How to Get Freelance Writing Clients: 7 Foolproof Tactics I Used to Quickly Grow My Income to a $5K+/month (2024)

April 2015 was a pretty tough month.

First, I found out that a mole on the back of my leg had turned into melanoma.

So I was freaking the f*ck out about that pretty much 24/7.

And literally a few days later, I got fired (for the 3rd time in my life).

I mean, I think I was okay with it deep down because I hated my job (harsh but true) and had been planning my exit strategy for a while.

Still — suddenly having no source of income was difficult.

And to make matters worse, my husband’s work contract ended at the same time.

So there we were. No source of income.

I knew I had to take action. Fast.

I had been reading books and blogs about how to make it as a full-time freelance writer for a while, but I certainly didn’t feel “ready” to do it.

I did it anyway, though.

And just 4 months later, I had my first $5,000+ month.

(And I don’t say that to brag — I say it becauseI want youto know it’s possible to quickly make good money as a freelance writer, even if you’re a TOTAL BEGINNER.)

All of that income came from freelance writing work.

I think what really motivated me to work my ass off during that time was my melanoma diagnosis.

Thankfully, it didn’t end up being a serious thing because the melanoma waswas only Stage 1, but still. When you’re told you have something on your body that might’ve killed you if it hadn’t been caught early, youreallystart to think about the way you’re living your life.

And I thought a lot about my career. I was tired of working with people who stole my ideas, tried to enforce pointless rules, and participated in office politics.

I also knew that, as a freelance writer, I didn’t want to settle forsh*tty content mills or work with rude, low-paying clients.

Life is too short for that bullsh*t.

I didn’t want to put up with any of it. So I built a freelance writer website and did everything I could to land high-paying clients.

And today, I want to share the methods I used with you. Because you shouldn’t have to put up with bullsh*t either.

(Keep in mind that I had no connections, no degree, and barely any writing samples when I started out. So if I can do it, then you can too!)

By the time you’re done reading this post, you’ll knowhow to get freelance writing clients that pay well (without joining gross websites like Upwork and Fiverr).

Let’s get started.

How to Get Freelance Writing Clients That Pay Well (Even If You’re a Newbie!)

1. Make LinkedIn your bitch.

Here’s a little secret: none of the clients I’ve landed from LinkedIn are clients I pitched.

I never even messaged them.

GASP. I know, right!?

Approach LinkedIn correctly, and clients will come to YOU.

Even if you’re a newbie.

Here’s what I did:

1. Filled out my LinkedIn profile the right way.

You need to use key words in your profile and your headline if you want clients to find you, okay?

Take a look at what I’m using on my profile right now:

How to Get Freelance Writing Clients: 7 Foolproof Tactics I Used to Quickly Grow My Income to a $5K+/month (1)

If I didn’t include “B2B” (my niche) there, I can guarantee I wouldn’t get nearly as many clients from LinkedIn.

That’s because potential clients aren’t searching for a general “freelance writer” most of the time.

They’re searching for a specific kind of freelance writer. An expert.

So put your niche in your profile and headline.

And for the love of god, don’t write your summary like you’re a desperate job-seeker writing a resume summary!

Write it like you’re a badass business owner (because you are).

That means no barf-worthy jargon and meaningless adjectives. (Seriously. If you put the word “leverage” on your LinkedIn profile I might have to slap you.)

2. Added tons of my ideal clients as connections.

Since I targeted B2B/tech businesses, I added CEOs and marketing managers at those kinds of businesses.

It was an easy way to make myself visible to my target clients.

So start adding your target clients as connections once you’ve set up your profile (but don’t be spammy about it!).

Hint: you’ll find that more of your connection invitations are accepted if you send a personalized message with each of them.

3. Used LinkedIn Publisher to publish blog posts that targeted my ideal clients.

Think about what your ideal clients want to know in relation to what you’re selling.

For example, if you write blog posts for dental offices, you could publish a post on LinkedIn called “The ABCs of Content Marketing Success for Dental Offices.” If you write conversion copy for technology companies, you could write a post called “5 Easy Ways Tech Companies Can Convert More Website Visitors to Leads.”

Here’s an example of a post I published when I was targeting IT service providers:

How to Get Freelance Writing Clients: 7 Foolproof Tactics I Used to Quickly Grow My Income to a $5K+/month (2)

Doing this (after you’ve added your ideal clients as connections) really helps you establish yourself as an expert within your niche.

And that, my friends, is how you start bringing in the big bucks.

