How to find the best stocks: Step by Step method (2024)

A stockscreener is a very useful tool for investors who like to buy stocks themselves. With a stockscreener you can easily find stocks that are undervalued, like Warren Buffet likes to call them Value stocks. In this blog I will show you what it is and how it works.

What is a stockscreener?

A stockscreener is a tool, usually via a website, on which you can filter or rank a list of different stocks. Depending on the stockscreener you use, you can filter on many different fundamental and technical indicators. Think of the price/earnings ratio, price/book ratio, price/sales ratio, marketcap but also of the strongest gainers, strongest lossers or specific sectors and countries.

You have another nice bag of money ready to go. What do you do with it? You’d like to invest, but which shares? You could of course go for an ETF but you still prefer to choose yourself. Fine. How do you find the gem that gives you a good return and does not have too much risk?

You can look on different forums, like facebook, discord, reddit or maybe someone mentions a golden tip on Instagram? On forums the same stocks are usually mentioned. So by doing that you are in a trap.

You can also look on various websites, such as Fool, Yahoo Finance, Seeking Alpha or The Shareholder. But these also often discuss only a limited number of shares.

You can also listen to your neighbor or your uncle but they probably only promote their own stocks and are biased anyway.

Or you could use a stockscreener…

In short, how do you find stocks that you have never actually heard of! Searching through all lists is impossible. That’s why stockscreeners are so easy!

You’ll come across shares you’ve never heard of. Of course, this does not mean that they cannot be trusted. It just means that you have never heard of them… You can’t know everything.

As an investor, you are always biased in advance. And that ensures that you only look at stocks that you know. For example, via the news, forums, share tips and the sports canteen. Logical and very human, by the way. You can’t discuss shares you don’t know but you might miss great opportunities for return.

What stockscreeners are there?

What stockscreeners are there?
Stock screeners come in different shapes and sizes. Paid or free. Below you’ll find a list of free screeners (which often also have a paid version by the way):

Most stock screeners offer both fundamental and technical indicators. Not sure what they are? Then be sure to read this guide on getting started with investing or ask me to mail it to you in the comments.

All four stockscreeners have their own features. I particularly like FinViz for its accuracy. . It looks like crap (looks like a website from 10 years ago) but works well and offers pretty accurate numbers (just like Yahoo). You can select on quite a few indicators, both fundamental and technical. Furthermore, here is a preset with which you can easily find shares based on the CANSLIM investing method.

Simply Wall Street is also very good at this and they stand out because of the modern look. Moreover, you can print out a report per share nicely. However, I have read here and there that they are not always accurate. I haven’t checked that myself, by the way.

Then you have TradingView and they are the king of technical analysis. Also their stockscreener can do that pretty well. Although in my opinion you have to be pretty advanced to make chocolate out of that.

When do you use a stockscreener?

You use a stockscreener in 2 ways in my opinion. The 1st is to come up with new ideas or shares. This way you can very easily ‘screen’ the whole market and investigate further.

The 2nd option is to build a complete strategy based on a number of indicators. If a stock meets a number of preset requirements, then you buy it! There are many books written about this method of investing (quantitative data investing). A way of investing purely on huge amounts of data. Stock screeners are very suitable for this.

Do I use a stockscreener?

I use a lot of stockscreeners but I want to use them even more in the future. This way of investing suits me well (blue personality). A good book about big-data investing is ‘What works on Wall Street’ by James O’Shaughnessy and I can recommend it to anyone interested in this way of investing. He manages to get a 20% return per year (every year over a 40 year period!) with less risk than just buying everything on the US stock markets.

Quite an eye-opener because that means that risk and return do not always go hand-in-hand. So I thought that higher returns always meant more risk. I’m sure I’ll write more about this but at least know that a stockscreener is very important in this.

How does a stockscreener work?

Each stockscreener works slightly differently but in general they all work the same. You choose the indicators you want to select and the criteria they have to meet. Below I have a print screen of FinViz. Make sure you select ‘All’ in the dark gray bar, then you have all the options together. It can be a bit overwhelming but you will get used to it! Of course, you also need to understand some indicators. For that, I recommend checking out Investopedia. They offer a lot of information about the various indicators (including videos for lazy investors). Then you make a selection and apply the right criteria. Done.

How to find the best stocks: Step by Step method (1)

To illustrate, let’s look for a nice dividend stock. You need to determine in advance what the criteria should be. For now, we are looking for a large company (above $10 billion) with a generous dividend (greater than 4%) and based in the United States. My preference is often for the United States because then the transaction costs at DEGIRO are very low. Because we want a healthy dividend, no more than 70% of the profit should go to the dividend. In my opinion, the company then still has enough left over for innovation or to reduce its debts.

