How to Join Gay Bloggers Changing the World | Debt Free Guys (2024)

Gay bloggers are changing the world. Join us!

Stuck in a cycle of sleep, eat, work, repeat? Find freedom and flexibility by joining other gay bloggers and become a gay blogger, too. We’ll walk you through the how-tos and step-by-step in less than 1-hour to start your queer blog today.

Find freedom with your very own gay blog

Once upon a time, we were on a treadmill – wake, eat work, eat, repeat with an occasional dash of fun. The work never ended, the bills never stopped, and the debt grew and grew . . . more and more, month after month.

Sound familiar?

That’s why we became gay bloggers — so we could change our lives (and the world). It’s why you should become a gay blogger, too.

We know tons of readers who want the freedom that comes with having their own business, being their own boss and using their voice to help others. If this is you, this guide will walk you through every step you should take.

Whether you want to run your own business or excel in your current career, becoming an LGBTQ blogger is a good start. But first, what’s a blog?

A blog is a personal “web log.” Long ago, words were merged like Brangelina of yore to be “blog.” With your gay blog, you can lend your unique voice like other gay bloggers to create a following, help others and take your life and career in the direction of your gayest dreams.

How do we know you can succeed with your own gay blog? Because we did it.

Hear the 3 steps we took to achieve our geoliberated life on this Queer Money®:

Why we started our gay blog

Blogging for the queer community has changed our lives. We went from $51,000 in credit card debt to financial independence.

Our blogging journey started when we realized after becoming debt free that we both wanted to be our own bosses with our own business and help other queer people become debt free and live fabulously not fabulously broke, too.

Now, with Debt Free Guys® and the Queer Money® podcast, public speaking, writing and brand partnerships, and providing you, our readers, with free and paid tools and courses, we’re earning thousands of dollars a month.

Our blogging journey also started because wanted to spend more time together because, well, we like each other . . . a lot.

We both now work solely for ourselves and live and work from anywhere in the world. In fact, we just returned from working and playing for 12 weeks in Spain and one week in France. We’re now headed to Vegas for a year.

But, how do you get started with your very own, gay, money-making blog without first going broke? Below are the easiest and cheapest ways to start a gay blog of your own.

If you’re stuck in the 9-to-5 grind, now’s your chance to break free, especially with the huge discount we negotiated for you that you can only get by clicking this link here.

You may be wondering, “Aren’t there enough blogs? Will anyone listen to me?” Yes, and here’s why.

Why we need more gay bloggers (like you)

Though blogging isn’t new, gay bloggers and LGBTQ blogs are – somewhat.

Google “gay blog” and you won’t find much more than this list here. We need more queer voices sharing their knowledge and perspectives on every subject from fashion or fitness and coming out to nuclear physics. There are roughly 16 million LGBTQ folks in the United States alone. That’s a ton of readers who crave queer content.

As Harvey Milk said, we must come out to any and everyone. The more people we come out to, the more people will learn that we’re as diverse and alike as they are. The more we share our expertise and voice on every topic known to womankind, the more we show our value as we tear down stereotypes and prejudices.

Your gay blog can be an opportunity for you and the queer community. You can grow your income, become financially independent and expand your reach. Visibility of the diversity within the LGBTQ community will grow. You’ll inspire others and you’ll be able to give back in so many ways.

Hear how to give smartly to the LGBTQ community on this Queer Money®:

Because there are so few gay bloggers, the opportunity is ripe for you to quickly become a leading voice on your topic – it was for us.

What if blogging doesn’t feel like your thing?

How your platform can grow with your blog

Blogging itself opens many doors.

If you want to become a freelance writer for a major tech mag, use your blog to showcase your skills. Use your gay blog to launch a public speaking career that advocates for art and music in schools or to become a leader on LGBTQ rights. Your blog can help you get that raise or promotion or beta test chapters in a book you may want to write.

It’s our blog that took us from earning $0 a year on our own to writing for Forbes, earning up to $5,000 a month writing for others, which we share in detail at this link, and then took us on the first-ever Queer Money Live Tour.

As our platform grew, our opportunities to do more grew. Like when we earned $3,000 in one day as brand partners to a Fortune 500 company, being in a commercial for another and speaking at an LGBTQ money event for yet another.