It’s all about targeting a specific clientele and tailoring your ENTIRE marketing strategy to that clientele.

Now, what if you don’t want to use LinkedIn Publisher?

Well, you should still get active on LinkedIn.

Having a solid profile, making good connections, interacting with people there is more than enough to put you on an ideal client’s radar and make them want to hire you.

Side note: Want to learn exactly how to make $1,000 freelance writing in 45 days or less, even if you have NO experience? Join over 3,000 writers in my FREE class right here!

How to Get Freelance Writing Clients: 7 Foolproof Tactics I Used to Quickly Grow My Income to a $5K+/month (3)

2. Send a ton of cold emails.

I landed $800 worth of clients in my first month as a full-time freelancer this way.

Scary? Yes.

Worth it? Also… yes.

The key to making cold emailing work for you is defining a niche and presenting yourself as an expert in that niche to the clients who need you the most.

You might be thinking:

Okay… but where do I find clients to send cold emails to?

Good question. You’ve got a few options:

Use Google. When I started out, I specialized in B2B/tech content, so I looked up all of the local IT service providers here in Dallas and emailed them with my pitchand a link to my site.

Use LinkedIn. But DON’T send a pitch as soon as you add a connection. The key to landing clients on social media is providing value and showing your expertise. You want the clients to come to you, and that won’t happen if you piss them off by spamming their InMail with something sales-y. Instead, interact with them a bit and thensend them a message explaining how you can help their business.

Use LimeLeads. Most of my earliest clients came from Limeleads, which is basically a huge database of leads that can be narrowed down by industry. It’s awesome because it really helps you find businesses who need a writer with your expertise.

Remember – the key to a successful cold email is focusing on the client’s needs. So don’t drone on about your previous full-time jobs and how much you love writing. Clients don’t give a sh*t about that (sounds mean but it’s true!).

What they do care about is the ROI (return on investment) they’ll get when they hire you to write from them.

Figure out what kind of results they want, let them know that you can deliver those results (only if you actually can, of course), and you’ll be well on your way to cold emailing success.

3. Send some snail mail.

I’m totally serious, you guys. I was mailing businesses like crazy during my first month as a freelance writer.

And while it wasn’t my most efficient client-scoring method, it did land me a couple good clients (I still work with one of them!).

Here’s exactly what I did:

1. Ordered business cards from and had a letterhead designed. This helped me come across as more professional, which was important. Remember, you’ll land more clients if you act like an expert business owner than you will if you act like a desperate job-seeker.

2. Looked up TONS of B2B/tech businesses (since that was my niche) and made a list of their marketing managers and addresses. I found the businesses by doing Google searches and found the marketing manager’s name on LinkedIn or the company website.

3. Typed up a pitch letter for each business. I kept most of the content the same, but I made sure to change the name and at least one paragraph to state exactly how I wanted to help each specific business (if you don’t tailor, your mail will look like it has been copied and pasted a thousand times, meaning that it’ll end up in the trash can).

4. Tedious bullsh*t. Ah yes. The fun part. Buying letters and stamps. Filling out hundreds of addresses. Going to the post office every day. It’s not the most fun thing you’ll do as a freelance writer, but if you do it right, your efforts will pay off.

If you want to try this, connect with the person you send the letter to on social media in some way and start interacting with them there too.

…It’s as simple as sending them a friendly tweet or message asking about your letter. Instant connection!

4. Stalk the Problogger Job Board.


Stalk the sh*t out of it.


Because the jobs listed there fill up pretty quickly and the people who post them get HUNDREDS of emails from other freelance writers.

And you want your email to be one of the first they see.

That won’t happen if you check for new jobs every few days.

In fact, if you’re a newbie and/or don’t have lots of client work, I recommend checking it every few hours.

Sounds crazy, but I used to do it, and it worked.

Today, my two biggest clients are people I found on the Problogger job board.

Think about it like this:

It’s a numbers game. The more solid pitches (key word: solid) you send out, the greater the chance you’ll get some responses and land new clients.

So don’t be afraid to get obsessed with the Problogger Job Board.

As long as you know how to write a persuasive pitch and have a good freelance writer website, it’s totally worth it.

Want to learn how to set up a freelance writer website, pick a niche, and market yourself in a way that lands you high-paying clients (even if you’re a newbie)?

Click here to join over 3,000 writers in my FREE class on how to make your first $1,000 freelance writing!

5. Build a freelance writer website that clearly states your niche.

I feel like I say this in every blog post I write – but it’s just that important.

