How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources in WordPress (2024)

When someone tries to visit a page on your site, they enter the URL in their browser, which immediately goes to work. To load the page, it has to “render” all of the elements that make up that page.

But sometimes, there are CSS or JavaScript files that pause this process, preventing your content from rendering —these are called render-blocking resources. This means that visitors may experience long wait times, which can negatively impact how people perceive your organization and whether they take the actions you’d like.

In this guide, we’ll explain what render-blocking resources are and discuss the benefits of removing them from your site. Then, we’ll show you how to eliminate them in five different ways.

What are render-blocking resources?

Before we take a close look at render-blocking resources, it’s important to understand the normal loading process of a website. After a visitor clicks a link to your site, their browser needs to render (or download) all of its content. It reads your site’s code from top to bottom, including all of its HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Visitors won’t be able to see your website until the browser fully reads this queue of scripts. If there are render-blocking resources, they could end up waiting a long time.

Essentially, a render-blocking resource is a CSS or JavaScript file that causes a browser to stop loading other content until it’s processed. This can pause the rendering process, causing the page to appear blank or incomplete.

Whenever your site has render-blocking resources, it loads unnecessary files at the top of its code. Visitors will have to wait until these files are processed before they can see the page.

Here are some website performance metrics that can be affected by render-blocking resources:

  • LCP (Largest Contentful Paint): this measures how long it takes to load the main content of a page.
  • FCP (First Contentful Paint): this is the time it takes for the browser to render the first piece of Document Object Model (DOM) content on your site.
  • TBT (Total Blocking Time): this measures the delay between First Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive (how long it takes a page to become fully interactive).

Render-blocking resources aren’t critical for loading, but they can delay the rendering process. This can have a negative impact on your site’s User Experience (UX). So, to prevent visitors from leaving your pages, it’s important that you eliminate these.

Benefits of eliminating render-blocking resources

In general, internet users don’t like waiting for pages to load. A fast site can encourage visitors to explore your content and prevent them from turning to a competitor.

Eliminating render-blocking resources can be the key to improving page speed because you’re essentially making your website’s code as lightweight as possible.

Removing render-blocking files can also improve your search engine rankings because site performance and user engagement are some of the metrics companies like Google use when evaluating sites.

How to test your website for render-blocking resources

Before you start eliminating files from your site, you’ll need to figure out whether or not it has render blocking resources. Slow loading times can be caused by other factors, too, like unoptimized images, low-quality hosting, or having too many plugins.

To test your website for render-blocking resources, you can use a tool like Google’s PageSpeed Insights. This can give you detailed reports on your page performance and provide suggestions to help you improve your scores.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (1)

To get started, simply enter your site’s URL in the search box and click Analyze. The tool will then test your site’s performance. Once it’s ready, you’ll see an assessment of your Core Web Vitals, which are a set of metrics about your page speed.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (2)

PageSpeed Insights also makes it easy to check for render-blocking resources. To do this, you can scroll down to the Opportunities section. Here, you’ll need to look for a suggestion labeled Eliminate render-blocking resources.

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If you click on it, PageSpeed Insights will give you a list of render-blocking resources that it identified during the test. On the right-hand side of the page, you’ll see the estimated savings if you delete or defer these files.

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Once you’ve identified your render-blocking resources, you can go ahead and remove them from your site. This way, you can improve your page speed and user experience.

How to eliminate render-blocking resources in WordPress

Now that you know how to identify render-blocking resources in WordPress, you might be wondering how to remove them from your site. Fortunately, we’ve compiled a list of different ways you can do this, starting with the easiest methods.

1. Optimize CSS loading

One way to eliminate render-blocking resources is to optimize your website’s CSS loading. As discussed earlier, a browser loads your website from top to bottom. When it has to process certain files, this can delay the loading process.

It’s important to note that only certain CSS files are required for loading. Therefore, when you optimize CSS loading, you can display the most important files first.

Although you can remove render-blocking CSS manually, you can install a plugin to simplify the process. Jetpack Boost enables you to optimize your site from your WordPress dashboard.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (5)

With this plugin, you can optimize CSS loading, defer non-essential JavaScript, and implement lazy loading in a few simple steps. This is one of the easiest ways to eliminate render-blocking resources in WordPress.

