How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (2024)


The e-Way Bill system was introduced by the government to simplify and streamline the process of GST compliance. An e-Way Bill document has to be carried while shipping the goods from one location to another. This document will carry the e-Way Bill number and other relevant details. Accordingly, TallyPrime is here with a smooth e-Way Bill experience for you and your business. The best part is that Tally’s e-Way Bill solution is based on regular invoicing activity, and does not require any special expertise.

As a registered dealer, if you are shipping material worth more than Rs 50,000, then you have to generate an e-Way Bill from the portal by entering necessary information such as the details of the buyer, the quantity and HSN code of the goods, transporter ID, and so on. After you upload these details, an e-Way Bill number will be generated for this particular transaction. You have to print the e-Way Bill number and other details along with the invoice, and furnish them on the way, if needed. For example, an assessing officer might inspect the shipment, and might cross-check the e-Way Bill information with the goods being transported.

TallyPrime’se-Way Bill solutionis simple and is based on regular invoicing activity.For example, if you use TallyPrime, then you only have to record your sales transactions as usual, and youre-Way Bill requirement will be covered in the same flow. Important details will be updated in the vouchers automatically, and you can proceed to print them. Moreover, TallyPrime will ensure that both your business accounts and compliance requirements are suitably addressed.

TallyPrime also provides you with the flexibility to generate e-Way Bill in bulk for multiple invoices. If you do not want to generate the e-Way Bill while recording the transaction, then you can select one or more transactions from the Exchange menu and generate the e-Way Bill at your convenience. Moreover, TallyPrime also provides you with an option to cancel the e-Way Bill or update details such as Bill Part B and Transporter ID.

Moreover, if you are using TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then you can generate e-Way Bills for any GST registration during voucher creation or multiple GST registrations throughExchangeby selecting multiple vouchers created for different GST registrations.

We understand how valuable your data is for you and your business, and we have provided various measures in TallyPrime to safeguard your data.All the requests for onlinee-Way Bill generation will pass through Tally GSP (TIPL), which has been awarded ISO 27001:2013 certificate for its stringent security policies.The best part is thatyou will not need any additional software or plugins to enjoy the benefits ofe-Way Bill in TallyPrime.

Do you have any queries about e-Way Bill in TallyPrime? Check out our FAQ page.

Onlinee-Way Bill

TallyPrime provides you with an onlinee-Way Billsolution that fits right into yourregular invoicing process.e-Way Billin TallyPrime isn’t restricted to only a particular voucher type.Apart from regular sales invoice, TallyPrime also supportse-Way Billfor POS, debit notes, and credit notes. What’s more, even receipts and journal vouchers are supported fore-Way Billwhen they are used for sales.

No matter how you record your supplies in TallyPrime, you can easily generate thee-Way Billnumber while saving your invoice and print the QR code and other details.Later, if you want to update the details of your transaction, then you can easily cancel the currente-Way Bill numberand get a fresh one for your updated invoice. This will ensure that the details in youre-Way Billare up-to-date.

TallyPrime also provides you with the flexibility to generate multiple e-Way Bills at the same time. If you do not want to generate the e-Way Bill while recording the transaction, then you can do it later from the e-Way Bill report. You can select one or more transactions from the sections in the report and generate the e-Way Bill.

Moreover, you also have the choice of generating the e-Way Bill along with your e-invoice, or even generate the e-invoice without the e-Way Bill, if required.


Before proceeding with online e-Way Bill generation, ensure that:

  • You are connected to the internet.
  • You are logged in with youre-Way Bill credentials.
  • You have created e-Way Bill profile on the portal.
    To know how to do it, refer to the Create e-Way Bill Profile on the Portal section in the One-Time Setup for e-Way Bill topic.
  • You have enablede-Way Bill in TallyPrime.
  • Refer to Supply Type – Document Type Mapping to know the document type required for a specific type of transaction.

In this section

  • Generate e-Way Bill
  • Generatee-Way Bill in Bulk

Generate e-Way Bill

You can easily generate an e-Way Bill while saving your invoice and also print the QR code and other details. If you want to generate your e-Way Bill details along with your e-invoice, then set the option Send e-Way Bill details with e-InvoicetoYesin your company (F11) features.

Record aGST Sales transaction, as usual.

  1. UnderParty A/c name, select the party.TheDispatch Detailsscreen will appear.

    1. Enter the required details and pressEnter.
      TheParty Details screen will appear. This will be prefilled as per the information provided in the party ledger.

    2. Update theParty Details, if required, and pressEnterto proceed to the transaction.
      To know how to use the multiple GST registrations feature during voucher creation, refer to theEnable GST for Your Company – Single and Multi-Registrationsection in theGetting Started with GST in TallyPrimetopic.

  2. Specify other voucher details, such as the Sales ledger, Name of Item, GST ledger, and so on.
  3. Set the optionProvide GST/e-Way Bill detailstoYes.TheAdditional Details: Sales Taxable screen will appear. The e-Way Bill will be generated based on the details entered in this screen.
    • Pin to Pin Distance as per Portal: To calculate Pin to Pin Distance as per Portal, press Alt+L (Calculate Distance on Portal).
      You will be redirected to the NIC website and the Pin to Pin Distance Search screen will appear, as shown below:
      How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (2)
      From and To pin codes will be displayed as an Information message in TallyPrime, as shown below:
      How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (3)
      You can enter the pincodes in the Pin to Pin Distance Search screen to calculate the distance.
    • Transporter Name: Select the Transporter Name. You can set it as None if you are transporting the goods using your own or hired vehicle, or if you are using a different mode of transport such as Rail, Air, or Ship.
    • Transporter ID:Enter theTransporter IDprovided by the transporter.

      IfPart B Detailsare available, then you can enter the followingdetails.

    • Mode: Select the mode of transport, such as Road, Rail, Air, or Ship. You can also create a New Mode, if required.
    • Doc/Lading/RR/AirWay No.: You can fill in this option as an acknowledgment that your goods will be transported by rail, ship, or airway.
    • Vehicle Number:Specify the number of the vehicle used for transporting the goods.
    • Vehicle Type: Specify the size of the vehicle, such as Regular, Over Dimensional Cargo, and so on. You can also create a New Vehicle Type, if required.
      How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (4)
      PressEnterto proceed to the transaction.
      How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (5)
  4. PressCtrl+Ato save.
    A confirmation screen for e-Way Bill generation will appear.

