How to Get a $100k Business Loan for Your Growing Company (2024)

How to Get a $100k Business Loan for Your Growing Company (1)

How to Get a $100k Business Loan for Your Growing Company (17)


How to Get a $100k Business Loan for Your Growing Company (18)


If your small business is looking to significantly expand its operations but needs an influx of $100k or more to do so, securing a sizable business loan is likely on your mind. This article will explore how to get approved for a $100k business loan, including what to expect for monthly payments, eligibility requirements, and suitable uses of funds.

How to Get a $100k Business Loan

With $100k in cash, businesses have flexibility to tackle big projects like upgrading equipment, building renovations, inventory stockpile, hiring new employees and more. But how hard is it really to get approved for a six-figure loan amount?

Lenders will consider factors like your business credit score, profits, collateral, and time in business. Many companies opt to work with alternative lenders who offer more flexible $100k startup business loans if traditional banks deny the application. Having a strong business plan for what to do with $100k is also key for approval.

What Do To With $100k

How to Get a $100k Business Loan for Your Growing Company (20)

Ideas for profitable uses of a $100k business windfall include inventory stockpile to fulfill increased orders, equipment to boost production levels, facility upgrades like new machines, software to streamline operations, marketing campaign to reach more customers, or hiring additional employees for business expansion. The opportunities are endless with $100k cash in hand.

Other Approval Factors

Established companies with $100k+ in annual revenues, two years or more in operation, and a 600+ credit score have the strongest chances at a sizable loan. Personal assets or commercial real estate as collateral could boost a loan application if business metrics are marginal. Alternative lenders may also consider lower credit scores on a case-by-case basis.

This has provided an overview of options small businesses have when seeking to finance meaningful growth through a sizable $100k business loan. With careful financial planning and a solid loan application, many companies can obtain the funds needed to take their operations to the next level.

Common Eligibility Requirements for a $100k business loan

Minimum revenue levels – Most lenders will require at least $100,000-250,000 in average annual revenues for the past 2-3 years. Some may approve with lower revenues if other credit factors are strong.

Time in business – Lenders typically require a business to have been operating for 2-5 years before approving a $100k loan. Newer businesses may struggle to get approved.

Business structure – Loans are usually only available to established businesses operating as an LLC or corporation. Sole proprietorships may have less funding options.

Owner credit score – Personal credit scores of 650 or higher are commonly required from the primary owners/guarantors. Higher scores increase approval odds.

Debt ratios – Debt coverage and other financial ratios must demonstrate the business has the cash flow to take on higher monthly payments.

Collateral – As loan sizes increase, lenders often require business or personal assets as collateral like real estate, equipment, vehicles.

Documentation – Businesses need verifiable profit/loss records, tax returns, business licenses and permits in good standing to prove stability.

Background checks – Owners may face screening of business/personal credit histories, litigation and judgments.

Meeting minimum standards in these key areas gives businesses the strongest chance of qualifying for a $100k business loan. Every lender’s criteria can vary slightly as well.

Types of $100K Business Loans Available

Here are the main types of business loans available for $100k:

  • Unsecured business loans: These don’t require collateral but have higher rates. Established businesses with excellent credit may qualify without assets securing the loan.

  • Secured business loans: By using business assets like equipment, vehicles or real estate as collateral, businesses can qualify for lower rates. The collateral is at risk if payments are missed.

  • SBA Loans: The Small Business Administration guarantees loans ranging from $50k-$500k through partner banks and lenders. Terms of up to 25 years keep monthly costs low. Requirements may include a personal guarantee.

  • Equipment financing: Finance specific equipment purchases for essential assets. Terms match the equipment’s usable life with flexibility to update technology. No collateral needed beyond the equipment itself.

  • Merchant cash advance: A high-cost form of financing that uses future credit/debit card sales as collateral. Funds are received quickly but repaying requires diverting daily payment volume.

  • Small business term loans: For $100k, terms of 5-7 years are common to keep monthly payments reasonable. Rates are competitive, especially if the business uses own collateral to secure the loan.

  • Commercial real estate loans: Buy or renovate property with a $100k loan secured by the real estate. Terms of 10-30 years keep monthly costs very low through amortization.

Thoroughly researching options will help businesses identify the lowest cost structure suited to their funding needs and credit profile for a $100k business loan. A portfolio of options may also be possible, but these are the top choices we’ve rounded up: whether from a traditional lender or alternative lender. Click the link to read more information about each product Unsecured Small Business Loans, Secured Business Loans, SBA loans, Equipment Financing, Merchant Cash Advance, Small Business Term Loans.

How Hard is it to Get a Business Loan?

Securing funding for your small business is an important step, but many entrepreneurs wonder how difficult it will be to obtain a business loan. Most lenders will consider your business credit history, cash flow, financial and legal documents, as well as your personal credit score when reviewing a loan application. Having a minimum personal credit score of 600-640 at most banks or credit unions is generally required.

