How To Implement a Sample Hash Table in C/C++ | DigitalOcean (2024)


A hash table in C/C++ is a data structure that maps keys to values. A hash table uses a hash function to compute indexes for a key. You can store the value at the appropriate location based on the hash table index.

The benefit of using a hash table is its very fast access time. Typically, the time complexity (amortized time complexity) is a constant O(1) access time.

If two different keys get the same index, you will need to use other data structures (buckets) to account for these collisions. If you choose a very good hash function, the likelihood of a collision can be negligible.

The C++ STL (Standard Template Library) has the std::unordered_map() data structure.

In this article, you will construct a hash table from scratch comprised of:

  • A hash function to map keys to values.
  • A hash table data structure that supports insert, search, and delete operations.
  • A data structure to account for a collision of keys.

Choosing a Hash Function

The first step is to choose a reasonably good hash function that has a low chance of collision. However, for the purposes of this tutorial, a poor hash function will be applied to better illustrate hash collisions. This limited example will also only utilize strings (or character arrays in C).


#define CAPACITY 50000 // Size of the HashTable.unsigned long hash_function(char* str){ unsigned long i = 0; for (int j = 0; str[j]; j++) i += str[j]; return i % CAPACITY;}

Run this code and test different strings for potential collisions. For example, the strings Hel and Cau will collide since they have the same ASCII value.

This code must return a number within the bounds of the capacity of the hash table. Otherwise, it may access an unbound memory location, leading to an error.

Defining the Hash Table Data Structures

A hash table is an array of items, which are { key: value } pairs.

First, define the item structure:


// Defines the HashTable item.typedef struct Ht_item{ char* key; char* value;} Ht_item;

Now, the hash table has an array of pointers that point to Ht_item, so it is a double-pointer.


// Defines the HashTable.typedef struct HashTable{ // Contains an array of pointers to items. Ht_item** items; int size; int count;} HashTable;

Your hash table will need to return the number of elements in the hash table using count and size of the hash table using size.

Creating the Hash Table and Hash Table Items

Next, create functions for allocating memory and creating items.

Create items by allocating memory for a key and value, and return a pointer to the item:


Ht_item* create_item(char* key, char* value){ // Creates a pointer to a new HashTable item. Ht_item* item = (Ht_item*) malloc(sizeof(Ht_item)); item->key = (char*) malloc(strlen(key) + 1); item->value = (char*) malloc(strlen(value) + 1); strcpy(item->key, key); strcpy(item->value, value); return item;}

Create the table by allocating memory and setting size, count, and items:


HashTable* create_table(int size){ // Creates a new HashTable. HashTable* table = (HashTable*) malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); table->size = size; table->count = 0; table->items = (Ht_item**) calloc(table->size, sizeof(Ht_item*)); for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) table->items[i] = NULL; return table;}

The preceding example allocates memory for the wrapper structure HashTable and sets all the items to NULL.

Freeing up memory is a C/C++ best practice. Free up memory that you’ve allocated on the heap with malloc() and calloc().

Write functions that free up a table item and the whole table.


void free_item(Ht_item* item){ // Frees an item. free(item->key); free(item->value); free(item);}void free_table(HashTable* table){ // Frees the table. for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) { Ht_item* item = table->items[i]; if (item != NULL) free_item(item); } free(table->items); free(table);}

Add a print_table() to display the index, key, and value for each item:


void print_table(HashTable* table){ printf("\nHash Table\n-------------------\n"); for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) { if (table->items[i]) { printf("Index:%d, Key:%s, Value:%s\n", i, table->items[i] -> key, table->items[i]->value); } } printf("-------------------\n\n");}

This concludes the basic functionality of your custom hash table. You will now write insert, search, and delete functions.

Inserting into the Hash Table

Create a function, ht_insert(), that performs insertions.

The function takes a HashTable pointer, a key, and a value as parameters:

void ht_insert(HashTable* table, char* key, char* value){ ...}

Now, there are certain steps involved in the ht_insert() function.