    1. Press Enterto proceed. Thee-Way Bill Loginscreen will appear.

    2. Enter yourUsernameandPassword.

      You will remain logged in for the next six hours, provided you do not turn off the computer or reset your credentials.
      In case of multiple GST registrations, log in with the credentials of the GST registration of which e-Invoice Login screen is displayed. If one or more login credentials are incorrect, then TallyPrime shows an error message from the portal and you will need to log in again with the correct credentials. If there is some network issue, or in other such scenarios, then the screen displaysRequest not sent (Login cancelled).

    3. PressEnter. TallyPrime will start exchanging information with the e-Way Bill system.

      After the exchange of information,a confirmation message will appear.

      You can see a preview of the invoice.

    4. PressPage Down to view the generated e-Way Bill with all the relevant details and QR Code.
      Thee-Way Bill No.andValidityDatewill alsogetupdated in theAdditional Detailsscreen. If you want to explore additional options for configuring your e-Way Bill, then you can pressCtrl+I(More Details) orF12(Configure).

Generatee-Way Bill in Bulk

If you do not want to generate the e-Way Bill while recording the transaction, then you can do it later from the Exchange menu. You can select one or more transactions and generate the respective e-Way Bill number for your vouchers. Ensure that you have disabled the option Send e-Way Bill details after saving the voucher in theF12configuration of the voucher.

  1. PressAlt+Z>Send for e-Way Bill. TheSend fore-Way Billscreen appears. You can view the transactions that are pending for generation and cancellation.

    If you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases and e-Way Bill is applicable in more than one GST registrations, then the vouchers of those GST registrations that are ready for e-Way Bill Generation and Cancellation will be available for selection.
  2. Select the required transactions and pressS(Send) to send the details. If youpressSwithoutselecting any transaction,then all the transactions will be sent.
    The following confirmation screen will appear, with the number of transactions lined up for e-Way Bill generation.

    If you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then the total number of vouchers for e-Way Bill generation and cancellation from all GST registrations will be displayed.
  3. PressEnterto continue.
  4. Specify thee-Way BillLogindetails and pressEnterto continue.

    In case of multiple GST registrations, you will need to log in using the credentials of all the GST registrations.
    If one or more login credentials are incorrect, then TallyPrime shows an error message from the portal and you will need to log in again with the correct credentials.
    If there is some network issue, or in other such scenarios, then the screen displaysRequest not sent (Login cancelled).
    TallyPrime will start exchanging information with the e-Way Bill system. After the exchange of information, a confirmation message will appear. You will get an idea of how manye-Way Bills were generated or rejected by the portal, or if any transactions could not be uploaded due to technical difficulties.
    For more details, you can go thee-Way Bill report. You can drill down to the transactions under the relevant sections, and update them as needed. Then you can then resend the transactions for e-Way Bill generation.
    If one or more login credentials are incorrect, then TallyPrime shows an error message from the portal and you will need to log in again with the correct credentials. If there is some network issue, or in other such scenarios, then the screen displaysRequest not sent (Login cancelled).
    Moreover, if you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then the total number of vouchers from all GST registrations that are updated with IRN details and those that are rejected from the portal will be displayed.

Other e-Way Bill Activities

Apart from e-Way Bill generation, TallyPrime provides a host of other features such asCancele-Way Bill, Undo Cancellation, Get EWB Information, and so on. You also have the option to update details such ase-Way Bill Part B and Transporter ID. You can also extend the e-Way Bill in TallyPrime, if needed.

In this section

  • Cancel e-Way Bill
  • Undo EWB Cancellation
  • Get EWB Information
  • Update e-Way Bill Part B
  • Undo Part B Updation
  • Extend e-Way Bill
  • Undo EWB Extension

Cancele-Way Bill

There may be situations where the e-Way Bill is generated for a particular voucher, but you might have to cancel it. This can happen when there is a change in the rate or quantity of a stock item, or if the party has cancelled the order. In such cases, you may want to cancel the e-Way Bill.

  1. Gateway of Tally>Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > GST Reports>e-Way Bill> pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Alt+G(Go To) > type or selecte-Way Bill> pressEnter.

  2. Drill downfrom the relevant section; for example, theWithout Part Bsection undere-Way Bill Generated.
  3. Select the voucher for whichthee-Way Bill needs to be cancelled.
  4. PressF10(Cancel EWB).Thee-Way Bill Cancellation Detailsscreen will appear.
  5. Select theReasonfor cancellationand enter theRemarks.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (14)
  6. Accept the screen. As always, you can pressCtrl+Ato save the details.
    The transaction will move to theFor e-Way Bill Cancellationsection underPending for Exchange with e-Way Bill System.

    You might have cancelled the e-Way Bill through some other medium on the portal, and you want to update the status in Tallyprime. In such cases, select the voucher (in the e-Way Bill report) and press Ctrl+F10(Mark as Cancelled). This voucher will move to theMarked as e-Way Bill cancelledsection undere-Way BillCancelled, instead of theFore-Way Bill Cancellationsection underPending for Exchange with e-Way Bill System.

Nowyoucan sendthe e-Way Bills for cancellation from the Exchange menu.

  1. PressAlt+Z>Send for e-Way Bill. TheSend fore-Way Bill screen appears. You can view the transactions that are pending for cancellation.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (15)
  2. Select the required transactions and pressS(Send) to send the details. If youpressSwithoutselecting any transaction,then all the transactions will be sent.
    The following confirmation screen will appear, with the number of transactions lined up fore-Way Bill cancellation.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (16)
    If you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then the total number of vouchers for e-Way Bill generation, cancellation, and other activities from all GST registrations will be displayed.
  3. PressEnterto continue.
  4. Specify thee-Way BillLogindetails and pressEnterto continue.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (17)
    In TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, if you are sending vouchers of multiple GST registrations for generation and cancellation, then The e-Way Bill Login screen for all the registrations will be displayed one by one. You will need to log in for all the registrations.

    TallyPrime will start exchanging information with the e-Way Bill system.TheExchange Summary will appear after the cancellation is completed.You will get an idea of how manye-Way Bills were cancelled or rejected by the portal, or if any transactions could not be uploaded due to technical difficulties.
    The voucher will move to thee-Way Bill cancelled from e-Way Bill systemsection of the e-Way Bill report.Even after cancellation, the information like QR code ande-Way Bill number will be retained in the voucher for your reference in TallyPrime.You can also view the remarks you had entered while cancellation usingMore Details.
    If one or more login credentials are incorrect, then TallyPrime shows an error message from the portal and you will need to log in again with the correct credentials.
    If there is some network issue, or in other such scenarios, then the screen displaysRequest not sent (Login cancelled).
    Moreover, if you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then the total number of vouchers from all GST registrations that are updated with IRN details and those that are rejected from the portal will be displayed.

