How to Invest in Stocks: Beginners Guide | Angel One (2024)

In order to begin trading, you will require Demat and trading account, both available with leading stockbrokers like Angel One A Demat account will act know trading terms like buy, sell, IPO, portfolio,as the common repository that allows you to store the shares you have purchased, whereas a trading account will facilitate the actual buying and sellingactivities.

How to Invest in Stocks: Beginners Guide | Angel One (1)

The process of trading

  • When you buy a share using your trading account, money is transferred out of your bank account, and the share is transferred into your Demat account
  • When you sell a share, it is transferred out of your Demat account into the share market. The money resulting from the transaction will be made available in your bank account.

How To Invest In The Stock Market For Beginners?

Investing in the stock market can seem intimidating, but with some basic knowledge and a little patience, it can be a rewarding experience. Here are some steps for stock trading for beginners in India:

  1. Understand the basics: Before beginning with stock market trading, it is crucial to have a basic understanding of how it works. You can start by learning about the different types of stocks, how the stock market functions, and the risks involved.
  2. Open a Demat account: To buy and sell stocks, you need to have a Demat account with a registered broker. You can choose a broker that suits your needs based on factors like brokerage charges, research and advisory services, and trading platforms.
  3. Learn fundamental and technical analysis: To make informed decisions about which stocks to invest in, it is important to learn fundamental and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis involves analysing the financial health of the company by studying its financial statements, while technical analysis involves studying past market data to identify patterns.
  4. Research and pick stocks: After analysing the companies and understanding the trends in the market, it is time to research and pick stocks that you want to invest in. You can use various online tools and resources to help you make an informed decision.
  5. Invest small and diversify: When starting out, investing small amounts of money and diversifying your portfolio across different sectors and companies is important. This will help you spread your risk and minimise losses.
  6. Monitor your investments: Once you have invested in stocks, monitoring your investments regularly is important to ensure they are performing well. You should also keep up with news and updates related to the companies you have invested in.
  7. Have a long-term perspective: The stock market can be volatile and unpredictable in the short term, but historically, it has provided good returns over the long term. So, it is essential to have a long-term perspective and not get swayed by short-term market movements.

Now that you know how to buy shares for beginners, remember, investing in the stock market comes with risks. So it is important to do your due diligence and invest only what you can afford to lose. With the right approach and a little patience, investing in the stock market can be a rewarding experience.

How to Invest in Stocks: Beginners Guide | Angel One (2)

How to learn stock trading?

Choosing an online trading account

To begin trading in the stock market, an investor needs to register for a trading account and a Demat account, which needs to be linked to the investor’s bank account for online money transfer. This is an essential step if you want to learn stock trading. This will familiarise you to the interface and give you access to the trading tools as well as research which can only be accessed by the clients of any stockbroking company. Know more about how to open a Demat account and a trading account.

Before opening these accounts, check the credibility of the brokerage house. Moreover, the trading account should allow you to make online investments in mutual funds, equity shares,IPOs, and also in Futures and Options. Lastly, it should have secure interface and protocols such that all yourtransactions are safe and secure all the time.

Educate yourself

It is important that you know trading terms like buy, sell, IPO, portfolio, quotes, spread, volume, yield, index,sector, volatility, etc. before you place your first order in the stock market. Read financial websites or joininvestment courses to gain a better understanding of the stock market jargon and related news.

Practice with an online stock simulator

Using an online stock simulator is a good idea to practice your skills at zero risk. By playing virtual stock marketgames, you can increase your knowledge on investing strategies. Most of the online virtual stock market games aresynchronized with market indices and stock values, thus giving you a real experience of trading in stocks usingvirtual money. This helps in understanding the working of the stock market, without having to lose on stocks.

Choose the Low-Risk High-Reward trading method

There are always ups and downs in the stock market. Beginners often do more damage to their share trading account byexpecting higher returns with high risks. As risk is unavoidable in online share trading, low-risk high-rewardtrading methods ensure that rewards are gained while risks are controlled.

Make a plan

As the old adage goes, fail to plan and you plan to fail. Those who are serious about being successful, includingtraders, need to have a strategy in place for investment and trading in the stock market. It is of utmostimportance to make right investment decisions through your trading strategies. Decide the amount you want to investand the time limit for which you want to hold the investments. Accordingly, you can schedule your orders to buy andsell, depending on the cash limits and exposure set by you as per the planned strategy.

Find a mentor

Every successful investor has had a mentor at some point in their investment journey. When you are new to theinvestment world and have just started learning stock trading, it is essential to find a person who has a fairexperience in this field and can guide you through your journey. Your mentor can help you create a learning path,recommend courses and study material, as well as keep you motivated through the ups and downs of the market.

Online/In-person courses

There is a wide range of online and in-person courses available if a beginner wants to learn trading. These coursescover topics for investors/individuals at all stages of their stockbroking journey. You can also opt for theshort-term stockbroking courses by NSE India.