We no longer take instructions from others to grow their business. We’re now paid to grow our own business – and to increase our freedom and flexibility.

But, the first question many people ask themselves is, “What do I blog about?”

Blog about what you love

Let’s decide on your angle. Most bloggers have a specialty, their niche. They pick one, maybe two, topics that they want to be or are already experts on.

Picking a specialty is important. To get quality gigs and have a real impact, you can’t be a Renaissance blogger. You may know everything, but it’s too confusing to your followers if you try to be extra.

Find a topic you love. Finding a topic you love is important, you’ll be writing, blogging and speaking about it a lot. To gain a following and be known as an expert, you’ll write about it for years . . . and it’ll take years.

RuPaul wasn’t invented in a day.

If you can talk about neuro-linguistic programming until long after your husband falls asleep, then blog about it. If you love researching, reading, testing, and cooking healthy meals, be the healthy kitchen king or queen.

Whatever your topic, love it enough to write about it long after your friends and family stop reading – because they will.

Ask Yourself:

  • Why do I want to become a blogger? Do I love something enough to blog about it? Yes!
  • What do I love to talk, read, watch and write about? Do people know me as a pro in something? Yes!
  • Could I write about that regularly, consistently and continually? Yes!
  • Deep down inside, am I ready to be an entrepreneur and make a living at it like other gay bloggers? Yes! Yes! And, Yes!

If you’re worried about change, watch and learn how to make a successful mid-life career change:

Decide who your gay blog will serve and how it will serve them

The most important part of blogging is speaking to the needs of your audience. Your blog should give them real value and help them with their truest needs.

For example, our personal and professional experiences are in finance. Because 47% of Americans can’t afford a $400 emergency, our little, gay blog can help half the country.

We niched down to the queer community because we’re a gay couple who, like many queer people, made a fortune in Liberace-size money mistakes. As gay bloggers, we now use our personal and professional experiences with money helping our readers and listeners.

To pick your angle, as yourself:

  • Is there anyone who I can help with my blog? Heck yeah!
  • Do they need my help? Duh!
  • Do I want to help them? You betcha!
  • Am I up to the task? Bitch, please!

Niche to be riche

Now that you’ve figured out what you’re passionate enough to blog about regularly and consistently, it’s time to niche down further, just like we did to the queer community.

What’s niching down mean?

It’s said if you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one. Lots of people and things are competing for your readers’ eyes. When you get specific and pick a segment of the population to serve, you find your people and they find you.

For example, consider Oprah because she can do no wrong. Despite being exceedingly popular, who was her target audience for her 25-yearlong talk show? It wasn’t all women. It wasn’t gay men or straight women. It wasn’t even black women.

Oprah’s primary audience was . . . wait for it . . . straight, white, middle-American moms. Not whatcha thought, huh?

Oprah found a segment of the population who was interested in what she had to offer. Yes, she had a black audience. Yes, gay men, including yours truly, watched her religiously – thank holy Mother Nature for DVRs. But, Oprah’s platform served, and her income mostly relied on straight, white, middle-American moms.

Did Oprah talk exclusively about straight, white, middle-American mom topics? No. We also don’t write solely about LGBTQ money, but it’s because we’ve built that platform that we can occasionally write and talk about something else . . . like men’s biceps and wine.

Your assignment to join our prominent list of gay blogs, should you choose to accept it, is to niche down your target audience and topic. The nicher, the richer.

Ask Yourself:

  • Do I have a unique point of view? Mmmmm hmmm!
  • Does my unique view have an audience? Like Doogie Howser!
  • Is the queer community interested in my topic? Yes, sir!

Choose your host and gay blog platform

When you start an LGBTQ blog to publicly publish your posts, your website needs to be hosted somewhere. Because you’re not a multi-million-dollar business or Hillary Clinton, you need a reputable host and server to provide technical support to keep your queer blog online and accessible.

This is a critically important step and the only reason we know is that we f*cked it up. Hard.

Our goal is to save you the money we didn’t save ourselves. Ours was an expensive journey; yours shouldn’t be.

We started blogging on Google Blogger. If you’re considering it, don’t! Blogger seemed innocent enough and logical (it’s Google). But like Google+ it was a huge waste.