Undo EWB Cancellation

In certain situations, you may have cancelled the e-Way Bill for a particular voucher in TallyPrime, but you may want to undo this cancellation. For example, this might be needed when you had selected the wrong voucher for cancellation, or you had sent an e-Way Bill to the portal for cancellation, but it was rejected. In such cases, you can undo thecancellation of the e-Way Bill.

You can select the voucher from the relevant section in the e-Way Bill report and proceed to undoe-Way Bill cancellation.When you undoe-Way Bill cancellation for a voucher, it will remove the details of the cancellation, such as the Cancelled status, the Reason for cancellation, and the Remarks, and move the voucher to its original section in thee-Way Bill report.

  1. Drill down from the relevant section inthee-Way Bill report; for example, thePending fore-Way Bill cancellationscreen.
  2. Select the voucher and pressAlt+F10(Undo Cancellation). The following screen appears:
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (18)
  3. PressEnterto proceed.
    This will remove details of the cancellation (such as the Reason for cancellation and Remarks), and the voucher will move to its original section.

Get EWB Information

Sometimes, you may have generated or cancelled thee-Way Billfor vouchers in the offline mode using TallyPrime or some other software (ordirectly on the portal), and you may want to import thee-Way Bill information for those vouchers in TallyPrime. You can do sousing theGet EWB Infofacility, which will import the lateste-Way Bill number and other detailsfrom the portal to the vouchers.

This facility is available inthe relevant sections of thee-Way Bill report, such asPending for Exchange with e-Way Bill System,Exported, orRejected bye-Way Bill System, where you can fetch the latest information and update the vouchers.

  1. Drill down from the relevant section inthee-Way Bill report; for example, thePending fore-Way Bill generationscreen.
  2. Select the voucher and pressF6(Get EWB Info). The following screen appears:
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (19)

  3. PressEnterto proceed.
  4. Specify thee-Way BillLogin details and pressEnterto continue.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (20)
    In TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, if you are sending vouchers of multiple GST registrations for e-Way Bill generation and cancellation, then The e-Way Bill Login screen for all the registrations will be displayed one by one. You will need to log in for all the registrations.

    TallyPrime will start exchanging information with the e-Way Bill system.TallyPrime will fetch the lateste-Way Bill information from the portal, and the voucher will be updated and movedto thee-Way BillGeneratedsection.

Update e-Way Bill Part B

If Part B details were not available, then you might have generated the e-Way Billwithout Part B for a few transactions. However, TallyPrime provides you with the option to update these details from the e-Way Bill report, whenever it is convenient for you.

  1. Drill down from the relevant section inthee-Way Bill report; for example,theFor Part B updationsectionunderPending for Exchange with e-Way Bill System.
  2. Selectthe transactions for which you want to update Part B, and pressF7(Update Part B).
    ThePart B UpdationDetailsscreen appears.
    1. Select theModeof transport from the options available.
    2. Enter theVehicle Number
    3. Select theVehicle Type.
      How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (21)
    4. Accept the screen. As always, you can pressCtrl+Ato save the details.

Now you can send the transactionfor Part B updation through theExchangemenu.

  1. PressAlt+Z>Send for e-Way Bill. TheSend fore-Way Billscreen appears. You can view the transactions that are pending forPart B Updation.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (22)
    If you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases and e-Invoicing is applicable in more than one GST registrations, then the vouchers of those GST registrations that are ready for Part B Updation will be displayed.
  2. Select the required transactions and pressS(Send) to send the details. If youpressSwithoutselecting any transaction,then all the transactions will be sent.
    The following confirmation screen will appear, with the number of transactions lined up for Part B updation.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (23)
    If you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then the total number of vouchers for Part B Updation from all GST registrations will be displayed.
  3. PressEnterto continue.
  4. Specify thee-Way BillLogindetails and pressEnterto continue.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (24)
    In TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, if you are sending vouchers of multiple GST registrations for e-Way Bill generation and cancellation, then The e-Way Bill Login screen for all the registrations will be displayed one by one. You will need to log in for all the registrations.

    TallyPrime will start exchanging information with the e-Way Bill system.TheExchange Summary will appear after the updation is completed.
    After updation, the voucher will move to thee-Way Bill generated With Part Bsection of the e-Way Bill report.
    If one or more login credentials are incorrect, then TallyPrime shows an error message from the portal and you will need to log in again with the correct credentials.
    If there is some network issue, or in other such scenarios, then the screen displaysRequest not sent (Login cancelled).
    Moreover, if you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then the total number of vouchers from all GST registrations that are updated with IRN details and those that are rejected from the portal will be displayed.

Undo Part B Updation

If you had cancelled the updation of Part B on the e-Way Bill portal, because of the change in transporter or some other issues, then you can undo this updation in TallyPrime. The vouchers will then move to their previous section in the e-Way Bill report.

  1. Drill down from the relevant section inthee-Way Bill report; for example, theWith Part Bsectionundere-Way Bill Generated.
  2. Selectthe transactions and pressAlt+F7(UndoPart B Updation). The followingconfirmation screen will appear:
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (25)
  3. PressEnterto proceed.

The transaction will move from this section and appear in its previous section.

UndoPart B Updationwill only remove the Part B details from the transaction. It will not have any impact on the status of the e-Way Bill on the portal. So, you will have to undo the Part B updation on the portal, and then update thee-Way Bill report usingUndo Part B updation.

A transaction might appear in the Pending For Part B Updationsection,even if you have updated the details on the portal. In such cases, drill down from thePending For Part B Updationsection, select the transaction and pressCtrl+F7(Mark Part B as Updated). The transaction will move to theGenerated With Part Bsection.

Extend e-Way Bill

You can extend the validity of an e-Way Bill in TallyPrime, in case there is an unexpected delay in the delivery of goods. This might happen due to vehicle breakdown or some other problem. Accordingly, you can extend the e-Way Bill, considering it is still active.