To get started, navigate to Plugins → Add New in your WordPress dashboard and search for Jetpack Boost. Then, install and activate the plugin on your site.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (6)

If you already have Jetpack installed, you can navigate to Jetpack → My Jetpack. From the list of Jetpack products, look for Boost and click on Activate.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (7)

After activating the plugin, click on the Jetpack Boost tab and select Get Started.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (8)

Jetpack will automatically give you a performance score for your website. You’ll see a letter grade, as well as details about your mobile and desktop scores.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (9)

Then, scroll down to Optimize CSS Loading and turn on this feature. When activated, Jetpack Boost will move your WordPress critical CSS to the top of your pages, so they load faster.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (10)

2. Defer non-essential JavaScript

Optimizing CSS loading is not the only step you can take to eliminate render-blocking resources in WordPress. You can also defer parsing of non-essential JavaScript to further improve your site’s load times.

By deferring non-essential JavaScript, you can postpone certain tasks until after your content loads. If some JavaScript files are not necessary to load a page, you can prevent the browser from processing them.

Luckily, this is simple to implement with the Jetpack Boost plugin. After you optimize CSS loading, you can easily defer non-essential JavaScript as well.

To do this, locate the Defer Non-Essential JavaScript section, which is underneath Optimize CSS Loading, and turn on the toggle switch.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (11)

Once you enable this setting, the plugin will recalculate your overall page performance. You’ll be able to see your score before and after using Jetpack Boost.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (12)

Compare the scores in the screenshots before and after we went through this process. You’ll see that optimizing CSS loading and deferring non-essential JavaScript were effective in improving page speed. Without having to process bulky scripts, browsers are able to load your content faster.

3. Defer off-screen images

Images are not a render-blocking resource, but you can consider optimizing their loading process to improve your page rendering. Often, websites contain off-screen images that don’t appear on a page until a visitor makes an interaction, like scrolling. Since these are non-critical to loading the web page, you can defer them with lazy loading.

Lazy image loading involves only loading the images that visitors can see. When someone starts to scroll, these images will load right before they appear on the page.

Without lazy loading, a browser will attempt to load all of the images on a page at once. This means it will take longer for your content to load, which can prompt people to leave your site.

If a visitor is using a desktop computer, regular loading might not be a problem. On the other hand, smartphones and tablets have smaller screens and less bandwidth. If your website fully loads all of its images at once, this can put more strain on the bandwidth and increase loading times for mobile phone users. Lazy loading solves this problem.

You can use Jetpack Boost to enable lazy loading on your site. Simply find the Lazy Image Loading feature and turn it on.

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By doing this, your website will only load images as the visitor scrolls down the page. Although images are not a render-blocking resource, turning on lazy loading can help improve your page speed.

The easiest speed optimization plugin forWordPress

Jetpack Boost gives your site the same performance advantages as the world’s leading websites, no developer required.

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4. Manually remove render-blocking JavaScript

Although installing an optimization plugin is a much simpler solution, you can also remove render-blocking resources manually. Ideally, you should only consider this option if you are an experienced coder. This process might also be useful if you want to reduce the number of plugins on your website.

When optimizing JavaScript, you can add an async or defer attribute to your files. This will mark the non-critical scripts and tell the browser to render them separately. Both attributes can be used to make HTML content load faster.

In a normal script, the HTML file is parsed until it reaches a script file. Then, the parsing will pause while it retrieves the script. Once it is downloaded and executed, the parsing resumes.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (14)

The async attribute lets the browser download JavaScript while it’s parsing the rest of the HTML. Once it downloads, it can stop the HTML parsing to execute the script.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (15)

Similarly, the defer attribute lets the browser download the script while parsing the HTML. The difference is that it also waits until after the HTML parsing has finished to execute the script.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (16)

To implement either of these attributes, you’ll have to add a code snippet to your functions.php file. First, you’ll need to find the <script> tag for the render-blocking resource. Then, you can add an async attribute like this:

<script src="resource.js" async></script>

Alternatively, here’s what a script might look like with a defer attribute:


While a plugin can handle these attributes for you, you might prefer to perform this task yourself. If so, it’s important that you know when to use each attribute. For non-essential scripts that rely on another script, you’ll need to use a defer attribute. For all other scripts, you can go with async.

