How to Justify "Why I Deserve a Raise" | Skill Success Blog (2024)

Table of Contents
1. You exceed expectations. 2. You take the initiative to help. 3. You are a proactive team member. 4. You ask for feedback. 5. You help in increasing revenues. 6. You contribute to reducing company costs. 7. You continue growing your expertise. 8. You prove loyalty to the company. 9. You are the go-to person on the team. 10. You share your knowledge with others. 11. You know your market value. When Asking For a Raise How to Negotiate Your Raise So your boss accepted the proposal, but before you agree to an exact figure, a lot of negotiation is bound to happen. You can’t expect your employer to give in easily. You need that extra effort to negotiate your way to a more desirable increment. Here are some helpful tips in negotiating for a raise you deserve. Back your desired rate with data. Put in mind how the business is doing. Don’t mention the target range; go for the highest rate you want. Avoid comparing yourself to others. Don’t state an ultimatum. Practice your negotiation skills. Keep the optimistic spirit. Skill Success Expert Insight Recommended Courses 1. Learn To Unlock Your Compensation 2. Career Development Secrets For 2022 And Beyond 3. Successful Career Management In The Corporate World Frequently Asked Questions 1. How often should I ask for a raise? 2. What if my company is going through financial difficulties? 3. How can I document my achievements to support my request for a raise? 4. How do I handle a situation where a colleague gets a raise and I don’t? 5. Can I ask for benefits or perks instead of a salary increase? Key Takeaways Recommended courses for you Barbara Isla Barbara Isla Browse all Categories Related Posts Pros and Cons of HubSpot: Is there any weakness in the year 2024? Sales Calls Scripts: Templates, AI Prompts, and Tips 5 Best Online Sales Training Courses with Certificates [2024] How to Start Freelance Graphic Design: A Quick And Easy Guide What is Mixed Media Art: The Common Types Looking for a solution to discover,change, or advance your career? Get All Access Pass for only $15/Month and unlock 4,000+ online video courses today. 2024All rights reserved Online Courses RESOURCES My Account RESOURCES 2022All rights reserved FAQs
  • POSTED ONMay 5, 2024
  • byBarbara Isla

Asking for an appraisal is one of the most crucial things you will have to go through in bumping up your career. Every so often, you will feel the need to ask for a pay raise because you deserve it, and that’s normal. As long as you can defend in your “why I deserve a raise” proposal, you have a better chance of the appraisal.

To improve your employability, you can also consider taking these self-development courses.

However, not everyone is brave enough to ask their bosses for fear of being rejected. In a survey byPayScale, about two-thirds of its 160,000 employee respondents never asked for a pay raise. And 70% of those who took the leap successfully earned the pay raise. This demonstrates the likeliness of getting a pay raise when you go after what you desire.

To help you take the plunge, here are the reasons that can help you justify, “why I deserve a raise” question when asked by your boss.

1. You exceed expectations.

When you regularly hit your goals, you demonstrate excellence in your performance at work. What more if you exceed what is expected from you, right? Chances are, your boss notices your perseverance in ensuring you complete all your responsibilities in your job.

When yourbossis aware of your hard work, it’s way easier to ask for a pay raise. You have to show you are worth the increment by highlighting your value to the company. And that is possible by going beyond what’s expected from you in your job.

Related Article: Tips for Dealing with a Difficult Boss

2. You take the initiative to help.

Are you a team member who enjoys lending hands to those in need? If you are, you display the quality that most employers love—taking the initiative.

Whether it is big or small, your help means so much when theteam can meet success. All these efforts will not go down the drain as there will be people vouching for your willingness to help and take action without needing instruction.

3. You are a proactive team member.

Aside from taking action before issues even arise, giving helpful insights shows proactiveness in your team. When you are eager to share useful suggestions, you show the team that you are invested in improving the processes for more efficient work.

Recommendations are well-appreciated in the work setting. Rather than keeping your mouth shut when you spot something wrong, giving prompt resolutions shows how much you care for the company’s welfare.