Share market basics

As an Indian investor, the two share markets that you can trade in are:

  • National Stock Exchange (NSE)
  • Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

The two depositories with which all depository participants are registered are:

  • National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL)
  • Central Depository Service Ltd (CDSL).

Two methods of trading

Trading is one of the methods of how to invest money in the share market. It can be defined as active form of buying and selling of securities with an intention to make profit.

Two types of trading:

In intraday trading or day trading, you must square off all positions before the market closes. For intraday trading, you may avail the use of margins, which is the funding provided by the broker to increase your exposure in the stock market. It allows you to purchase/sell additional number of stocks, which would otherwise require you to invest greater amount of funds.

Delivery trading involves buying the stocks and holding them for more than one day, thus taking their delivery. Itdoes not involve the use of margins, and hence you must possess the funds for your share market investments. It isa more secure method of investing in the Indian share market.

Bull market

A bull market is a market condition where there is a general trend of growth throughout the market. This ischaracterised by a widespread optimism among the investors and a general confidence that the prices will keeprising.

A substantial rise in the stock prices is seen during the bull market. A substantial decline in the stock prices(typically 20%) is also observed before and after this period.

Between the period from April 2003 to January 2008, a major bull market trend was observed for about five years inBombay Stock Exchange Index (BSE SENSEX) as it increased from 2,900 points to 21,000 points.

Bear market

A bear market is a market condition where there is a general trend of decline throughout the market. This ischaracterised by a widespread pessimism and increased selling activity where the investors anticipate a decline instock prices.

A substantial fall in the stock prices is seen during the bull market. Typically, if a decline of about 20% fromthe peak is observed over a span of several months, it is said that the market has entered the bear period.

Long Positions & Short Positions

An investor is said to have long positions if he/she has bought the shares and owns them. On the other hand, if aninvestor owes these stocks to some other entity but does not own them, he/she is said to have short positions.

For example, if an investor has bought 500 shares of Company X, then he/she is said to be 500 shares long. Thistakes into consideration that the investor has paid the full amount for these shares. However, if the investorshares 500 shares of Company X without actually owning them, he/she is said to be 500 shares short. This oftenhappens when an investor borrows shares into his margin account from the brokerage firm in order to make thedelivery. This investor now owes 500 shares and must purchase these shares in the market to make a delivery atsettlement

Electronic Trading & Floor Trading

The process of purchasing shares was very long and tedious before electronic trading had emerged.

Investor calls the broker to place an orderThe broker calls the order clerk who then relays the order to a floor brokerThe floor broker executes the order and transmits it to the order clerk who then forwards it to the brokerFinally, the broker gives you a confirmation along with the fill of your orderWith the emergence of electronic trading, the entire process of purchasing a share can be executed within a fewseconds as opposed to the longer couple minutes’ time required with the traditional floor or pit trading method.Along with saving the time, the investor also has to pay a much lower brokerage cost when buying shares from anelectronic platform.

Clearly, the emergence of an electronic trading platform has led to steep decline in the number of floor brokers.

Auction Market & Dealer Market

An auction market is where the prices are dependent upon the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for theirproduct/security and the highest price a buyer is willing to pay for that product/security. The sellers postcompetitive offers and the buyers post competitive bids. The matching bids and offers are connected and thetransaction is made.

Example: There are 3 sellers willing to sell the shares of Company X at Rs. 1200, Rs. 1250, and Rs. 1300. At thesame time, there are 3 buyers willing to buy the shares of Company X at Rs. 1400, Rs. 1350, and Rs. 1300. Thus,only the order of the buyer number 3 and seller number 3 will be able to get executed since they have both agreedupon the same buying and selling price.

A dealer market, on the other hand, is where the dealers post their selling and buying price. The dealers in such amarket are designated as the “market makers”. They display their prices electronically, thus making the processtransparent.

Example: Dealer A owns some stocks of Company X that he is planning off-load. Price quoted by other dealers is1300/1400. However, the dealer A posts a price of 1250/1350. Here, investors willing to buy the shares of Company Xwill purchase it from dealer A since it is Rs. 50 cheaper than the price marked by other dealers.

How much you should invest?

How much financial risk you can tolerate should determine how much you should invest. Your investments should notendanger your savings. It is also important to diversify your portfolio and utilize features such as stop loss tominimize losses.

What should you base your decisions on?

  • Financial analysis:

    Financial analysis is used to make inferences about future share prices andOverall health of a company using company reports and non-financial information, such as industry comparisons andestimates of demand for growth of the company’s products. It is important to ask questions such as “Whatadvantage does this firm have over other firms?” or “Does it have a sizeable market share?”

  • Technical analysis:

    Technical analysis involves the use of a two-dimensional chart to map thehistorical movement of prices. It uses historical values of share prices and volume charts to make predictionsabout future prices.