  • Create the item based on the { key: value } pair.
  • Compute the index based on the hash function.
  • Check if the index is already occupied or not, by comparing the key.
    • If it is not occupied, you can directly insert it into index.
    • Otherwise, it is a collision, and you will need to handle it.

This tutorial will address handling collisions after the initial model has been created.

First, create the item:

create_item(key, value)

Then, compute the index:

int index = hash_function(key);

When inserting the key for the first time, the item must be a NULL:


// Creates the item.Ht_item* item = create_item(key, value);// Computes the index = hash_function(key);Ht_item* current_item = table->items[index];if (current_item == NULL){ // Key does not exist. if (table->count == table->size) { // HashTable is full. printf("Insert Error: Hash Table is full\n"); free_item(item); return; } // Insert directly. table->items[index] = item; table->count++;}

Consider the scenario where the { key: value } pair already exists because the same item has been inserted into the hash table. To address this, the code must update the item value to the new one:


if (current_item == NULL){ ...}else { // Scenario 1: Update the value. if (strcmp(current_item->key, key) == 0) { strcpy(table->items[index] -> value, value); return; }}

Consider the scenario where a collision has to be handled. To address this, a placeholder has been added:


void handle_collision(HashTable* table, Ht_item* item){}void ht_insert(HashTable* table, char* key, char* value){ ... if (current_item == NULL) { ... } else { // Scenario 1: Update the value. if (strcmp(current_item->key, key) == 0) { ... } else { // Scenario 2: Handle the collision. handle_collision(table, item); return; } }}

Now, your ht_insert() function is complete.

Searching for Items in the Hash Table

Create a function, ht_search(), that checks if the key exists, and returns the corresponding value if it does.

The function takes a HashTable pointer and a key as parameters:

char* ht_search(HashTable* table, char* key){ ...}

Search for an item with the key in the HashTable. If the item cannot be found in the HashTable, NULL is returned.


char* ht_search(HashTable* table, char* key){ // Searches for the key in the HashTable. // Returns NULL if it doesn't exist. int index = hash_function(key); Ht_item* item = table->items[index]; // Provide only non-NULL values. if (item != NULL) { if (strcmp(item->key, key) == 0) return item->value; } return NULL;}

Add a print_search() to display the item that matches the key:


void print_search(HashTable* table, char* key){ char* val; if ((val = ht_search(table, key)) == NULL) { printf("Key:%s does not exist\n", key); return; } else { printf("Key:%s, Value:%s\n", key, val); }}

Now, your ht_search() function is complete.

Handling Collisions

There are different ways to resolve a collision. This tutorial will rely upon a method called Separate Chaining, which aims to create independent chains for all items that have the same hash index. The implementation in this tutorial will create these chains using linked lists.

Whenever there is a collision, additional items that collide on the same index are added to an overflow bucket list. Thus, you will not have to delete any existing records on the hash table.

Due to linked lists having O(n) time complexity for insertion, searching, and deletion, in case of a collision, you will have a worst-case access time of O(n) as well. The advantage of this method is that it is a good choice if your hash table has a low capacity.

Implement the overflow bucket list:


// Defines the LinkedList.typedef struct LinkedList { Ht_item* item; struct LinkedList* next;} LinkedList;;LinkedList* allocate_list(){ // Allocates memory for a LinkedList pointer. LinkedList* list = (LinkedList*) malloc(sizeof(LinkedList)); return list;}LinkedList* linkedlist_insert(LinkedList* list, Ht_item* item){ // Inserts the item onto the LinkedList. if (!list) { LinkedList* head = allocate_list(); head->item = item; head->next = NULL; list = head; return list; } else if (list->next == NULL) { LinkedList* node = allocate_list(); node->item = item; node->next = NULL; list->next = node; return list; } LinkedList* temp = list; while (temp->next->next) { temp = temp->next; } LinkedList* node = allocate_list(); node->item = item; node->next = NULL; temp->next = node; return list;}Ht_item* linkedlist_remove(LinkedList* list){ // Removes the head from the LinkedList. // Returns the item of the popped element. if (!list) return NULL; if (!list->next) return NULL; LinkedList* node = list->next; LinkedList* temp = list; temp->next = NULL; list = node; Ht_item* it = NULL; memcpy(temp->item, it, sizeof(Ht_item)); free(temp->item->key); free(temp->item->value); free(temp->item); free(temp); return it;}void free_linkedlist(LinkedList* list){ LinkedList* temp = list; while (list) { temp = list; list = list->next; free(temp->item->key); free(temp->item->value); free(temp->item); free(temp); }}