5. Apply async or defer attributes with a plugin

If you’re having trouble editing scripts manually, you can use a plugin like Async JavaScript. This tool enables you to fully control which scripts have an async or defer attribute.

Once you’ve installed the plugin, go to Settings → Async JavaScript and select Enable Async JavaScript.

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Then, navigate to the Async JavaScript Method section. Here, you can select whether you want to enable async or defer attributes.

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Since many plugins rely on jQuery, it’s a good idea to exclude these scripts. If you try to apply async attributes to jQuery, you could end up breaking your website.

When in doubt, you can use the defer attribute, but the best course of action is to exclude jQuery altogether.

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Now, you can list specific scripts that you want to defer or async. It’s important to make sure that you place each script in the correct section.

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (20)

Under the Script Exclusion section, you can list any scripts that you want to exclude from this process.

At the bottom of the page, you’ll also see options for excluding plugins and themes. When you list a theme or plugin here, their scripts will not apply to the async or defer attributes.

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Once you’ve customized these options, you can go ahead and click on Save Settings. This method can be an effective middle ground between manually editing scripts and allowing a plugin to perform this process for you. Alternatively, you can use an all-in-one tool like Jetpack Boost to remove these extra steps.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

As you can see, there are several ways to eliminate render-blocking resources in WordPress. Let’s look at some of the most common questions about this process.

How can I test my WordPress site for render-blocking resources?

You can test your WordPress website by entering its URL on PageSpeed Insights. In your results, look for any render-blocking resources under the Opportunities section.

Are render-blocking resources related to Core Web Vitals?

Yes, render-blocking resources can negatively impact your WordPress site’s Core Web Vitals scores. Any unoptimized scripts can increase the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Total Blocking Time (TBT), and First Contentful Paint (FCP). If you test your website with a Core Web Vitals software, like PageSpeed Insights, it may suggest eliminating render-blocking resources to improve your score.

Is HTML a render-blocking resource?

Yes, any HTML imports, scripts, or stylesheets that delay the page rendering process can be a render-blocking resource.

Are images render-blocking?

No, images are not a render-blocking resource, but you might still want to optimize images to increase your page speed. Using Jetpack Boost, you can defer off-screen images to only load what’s visible on the screen. Then, images will load as a visitor scrolls down the page.

Optimize your site for faster load times

When you remove render-blocking files, you can improve your site’s load times. This may contribute to a better user experience, which can keep visitors on your website for longer periods. Therefore, eliminating render-blocking resources can be an effective way to optimize your site to better reach your goals.

To review, here are five ways you can eliminate render-blocking resources in WordPress:

  1. Optimize CSS loading with Jetpack Boost.
  2. Defer non-essential JavaScript.
  3. Defer off-screen images.
  4. Manually remove render-blocking resources.
  5. Apply async or defer attributes with the Async JavaScript plugin.

Once you remove render-blocking resources, your visitors can enjoy faster loading times!

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How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources inWordPress (22)

Simon Keating

Simon has worked in marketing and product development for over 10 years, previously at HubSpot, Workday, and now Automattic (Jetpack). He has a varied education, with a degree in chemical engineering and a masters in computer science to his name. His passion is helping people and their businesses grow.

The easiest speed optimization plugin forWordPress

Jetpack Boost gives your site the same performance advantages as the world’s leading websites, no developer required.

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How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources in WordPress (2024)


How to fix eliminate render blocking resources in WordPress? ›

How to eliminate render-blocking resources in WordPress
  1. Optimize CSS loading. One way to eliminate render-blocking resources is to optimize your website's CSS loading. ...
  2. Defer non-essential JavaScript. ...
  3. Defer off-screen images. ...
  4. Manually remove render-blocking JavaScript. ...
  5. Apply async or defer attributes with a plugin.
Apr 19, 2024

How to eliminate render blocking resources on WordPress free plugin? ›

How To Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources With the Autoptimize Plugin
  1. Install and activate the Autoptimize plugin.
  2. From your WordPress dashboard, select, Settings > Autoptimize.
  3. Under JavaScript Options, check the box next to Optimize JavaScript code?.
  4. If the box next to Aggregate JS-files? is checked, uncheck it.
Jan 17, 2023

What does eliminate render blocking resources mean? ›

When Google tells you to eliminate render-blocking resources, it's essentially saying, “hey, don't load unnecessary resources at the top of your site's code because it's going to make it take longer for visitors' browsers to download the visible part of your content”.