How to find the best stocks: Step by Step method (2)

This is already a great start to explore further but we can look a little further. I also think it is important that the company does not have too much debt. That way it has more room to keep paying the dividend in the future. To do that, we now click on ‘Financial’ and then sort on ‘Debt/Eq’. This is the ratio of debts to assets. The closer to 0 the less debt.

I hope you understand a little bit how a stockscreener works. Do you think you will ever use a stockscreener? Or what do you think about a stockscreener? Let me know in the comments!

Warren Buffett Stock Screener – Find Stocks Like Warren Buffett ALL CRITERIA

  • Market cap greater then 2 billion
  • EPS growth past 5 years positive
  • Operating margin better than industry average (or 10%)
  • Net operating margin better than industry average (or 10%)
  • ROE over 15%
  • Current Debt to Equity better than current industry average or less than 0.5
  • Price to free cashflow under 15

Link to the screener:

How to find the best stocks: Step by Step method (3)
How to find the best stocks: Step by Step method (4)


With the above screener you could build a long term portfolio :

How to find the best stocks: Step by Step method (5)

You could eg. buy the top 10 best performing stocks and check at a predetermined interval to adjust or rebalance your portfolio once a year or every 6 months.

How to find the best stocks: Step by Step method (6)

Finvz Screens to find stocks

Screens I found on the interenet let me know in the comments what you think about it.

  1. Shorted stocks –,geo_usa,sh_avgvol_o500,sh_curvol_o500,sh_opt_optionshort,sh_price_o3,sh_relvol_o1,sh_short_high&o=-shortinterestshare
  2. Short squeeze,sh_instown_u50,sh_price_o2,sh_short_o15&ft=4&o=-shortinterestshare
  3. WeeklyEarnings gap up,sh_avgvol_o400,sh_curvol_o50,sh_short_u25,ta_averagetruerange_o0.5,ta_gap_u2&ft=4&o=-perfytd
  4. Bankruptcy squeeze candidates,sh_short_o30&ft=4&o=-shortinterestshare
  5. Potential uptrend from weekly lows,ta_pattern_channelup,ta_perf_1wdown&ft=4&o=perf1w
  6. Bounce at moving average,sh_curvol_o2000,sh_relvol_o1,ta_sma20_pa,ta_sma50_pb&ft=4&o=-perf1w
  7. Oversold reversal,sh_relvol_o2,ta_change_u,ta_rsi_os30&ft=4&o=price
  8. Oversold with upcoming earnings,earningsdate_thismonth,fa_epsqoq_o15,fa_grossmargin_o20,sh_avgvol_o750,sh_curvol_o1000,ta_perf_52w10o,ta_rsi_nob50&ft=4&o=perfytd
  9. New highs –,sh_price_u7,ta_change_u,ta_highlow20d_nh,ta_highlow50d_nh,ta_highlow52w_nh,ta_perf_dup&ft=4&o=-perf1w
  10. Breaking out,fa_roe_o20,sh_avgvol_o100,ta_highlow50d_nh,ta_sma20_pa,ta_sma200_pa,ta_sma50_pa&ft=4&o=-perf1w
  11. SMA crossover,sh_avgvol_o400,sh_relvol_o1,sh_short_low,ta_beta_o1,ta_sma50_cross20b&ft=4
  12. High Earnings growth,fa_epsyoy_o25,fa_epsyoy1_o25,fa_salesqoq_o25,sh_avgvol_o400,ta_rsi_nos50,ta_sma200_pa&ft=4&o=-perfytd
  13. High Sales growth –,fa_roe_o15,fa_sales5years_o20,fa_salesqoq_o20,sh_avgvol_o200,sh_instown_o60,sh_price_o5,sh_short_u5&ft=4
  14. High relative volume,fa_epsqoq_o15,fa_quickratio_o1,fa_salesqoq_o15,sh_avgvol_o400,sh_price_o5,sh_relvol_o1.5,ta_sma20_pa,ta_sma200_sb50,ta_sma50_sa200&ft=4&o=instown
  15. Consistent growth on a bullish trend,fa_epsqoq_o20,fa_epsyoy_o25,fa_epsyoy1_o15,fa_estltgrowth_pos,fa_roe_o15,sh_instown_o10,sh_price_o15,ta_highlow52w_a90h,ta_rsi_nos50&ft=4&o=-perfytd
  16. Buy and Hold value,fa_curratio_o1.5,fa_estltgrowth_o10,fa_peg_o1,fa_roe_o15,ta_beta_o1.5,ta_sma20_pa&ft=4&o=-forwardpe
  17. Undervalued dividend growth,fa_div_pos,fa_epsyoy1_o5,fa_estltgrowth_o5,fa_payoutratio_u50,fa_pe_u20,fa_peg_low&ft=4&o=-pe
  18. Low PE value,fa_pb_low,fa_pe_low,fa_peg_low,fa_roa_pos,fa_roe_pos,sh_price_o5&ft=4&o=-perfytd
  19. CANSLIM,fa_epsqoq_o20,fa_epsyoy_o20,fa_sales5years_o20,fa_salesqoq_o20,sh_curvol_o200&ft=4

If you have any questions feel free to put them in the comments, I’ll try to get back to you asap

This is not investing advise, read the site’s disclaimer

How to find the best stocks: Step by Step method (2024)


How to find the best stocks: Step by Step method? ›

Some of the common indicators that predict stock prices include Moving Averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), Bollinger Bands, and MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence). These indicators help traders and investors gauge trends, momentum, and potential reversal points in stock prices.