However, some alternatives may provide small business loans even with a lower minimum credit score. Your chances are also better if you have established the proper business bank account and can demonstrate positive cash flow. While having bad personal credit or no established business credit history can raise the difficulty, many options are available to help your growing company get access to necessary funding.

How Do You Get Approved for a $100k Business Loan?

How to Get a $100k Business Loan for Your Growing Company (21)

Research your business loan options to find lenders experienced with mid-sized loans. Consider secured vs. unsecured options.

Make sure your business documentation is in order with 2+ years of tax returns and financial statements showing stable annual revenue over $200k-$500k.

Build your business credit profile by making timely debt payments which lenders can see on business credit reports.

Pay down personal debts to improve debt-to-income ratios on your individual credit report before applying.

Schedule a meeting with Upwise Capital to review your loan application strengths and areas needing improvement to increase approval odds.

Provide detailed plans for how funds will boost growth through increased inventory, new equipment or expanding to a larger facility.

Have a credit score of 600+ , if it’s lower, consider strengthening it

Research lending programs focused specifically on a six-figure size business loan to qualify for the best interest rates and terms.

Following these steps can maximize your chances of securing the $100k your business needs from a lender.

Common Financial and Legal Documents Lenders Typically Require

Tax returns – Recent 1-2 years of corporate/personal tax returns provide financial history.

Financial statements – Year-end balance sheets and profit/loss statements show financial performance. Year-to-date numbers may also be needed.

Business license/permits – Proves company is legally registered and compliant to operate.

Articles of incorporation – Establishes business as incorporated entity (LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp etc.).

Bank statements – Recent 3-6 months of business bank statement transaction records.

Business debt schedule – Lists current outstanding business debts and loan terms.

Personal financial statement – Summarizes personal assets, debts and net worth.

Lease/contracts – Rental agreement if business operates from leased space.

Purchase orders/invoices – Shows contracts/sales for inventory or equipment loans.

Providing complete, accurate documentation is key to validating the financial picture and loan eligibility for lenders.

100k Business Loan Monthly Payment

Monthly payments on a $100k loan can range significantly depending on the loan term and interest rate. For a 5-year term at 8% interest, expect $100k business loan monthly payments around $1,800. Longer terms up to 10 years can get payments under $1,000/month. Be sure to understand the full repayment schedule.

Managing Loan Repayment: Strategies to ensure smooth repayment without compromising growth

Effectively managing the repayment of a $100,000 business loan requires careful planning and strategic financial management. One crucial aspect is to allocate sufficient funds to pay the accrued interest on the loan. By prioritizing interest payments, you can avoid any potential accumulation of interest and stay on track with your repayment schedule. It’s also essential to assess your cash flow and budget to ensure that you have the means to make regular payments towards the loan amount. Developing a realistic repayment plan that aligns with your business’s financial capabilities is vital.

Additionally, exploring options for early repayment of the loan can be beneficial. By paying off the principal amount ahead of schedule, you can reduce the overall interest expenses and potentially shorten the loan term. Communication with your lender is key throughout the repayment process. They can provide guidance, address any concerns, and potentially offer refinancing options to improve your repayment terms. By implementing these strategies and staying proactive in managing your $100,000 business loan, you can effectively pay off the loan and maintain the financial health and growth of your business.

Business Bank Account

How to Get a $100k Business Loan for Your Growing Company (22)

Establishing credibility with lenders is a key part of qualifying for a sizable $100k business loan. One of the most important things you can do is open a dedicated business bank account. This separates your personal finances from your company’s transactions. It also allows lenders to verify cash flow. Most will want to see 3-6 months of consistent revenue deposits before approving a large loan.

Showing steady income coming into the business bank account demonstrates you have the ability to make monthly loan payments. It proves your company is a viable operation generating real sales. The bank statements give lenders confidence that your revenue projections aren’t just speculative. Taking the time to properly establish a this account and build several months of transaction history will significantly strengthen your loan application.

Unsecured Business Loans

Unsecured business loans do not require you to put up any collateral like personal assets or commercial property to qualify. This makes the application process faster since traditional lenders don’t have to evaluate collateral. Some lenders even offer a 100,000 business loan with no personal guarantee required from the owner. This means the owner’s personal credit won’t impact approval and their personal assets aren’t at risk if the company defaults.

Online lenders are a top provider of unsecured business loans and merchant cash advances since you can explore options and prequalify using a business loan calculator without a hard credit check. With merchant cash advances, your daily credit/debit card sales act as collateral rather than personal property. Interest rates for unsecured business financing tend to be higher than secured loans due to added risk for the lender.