Now, add these overflow bucket lists to your HashTable. Every item will have a chain, so the whole table is an array of LinkedList pointers.


typedef struct HashTable HashTable;// Defines the HashTable.struct HashTable{ // Contains an array of pointers to items. Ht_item** items; LinkedList** overflow_buckets; int size; int count;};

Now that overflow_buckets have been defined, add functions to create and delete them. You will also need to account for them in the create_table() and free_table() functions.


LinkedList** create_overflow_buckets(HashTable* table){ // Create the overflow buckets; an array of LinkedLists. LinkedList** buckets = (LinkedList**) calloc(table->size, sizeof(LinkedList*)); for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) buckets[i] = NULL; return buckets;}void free_overflow_buckets(HashTable* table){ // Free all the overflow bucket lists. LinkedList** buckets = table->overflow_buckets; for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) free_linkedlist(buckets[i]); free(buckets);}HashTable* create_table(int size){ // Creates a new HashTable. HashTable* table = (HashTable*) malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); table->size = size; table->count = 0; table->items = (Ht_item**) calloc(table->size, sizeof(Ht_item*)); for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) table->items[i] = NULL; table->overflow_buckets = create_overflow_buckets(table); return table;}void free_table(HashTable* table){ // Frees the table. for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) { Ht_item* item = table->items[i]; if (item != NULL) free_item(item); } // Free the overflow bucket lists and its items. free_overflow_buckets(table); free(table->items); free(table);}

If the overflow bucket list for the item does not exist, create a list and add the item to it.

Update handle_collision() for insertions:


void handle_collision(HashTable* table, unsigned long index, Ht_item* item){ LinkedList* head = table->overflow_buckets[index]; if (head == NULL) { // Creates the list. head = allocate_list(); head->item = item; table->overflow_buckets[index] = head; return; } else { // Insert to the list. table->overflow_buckets[index] = linkedlist_insert(head, item); return; }}

And the call:


void ht_insert(HashTable* table, char* key, char* value){ ... if (current_item == NULL) { ... } else { // Scenario 1: Update the value. if (strcmp(current_item->key, key) == 0) { ... } else { // Scenario 2: Handle the collision. handle_collision(table, index, item); return; } }}

Now, update the search method to use overflow buckets:


char* ht_search(HashTable* table, char* key){ // Searches for the key in the HashTable. // Returns NULL if it doesn't exist. int index = hash_function(key); Ht_item* item = table->items[index]; LinkedList* head = table->overflow_buckets[index]; // Provide only non-NULL values. if (item != NULL) { if (strcmp(item->key, key) == 0) return item->value; if (head == NULL) return NULL; item = head->item; head = head->next; } return NULL;}

Finally, collisions are now handled in insert() and search()!

Deleting from the Hash Table

Let’s now finally look at the delete function:

void ht_delete(HashTable* table, char* key){ ...}

Again, the method is similar to insertion.

  1. Compute the hash index and get the item.
  2. If it is NULL, don’t do anything.
  3. Otherwise, after comparing keys, if there is no collision chain for that index, remove the item from the table.
  4. If a collision chain exists, remove that element and shift the links accordingly.