How do you determine the best stock? ›

To pick the best stocks to invest in, you can follow these steps:
  1. Do your research and understand the business. ...
  2. Use a mixture of quantitative and qualitative stock analysis to build your portfolio. ...
  3. Avoid emotion when making investment decisions. ...
  4. Make sure you spread your risk by diversifying your portfolio.

How do you predict the best stock? ›

Some of the common indicators that predict stock prices include Moving Averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), Bollinger Bands, and MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence). These indicators help traders and investors gauge trends, momentum, and potential reversal points in stock prices.

What is the best method for buying stocks? ›

One of the best ways for beginners to learn how to invest in stocks is to put money in an online investment account and purchase stocks from there. You don't have to have a lot of money to start investing. Many brokerages allow you to open an investing account with $0, and then you just have to purchase stock.

What is the formula for picking stocks? ›

P/E Ratio – The P/E ratio is a calculation that evaluates a stocks relative performance and value. It is computed by dividing the stock's price by the company's per share earnings for the most recent four quarters.

How to pick stocks for beginners? ›

Key Takeaways
  1. Decide what you want your portfolio to achieve, and stick with it.
  2. Pick an industry that interests you, and explore the news and trends that drive it from day to day.
  3. Identify the company or companies that lead the industry and zero in on the numbers.

How to analyze stocks for beginners? ›

There are a few aspects to consider when you wish to determine whether a share is worth investing in. The company's fundamentals: Research the company's performance in the last five years, including figures like earnings per share, price to book ratio, price to earnings ratio, dividend, return on equity, etc.

How do you pick stocks according to Warren Buffett? ›

At its core, Warren Buffett's investing strategy is not all that complicated:
  1. Buy businesses, not stocks. ...
  2. Look for companies with competitive advantages that can be maintained, or economic moats. ...
  3. Focus on long-term intrinsic value, not short-term earnings. ...
  4. Demand a margin of safety. ...
  5. Be patient.
Mar 7, 2024

How to predict if a stock will go up or down? ›

Likewise, if you're wondering how to predict when a stock will go up, look for a volume surge in plain and simple terms. Beyond that, any price movement with a high volume is considered stronger and more relevant than a similar move with a weak volume.

What are the 7 steps to buying stocks? ›

  • 10 Step Guide to Investing in Stocks.
  • Step 1: Set Clear Investment Goals.
  • Step 2: Determine How Much You Can Afford To Invest.
  • Step 3: Determine Your Tolerance for Risk.
  • Step 4: Determine Your Investing Style.
  • Choose an Investment Account.
  • Step 6: Learn the Costs of Investing.
  • Step 7: Pick Your Broker.

What is a good PE ratio? ›

To give you some sense of what the average for the market is, though, many value investors would refer to 20 to 25 as the average P/E ratio range. And again, like golf, the lower the P/E ratio a company has, the better an investment the metric is saying it is.

What formula does Warren Buffett use? ›

The Rule of 72: Buffett often makes use of the Rule of 72, a straightforward formula to estimate the time required for an investment to double in value. This rule is determined by dividing 72 by the annual rate of return.

What is Warren Buffett's strategy? ›

A staunch believer in the value-based investing model, investment guru Warren Buffett has long held the belief that people should only buy stocks in companies that exhibit solid fundamentals, strong earnings power, and the potential for continued growth.

What is the 10x rule Buffett? ›

The rule really is an observation that Buffett has paid ~10x pretax earnings for many of his largest and best deals, ranging from Coca-Cola, American Express, Wells Fargo, Walmart, Burlington Northern, and the more recent Apple investment.

What is a good PE ratio for a stock? ›

Typically, the average P/E ratio is around 20 to 25. Anything below that would be considered a good price-to-earnings ratio, whereas anything above that would be a worse P/E ratio.

How to select the best stocks for long term? ›

How to Choose Stocks for Long Term Investment
  1. Selling Loser Stock. ...
  2. Do not take up Hot Tip. ...
  3. Don't sweat much for little Money. ...
  4. Donʹt Overemphasize the P/E Ratio. ...
  5. Resist the Lure of Penny Stocks. ...
  6. Pick a Strategy and Stick with It. ...
  7. Focus on the Future.

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.