Using both types of analysis will allow you to make sound decisions.

Know your rights

Before entering into a contract with a broker, ensure that it is registered with SEBI and that its credentialssupport its claims. Ensure that you receive a ‘Statement of Accounts’ for funds and securities settled everyquarter and documented proofs of all deposits that you make.


What are the best stocks to buy for beginners?
    Here are a few stock types that are good options for beginners.
  • Well-established blue-chip stocks will give a good return on your investment with attractive dividends. Typically, these companies have a long history of profit.
  • Another safe bet is stocks of large companies. These stocks don’t get affected by minor market volatility.
  • Choose companies that are generating profit. It means they can handle a market drawdown better. Publicly traded companies periodically publish their financial statement from which you can get an idea about their profitability.
  • Exchange-traded funds or ETFs are also good choices. These funds are tied to market indexes and go up or down with the benchmark index.
    As a beginner, steer clear of the following stocks
  • Penny stocks
  • Cyclical stocks

Before investing, research the market and check a beginner’s guide to the stock market.

I have lost my share certificates of ABC Corp. How do I get duplicate share certificates?

You need to apply to the company to issue duplicate share certificates to you.

The company will send you the list of documents and the process you need to follow, which includes – issuing affidavit, surety, and indemnity bond agreement. Next, you should file an FIR and publish an announcement in the newspapers and government gazettes. You would need to accept the cost of the notice publication and franking.

Once the company receives all the documents, they will issue duplicate certificates. These certificates will carry the word ‘duplicate’ on them.

What is a 'No Delivery' (Or Book closer) period while processing bonus shares?

Bonus shares are extra shares issued by the company to existing shareholders, and ‘no delivery’ is a timeframe decided by the exchange when stocks traded remain unsettled.

Bonus shares are extra shares issued by the company to existing shareholders, and ‘no delivery’ is a timeframe decided by the exchange when stocks traded remain unsettled.

Why do share prices fluctuate up and down?

Share prices change every day in the market because of differences in supply and demand factors. Understanding supply and demand factors are easy, but what is difficult to understand is why traders will prefer one stock over the other. Several factors are responsible for deciding investors sentiment about company stocks, including,

  • Company Earning
  • Investors’ perception of the company
  • An earning base, like earning per share
  • A valuation multiple, such as the P/E ration

Understanding stock price movements will help you get clarity on how to invest in stocks.

Is the share market open on Saturday?

The exchanges remain closed on Saturdays and Sundays, except when a special trading session is announced.

NSE and BSE operate from Monday to Friday from 9:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Before you open both the accounts, it is essential to check the credibility and the credentials of the brokingfirm. Moreover, the trading account should allow you to make online investments in mutual funds, equity shares,IPOs, and also in Futures and Options. Lastly, it should have secure interface and protocols such that all yourtransactions are safe and secure all the time.Educate yourselfIt is important that you know trading terms like buy, sell, IPO, portfolio, quotes, spread, volume, yield, index,sector, volatility, etc. before you place your first order in the stock market. Read financial websites or joininvestment courses to gain a better understanding of the stock market jargon and related news.

Practice with an online stock simulatorUsing an online stock simulator is a good idea to practice your skills at zero risk. By playing virtual stock marketgames, you can increase your knowledge on investing strategies. Most of the online virtual stock market games aresynchronized with market indices and stock values, thus giving you a real experience of trading in stocks usingvirtual money. This helps in understanding the working of the stock market, without having to lose on stocks.

Choose the Low-Risk High-Reward trading methodThere are always ups and downs in the stock market. Beginners often do more damage to their share trading account byexpecting higher returns with high risks. As risk is unavoidable in online share trading, low-risk high-rewardtrading methods ensure that rewards are gained while risks are controlled.

Make a planAs the old adage goes, fail to plan and you plan to fail. Those who are serious about being successful, includingtraders, need to have a strategy in place for investment and trading in the stock market. It is of utmostimportance to make right investment decisions through your trading strategies. Decide the amount you want to investand the time limit for which you want to hold the investments. Accordingly, you can schedule your orders to buy andsell, depending on the cash limits and exposure set by you as per the planned strategy.

Find a mentorEvery successful investor has had a mentor at some point in their investment journey. When you are new to theinvestment world and have just started learning stock trading, it is essential to find a person who has a fairexperience in this field and can guide you through your journey. Your mentor can help you create a learning path,recommend courses and study material, as well as keep you motivated through the ups and downs of the market.

