How To Get Jobs On Upwork (Beat The Competition) (2024)

You’re here because you’re wondering how to get jobs on Upwork.

Watch the video above or scroll down for more details.

This article is part of an 8-part series about Upwork. Click here for the headlines.

  • 4 Proven Upwork Cover Letter Templates
  • How To Avoid Upwork Scams And Find The Best Jobs
  • What Ivan Did To Beat 50+ Freelancers On Upwork
  • 8 Keys To A Killer Upwork Profile
  • How To Compete With Cheap Freelancers On Upwork
  • How Justin Went From $9 to $50/Hour On Upwork In 12 Months
  • How Susan Earned $1,375 Her First Month On Upwork
  • 81 Best Paying Freelance Jobs On Upwork

Table Of Contents

  • Most of your competition on Upwork SUCKS!
  • How NOT to get jobs on Upwork – 5 examples
  • How to get jobs on Upwork – Ivan’s winning proposal
  • Get feedback on your Upwork proposals

You might be thinking:

  • That your competitors on Upwork have it all figured out.
  • That they’re submitting perfect, polished proposals.
  • That it’s really hard for you to stand out because your competitors are all so brilliant and fantastic.

But here’s the truth:

Most of your competition on Upwork SUCKS!


Most of them are absolutely terrible.

And you’ll start to notice this more and more as you strive to become an A-player and do excellent work online: incompetence is everywhere.

Here’s how it roughly breaks down:

20% of your competition on Upwork simply doesn’t give a 💩

They just want to do the least amount of work possible so they can get paid.

They aren’t interested in doing good work. They aren’t interested in building relationships.

Another 20% of your competition on Upwork simply doesn’t know any better

They don’t have any training, they don’t invest in learning new skills, and they have no clue how to write good proposals.

They’re just flying blind and taking shots in the dark, hoping to get lucky.

That’s the bottom 40% of your Upwork competition right there

Since you’re reading this article, I’m going to assume that these 3 things are true about you:

  1. You care about doing good work
  2. You’d like to build ongoing relationships with your clients
  3. You’re constantly looking to develop yourself and improve your business

Now if those 3 things ARE true about you, then already, by default, you’ve got that bottom 40% of your competition beat. You’re already way ahead of them.

And being better than that 40% is enough to start earning decent money on Upwork, because there’s no shortage of work out there.

But what I really want to get across to you here is that it’s not all that hard to compete with the top 60% of your competition on Upwork either.

Many of them really aren’t all that great.

Let me show you what I mean.

How NOT to get jobs on Upwork – 5 examples

Recently I posted a web developer job on Upwork and received 50+ proposals:

How To Get Jobs On Upwork (Beat The Competition) (1)

Let’s go through a few of them. 1

(Note: the fact that this was a web developer job doesn’t really matter; I would have received the same kind of responses no matter what kind of job I posted.)

Vladyslav from the Ukraine – $30/hr – more than $10,000 earned

How To Get Jobs On Upwork (Beat The Competition) (2)

I invited Vladyslav to apply for the job, and he wrote back:

Hello, thank you for invitation!

Yes, that’s all he wrote!

He obviously didn’t care very much, so no way I was going to hire him.

Mihaela from Romania – $50/hr – more than $90,000 earned

How To Get Jobs On Upwork (Beat The Competition) (3)

Pretty much the same lazy response from her:

Thank you for your invitation, I look forward for more details about your project.

No thanks.

Bohdan from the Ukraine – $45/hr – more than $100,000 earned

How To Get Jobs On Upwork (Beat The Competition) (4)

This guy took the initiative to address me by name:

Hi Niall.

Thank you for invitation to interview.

But that’s all he wrote.


John from London – $25/hr, – more than $40,000 earned

How To Get Jobs On Upwork (Beat The Competition) (5)

At first glance John’s not so lazy because he actually wrote quite a bit in his cover letter:

Hi, I’m a front end coder with WordPress experience, my name is John. I work with individual clients and also provide ongoing services to a number of UK and USA based agencies. Your project description sounds interesting to me and I do have skills & experience that are required to complete this project.

My coding skills:

− HTML5 + CSS3
− JavaScript + JQuery + AJAX + JSON + XML
− ReactJS, AngularJS
− Bootstrap
− Grunt, Gulp, Webpack
− Git, SVN

Some recent projects that are already live:

[he included six links here]

On further inspection, that’s obviously just a copy and paste job. He mentions NOTHING specific about my job posting and just writes all about himself and why he’s so great.

No way I’d hire him.

Hassan from Pakistan – $10/hr – more than $1,000 earned

How To Get Jobs On Upwork (Beat The Competition) (6)

Here’s what he wrote in his proposal:

Hi sir,

I’m a top-rated frontend developer with 100% job success score.

I have experience with following
– HTML and CSS
– WordPress
– Sass
– Coding responsive layouts
– UI/UX design

Including the bonus Photoshop, jQuery, Git, WooCommerce.

I’m a reliable person who writes Envato standard code.

Sir, I’m unable to understand the relevant point but still sending you mine most recent project. [link to recent project was here]

Sir the button has a transparent background along with a black border of 2px solid black #000 and same font turns to #2CD892 on hover.