  1. Drill down from the relevant section inthee-Way Bill report; for example, theWith Part BorWithout Part B sectionundere-Way Bill Generated.
  2. Selectthe transaction and pressF9(Extend EWB). Thee-Way Bill Extension Detailsscreen appears.
  3. Enter theRemaining Distance (in KM). The validity of e-Way Bill will depend on the value entered here.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (26)
    If you are using TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then press Alt+L(Calculate Distance on Portal) and TallyPrime and you will be redirected to the link on the portal on which you can calculate the distance by providing the pin of both the places.
  4. PressCtrl+Atosave.
    Now you can send the transaction for e-Way Bill extension using theExchangemenu.

Undo EWB Extension

You may haveextended the validity of an e-Way Bill in TallyPrime, due to an unexpected delay in the delivery of goods. However, ifthe obstacles are cleared and the goods are delivered on time, then Tallyprime also provides you with the option to undo this extension.

  1. Drill down from the relevant section inthee-Way Bill report; for example, thePending for e-Way Bill extensionscreen.
  2. Select the voucher and pressAlt+F10 (Undo Extension). The following screen will appear:
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (27)
  3. PressEnterto proceed.
    This will remove details of the extension (such as the Reason for extension and Remarks), and the voucher will move to its original section.

Offline e-Way Bill

TallyPrime also allows you to carry out e-Way Bill activities in the offline mode, in case you do not have continuous access to the internet, or if don’t want to send your invoice details directly to the portal. In such cases, you can export the details of your e-Way Bill in the JSON format and then upload it the portal at your convenience. TallyPrime creates the offline files in the prescribed format and size limit. If the data size is more than 4 MB, the information is split into multiple files, each of which will be less than 4 MB.

In this section

  • Generatee-Way Bill
  • Update Part B/Transporter ID

Generatee-Way Bill

Offline Export

  1. PressAlt+Z>Send fore-Way Bill. TheSend fore-Way Billscreen appears. You can view the transactions that are pending for generation.
  2. Select the required transactions and pressX(Offline Export) to export the details. If youpressXwithout selecting any transaction, then all the applicable transactions will be exported.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (28)
    If you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases and e-Invoicing is applicable in more than one GST registrations, then the vouchers of those GST registrations that are ready for Part B Updation will be displayed.

    The following confirmation screen will appear, with the number of transactions lined up fore-Way Billgeneration.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (29)
    If you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then the total number of vouchers for e-Way Bill generation and cancellation from all GST registrations will be displayed.
  3. PressEnterto continue.TheExportscreen will appear.
  4. PressC(Configure), if you want to change the details, such as the Folder path where JSON files will be exported.
  5. PressE(Send) to export theJSON files.

The JSON files will be saved in the specified folder:
How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (31)

Bulk Upload on the Portal

After exporting the JSON files, you can upload them on the portal and generatee-Way Bill information for the selected vouchers.

  1. Open thee-Way Bill portaland go toone of the following links:
    • e-Way Bill>Generate Bulk.
    • Consolidated EWB>Generate Bulk.
  2. ClickChoose File> selectJSON> clickUpload & Generate. The e-Way Bill gets generated.

Update Part B/Transporter ID

Apart from e-Way Bill generation, TallyPrime provides you with the option to update the Part B and Transporter ID for the e-Way Bill. Similar to the offline generation of e-Way Bill, you can export the details of your e-Way Bill in the JSON format and then upload it to the portal at your convenience.

  1. PressAlt+Z>Send fore-Way Bill. TheSend fore-Way Billscreen appears. You can view the transactions that are pending for generation, updation, cancellation, extension, and so on.
  2. Select the required transactions and pressX (Offline Export) to export the details. If you press Xwithout selecting any transaction, then all the applicable transactions will be exported.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (32)
    If you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases and e-Invoicing is applicable in more than one GST registrations, then the vouchers of those GST registrations that are ready for Part B Updation or Transport ID Updation will be displayed.

    The following confirmation screen will appear, with the number of transactions lined up for e-Way Bill activities.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (33)
    If you are using the multiple GST registrations feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then the total number of vouchers for e-Way Bill Generation, Part B Updation, and Transporter ID Updation from all GST registrations will be displayed.
  3. PressEnterto continue.TheExport screen will appear.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (34)
  4. PressC(Configure), if you want to change the details, such as the Folder path where JSON files will be exported.
  5. PressE(Send) to export theJSON files.

After exporting the JSON files, you canupload them on the portaland generatee-Way Bill information for the selected vouchers.

e-Way Bill Report

The e-Way Bill report is a one-stop shop for your e-Way Bill needs in TallyPrime. You can view the e-Way Bill status of your transactions, and take the next steps accordingly. You can perform operations such as e-Way Bill generation and cancellation for one or many transactions. The e-Way Bill report also allows you to view the transactions where the details are incomplete or incorrect, and update the required information. You can also open the the e-Way Bill portal directly from the report, if required, by pressingAlt+V(OpenEWB Portal).

  • Gateway of Tally>Display More Reports> Statutory Reports >GST Reports>e-Way Bill, and pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Alt+G(Go To) > type or selecte-Way Bill, and pressEnter.
  • e-Way BillRegister
    Thee-Way BillRegisteris a single location where you can checkthee-Way Bill status and other details of your transactionsin a particular period.If required, you can also removee-Way Bill information from certain vouchers by pressingAlt+V(Remove EWB Info).
  • Uncertain Transactions (Corrections needed)
    This section lists the transactions where there is mismatch or incomplete information in the voucher, ledger, or stock item. You can drill down from the transactions and resolve the uncertainties. You can also accept the transactions as is, or recompute the values, if needed.
  • Missing/Invalid Information
    This section lists the transactionsthat have missing or invalid Information, which needs to be corrected before thee-Way Bill can be generated. The sub-sections includethe transactions where HSN/SAC details are not provided, and the transactions where the information required fore-Way Bill generation is not provided.Once you resolve these transactions, they will appear underPending for Exchange with e-Way Bill System >Fore-Way Bill Generation.