Online/In-person coursesThere is a wide range of online and in-person courses available if a beginner wants to learn trading. These coursescover topics for investors/individuals at all stages of their stockbroking journey. You can also opt for theshort-term stockbroking courses by NSE India.", "image": "", "name": "How to learn stock trading?", "url": "" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "As an Indian investor, the two share markets that you can trade in are:

National Stock Exchange (NSE) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

The two depositories with which all depository participants are registered are:

National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL)Central Depository Service Ltd (CDSL).", "image": "", "name": "Share market basics", "url": "" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "A bull market is a market condition where there is a general trend of growth throughout the market. This ischaracterised by a widespread optimism among the investors and a general confidence that the prices will keeprising.

A substantial rise in the stock prices is seen during the bull market. A substantial decline in the stock prices(typically 20%) is also observed before and after this period.

Between the period from April 2003 to January 2008, a major bull market trend was observed for about five years inBombay Stock Exchange Index (BSE SENSEX) as it increased from 2,900 points to 21,000 points.", "image": "", "name": "Bull market", "url": "" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "A bear market is a market condition where there is a general trend of decline throughout the market. This ischaracterised by a widespread pessimism and increased selling activity where the investors anticipate a decline instock prices.

A substantial fall in the stock prices is seen during the bull market. Typically, if a decline of about 20% fromthe peak is observed over a span of several months, it is said that the market has entered the bear period.", "image": "", "name": "Bear market", "url": "" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "An investor is said to have long positions if he/she has bought the shares and owns them. On the other hand, if aninvestor owes these stocks to some other entity but does not own them, he/she is said to have short positions.

For example, if an investor has bought 500 shares of Company X, then he/she is said to be 500 shares long. Thistakes into consideration that the investor has paid the full amount for these shares. However, if the investorshares 500 shares of Company X without actually owning them, he/she is said to be 500 shares short. This oftenhappens when an investor borrows shares into his margin account from the brokerage firm in order to make thedelivery. This investor now owes 500 shares and must purchase these shares in the market to make a delivery atsettlement.", "image": "", "name": "Long positions & short positions", "url": "" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "The process of purchasing shares was very long and tedious before electronic trading had emerged.

Investor calls the broker to place an orderThe broker calls the order clerk who then relays the order to a floor brokerThe floor broker executes the order and transmits it to the order clerk who then forwards it to the brokerFinally, the broker gives you a confirmation along with the fill of your orderWith the emergence of electronic trading, the entire process of purchasing a share can be executed within a fewseconds as opposed to the longer couple minutes’ time required with the traditional floor or pit trading method.Along with saving the time, the investor also has to pay a much lower brokerage cost when buying shares from anelectronic platform.

Clearly, the emergence of an electronic trading platform has led to steep decline in the number of floor brokers.", "image": "", "name": "Electronic trading & floor trading", "url": "" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "An auction market is where the prices are dependent upon the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for theirproduct/security and the highest price a buyer is willing to pay for that product/security. The sellers postcompetitive offers and the buyers post competitive bids. The matching bids and offers are connected and thetransaction is made.

Example: There are 3 sellers willing to sell the shares of Company X at Rs. 1200, Rs. 1250, and Rs. 1300. At thesame time, there are 3 buyers willing to buy the shares of Company X at Rs. 1400, Rs. 1350, and Rs. 1300. Thus,only the order of the buyer number 3 and seller number 3 will be able to get executed since they have both agreedupon the same buying and selling price.

A dealer market, on the other hand, is where the dealers post their selling and buying price. The dealers in such amarket are designated as the “market makers”. They display their prices electronically, thus making the processtransparent.

Example: Dealer A owns some stocks of Company X that he is planning off-load. Price quoted by other dealers is1300/1400. However, the dealer A posts a price of 1250/1350. Here, investors willing to buy the shares of Company Xwill purchase it from dealer A since it is Rs. 50 cheaper than the price marked by other dealers.", "image": "", "name": "Auction market & dealer market", "url": "" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "How much financial risk you can tolerate should determine how much you should invest. Your investments should notendanger your savings. It is also important to diversify your portfolio and utilize features such as stop loss tominimize losses.", "image": "", "name": "How much you should invest", "url": "" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Financial analysis:Financial analysis is used to make inferences about future share prices andOverall health of a company using company reports and non-financial information, such as industry comparisons andestimates of demand for growth of the company’s products. It is important to ask questions such as “Whatadvantage does this firm have over other firms?” or “Does it have a sizeable market share?”

Technical analysis:Technical analysis involves the use of a two-dimensional chart to map thehistorical movement of prices. It uses historical values of share prices and volume charts to make predictionsabout future prices.

Using both types of analysis will allow you to make sound decisions.", "image": "", "name": "What should you base your decisions on?", "url": "" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Before entering into a contract with a broker, ensure that it is registered with SEBI and that its credentialssupport its claims. Ensure that you receive a ‘Statement of Accounts’ for funds and securities settled everyquarter and documented proofs of all deposits that you make.", "image": "", "name": "Know your rights", "url": "" }] }

How to Invest in Stocks: Beginners Guide | Angel One (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.