash donation. For example, that the recipient will waste the cash on luxury items or alcohol, or not want to work. This feeling is often rooted in power, paternalism, and saviorism. And, research shows it’s simply not true. People who are poor know what they need to lift themselves out of poverty and, when given the chance, it’s exactly what they do. It’s time to trust them.

Putting cash in the hands of poor people (aka direct cash transfers and basic income programs) — and letting them determine how to spend it in order to improve their lives — is an effective and increasingly popular method of reducing poverty. From Stockton, California to countries around the world, cash transfer programs are often much more effective at producing long-term positive outcomes (think: increased nutrition, stable housing, school enrolment, and entrepreneurship) than traditional goods distribution programs. They also tend to cost less and help stimulate local economies.

We can apply these same lessons learned and best practices to our individual giving. The next time you have the option to directly give money versus goods, challenge yourself to trust the individual in need and just give them the cash with no strings attached. Or, check out Give Directly, a nonprofit that lets donors like you send money directly to the world’s poorest households.

A good rule of thumb

In most instances, we believe that making a monetary donation is more impactful than donating goods.

Cash donations ensure that nonprofits and social change organizations are able to buy exactly what they need to achieve their mission and give them the flexibility to direct resources to where they are most needed. Cash donations also mean that organizations can be nimble in their responses to unexpected emergencies. Direct cash transfers to individuals are also a proven method of reducing poverty and bringing about beneficial impacts across a range of outcomes.

However, there are a few exceptions. Consider donating goods when they:

  • Fit the exact needs of the individuals or community in need.

  • Cannot be purchased locally by the individuals or community in need.

  • Create an empowering experience for the individual or community served.

  • Are of greater value than a financial contribution.

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Originally published October 5, 2021.

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How To Donate Goods | The Pros and Cons of Donating Goods Instead of Cash — Everyday Activism Network (2024)


How To Donate Goods | The Pros and Cons of Donating Goods Instead of Cash — Everyday Activism Network? ›

If you want to donate goods during an emergency, please ensure that you are responding to a call for specific items that the community needs. Otherwise, following a disaster, it is usually best to give cash, not goods. Although well-intentioned, sending goods can do more harm than good.

What are the pros and cons of charitable giving? ›

Pros and cons to donating to charities as a business
  • Pro: Giving back boosts employee morale. ...
  • Con: It can become a distraction. ...
  • Pro: There are tax deductions for charitable giving. ...
  • Con: It may cause burdensome record-keeping. ...
  • Pro: You can earn goodwill with customers. ...
  • Con: You risk looking self-serving.
Aug 6, 2022

What are the disadvantages of donations? ›

  • Time intensive.
  • Legal/ethical implications need to be considered.
  • Potential to distract from main cause.

Is it better to donate or sell items? ›

If you need the money, make the effort to sell your excess—especially when it comes to big, expensive items. But if you do not need the money, just give your things away. Reselling your clutter adds time and energy, anxiety and frustration to the minimizing journey.

How much of a donation actually goes to the charity? ›

Factors Affecting the Percentage of Donation. How much of your donations actually go to charity? Some charities allocate 60% of donations to their cause, preserving a large portion of funds to pay staff high salaries, while others allocate 95% of their goods and funds to people in need.

What is a disadvantage of a charity? ›

An organisation must have exclusively charitable purposes. Some organisations may carry out a range of activities, where only some of them are charitable activities. In general, to meet the charity test and register as a charity, the organisation would have to stop its non-charitable activities.

Is donation good or not? ›

A happier, longer life

People usually donate because it feels good to help others, and altruism and volunteering have been linked to positive health outcomes, including a lower risk for depression and greater longevity.

What are the common risks of donating? ›

Here's a closer look at the disadvantages to consider before donating blood.
  • Bruising. When you donate blood, you sit or lie on a reclining chair with your arm extended on an armrest. ...
  • Continued bleeding. ...
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, and nausea. ...
  • Pain. ...
  • Physical weakness. ...
  • Time-consuming. ...
  • But donating blood can do a lot of good.
Mar 15, 2017

Who should not donate? ›

Some Conditions That Disqualify People From Donating Blood
ConditionPermanent or Temporary Disqualification
Anemia (a low level of hemoglobin in the blood)Temporary
Asthma, severePermanent
Bleeding disorders, congenitalPermanent
Cancers involving blood cells (for example, leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma)Permanent
17 more rows

What is an example of bad philanthropy? ›

This is the most blatant form of philanthropic harm and can take all too many forms, from deliberate misappropriation of donated funds to hoarding food donated to disaster victims and selling it for profit, to using a fake nonprofit to funnel bribes from parents trying to sneak their kids into elite universities.

Is it better to donate cash or items? ›

Considerations when donating goods directly to nonprofits

Make sure that it is something that the nonprofit needs and that it is of high quality. If not, donate cash instead. Nonprofits rely on cash donations from individuals to use as unrestricted funding.

What is the best place to donate goods? ›

Goodwill is a nonprofit organization that is entirely donation based. It's also one of the most commonly recognized charity organizations that accepts clothing donations. In-person drop-off locations around the United States accept everything from clothing and accessories to homegoods.

Why donate stock instead of cash? ›

By donating stock that has appreciated for more than a year, you are actually giving 20 percent more than if you sold the stock and then made a cash donation. The reason is simple: avoiding capital gains taxes. The maximum federal capital gains tax rate is 20 percent on long-term holdings.

Which charities give the least to their cause? ›

Here are some of the worst offenders:
  • Kids Wish Network.
  • Cancer Fund of America.
  • Children's Wish Foundation International.
  • American Breast Cancer Foundation.
  • Firefighters Charitable Foundation.
  • Breast Cancer Relief Foundation.
  • International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO.
  • National Veterans Service Fund.
May 6, 2024

What percentage of donations actually go to St. Jude's? ›

Your gift will help save kids' lives and help drive the research to cure childhood cancer. We're proud that 82 cents of every dollar received goes to support the treatment, research and future needs of St. Jude.

Which charity gives the highest percentage? ›

25 Nonprofits With Over 95% of Donations Going to the Cause
  • Patient Access Network Foundation (97%) ...
  • Marine Toys for Tots Foundation (96%) ...
  • Mayo Clinic (96%) ...
  • The Assistance Fund (96%) ...
  • Cross International (95%) ...
  • Food for the Poor (95%) ...
  • Scholarship America (95%) ...
  • St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance (95%)
Nov 18, 2021

What is a disadvantage of charitable aid? ›

Unstable and not a constant flow of money. Most charities take the money and use it to pay there employees.

What is the negative of charity? ›

Obvious disadvantages are not being certain where your money is going, and having money disappear in overhead charges. However, sometimes organizations have political clout and expertise you lack. They can lobby for new laws or aggregate donations to make a real difference.

Is it worth it to donate to charity? ›

It can make you feel pretty good about yourself. There's nothing quite like doing something for someone else to put a smile on your face. Even when we're not feeling our best, if we put some kindness back into the world it can help us feel a little better in ourselves and about the world around us.

What are three benefits of charitable giving? ›

What Are the Benefits of Donating Money to Charity?
  • Inspire Additional Donations. ...
  • Cultivate Generous Kids. ...
  • Feel Wealthier. ...
  • A Great Addition to Volunteering. ...
  • Become More Thankful. ...
  • Improve Your Health. ...
  • Double Your Impact. ...
  • Receive a Tax Deduction.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.