You have to pick a niche and clearly state that niche on your freelance writer website if you want to get lots of high-paying clients.

Since I specialize in B2B blog posts, this is what my headline says:

How to Get Freelance Writing Clients: 7 Foolproof Tactics I Used to Quickly Grow My Income to a $5K+/month (4)

Without a well-defined niche, potential clients who visit your site will wonder whether or not you’re the subject matter expert they’re looking for.

If they see that you’re a generalist, they’ll probably move on to a different writer who they perceive as more of an expert in their industry (ouch).

But if they see that you’re a specialist in what they need, there’s a good chance that they’ll contact you to learn more about how you can help them.

6. Optimize your freelance writer website for search engines.

According to Google Analytics (a pretty trustworthy source, if you ask me), most of the traffic I get to my freelance writer website comes from search engines.

But take a look at my website copy, and you’ll notice that I haven’t stuffed tons of key words.

Nope. I’ve taken a different approach to SEO optimization.

And here’s how you can do it on your own site:

Target a relevant key word that doesn’t have tons of competition.

In my case, that’s “dallas freelance copywriter” and “dallas freelance blogger.”

And it’s working pretty well for me since I’m ranked #5 and #1 for those keywords. If I had targeted something more general like “freelance copywriter,” I doubt I’d get any traffic from it. There’s just too much competition.

Guest post like your life depends on it.

If you want your freelance writer website to rank high in Google, you need good backlinks (meaning that other reputable websites need to link to yoursite).

So, start pitching guest post ideas to publications that will let you have an author bio with a link back to your site. Once you do this enough, you’ll notice it has a huge effect on your ranking.

Optimize your images, titles, meta descriptions, etc.

You’ll want to include your keyword in all of these places.

But keep it as natural-sounding as possible. Keyword stuffing is a big fat NO.

7. Network with other freelancers.

And I’m not just talking about writers here (although that’s a good start).

I’m talking about web designers and developers too. Because they look for copywriters and bloggers all the freaking time.

Think about it. When they design/create a site, that site needs content, right?

That’s where you come in.

So, get active on Twitter. Use the search tool to connect with freelancers. And start chatting them up (just think of it like public texting!).

A word of warning:

Do NOT – I repeat, do NOT – send people sales-y DMs/tweets before you ever even get to know them.

You know, unless you wantto look like a self-serving douchebag.

That wasn’t so bad, was it?

I mean, I know some of these strategies sound time-consuming (I’m looking at you, snail mail!). It might seem easier to just sign up for a Fiverr or Upwork account and take whatever work you can get. Instant gratification.

And you know what? If you seriously don’t know how you’re going to pay your rent next week, do that.

But otherwise, I want you to avoid low-paying content mill sites at all costs.


Because building and marketing a professional freelance writing business is how you attract high-paying clients.

Yes, it might take more time and effort.

Yes, it requires research and will push you out of your comfort zone.

Do it anyway.

You’ll thank yourself later when you’re making a good living as working with clients who respect you and your work.

Want to learn exactly how to land high-paying clients and make your first $1,000 freelance writing in 45 days or less?

Enroll in my free class right here.

How to Get Freelance Writing Clients: 7 Foolproof Tactics I Used to Quickly Grow My Income to a $5K+/month (5)

Happy business building. 🙂

Which of these strategies will you use to get freelance writing clients? Let me know in the comments!

By the way,if you want to learn about the tools I used to build my freelance writing business, click here!

How to Get Freelance Writing Clients: 7 Foolproof Tactics I Used to Quickly Grow My Income to a $5K+/month (2024)


Can I make $1000 a month freelance writing? ›

If you're serious about making a career change, there's no faster way to make money online than freelance writing. The best part is that if you do it right, you can blow past the $1K a month mark in no time. Freelance writing offers much, much greater earning potential.

How can I make money fast freelancing? ›

14 ways to make money as a freelancer
  1. Graphic design.
  2. Web design and development.
  3. Content writing.
  4. SEO consulting.
  5. Social media management.
  6. Photography.
  7. Virtual assistance.
  8. Video production.

How do freelance writers get clients? ›

I recommend to all new writers that you apply for freelance writing gigs on job boards. It's easily the best way to get your feet wet, build a portfolio, and start getting cash flow coming in. Freelance job boards for writers allow businesses to advertise writing positions, and you can apply for them.