When we outgrew Blogger, we switched to SquareSpace. Because SquareSpace looked like an Apple product, we assumed it worked as an Apple product. It was about as helpful as Siri is.

If you want to start your blog easily and cheaply – easier and cheaper than we did – sign up for Bluehost. Luckily, we negotiated a 32% discount for you.

With this exclusive offer, Bluehost is your web host for $3.95 a month for 36 months, gets you access to WordPress for free, a domain name for free and a free site builder that’s super intuitive.

Click here to save money and get started today.

Bluehost is consistently listed as the top blog hosting company and is already priced reasonably. Our discount makes its price obscene. Plus, WordPress is super easy with its “one-click WordPress installation feature” – Greek now but important later.

Because your blogging isn’t bringing in money yet and your husband isn’t sure if this is another fad of yours, keeping your costs down is important for your business and marriage.

So, get a 36-month hosting plan with Bluehost. It’s affordable and the 36-month plan saves you the most money. The best part is there are no contracts and you can cancel at any time.

You may also choose Bluehost’s 12 or 24-month plans, but your discount is deeper with its 36-month plan. Whether you choose Bluehost’s 36, 24 or 12-month plan, our discount will end, and you’ll renew at Bluehost’s standard rates. Regardless of the plan you choose, your payment is required upfront when you register with Bluehost. This prevents any downtime that could occur with a month-to-month plan.

As you’ll learn, Google and your readers don’t take downtime very well. Finally, Bluehost offers a 30-day money-back guarantee with a full refund. So, what do you have to lose?

Save money and start making money today by clicking here to Bluehost.

Getting your gay blog name and URL

Picture it . . . having your own gay blog all your own named by you for you.

Fortunately, Bluehost offers its customers a free domain name for one year. If you’re thinking of using Go Daddy to buy your domain name because of the funny commercials, don’t. You’ll regret it later and it’ll cost you more.

Get your blog name and URL fast because domain names are like toilet paper during Coronavirus – in short supply. Hoarders are buying up domain names and selling them for a hefty fee.

For example, for our Queer Money® podcast, we’d love to own “” But it’s taken, and the seller wants $3,400. Not gonna happen! So, we own “Queer.Money.”

So, get the domain you want now for free.

Tips for picking your ever-important gay blog name

First, pick your blog name. We suggest picking your real name (or stage name if you’re a drag queen or other performer) as your blog name.

When we started blogging, blogs used creative names that identified the blogger’s topic or niche. Times change like Madonna’s accent. You and your gay blog are your brands. You and your gay blog are easier to find if everything is the same name.

Don’t be too creative, too short or too wordy. You want a blog name and URL that people will understand and remember. Don’t get too attached to the blog names you come up yet, as you’ll need to confirm its availability.

Your blog name should exactly match your URL regardless of what blog name and blog name format you choose. URLs with the suffix “.com” are going fast. Other suffixes are available, but it’s in your best interest to get a .com – it’s like the one time you don’t want to go generic.

So, for now, search Google to see if your proposed blog name is currently in use. Further down, we’ll see if someone’s holding it for ransom like Queer

Then, grab it, buy it and own it by clicking this link here.

How to actually buy your Bluehost plan, domain name and URL

Our niece followed the instructions below without any help and it took her only 1 hour from start to finish. Unless she’s way smarter than you, your gay blog will be up in no time.

1. Select your plan (basic is enough)

2. Complete package & billing information

Choose ‘Domain Privacy Protection’ and skip the extra features, just like the above image.

3. Choose your domainname here

4. Complete Bluehost account information

5. Log into your Bluehost account

6. You’re done!

7. See inside your BlueHost cPanel

Summary of steps

  • Go here to Bluehost here and click the “Get Started Now” button
  • Click on the package you want
  • Get your domain name
  • Enter your personal info and payment info
  • Choose your secure password – secure, secure, secure!

Bluehost includes a Password Generator to generate a super-secure password for you that even the CIA or the Russians can’t hack (that’s probably not true). Protect your gay blog, though, because when it becomes money, you’ll become a target.

How to connect your domain name to your host (if you didn’t listen to us)

Note: If you listened to our advice to use Bluehost’s 36-month package and got a free domain name, skip this step. If you purchased your domain name at Go Daddy or elsewhere, follow this step.