Be sure to closely review terms with any lender offering unsecured business loans or lines of credit. Fees, especially prepayment charges, can end up costing you more in the long run versus a secured loan at a somewhat higher interest rate. Always crunch the numbers using the business loan calculator to determine the true costs. While convenient, unsecured loans are best used only when additional collateral simply isn’t available. With careful planning unsecured loans can help your business access funds efficiently.

Secured Business Loans

To get a $100,000 business loan requires meeting lender requirements like minimum personal score and business credit history, annual revenue amounts, and time in business. A secured business loan can help small business owners qualify for larger funding amounts compared to an unsecured loan. Online lenders that specialize in secured business financing for amounts up to $100,000 will often have lower minimum credit score needs. By using strong collateral like commercial real estate or business equipment, owners can boost their financing applications.

This type of secured business loan offers more competitive interest rates than a standard small business lines of credit. Researching dedicated secured loan options through online lenders is worthwhile for any small business owner looking to access $100,000 for expansion through favorable business financing terms. Collateral requirements compared to rates and terms available will determine the best path to get a $100k business loan. Bank loans will also consider secured vs unsecured loan options depending on business credit scores.

Merchant Cash Advances: Best Unsecured Business Loan

A merchant cash advance (MCA) provides businesses with funds based on their daily credit/debit card sales rather than taking traditional collateral like equipment or real estate.

With an MCA, the lender evaluates recent card transaction volumes to determine eligibility. They’ll then advance a lump sum (the loan amount), usually 25-50% of average monthly sales.

Rather than fixed monthly payments, the business pays back a pre-negotiated percentage of daily card sales until the full advance plus fees are repaid. This usually takes 3-6 months.

MCAs don’t report to credit bureaus like loans, so they’re an option even for businesses with poor credit. And funds are received very quickly, often within 24-48 hours of approval.

However, MCA interest rates tend to be much higher, sometimes 30% or more due to the short payback period. Overpaying is also possible if sales don’t meet projections.

So while MCAs provide fast cash with no credit checks or collateral, businesses need to closely monitor sales to ensure long-term affordability of repayments. Careful financial planning is important when considering an MCA.

How Do You Get a 100k business loan with Bad Credit?

How to Get a $100k Business Loan for Your Growing Company (23)

Accessing $100k in funding can feel like an insurmountable challenge for small business owners grappling with bad credit. However, a top online lender such as Upwise Capital specialize in offering small business loan options specifically designed for individuals with less-than-ideal personal credit. To increase your chances of securing financing, it’s essential to establish a positive business profile.

Aim for a minimum annual revenue of $150k over the past two years and consistently pay bills on time. Actively utilizing business credit cards and ensuring timely payments will help build separate business credit scores, distinct from personal credit reports. Demonstrating responsible repayment behavior on credit cards or a small secured business line of credit for 6-12 months highlights your ability to meet financial obligations—an aspect often overlooked by traditional banks.

Additionally, proactively reducing personal debts and resolving charge-offs can gradually elevate your individual credit score by as much as 200 points over time. Consider applying with a cosigner who possesses a strong credit history, as this can bolster your chances of approval. With alternative qualification criteria and more flexible credit guidelines, online lenders have the capacity to offer six-figure loans tailored to the unique needs of your business, even if you have a less-than-perfect credit history. Rest assured that Upwise Capital and similar lenders are committed to providing up to $100k in affordable funding options to support your business’s growth.

Navigating Credit Challenges: Overcoming poor personal credit when seeking a six figure business loan

Paying Interest: Prioritize timely interest payments to demonstrate financial responsibility and improve your creditworthiness.

Term Loan Options: Explore alternative lenders specializing in term loans for small businesses with less-than-ideal credit scores.

Building Business Credit: Separate personal and business credit by using business credit cards and making timely payments to establish a positive business credit history.

Annual Revenue Considerations: Focus on increasing your annual revenue to strengthen your loan application and showcase your business’s financial stability.

Alternative Financing Options: Look beyond traditional bank loans and explore options like SBA business loans and other programs designed to support small businesses with credit challenges.

Collaborating with Lenders: Communicate openly with lenders, explaining your credit challenges and showcasing your business’s potential for growth and success.

Loan Term Adjustments: Consider longer loan terms to lower monthly payments and increase the likelihood of approval.

Seek Expert Advice: Consult with financial advisors or credit professionals who can provide guidance on improving your credit score and navigating the loan application process.

Research the Best Small Business Loan: Compare terms, interest rates, and eligibility requirements from various lenders to find the best loan option that fits your business’s needs and credit situation.

Demonstrating Financial Stability: Emphasize factors such as consistent cash flow, positive revenue trends, and a strong business plan to strengthen your loan application and mitigate the impact of poor personal credit.