It’s clear that Hassan actually read the job posting and is making an effort to reply with specifics, BUT:

  • His grammar isn’t good.
  • He wrote that he was “unable to understand the relevant point.”

Those two things tell me that communication would be difficult with him. 2

For those of you reading who are native English speakers, this is where you have a MASSIVE advantage over cheaper freelancers from places like Pakistan, India and the Philippines. Clients like me are happy to pay more for ease of communication. And it’s way easier to communicate with freelancers who are fluent in English.

How to get jobs on Upwork – Ivan’s winning proposal

Let me show you now who I actually hired for this job.

Ivan from Bosnia and Herzegovina – $25/hour – more than $10,000 earned

How To Get Jobs On Upwork (Beat The Competition) (7)

Here’s what Ivan wrote in his (winning) proposal:


Relevant example: [he included a link here]

This example demonstrates my command over HTML, Javascript (ES6, React), CSS (Bootstrap 4, SCSS), Responsive Design, and AJAX request.

In regards to the buttons, you shared. First of, since I have no experience with the library being used I inspected the code of the button website. I checked out the documentation and there are clear instructions for usage
( ).

I would enqueue the necessary scripts in WordPress in the functions file. Then work on integrating the SVG snippets needed for the buttons. That could be done by modifying the template files of the theme through a child theme or by replacing the theme buttons using Javascript if no other editing interface is available. For something more portable I would consider developing a plugin that automates this process and puts out shortcodes for the buttons.

I hope this covers your questions. I am free today to discuss details if you are interested.

Best regards,

Note that he didn’t tell me ANYTHING about himself.

Instead, he went straight into addressing the problem I needed help with, and demonstrating his expertise that way.

He provided the relevant example that I asked for, and laid out a clear plan for how he would do the job if I hired him.

At one point he writes:

“I have no experience with the library being used…”

You might think that would have put me off hiring Ivan, but it didn’t bother me since he sounded confident and realistic overall. So don’t be afraid to admit your shortcomings or be honest about what you have or haven’t done before. That honesty will often be a mark in your favor.

And his last line in the proposal is great as well:

“I hope this covers your questions. I am free today to discuss details if you are interested.”

He’s not making any assumptions there. Not pushy at all. He strikes just the right tone.

So I ended up hiring Ivan.

I received over 50 proposals for the job, and he definitely wasn’t the cheapest, but he wasn’t the most expensive either. I hired him because he seemed capable of providing the most value, the greatest return on investment.

Now having shown you all of that, what I hope you’ll take away from this is that the competition out there for online work really isn’t that tough.

Out of those 50+ proposals I received for that job on Upwork, literally only 5 of them were worth considering. The rest were terrible.

As I mentioned, by default you’re probably ahead of 40% of your competition already, and so long as you develop some decent skills and put some thought and care into your proposals, it’s not that hard to get ahead of 50% more and be in the top 10% of people submitting proposals on Upwork.

And that means:

  • Better jobs
  • Better pay
  • More freedom to live life on your own terms

Let’s wrap this up with a quick summary…

How NOT to get jobs on Upwork

  • Don’t bother reading the job description
  • Write short, impersonal cover letters
  • Submit copy-and-pasted cover letters
  • Don’t address the client by name when their name was provided
  • Call the client “Sir” repeatedly
  • Use bad grammar
  • Only talk about yourself and how amazing you are in your proposal
  • Don’t give any indication in your proposal that you can actually do the job
  • Be co*cky
  • Make lots of assumptions

How to get jobs on Upwork

  • Read the job description. Carefully. More than once.
  • Address the client by name
  • Be honest
  • Include a relevant sample of your work (or at least describe something similar you’ve worked on before)
  • Instead of talking about yourself, talk about the problem, and how you can help solve it.
  • Invite the client to discuss the project further with you if they’re interested.

Get more Upwork success tips

This article is part of an 8-part series:

  • 4 Proven Upwork Cover Letter Templates
  • How To Avoid Upwork Scams And Find The Best Jobs
  • What Ivan Did To Beat 50+ Freelancers On Upwork
  • 8 Keys To A Killer Upwork Profile
  • How To Compete With Cheap Freelancers On Upwork
  • How Justin Went From $9 to $50/Hour On Upwork In 12 Months
  • How Susan Earned $1,375 Her First Month On Upwork
  • 81 Best Paying Freelance Jobs On Upwork

Want feedback on your proposals?

If so, screenshot one of the jobs you’ve applied for, and your cover letter, upload both screenshots to imgur, and post the links in the comments below.

We’ll take a look and suggest some changes to help you get more responses and win more jobs on Upwork.

How To Get Jobs On Upwork (Beat The Competition) (2024)


How to get hired easily on Upwork? ›

How To Get Jobs On Upwork: Top 11 Tips
  1. Deliver your best work every time. ...
  2. Be active on Upwork. ...
  3. Optimize your profile. ...
  4. Find your niche. ...
  5. Optimize your proposals. ...
  6. Boost your proposal for jobs to stand out. ...
  7. Show off your best work. ...
  8. Ask clients for feedback.