void ht_delete(HashTable* table, char* key){ // Deletes an item from the table. int index = hash_function(key); Ht_item* item = table->items[index]; LinkedList* head = table->overflow_buckets[index]; if (item == NULL) { // Does not exist. return; } else { if (head == NULL && strcmp(item->key, key) == 0) { // Collision chain does not exist. // Remove the item. // Set table index to NULL. table->items[index] = NULL; free_item(item); table->count--; return; } else if (head != NULL) { // Collision chain exists. if (strcmp(item->key, key) == 0) { // Remove this item. // Set the head of the list as the new item. free_item(item); LinkedList* node = head; head = head->next; node->next = NULL; table->items[index] = create_item(node->item->key, node->item->value); free_linkedlist(node); table->overflow_buckets[index] = head; return; } LinkedList* curr = head; LinkedList* prev = NULL; while (curr) { if (strcmp(curr->item->key, key) == 0) { if (prev == NULL) { // First element of the chain. // Remove the chain. free_linkedlist(head); table->overflow_buckets[index] = NULL; return; } else { // This is somewhere in the chain. prev->next = curr->next; curr->next = NULL; free_linkedlist(curr); table->overflow_buckets[index] = head; return; } } curr = curr->next; prev = curr; } } }}
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#define CAPACITY 50000 // Size of the HashTable.unsigned long hash_function(char *str){ unsigned long i = 0; for (int j = 0; str[j]; j++) i += str[j]; return i % CAPACITY;}// Defines the HashTable item.typedef struct Ht_item{ char *key; char *value;} Ht_item;// Defines the LinkedList.typedef struct LinkedList{ Ht_item *item; LinkedList *next;} LinkedList;// Defines the HashTable.typedef struct HashTable{ // Contains an array of pointers to items. Ht_item **items; LinkedList **overflow_buckets; int size; int count;} HashTable;LinkedList *allocate_list(){ // Allocates memory for a LinkedList pointer. LinkedList *list = (LinkedList *)malloc(sizeof(LinkedList)); return list;}LinkedList *linkedlist_insert(LinkedList *list, Ht_item *item){ // Inserts the item onto the LinkedList. if (!list) { LinkedList *head = allocate_list(); head->item = item; head->next = NULL; list = head; return list; } else if (list->next == NULL) { LinkedList *node = allocate_list(); node->item = item; node->next = NULL; list->next = node; return list; } LinkedList *temp = list; while (temp->next->next) { temp = temp->next; } LinkedList *node = allocate_list(); node->item = item; node->next = NULL; temp->next = node; return list;}Ht_item *linkedlist_remove(LinkedList *list){ // Removes the head from the LinkedList. // Returns the item of the popped element. if (!list) return NULL; if (!list->next) return NULL; LinkedList *node = list->next; LinkedList *temp = list; temp->next = NULL; list = node; Ht_item *it = NULL; memcpy(temp->item, it, sizeof(Ht_item)); free(temp->item->key); free(temp->item->value); free(temp->item); free(temp); return it;}void free_linkedlist(LinkedList *list){ LinkedList *temp = list; while (list) { temp = list; list = list->next; free(temp->item->key); free(temp->item->value); free(temp->item); free(temp); }}LinkedList **create_overflow_buckets(HashTable *table){ // Create the overflow buckets; an array of LinkedLists. LinkedList **buckets = (LinkedList **)calloc(table->size, sizeof(LinkedList *)); for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) buckets[i] = NULL; return buckets;}void free_overflow_buckets(HashTable *table){ // Free all the overflow bucket lists. LinkedList **buckets = table->overflow_buckets; for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) free_linkedlist(buckets[i]); free(buckets);}Ht_item *create_item(char *key, char *value){ // Creates a pointer to a new HashTable item. Ht_item *item = (Ht_item *)malloc(sizeof(Ht_item)); item->key = (char *)malloc(strlen(key) + 1); item->value = (char *)malloc(strlen(value) + 1); strcpy(item->key, key); strcpy(item->value, value); return item;}HashTable *create_table(int size){ // Creates a new HashTable. HashTable *table = (HashTable *)malloc(sizeof(HashTable)); table->size = size; table->count = 0; table->items = (Ht_item **)calloc(table->size, sizeof(Ht_item *)); for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) table->items[i] = NULL; table->overflow_buckets = create_overflow_buckets(table); return table;}void free_item(Ht_item *item){ // Frees an item. free(item->key); free(item->value); free(item);}void free_table(HashTable *table){ // Frees the table. for (int i = 0; i < table->size; i++) { Ht_item *item = table->items[i]; if (item != NULL) free_item(item); } // Free the overflow bucket lists and its items. free_overflow_buckets(table); free(table->items); free(table);}void handle_collision(HashTable *table, unsigned long index, Ht_item *item){ LinkedList *head = table->overflow_buckets[index]; if (head == NULL) { // Creates the list. head = allocate_list(); head->item = item; table->overflow_buckets[index] = head; return; } else { // Insert to the list. table->overflow_buckets[index] = linkedlist_insert(head, item); return; }}void ht_insert(HashTable *table, char *key, char *value){ // Creates the item. Ht_item *item = create_item(key, value); // Computes the index. int index = hash_function(key); Ht_item *current_item = table->items[index]; if (current_item == NULL) { // Key does not exist. if (table->count == table->size) { // HashTable is full. printf("Insert Error: Hash Table is full\n"); free_item(item); return; } // Insert directly. table->items[index] = item; table->count++; } else { // Scenario 1: Update the value. if (strcmp(current_item->key, key) == 0) { strcpy(table->items[index]->value, value); return; } else { // Scenario 2: Handle the collision. handle_collision(table, index, item); return; } }}char *ht_search(HashTable *table, char *key){ // Searches for the key in the HashTable. // Returns NULL if it doesn't exist. int index = hash_function(key); Ht_item *item = table->items[index]; LinkedList *head = table->overflow_buckets[index]; // Provide only non-NULL values. if (item != NULL) { if (strcmp(item->key, key) == 0) return item->value; if (head == NULL) return NULL; item = head->item; head = head->next; } return NULL;}void ht_delete(HashTable *table, char *key){ // Deletes an item from the table. int index = hash_function(key); Ht_item *item = table->items[index]; LinkedList *head = table->overflow_buckets[index]; if (item == NULL) { // Does not exist. return; } else { if (head == NULL && strcmp(item->key, key) == 0) { // Collision chain does not exist. // Remove the item. // Set table index to NULL. table->items[index] = NULL; free_item(item); table->count--; return; } else if (head != NULL) { // Collision chain exists. if (strcmp(item->key, key) == 0) { // Remove this item. // Set the head of the list as the new item. free_item(item); LinkedList *node = head; head = head->next; node->next = NULL; table->items[index] = create_item(node->item->key, node->item->value); free_linkedlist(node); table->overflow_buckets[index] = head; return; } LinkedList *curr = head; LinkedList *prev = NULL; while (curr) { if (strcmp(curr->item->key, key) == 0) { if (prev == NULL) { // First element of the chain. // Remove the chain. free_linkedlist(head); table->overflow_buckets[index] = NULL; return; } else { // This is somewhere in the chain. prev->next = curr->next; curr->next = NULL; free_linkedlist(curr); table->overflow_buckets[index] = head; return; } } curr = curr->next; prev = curr; } } }}void print_search(HashTable *table, char *key){ char *val; if ((val = ht_search(table, key)) == NULL) { printf("Key:%s does not exist\n", key); return; } else { printf("Key:%s, Value:%s\n", key, val); }}void print_table(HashTable *table){ printf("\nHash Table\n-------------------\n"); for (int i = 0; i < table -> size; i++) { if (table -> items[i]) { printf("Index:%d, Key:%s, Value:%s\n", i, table -> items[i] -> key, table -> items[i] -> value); } } printf("-------------------\n\n");}int main(){ HashTable *ht = create_table(CAPACITY); ht_insert(ht, (char *)"1", (char *)"First address"); ht_insert(ht, (char *)"2", (char *)"Second address"); ht_insert(ht, (char *)"Hel", (char *)"Third address"); ht_insert(ht, (char *)"Cau", (char *)"Fourth address"); print_search(ht, (char *)"1"); print_search(ht, (char *)"2"); print_search(ht, (char *)"3"); print_search(ht, (char *)"Hel"); print_search(ht, (char *)"Cau"); // Collision! print_table(ht); ht_delete(ht, (char *)"1"); ht_delete(ht, (char *)"Cau"); print_table(ht); free_table(ht); return 0;}