    Moreover, if e-Invoice is enabled in your company, then the following sub-sections will appear:

    • Information required for e-Invoice not provided

    • Mismatch in e-Invoice Details

  • Rejected bye-Way Bill System
    This section lists the transactions where e-Way Bill generation/cancellation requests were rejected by the portal. The rejection can happen due to reasons such as duplicate e-Way Bill number, invalid HSN code, and so on. After drilling down, you can see the reasons for rejection (as per the portal) in the e-Way Bill Details screen. Subsequently, you can drill down to the voucher and re-generate the e-Way Bill.
  • Pending for Exchange with e-Way Bill System
    This section lists the transactions that are ready to be sent to the portal, as they have no uncertain or missing information. This includes the transactions ready fore-Way Bill generation/cancellation/extension, or updation of Part B/Transporter ID. You can proceed to the Exchange menu (Alt+Z(Exchange) >Send for e-Way Bill), and send the transactions to the portal.
  • Exported
    After the transactionsare successfully exported fore-Way Bill generation or updation of Part B/Transporter ID, they will appear in theExportedsection.
  • e-Way BillGenerated
    This section lists the transactions where thee-Way Bill is generated (with or without Part B) from the portal, or manually updated in the offline mode using TallyPrime or other software. You can further updatee-Way Bill information for the required transaction bypressingAlt+Q(Manually Update EWB Info).
  • e-Way BillCancelled
    This section lists all the transactions where thee-Way Bill is cancelled from the portal, or manually marked as cancelled in the offline mode in TallyPrime or other software.
  • User-Excluded Transactions
    This section lists the transactions that you have chosen to exclude from thee-Way Bill process. However, if you want to include certain transactions from this list for e-Way Bill activity, then you can select the transactions and pressAlt+H(Include).

e-Way Bill in Releases Earlier thanTallyPrime2.0

Important Announcement

National Informatics Centre (NIC) has made certain changes in the JSON schema for e-Way Bill (EWB). These changes are expected to go live on 1st July 2021. Therefore, the existing tools for e-Way Bill JSON Preparation and Consolidated e-Way Bill JSON Preparation will stop working and the JSON file generated from TallyPrime for EWB may fail during Upload.

We have made necessary enhancements in the product to address these changes, which will be available TallyPrime Release 2.0 onwards. Therefore, we urge you to upgrade to the latest release of TallyPrime at the earliest.

However, if you need time to upgrade to the latest TallyPrime release and want to continue generating e-Way Bill from your existing TallyPrime release, refer to the steps mentioned in the Export Data to JSON Preparation Tool and Create JSON section. The latest offline tool can be downloaded from here:

To know how to export e-Way Bill details using Excel, click Export Data to JSON preparation tool and Create JSON.

TallyPrime supports the e-Way Bill JSON Preparation Tool, Version 1.0.0219.In TallyPrime, you can enter e-Way Bill details only when such transactions are recorded with stock items. The provision to enter e-Way Bill details is not available in accounting invoice mode, and in companies enabled to Maintain only accounts.

Setup for e-Way Bill

  1. Open the companyand press F11 (Features) > set Enable Goods and Services Tax (GST) as Yes.

    If you are using the multiple GST registrationsfeature of TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then theGST Registrationscreen appears.
    Select the GST Registration for which you want to enable e-Invoicing and pressEnter.

  2. In the Company GST Details screen, under the e-Way Bill options, specify the applicable date, threshold limit, and the value to be considered for the threshold limit, based on your business requirement.

    You can enable the option Applicable for intrastate and enter the Threshold limit, based on the applicability of e-Way Bill for your state. The threshold limit will be applied for the transactions recorded.

In the party ledger, if you have selected the Registration type as:

  • Regular or Composition: The GSTIN/UIN is considered as the transporter ID.
  • Unknown or Unregistered: Enter the 15-digit Transporter ID.

    If the Transporter ID is incorrect, the message appears as shown:

Record Invoice with Details Required for e-Way Bill, and Create JSON

When you enable e-Way Bill for a company, the option Export e-Way Bill details from invoice after saving? is also enabled in the Voucher Configuration screen.

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F8 (Sales).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F8 (Sales).
  2. Select the party ledger, sales ledger, stock items, and tax ledgers.
    As in other transactions, you can create the ledger or stock item on the fly by pressing Alt+C. Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > type or select Ledger > and press Enter.
  3. Set the option Provide GST/e-Way Bill details to Yes, it appears when the invoice value is above Rs.50,000. Press Enter to view the Statutory Details screen.

    A POS invoice is issued in the check-out counter of a shop, and the goods are generally carried by the buyer. Hence, the option Provide GST/e-Way Bill detailswill not appear in a POS invoice. If the supplier agrees to deliver the goods and the transaction value exceeds the threshold limit of e-Way Bill, you can enter the transport details from e-Way Bill reports.

    • In the Statutory Details screen, enter the mandatory details required for generating the e-Way Bill.

      Press F12 (Configure) to:

      Enable consolidated e-Way Bill details – enter the details required for generating a consolidated e-Way Bill.

      Show state name for Dispatch From and Ship To – select the state name under Dispatch From and Ship To sections.

      Show consignor details – update your company address details.

    • Check the distance between the pincodes entered for Dispatch From and Ship To on the e-Way Bill System (e-Way Bill system > Search > Pin to Pin distance).
    • Enter the Distance (in KM) based on the Pincode entered in Dispatch From and Ship To sections of e-Way Bill Details screen.
      If you are using TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, then pressAlt+L(Calculate Distance on Portal) and TallyPrime and you will be redirected to the link on the portal on which you can calculate the distance by providing the pin of both the places.
    • Enter the distance manually for the first time.
      • Based on the combination of same party ledger and pincodes entered in the e-Way Bill Details screen of previous invoice, the distance will be prefilled for the subsequent invoices.
      • If the prefilled distance is changed in the e-Way Bill Details screen of any of the invoices, the updated distance will get prefilled for the subsequent invoices.

        If you enter the Distance for the first time, the same will be retained for the combination of same party and pincodes. You can change it, if required. If you press Spacebar on the Distance field, the Distance will reappear, as it cannot be left blank.

    • For transport by:
      • Road, you can either enter the Date and Vehicle number, or Date and Transporter ID.
      • Rail/Air/Ship, you have to enter the Date along with either the Doc. No., Lading No., RR No., or AirWay No.
  4. If goods are transported in different modes or vehicles, press Alt+R (Transporter Details) to enter the Transporter’s Details. Enter the distance manually for the first time.
    • Based on the combination of same party ledger and pincodes entered in the previous invoice, the distance will be prefilled in the Transporter’s Details screen for the subsequent invoices.
    • If the prefilled distance is changed in the e-Way Bill Details screen of any of the invoices, the updated distance will get prefilled for the subsequent invoices.
    • Accept the Transporter’s Details screen.
  5. Press Alt+W (e-Way Bill Details) to enter the details of multiple e-Way Bills generated for a single transaction.
    • In the e-Way Bill Details screen, enter the e-Way Bill No. and Date for each Sub Type along with the Document Type and Status of e-Way Bill. You can now select SKD/CKD/Lots, as per the new e-Way Bill requirements.
    • If you are updating the consignor and consignee details, enter the pincodes for both. Based on these pincodes, manually enter the Distance in the Transporter Details (when the option Update Transporter Details is enabled) or e-Way Bill Details (if transporter details are not updated), for the first time.
      • Based on the combination of same party ledger and pincodes entered in the previous invoice, the distance will be prefilled in the Transporter’s Details or e-Way Bill Details for the subsequent invoices.
      • If the prefilled distance is changed in the Transporter’s Details or e-Way Bill Details of any of the invoices, the updated distance will get prefilled for the subsequent invoices.
  6. Accept the e-Way Bill Details screen.
  7. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
    The Export Details for e-Way Bill screen appears.
  8. Press Enter to create a JSON file. The folder in which the JSON is created now appears.
  9. Upload the JSON file to the portal to generate the e-Way Bill.
  10. Return to the invoice in TallyPrime Enter the e-Way Bill No. and e-Way Bill bin the Update e-Way Bill Information screen.