If you purchased your domain name at Go Daddy or somewhere else, your domain provider will have instructions to connect your domain name to Bluehost. These instructions should be something like:

  • Sign in to your account with your domain provider (Go Daddy, com, etc.)
  • Find your domain name or names, if you bought more than one domain name
  • Click “Manage DNS”
  • Click “Edit Nameservers”
  • Change the servers to “” and “” and click save

You’ll then add your domain name as an “addon domain” to your Bluehost account. Do this by clicking “Domains” when logged into your Bluehost account and then click “assign”.

How to install WordPress on Bluehost

Here’s the climax of breathing your gay blog into life. This looks scary (it isn’t), and Bluehost has done a great job making it as easy as possible.

  • From the current page or your Bluehost welcome email, sign in to your Bluehost account
  • When you’re in your “cPanel” (blogger-speak for control panel), click the “One-Click Install” button, the second box underneath “Website Category”
  • Click on the large WordPress Icon at the top of the page and underneath the navigation bar
  • Click on the green “Install” button to start your install

  • When you click “Install”, you’ll be taken to a site called “MOJO Marketplace” to buy a theme for your blog – skip this step

  • From the drop-down menu, select your domain (likely one option) on which you want to install WordPress

  • Click “Check Domain” to make sure no one else has claimed your blog name
  • If you get an alert that says you’re overwriting files, check the box and continue as long as you haven’t already built another website
  • If you do have built other sites, don’t overwrite it – duh
  • In “Advanced Features,” create your secure WordPress Admin Name and password – secure, secure, secure – and maybe not the same as your Bluehost info and don’t use “Admin”

  • Check “Automatically create a new database for this installation”
  • Read the “Terms & Conditions”
  • Click “Install Now”

  • When WordPress is done installing, you’ll get an email with a link to log into your WordPress account

  • This is your WordPress dashboard and where all the magic will happen

  • Go to Appearances > Themes on the left-hand side and choose a free WordPress theme by selecting “Add New Theme”

Easier than you expected, huh? You’re now ready to start blogging. For instructions on how to use WordPress, including writing and publishing a blog post, watch this video on YouTube.

If you’ve read to this point to review the instructions before starting your Bluehost account, here’s the link to get started.

7 resources so you don’t have to blog alone

Many people fear a hard, solo slog working late nights and long weekends when they think of starting their own business. It doesn’t have to be, and it’s better if it’s not.

Over time, we’ve built a team of support. We aren’t good at everything, and we certainly can’t do everything. So, we let these others do what they’re good at so we can do what we’re good at doing.

Below are some supporters to consider as you consider joining us other gay bloggers.

1. Get social on Facebook

You don’t need to be on every social media channel, but you’ll want to be on Facebook. That’s because Facebook can help you reach your target audience faster than any of the other social media platforms.

Finding your audience and letting them know your blog exists will be a big focus of yours. So, save yourself the time and hassle of trying to figure it all out on your own. That takes too long and is too taxing.

Our friend, Monica Louie, helps us and other gay bloggers, including yours truly, with her Flourish with Facebook Ads training. As with us, she’ll get you up and running with killer Facebook Ads in no time.

Use this link along with discount code (DFG50) to save $50 on your purchases of Flourish with Facebook Ads.

Listen to our conversation with Monica about Facebook ads on Queer Money®:

2. Get social on Instagram

Instagram’s definitely the social media platform du jour. So, to the extent you can, get your gay blog on Instagram.

Whether you share motivational memes, images or the results of what you do or take pictures of your products, there are many ways to use Instagram.

There’s only one best way to learn how to do so, though, the Instagram Masterclass by The Mother of Marketing.

Sarah’s the person we continually turn to for helpful advice on all things Instagram. Learn and apply what the pros know, rather than take forever to learn it on your own.

Join Sarah’s Instagram Masterclass by clicking this link here.

3. Tell your story so people want to hear it

One of the leading reasons people don’t start their own blog is they think no one wants to hear what they have to say.

They do!

The key is learning to effectively say what’s important to you and why. That’s how great copywriting helps.