This code will produce the following output:


Key:1, Value:First addressKey:2, Value:Second addressKey:3 does not existKey:Hel, Value:Third addressKey:Cau does not existHash Table-------------------Index:49, Key:1, Value:First addressIndex:50, Key:2, Value:Second addressIndex:281, Key:Hel, Value:Third address-------------------Hash Table-------------------Index:50, Key:2, Value:Second addressIndex:281, Key:Hel, Value:Third address-------------------

ht_insert(), ht_search(), and ht_delete behave as expected.


In this article, you implemented a hash table from scratch in C/C++.

Experiment with other collision handling algorithms and different hash functions. Continue your learning with more C++ tutorials

How To Implement a Sample Hash Table in C/C++  | DigitalOcean (2024)


How to implement a sample hash table in C? ›

Create the item based on the { key: value } pair. Compute the index based on the hash function. Check if the index is already occupied or not, by comparing the key . If it is not occupied, you can directly insert it into index .

How is hashing implemented in C++? ›

Hashing in C++ STL can be done with the help of the hash class, which we are yet to see in the examples given below. When we pass an argument to the hash class, it obtains the hash value of the passed argument. The hashed value makes searching for objects easier.

How to implement a hash table? ›

To implement a hash table, you must use an array because you have to be able to access each position of the array directly. You do this by specifying the index of the position (within the array). In hash tables the positions within an array are sometimes called buckets; each bucket is used to store data.

How to implement a table in C? ›

Here's a simple example of how you might create a table of integers using a 2D array:
  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. int main() {
  3. // Define the size of the table.
  4. const int rows = 3;
  5. const int columns = 4;
  6. // Declare a 2D array to represent the table.
  7. int table[rows][columns];
  8. // Populate the table with values.
Feb 6, 2023

How is HashMap implemented in C++? ›

It utilizes a hash function to map keys to indices in an array, known as a bucket. This hashing technique allows for fast retrieval of values based on their associated keys. In C++, hash maps are implemented using the unordered_map container class from the Standard Template Library (STL).

How to make a hash set in C++? ›

  1. int main() { unordered_set <string> CBA ; CBA.insert("") ; CBA.insert("") ; .................. ...
  2. #include <iostream> #include <unordered_set> int main() { std::unordered_set<int> P { 2017, 2016, 2015 }; for (auto Q: P) std::cout << Q << '\n'; return 0; }

How a hash table is implemented as a starter? ›

Hashing is implemented in two steps: An element is converted into an integer by using a hash function. This element can be used as an index to store the original element, which falls into the hash table. The element is stored in the hash table where it can be quickly retrieved using hashed key.

How to generate hash in C? ›

Hashing in C can be implemented using several different methods, including the division method, multiplication method, and the folding method. The division method involves taking the remainder of the key divided by the size of the hash table to determine the index.

What is a hash table with an example? ›

A hash table is a type of data structure in which information is stored in an easy-to-retrieve and efficient manner. In the key-value method, keys are assigned random indexes where their values are stored in an array. The index is the information of where exactly in the array the value is stored.

Which data structure is used to implement a hash table? ›

A Hash table is a data structure that stores some information, and the information has basically two main components, i.e., key and value. The hash table can be implemented with the help of an associative array.

How are hash tables implemented in memory? ›

A hash table uses a hash function to compute an index, also called a hash code, into an array of buckets or slots, from which the desired value can be found. During lookup, the key is hashed and the resulting hash indicates where the corresponding value is stored.

How would you implement a sorted hash table in C? ›

typedef struct ht ht; // Create hash table and return pointer to it, or NULL if out of memory. ht* ht_create(void); // Free memory allocated for hash table, including allocated keys. void ht_destroy(ht* table); // Get item with given key (NUL-terminated) from hash table.

Is there a HashMap in C? ›

A fast hash map/hash table (whatever you want to call it) for the C programming language. It can associate a key with a pointer or integer value in O(1) time.

How is hashing using hash function implemented in C? ›

Hashing in C is a powerful technique that allows for efficient searching, retrieval, and comparison of data within large data sets. It involves creating a hash function that maps input data to a fixed-size hash value, which is then used as an index within a hash table to store the data.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 5966

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.