You can update these details in the Update e-Way Bill Information report as well. To create one JSON for multiple invoices from the Invoice Ready for Export section of e-Way Bill Report. If you have configured the voucher type to print after saving, you can print the invoice with e-Way Bill number. If you had entered e-Way Bill details in delivery note and tracked it to sales invoice, you need to manually enter the same details of e-Way Bill in the sales invoice.

Mandatory details missing in invoice

If the mandatory details required for generating e-Way Bill are not provided or specified incorrectly, a message appears while saving the voucher. You can provide the details by referring to the message.

Altering an invoice

If you alter the invoice and the total value exceeds Rs. 50,000, the option Provide GST/e-Way Bill details appears to enter the e-Way Bill details. It prompts for generation of JSON on saving the invoice. You can also create JSON at a later point in time, by pressing Ctrl+E in the alteration mode of the invoice.

UQC for e-Way Bill

The list of Unit Quantity Code (UQC) provided by GSTN for GSTR-1, does not match with the list provided by NIC for e-Way Bill. Also, the availability of UQC is not mandatory for generating the e-Way Bill. Hence, the export of UQC mapped to the stock items selected in the invoice, is not supported in TallyPrime. Once the list of UQC provided by NIC matches with that of GSTN, the required changes will be made available in TallyPrime.

e-Way Bill option not appearing in the invoice – Probable causes and solution

You can do the following if the option Provide GST/e-Way Bill details is not appearing in the invoice.

  1. Type of Supply – Ensure Goods is selected as Type of Supply. If you have selected Services, e-Way Bill option will not appear.
  2. Voucher creation screen – make a note of the voucher date, voucher amount, and whether it is an interstate or intrastate transaction. Then check if:
    • The option e-Way Bill applicable is set to Yes in the Company GST Details screen (from F11 (Feature)).
    • The voucher date is on or after the Applicable from date set for e-Way Bills.
    • The voucher amount is above the, Threshold limit set for interstate or intrastate transaction, based on the Invoice value, Taxable and exempt goods value or Taxable goods value, as defined for the option Threshold limit includes.
    • Make the required changes and save the screen.
    • Record a new transaction, enter the amount and date, and check if the option Provide GST/e-Way Bill details is appearing in it.
    • If the option does not appear, rename the tallycfg.tsf file in Tally folder and recheck the date and values in the voucher. Ensure the relevant options are enabled in the Company GST Details screen.
  3. Voucher alteration screen – in the e-Way Bill Reports:
    • Check if the invoice is appearing in the Invoices Exported section of the report (as the e-way Bill details were exported for creating the JSON file).
    • Press Ctrl+I (More Details) to check if the e-Way Bill details are available.
  4. If difficulty persists, go to Export for e-Way Bill report. In the:
    • Information required for e-Way Bill not provided section, check if the transaction is available and resolve the exception.
    • Invoices Ready for Export section, check if the transaction is available.

e-Way Bill for Exports, Imports and Transactions with SEZ Units

  • If you select the Nature of transaction provided for Exports:
    • Select:
      • The State as Other Countries under Bill To.
      • The Indian state or other territory in which the airport, shipping yard or border check post is located, under Ship To.
    • Enter the Pincode of the location (airport, shipping yard or border check post) from where the consignment is exported. A note appears to indicate this information.
    • The GSTIN appears as URP, under Bill To.
  • If you select the Nature of transaction provided for Imports:
    • The GSTIN appears as URP, under Bill From.
    • The State under Bill From appears as Other Countries. Select the Indian state or other territory in which the airport, shipping yard or border check post is located under Dispatch From.
    • You can enter the Pincode of the location (airport, shipping yard or border check post) to which the consignment is imported. A note appears to indicate this information.

      When the party is of foreign country, the Sub Type appears as Export (for sale) or Import (for purchase), with a note.

    • If you change the Sub Type (to anything other than Export or Import), the note will not be displayed.
  • For purchases, if you select the Nature of transaction provided for SEZ:
    • The party’s GSTIN will appear under Bill From section.
    • The State under Bill From section appears as Other Countries. Select the Indian state or other territory in which the airport, shipping yard or border check post is located under Dispatch From.
      • You can enter the Pincode of the location (airport, shipping yard, or border check post) to which the consignment is received.
  • For sales, if you select the Nature of transaction provided for SEZ:
    • The party’s GSTIN will appear under Bill To section.
    • Enter the Pincode of the location (airport, shipping yard, or border check post) from where the consignment is dispatched.
      • Select the State as Other Countries under Bill To.
      • Select the Indian state or other territory in which the airport, shipping yard or border check post is located, under Ship To.

        When the party is of SEZ unit, the Sub Type appears as Export (for sale) or Import (for purchase), with a note.

        If you change the Sub Type (to anything other than Export or Import), the note will continue to appear. You can ignore the note as it is not relevant for any other Sub Type.

Upload JSON file to portal

  1. In the GST portal, click e-Way Bill System > Click here to go to e-Way Bill Portal.
  2. To generate the e-Way Bill, choose the required links:
    • e-Waybill > Generate Bulk
    • Consolidated EWB > Generate Bulk
  3. Click Choose File > select JSON > click Upload & Generate. The e-Way Bill gets generated.