How to eliminate render blocking resources in WP Fastest Cache? ›

How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources in WordPress
  • Use a Caching Plugin: ...
  • Minimize CSS and JavaScript Files: ...
  • Load JavaScript Asynchronously: ...
  • Defer JavaScript Execution: ...
  • Inline Critical CSS: ...
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): ...
  • Optimize Images: ...
  • Lazy Load Images and Videos:
Oct 4, 2023

How to eliminate render blocking resources manually? ›

  1. Identify your render-blocking resources.
  2. Don't use CSS imports.
  3. Load conditional CSS with media attributes.
  4. Defer non-critical CSS.
  5. Use the defer and async attributes to eliminate render-blocking JavaScript.
  6. Find and remove unused CSS and JavaScript.
  7. Split code into smaller bundles.
  8. Minify CSS and JavaScript files.
Apr 23, 2024

How does eliminating render blocking resources affect page performance WordPress? ›

Step 10: Test and Monitor Performance

By following the above steps and utilizing the available plugins, you can effectively eliminate render-blocking resources. It will improve your WordPress website's speed, user experience, and overall performance. This will also improve WordPress SEO site ranking.

How to fix lcp issue in WordPress? ›

In our experience, here are the most effective optimizations you can make to improve your website's LCP scores:
  1. Resize and compress images. In most cases, images will determine your LCP scores. ...
  2. Choose a better hosting service. ...
  3. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN). ...
  4. Eliminate render-blocking resources.

How do I clean up plugins in WordPress? ›

Alternatively, log in to your WordPress dashboard and select the "Appearance" or “Plugins” options for inactive themes and plugins, respectively. From there, you can select and delete them (in the example below, we're deleting an inactive WordPress theme).

How to eliminate render blocking resources in Elementor? ›

To optimize Elementor-generated CSS, and avoid render-blocking issues, you can use plugins like WP Rocket or Autoptimize to minify and combine CSS files. You can inline critical CSS, use asynchronous or deferred loading of CSS files, and remove unused CSS and JavaScript.

How to eliminate render blocking resources with WP Rocket? ›

Render blocking JavaScript

The Load JavaScript deferred feature in WP Rocket should help eliminate the render-blocking JavaScript on your website by adding the “defer” tag in each script tag. You'll find this feature under Dashboard → WP Rocket → Settings → File Optimization → Load JavaScript Deferred.

How do you make CSS non blocking? ›

To create a non-blocking CSS link, move the not-immediately used styles, such as print styles, into separate file, add a <link> to the HTML mark up, and add a media query, in this case stating it's a print stylesheet. By default, the browser assumes that each specified style sheet is render blocking.

Is CSS a render blocking resource? ›

This creates an important performance implication: both HTML and CSS are render blocking resources. The HTML is obvious, since without the DOM we would not have anything to render, but the CSS requirement may be less obvious.

How do I remove render blocking from WP-Optimize? ›

You can eliminate all render-blocking resources by deferring all non-critical JavaScript and CSS files. You can defer your JavaScript files by going to WP-Optimize > Minify > JavaScript and going to the “Load JavaScript asynchronously” section.

How do I clear my WordPress cache? ›

However, if you experience problems and need to clear your cache, it's easy to do so. Just head to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to WP Engine in the sidebar. Then click on Purge All Caches under the General settings. It's that simple!

How do I stop WordPress from caching? ›

How Do You Disable Caching in WordPress?
  1. Find and edit the wp-config. php file for your site.
  2. Locate this section in wp-config. php file: define('WP_CACHE',true);
  3. Change value of true to false.
  4. Save your changes.
Jul 13, 2022

How to fix broken internal JavaScript and CSS files in WordPress? ›

With the help of a broken link checker, the JS files that aren't working can be found in the linked JavaScript column. Swap them out for ones that result in a successful 200 HTTP response. Instead of trying to fix the broken JavaScript files, you could simply get rid of them if you're not utilizing them.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.