What is the quickest way to make money writing? ›

If you want to make money quickly as a writer, you'll stand the best chance with projects like emails, blog posts, and e-newsletters. All these writing opportunities can be learned in a short time. They're also great for beginners because they're clear, well-defined projects that are in high demand.

What type of freelance writing pays the most? ›

Healthcare and medical writing

The healthcare and medical sector is one of the highest-paying niches in freelance writing. Content in this niche requires skill sets similar to technical writing, as well as extensive knowledge of the healthcare industry.

Can you make 10000 a month with copywriting? ›

But since 2020, I've personally coached thousands of copywriters at every different stage in their business… And 99% of copywriters making $10,000/month or more pretty much all follow the same step-by-step action plan. Yup, a $10,000/month copywriting business is not some mythical fantasy.

What is the easiest skill for freelancing? ›

Here are some essential freelance skills:
  • Communication Skills.
  • Time Management.
  • Technical Proficiency.
  • Adaptability.
  • Self-discipline and Motivation.
  • Business and Marketing Skills.
  • Problem-solving Abilities.
  • Networking Skills.
Feb 27, 2023

What is the highest paying freelance skill? ›

11 of the Highest Paying Freelance Jobs
  1. Accountant. Accountants keep and maintain the financial records for companies of all sizes. ...
  2. Web Designer. Web designers create functional, attractive websites and web pages for businesses and individuals. ...
  3. Video Editor. ...
  4. Translator. ...
  5. Podcast Host. ...
  6. Digital Marketer. ...
  7. Virtual Assistant. ...
  8. Tutor.
Jun 3, 2024

What is the best freelance job for beginners? ›

Top 10 freelance jobs for beginners
  • Content writer.
  • Social media manager.
  • Graphic designer.
  • Virtual assistant.
  • Web developer.
  • SEO specialist.
  • Data entry specialist.
  • Translator.
May 30, 2024

How do freelance writers collect payments? ›

7 Ways to Accept Payments as a Freelancer
  1. Cash. Depending on the kind of contract work you do, getting paid in cash can be a legitimate option. ...
  2. Checks. Another fee-free option is checks, but this method is not very flexible, and it's becoming less common. ...
  3. PayPal. ...
  4. Credit Cards. ...
  5. ACH Transfers. ...
  6. Bank Transfers. ...
  7. Digital Wallets.

How do freelancers get first clients? ›

By identifying your niche, building your professional network, joining a talent network, crafting an effective portfolio and resume, promoting yourself as a freelancer, and negotiating rates and contracts with clients you can set yourself up for success in this competitive field.

How do I market myself as a freelance writer? ›

So grab your pen and paper (or your laptop, if you prefer) and let's get started!
  1. Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) ...
  2. Build a Strong Personal Brand. ...
  3. Develop Your Portfolio and Online Presence. ...
  4. Network with Other Freelancers and Potential Clients. ...
  5. Choose Your Niche and Specialize.
Nov 6, 2023

What is the most profitable form of writing? ›

The profitability of content writing varies significantly across different types, but SEO writing, copywriting, technical writing, ghostwriting, content strategy, and e-commerce writing stand out as the most lucrative niches.

Where to post articles and get paid? ›

Get paid to write articles: 17 legit sites that pay writers
  • Longreads.
  • Copyhackers.
  • Listverse.
  • OpenNews / Source.
  • Sport Fishing Magazine.
  • Better Humans.
  • Narratively.
  • PTO Today.

What is the best side hustle to make money in 2024? ›

The easiest side hustles are those that allow you to work from home and on your computer. Things like freelancing, social media marketing, answering surveys, and proofreading for other small businesses are pretty easy side jobs from home that can still turn a nice profit.

How much should I get paid as a freelance writer? ›

As of Jul 28, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Freelance Writer in the United States is $23.27 an hour.

Can I make 1k a month copywriting? ›

You have to try to get yourself to the point, after six months or so, where you're fairly consistently earning £1000 a month from copywriting. If you can, then you'll be making half of your monthly need from copywriting. It's better not to overstretch though. You've got to be able to drum up the work consistently.

What is a good rate for freelance writing? ›

$250 – $399 is the most popular rate for a 1500-word blog post. 21% of freelancers charge per word. 34% of freelancers charge less than $. 20 per word.

Can you live off of freelance writing? ›

Many freelance writers manage to make a good living writing for institutions, publications, and brands, and earn upwards of six figures per year. This step-by-step guide will help you get started as a successful freelance writer with a steady income and a flexible career.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 6171

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.