Print the invoice with e-Way Bill number

If the voucher type is enabled to Print voucher after saving, the Voucher Printing screen appears on saving the voucher. If not, go to alteration mode of the invoice and press Ctrl+P (Print). In the Voucher Printing screen:

  1. Press C (Configure).
  2. Ensure the option Show e-Way Bill No. is set to Yes.
  3. Accept the Print Configuration screen.
  4. Press Esc and press P (Print) to print the invoice.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (50)

Export for e-Way Bill Report

In this report, you can:

  • Resolve the exceptions by entering the mandatory details that were not provided during voucher entry.
  • Check the invoice status to export or update e-Way Bill number and date.
  • Create JSON or export data to JSON preparation tool

To view the details of the report, you can do the following:

  • Press Ctrl+B (Basis of Values) to configure the values in your report for that instance, based on different business needs.
  • In Export for e-Way Bill Report, you can set Threshold limit for Interstate and Intrastate.Press Ctrl+B (Basis of Values) > Set Threshold limit for Interstate > press Enter and set the Value. Press Esc to view the default values.
    Similarly, you can include URD purchases, Non URD purchases, etc.
  • Press Ctrl+H (Change View) > type or select Voucher-wise Report > press Enter. Press Esc to view the default report.
  • Press Shift+Enter on each invoice under Invoices Ready for Export and Invoices Exported, to view the transport details of each invoice.

In this section

  • Status-wise View of e-Way Bill Report
  • HSN Code not specified
  • Information required for e-Way Bill not provided
  • Invoices Ready for Export
  • Invoices Exported
  • Excluded by User
  • Voucher-wise View of e-Way Bill Report

Status-wise View of e-Way Bill Report

  • Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > GST > e-Way Bill > Export for e-Way Bill.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G ( Go To) > type or select Export for e-Way Bill > and press Enter.
    The report appears for one day. You can change the date or period, if required.
  • Press F2 (Date) to change the date.Press Alt+F2 (Period) to change the period, if needed.
  • Press F12 (Configure), and enable the options to view purchases made from unregistered and other dealers and sales returns.
  • If you have tracked delivery notes in sales, you can view only sales or delivery note or both sales and delivery notes. You can also change the threshold limit of the transaction to view the relevant vouchers in the report.

The option Include Tracked Vouchers will appear only if delivery note and receipt note voucher types are enabled.

HSN Code not specified

Displays the count of transactions for which HSN code is not defined.

  1. Select the exception HSN Code not specified, and press Enter.
  2. Select the required stock item.
  3. Enter the HSN/SAC Name and HSN/SAC.
  4. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

Information required for e-Way Bill not provided

Displays the count of transactions for which mandatory details required for generating e-Way Bill are not provided. If a POS invoice value exceeds the threshold limit provided for e-Way Bill, the transaction appears here.

  1. Select the exception Information required for e-Way Bill not provided, and press Enter.
  2. Skip Validation: Press Alt+S (Skip Validation) for vouchers that you want to accept without validating the following:
    • Transporter ID
    • Vehicle number
    • Pincode
    • Distance
      This button will be activated only for vouchers in which these details are not available in the format provided by the department.
  3. Press Enter to accept.
    The State field appears under Dispatch From and Ship To sections in e-Way Bill details screen of the invoice. If you have not selected the State name under Bill From, Dispatch From, Bill To or Ship To, the invoice will appear as an exception. To resolve this exception, you need to select the Indian State or other territory.
    While resolving the exception, Other Countries will not be listed for selection as per the latest requirements of e-Way Bill.
  4. For the other exceptions, you can do one of the following:
    • Press Alt+H (Exclude Vouchers), to exclude a transaction from this report.
    • Press Alt+W (Update Details) and enter the e-Way Bill Details for sales and POS invoice.
    • Select the required voucher, and press Enter.
    • Enter the Consignor Pincode and Consignee Pincode. If you had entered the distance in any of the previous invoices for these pincodes and party ledger combination, the Distance will be prefilled. You can edit this distance if required.
  5. Enter the other missing details (for sales and POS invoices).
  6. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

Invoices Ready for Export

Displays the count of transactions which have all the mandatory details required for generating e-Way Bill, and are ready for export.

  1. Select Invoices Ready for Export and press Enter.
  2. Press F12 (Configure) and enable the options Show Taxable Amount and Tax Amount and Show Tax types in separate columns, to view the taxable value and tax amount in separate columns.

    When the option Assessee of other territory is enabled in Company GST Details screen, the column for UT Tax Amount will appear instead of State Tax Amount.

  3. Press Shift+Enter on each invoice, to view the transaction types inferred based on the States selected in the e-Way Bill Details screen.
  4. Press F4 (Party) to select a particular party ledger, and display the relevant transactions.
  5. Press Ctrl+H (Change View) to view the details of a report in different views with additional details or for a specific period. You can also view other reports related to the current report.
    To view the Update e-Way Bill Information for e-Way Bill – Voucher Register, press Ctrl+H (Change View) > type or select e-Way Bill – Voucher Register > press Enter. Press Esc to view the default report.
  6. Press Alt+H (Exclude Vouchers), to exclude a transaction from this report.
  7. Press Alt+V (Open e-Way Bill Portal)to open the GST portal.
  8. Select the required transaction (press Spacebar to select more than one transaction), and press Alt+E (Export) > e-Way Bill to export.
  9. Press E (Send) to create the JSON file.

Invoices Exported

Displays the count of transactions which are exported in MS Excel or JSON format.

  1. Select Invoices Exported and press Enter.
  2. Press F12 (Configure) and enable the options Show Taxable Amount and Tax Amount and Show Tax types in separate columns, to view the taxable value and tax amount in separate columns.
  3. Press Shift+Enter on each invoice, to view the transaction types inferred based on the States selected in the e-Way Bill Details screen.
  4. Based on the location of the party selected (under Bill To, Ship To, Bill From and Dispatch From) in the invoice, the Transaction Type appears in this report.
    1. Regular – appears when the State or location selected in the sections:
      1. Bill From and Dispatch From is same, or
      2. Bill To and Ship to is same.
    2. Bill To – Ship To – appears when the same State is selected under Bill From, Dispatch From, and Bill To.
  5. Bill From – Dispatch From – appears when different States are selected under Bill From and Dispatch From are different, but the same State is selected under Bill To and Ship To.

    Bill To – Ship To and Bill From – Dispatch From – appear when different states are selected under Bill From, Dispatch From, Bill To, and Ship To.