How do I get more responses on Upwork? ›

Here are 50 ways to improve your response rate on Upwork:
  1. Address clients by name.
  2. Show them you've read their job description.
  3. Share a surprising piece of knowledge.
  4. Ask for a 5 minute voice call.
  5. Ask a thoughtful question.
  6. Offer helpful suggestions.
  7. Get to the point quickly.
  8. Share a surprising piece of knowledge.
Nov 25, 2019

How to bid successfully on Upwork? ›

Top six Tips to bid on UpWork
  1. Tip 1: The Early Bird Gets The Worm.
  2. Tip 2: Maintain Your Profile.
  3. Tip 3: Have Good Samples.
  4. Tip 4: Don't Copy and Paste your Proposals.
  5. Tip 5: Make Your Proposal a Sponsored Proposal.
  6. Tip 6: Follow Up.

Why is no one responding on Upwork? ›

That's just how Upwork goes. Clients are here to save time and/or they don't know much about Upwork and don't think it's like the "real" world where you might respond to every application you receive.

Why I don't get hired at Upwork? ›

These are some of the top reasons why, as a new freelancer, you may not be getting any jobs on Upwork: Having an incomplete or low-quality Upwork profile. Failing to showcase relevant skills and experience. Submitting generic proposals.

Why is it hard to get first job on Upwork? ›

Lack of reputation: As a new freelancer on Upwork, you likely don't have a track record or client reviews to showcase your skills and reliability. Clients often prefer freelancers with established reputations and positive feedback. Competition: Upwork has a large pool of freelancers competing for jobs.

Why am I not getting noticed on Upwork? ›

As a freelancer on Upwork, a top tip for getting noticed by clients is to create an informative and interesting profile. Make sure it is well-written, and grammatically correct with no typos, as this will show prospective employers that you are professional and dedicated.

Is finding work on Upwork hard? ›

Getting your first job on Upwork can be challenging, but it is definitely possible. The difficulty level will vary depending on a number of factors, including your skills and experience, the competitiveness of your field, and the quality of your profile and proposals.

How to get the first client on Upwork? ›

- Highlight any relevant experience and education in your profile. - Select skills on your profile that align with your expertise. Be specific and choose skills that potential clients are likely to search for. - When sending proposals, tailor each one to the specific job you're applying for.

What is the best time to bid on Upwork? ›

You can bid on whenever you want. The time does not matter. You only need to clearly give the information to the client tell about yourself about your skills and what exactly you can do for this project.

How many bids can I make on Upwork per day? ›

Are there any bid limits per day? Hi Shoaib, Thank you for reaching out. Sagar is correct, there is no limit as to how many bids you can place in a day.

How do you boost outbid on Upwork? ›

Boost Outbid means other freelancers has outbid your boosted proposal. If during the auction you are outbid, your proposal will no longer be shown as boosted (it will still be visible, just lower on the list).

How do I increase responses on Upwork? ›

Communication tips:
  1. Check Upwork Messages as part of your regular routine. ...
  2. Adjust your profile notification settings. ...
  3. Turn on notifications for your mobile or desktop devices. ...
  4. Update your availability — if you're taking a break or too busy for more work, mark your profile as Not available for new work.

Why am I not getting clients on Upwork? ›

Request feedback from clients promptly after completing a job to enhance your profile. An incomplete or poorly crafted profile may discourage clients. Fill out all sections, showcase relevant skills, and add a professional portfolio. Make sure your profile is tailored to the specific services you offer.

Why I get banned on Upwork? ›

They might produce low-quality work, violate the Upwork terms of service, or run an active scam. Whether they're a stranger who sends you a message asking to use your account or it's someone you know in real life—this is never a good idea, and it can lead to account suspension.

How can I get approved for Upwork easily? ›

How do I get my profile approved on Upwork?
  1. Using a professional or business email address.
  2. Entering the maximum number of categories and skills.
  3. Avoid tagging yourself as “entry-level”
  4. Completing your Upwork profile to 100%
  5. Showcasing your experience, skills, and education.

How hard is it to get a job on Upwork? ›

Getting your first job on Upwork can be challenging, but it is definitely possible. The difficulty level will vary depending on a number of factors, including your skills and experience, the competitiveness of your field, and the quality of your profile and proposals.

What is the easiest job to get on Upwork? ›

That's why I'm outlining some easy jobs on Upwork you can use to get your first clients and build your freelancing career.
  • Grunt Work. ...
  • Location-Based Jobs. ...
  • Transcription Gigs. ...
  • Native Language Jobs. ...
  • Voice Recordings. ...
  • Content Writing. ...
  • Data Entry. ...
  • Website & App Testing Jobs.
4 days ago

How do I get a job on Upwork with no experience? ›

Table of contents
  1. Know your value proposition.
  2. Prepare your portfolio.
  3. Set (and stick to) your rate.
  4. Search for freelance opportunities.
  5. Send personalized, custom proposals (no templates!)
  6. Don't be afraid to say no to jobs that aren't the right fit.
  7. Connect with other freelancers in your industry.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.