$100k Start Up Business Loan

Securing significant funding for a new business can seem like a big task, but $100k can really help get your startup off the ground. There are a few different options to consider when applying for a startup business loan. SBA loans are a great place to start since they’re designed with startups in mind. Just be prepared to put together a thorough business plan. You may also need to use collateral like equipment or real estate as security.

Another option is online alternative business loans. These tend to have higher interest rates than traditional banks, so do your research first. A tip is to start building up some early business credit history before applying – this shows momentum. You could also explore private investors or personal loans if your own credit is strong enough to use as collateral.

It’s always a good idea to check with banks too, just in case you qualify for their 100,000 business loan. Whichever path you choose, be sure to understand terms, fees and repayment schedules upfront.


Having $100k could be your chance to really take that new venture to the next level. With the right preparation in your business plan and loan application, you’ll be on your way to launching a successful startup! Let me know if you need any tips along the way.

Our team at Upwise Capital is here to assist you with every step of the way to secure whatever funding is needed to help your business grow. If you have any questions regarding how to get a $100k loan, please call our team at 77-55-UPWISE or email [emailprotected].

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Qualifying for a $100,000 business loan from a traditional lender usually requires excellent credit, several years in business, and high annual revenue. Alternative lenders can offer similar amounts with lower eligibility requirements and faster funding times.

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Qualifying for a $100,000 business loan from a traditional lender usually requires excellent credit, several years in business, and high annual revenue. Alternative lenders can offer similar amounts with lower eligibility requirements and faster funding times.

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Small Business Term Loans

On average, you can expect a $100,000 loan amount to include loan payments of $8,833.33 per month for 12 months or as low as $883.35 monthly payment for a 10-year business loan at 6% interest. Exact terms will vary based on your credit score, interest rate, lender, and other factors.

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It is possible to get a $100,000 personal loan, but it's challenging. Lenders don't typically offer loans as large as $100,000, with most banks and credit unions offering a maximum of $50,000. To qualify for a $100,000 personal loan, you'll need a credit score of 720 or above and a high income.

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Getting a startup business loan can be challenging without a track record of success in your company. Lenders want reassurance that you will repay what you borrow, and there's no way to gauge the risk of default if you haven't yet launched your business.

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To recap: For a $100,000 mortgage, you need to make a minimum of $29,138 per year. To get this number, we calculated the percentage of income based on the 28/36 rule of thumb, which states that mortgage payments should be 28% or less of your gross income and no more than 36% of your total monthly debts.

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Here are Bankrate's picks for the best small business loans:
  • National Funding: Best for early payoff discounts.
  • QuickBridge: Best for loan variety.
  • Funding Circle: Best for flexible repayment terms.
  • Fundbox: Best for startups.
  • American Express Business Blueprint: Best for low revenue requirements.

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Small business loan amounts by loan type
LenderAverage small business loan amount
Online loans$5,000 to $500,000
Short-term loans$5,000 to $750,000
Business line of creditUp to $1 million
Equipment financingUp to 80% to 100% of the value of purchased equipment
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Monthly payments for a $100,000 mortgage
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)Monthly payment (15-year)Monthly payment (30-year)
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Aug 5, 2024

What is the average small business startup loan? ›

While the average small business loan amount is $663,000, according to the Federal Reserve, startup loans are generally far less than this. That's because, unlike more established small businesses, startup companies usually don't have a strong credit history or a record of success to share with lenders.

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You'll generally need a good to exceptional credit score, generally between 670 and 850, and a steady income to get a $100,000 personal loan.

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You can loan £100k with an unsecured loan if you have a strong credit score. In most cases, the funds will be paid to you. However, if you have a bad or less than perfect credit score, you can use your home or property as collateral.

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While the standard repayment term for federal loans is 10 years, it takes anywhere between 13 and 20 years on average to repay $100k in student loans. Here are some different scenarios to consider, depending on your financial situation and goals.

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Yes, it can be easier to get an LLC loan. Some lenders won't lend to sole proprietors.

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Microloans. Microloans are loans of up to $50,000 that can help startups tackle small funding needs. Because they are geared toward startup businesses, they may not have revenue requirements to apply. Microloans are available from the SBA, as well as other government, nonprofit and peer-to-peer agencies.

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Start by researching organizations or lenders that offer loans for new business ventures, like microlenders or Community Development Financial Institutions. Your local Small Business Development Center offers resources for finding startup financing, including SBA programs designed to help new business owners.

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Some lenders make it difficult to qualify for a $100,000 business loan. Traditional lenders like banks and credit unions prefer applicants with good-to-excellent credit, at least two years in business and an annual revenue of $250,000. Online lenders have less strict requirements than traditional lenders.

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Can I Get a $200,000 Business Loan With Bad Credit? Generally, a credit score of 680 or higher is preferable for larger loans. But again, different lenders have varying criteria, and some alternative lenders may be more flexible.

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