  6. Press F4 (Party) and select the required party ledger.
  7. Press Ctrl+H (Change View) to view the details of a report in different views with additional details or for a specific period. You can also view other reports related to the current report.
    To view the Update e-Way Bill Information for e-Way Bill – Voucher Register, press Ctrl+H (Change View) > type or select e-Way Bill – Voucher Register > press Enter. Press Esc to view the default report.
  8. Press Alt+H (Exclude Vouchers), to exclude a transaction from this report.
  9. Press Alt+V (Open e-Way Bill Portal), to open the GST portal.
  10. Press Alt+E (Export) > select e-Way Bill to export the transactions to MS Excel or JSON format. This button is highlighted only on selecting transactions that do not have e-Way Bill number and date.
  11. Press Alt+W (Update Details) to enter the e-Way Bill number and date.

Excluded by User

Displays the count of transactions which excluded from the e-Way Bill report.

  1. Select User-excluded Transactions and press Enter.
  2. Press Alt+H (Include Vouchers) to include the transaction in the report.

Voucher-wise View of e-Way Bill Report

In the Status-wise View of Export for e-Way Bill report, press F8 (Voucher-wise View) to display the transaction details.

Update e-Way Bill Information

Displays invoices for which e-Way Bill number and date are not provided.

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > GST > e-Way Bill > Update e-Way Bill Information.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Update e-Way Bill Information > and press Enter.
    You can also press Ctrl+H (Change View) from the Export for e-Way Bill report to view this report.
  2. Select the required party, and press Enter. The report appears for only one day. You can change the date or period, if required.
  3. Press F12 (Configure) and set the options, as required.
  4. You can press F8 (Status-wise View) to view the report based on invoice status.
  5. Press Ctrl+B (Basis of Values) to configure the values in your report for that instance, based on different business needs.
    In Update e-Way Bill Information Report, you can set Threshold limit for Interstate and Intrastate. Press Ctrl+B (Basis of Values) > Set Threshold for Intrastate > press Enter and set the Value. Press Esc to view the default values.
    Similarly, you can include URD purchases, Non URD purchases etc.
  6. Press Ctrl+H (Change View) to viewthe details of a report in different views with additional details or for a specific period. You can also view other reports related to the current report.
    To view the Status-wise report for Update e-Way Bill Information, press Ctrl+H (Change View) > type or select Status-wise > press Enter. Press Esc to view the default report.
  7. Enter the e-Way Bill No., e-Way Bill Date, Consolidated e-Way Bill No. and Consolidated e-Way Bill Date, as applicable for each transaction.
  8. Save the report.

e-Way Bill Report

Displays invoices that have e-Way Bill number and date.

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports> Statutory Reports > GST > e-Way Bill > e-Way Bill Report.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select e-Way Bill Report > and press Enter.
  2. You can press Ctrl+H (Change View) from Export for e-Way Bill or Update e-Way Bill Information reports to view this report.
  3. In this report, you can:
    • Press F4 (Party) and select the required party ledger.
    • Ctrl+H (Change View) – You can display the details of a report in different views with additional details or for a specific period. You can also view other reports related to the current report.
    • Press Alt+V (Open e-Way Bill Portal) to open the GST portal.
    • Press Alt+W (Update Details) to enter the e-Way Bill number and date.

Consolidated e-Way Bill

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > GST > e-Way Bill > e-Way Bill Report.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select e-Way Bill Report > and press Enter.
  2. Press F8 (Consolidated View) to view the grouping based on mode, vehicle number, place and state.
    How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (64)
  3. In this report, you can:
    • Press F8 (Invoice-wise) to view the details of individual invoices.
    • Select more than one invoice (press Spacebar), press Alt+B (Update Consolidated Info.) to enter the consolidated e-Way Bill invoice number and date.
    • Ctrl+H (Change View) – You can display the details of a report in different views with additional details or for a specific period. You can also view other reports related to the current report.
    • Select more than one invoice (press Spacebar), and press Alt+E (Export) > select Consolidated e-Way Bill > and press Enter. To create JSON for consolidated invoices as shown below:

      The options in Update Consolidated Details appear only when the details are not provided in the invoices selected for export. The Mode, Vehicle No., From Place and State entered here, will be updated in the invoices.
  4. Press Alt+V (Open e-Way Bill Portal) to open the GST portal.

Export Data to JSON preparation tool, and Create JSON

When you save the invoice enabled with the option to Export e-Way Bill details from invoice after saving, the Export Details for e-Way Bill screen appears. The default format is set to JSON e-Way Bill Details (Data Interchange). To download the tool, and export:

  1. Press Alt+V (Open e-Way Bill Portal) from Export for e-Way Bill or e-Way Bill Reports, to open the GST portal.
  2. Press e-Way Bill System > Click here to go to e-Way Bill Portal.
  3. In the e-Way Bill system, click Help > Tools > Bulk Generation Tools.
  4. Under JSON Preparation Tools, click E-Waybill JSON Preparation (Generation of EWB by Common enrolled transporter included in this version). The file EWB_Preparation_Tool.xlsm gets downloaded.
  5. Copy the downloaded file to the Export Location of TallyPrime.
  6. In the Export for e-Way Bill screen, press Ctrl+E (Export).
  7. Select Excel (Spreadsheet) as the Format. If the template is not available in the Export Location, the message appears as shown:

    Download the tool from the e-Way Bill System of the GST portal and copy it in the Export Location of TallyPrime.
  8. In the Export screen:
    1. Select Excel (Spreadsheet) as the File Format.
    2. Specify the Folder Path. By default, the specified path is the TallyPrime Installation folder path.
    3. Verify and update the File Name, if needed.
      • Ensure that the latest tool is available in the specified path or Export cannot be carried out.
      • Ensure that the File Name in the Export screen is the same as the name of the tool. Otherwise, Export will fail. You can do the following:
        • Copy the name of the tool and append to the File Name.
          Alternatively, rename the tool and add the same name to the File Name in TallyPrime.
        • Add the extension .xlsm if not available. A sample image is shown below:
          How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (67)
          Once done, the tool will be updated with the details.
  9. Update any other mandatory details (specified with asterisk *) as per the tool and click Validate to verify the details.
  10. On successful validation, click Prepare JSON.

    JSON will be generated in the folder where the tool is located.

  11. Upload the JSON file to the portal to generate the e-Way Bill.

Related Topics

  • e-Way Bill Using TallyPrime - FAQ
  • Reasons for Rejection of e-Way Bill and Resolutions
  • How to Generate e-Invoice on IRP Using TallyPrime
  • How to Use the e-Invoice Sandbox Feature in TallyPrime
  • How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime
How to Generate e-Way Bill in TallyPrime and Other e-Way Bill Activities (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6142

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.