To help with the copywriting for our blog, we look to Liz Theresa. We’ve been using and recommending Liz for years. As she helped build our current site, you’ll see her name proudly placed at the bottom of every page on our site.

Liz is great at getting inside a blogger’s head and pulling out their story, then helping that blogger tell that story with amazing copywriting. Liz has a terrific team, too.

So, get Liz and her team on your team.

4. Get good at writing blog posts

Writing’s a skill, and the best way to get better at writing is to write more. This too, though, you don’t have to do on your own.

Our good friend Holly teaches people who to write and to become freelance writers. Holly makes a hefty 6+ figures a year freelance writing for other sites and publications. Her training has been extremely successful. So much so that we’ve employed several of her graduates to help us with

Sign up for Holly’s course to learn how to write well fast and connect with your target audience faster.

5. Get tech support you can trust

Everyone’s blog needs a tech guy. Running the backend of WordPress is technical and challenging. A lot can happen in a little time, there are constant updates and there’s a lot to know.

As tech-savvy as we are, neither of us is that savvy. So, we’ve retained the services of our friend and colleague, Grayson Bell, founder of iMarkInteractive.

The best part about hiring Grayson other than his friendliness and smarts is that he started out as a blogger, too. So, he gets blogging and gets bloggers, gay, straight or otherwise.

We still use Grayson today, and we suggest you hire Grayson today, too.

6. Give your audience the help they want

Your blog is a business, and businesses need to earn an income.

You simply can’t give from an empty cup. If you’re worried about putting food on your table and keeping a roof over your head, you’ll be too stressed and distracted to truly help your readers. This is why you’re advised on flights to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others.

Trying the opposite does both of you a disservice.

That said, a great way to make money from your gay blog is with affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is when you promote the products and services you know, like and trust to your readers, so your readers can get the same value. In return, the brands of the product and service you promote pay you a commission.

For example, we’re huge fans of the Honeyfi app. Honeyfi helps couples budget their money together as their relationships evolve. We used Honeyfi and love it so much, we promoted it to our readers and course members long before Honeyfi had an affiliate program.

Now they have an affiliate program, and we continue to promote it because we know, like and trust Honeyfi and think it’s a great tool for most of our audience. It’s just that now we make a commission doing so.

Likewise, have you noticed that nearly every person or brand we’ve recommended in this section is a friend of ours and that we’ve used or continue to use their services? We know, like and trust these people and their products and services. We’ve partied with every one of them on several occasions. So, recommending them and their products and services is authentic and honest sales.

So, that’s affiliate marketing, and people do quite well with it. Enter our friend and colleague Michelle Schroeder of Making Sense of Cents. Michelle frequently earns six-figures a month.

Six. A month.

There’s an art and a science to affiliate marketing. Because she’s so good at it, Michelle teaches others to replicate her process with her course, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing that you can access by clicking this link.

Once your site’s up and running, your blogging and getting traffic, take Michelle’s course, Making Sense of Marketing, and start making money with affiliate marketing, too. Just like RuPaul invests in the clothes that make her fab and a millionaire, you should invest in your business too. It’s a $197 investment worth its money.

7. Invest in your business

When the time’s right, invest in your business. And blogging is a business.

Sure, you can blog for fun and catharsis, but it’ll be hard to maintain, and you’ll struggle with consistency if you’re always running on empty running from one job and task to another. Invest in and monetize your blog, so you can grow your blog to be your main source of income.

We need you!

Joining the ‘mary’ band of gay bloggers will help you and the queer community. There’s so much opportunity right now in the queer blogosphere. Don’t miss out!

We need more gay bloggers and you’re it.

Are you ready? Absolutely. Click here and start now!

Happy blogging, gay blogger newbie!

Here’s more info to help you become a boss:

  • Freelancing Writing Income Nets Gay Writers $60,000 a Year
  • 5 Important Steps to Start a Queer Podcast
  • How I Quit My Job (Twice)
Note: This article contains affiliate links, meaning we’ll receive payment at no cost to you if you buy through these links. We only recommend products we use or thoroughly vet and would recommend to our moms. Buying too many of these is how you live fabulously broke. To livefabulouslywith financial security,start here.


How to Join Gay Bloggers Changing the World | Debt Free Guys (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Views: 5608

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.