4. You ask for feedback.

Feedbacks are the backbone of learning what aspects you need to improve on. When you don’t ask for it, how will you know?

Although the higher-ups will have a pulse check on you every once in a while, you still carry the responsibility of asking. This way, you know the areas that you excel in and which need improvement.

5. You help in increasing revenues.

Your proposal is more likely to get accepted when you know that you are avaluable asset to the company or a consistent top performer. Knowing that you are a big contributor to increasing company revenues, an incentive, or any reward is bound to come your way.

Some instances that show your bankable assets include helping in the following:

  • Acquisition of major clients
  • Expansion of the company
  • A massive increase in sales
  • Assistance in developing new business ventures

6. You contribute to reducing company costs.

There is only so much you can do to help cut down costs while maintaining work efficiency. Your work will be much appreciated if you have provided inputs in saving an adequate amount of expenses.

In your own way, you can always help with saving a couple of bucks. You can do this by suggesting cost-efficient methods in performing processes while ensuring the organization hits or exceeds goals at a lesser cost.

7. You continue growing your expertise.

The eagerness to learn proves that you are more than invested in stepping up your game. If your responsibilities have been stagnant for a couple of years, which might seem you are stuck in a rut. When you take the initiative to expand your horizon, you are opening yourself up for more opportunities.

Your desire to enhance your given skills and acquire new knowledge shows that you want to make a big contribution to the company.

8. You prove loyalty to the company.

Although it’s not ideal to blatantly tell your boss that you need a raise because you’ve been with the company for quite some time, the fact that you have stayed there already means a lot. You can easily manage to ask for a salary bump when you are ateam assetand have been with the organization for years.

In addition, there are other ways you can prove your loyalty to your company. These include sticking to the company’s core values, keeping the dignity of the team, and embodying the company vision.

9. You are the go-to person on the team.

When people go to you for assistance, this implies reliability. Not only are you approachable, but you also meet deadlines and requirements. This goes to show that people are aware of how reliable you are.

When coworkers trust you, you become the go-to person that everyone can rely on. And as someone who always delivers, you have the bragging right to get a pay hike. It’s easier to defend the question, “why I deserve a raise?”

10. You share your knowledge with others.

Ideal employees are more than happy to share what they know with the team. Being a mentor is one way to prove you have gained significant knowledge and to display yourleadership abilities.

When you are capable of sharing with others what you know, your effort is bound to get noticed. This then results in recognition of your work as a mentor to others. This acknowledgment helps you in your proposal to support your answers in the reasons “why I deserve a raise?”

11. You know your market value.

Having worked for quite some time, you have gained tons of skills that imply bigger market value. Although the territory is a factor in helping you grow, you still create a valid point when you know how much your skills are worth.

Do your research on various career platforms likeGlassdoororIndeedto familiarize the current market value. It’s easy to ask for a raise from your boss when you can back it up with reliable data.

When Asking For a Raise

Once you have ticked every item on the list above, you can prepare your proposal to ask for that pay raise. Be ready on how you are going to defend your pitch and take some extra precautions to ensure you getthatpay raise.

Here are some helpful guidelines on what you should and shouldn’t do to ask for a pay raise.

  • Pick the right timing.When you think your boss is in a good mood, go for it.
  • Dress the part on the big day.Put some effort into your attire, even if the job nature is casual. Wear a tie or iron out your clothes to look presentable.
  • Prepare and practice your answers.The point of the meeting is to propose and defend your pitch. Ensure that you have prepared answers to possible questions to ace the inquisition.
  • Focus on the company.Do not forget to acknowledge the company and what it will get out of you if you get the pay raise. Asking for a pay raise is a two-way street; the company must benefit from you as you do from them.
  • Keep it about your accomplishments.Don’t ask because you feel like you are being underpaid. Instead, focus on the contributions you have made and your value as an asset to the company.
  • Be prepared if you get rejected.The answer could only be a “yes” or “no.” If you get the latter, handle the result with grace and utter acceptance. You can ask for feedback on why you were rejected so that you know what to do next time.
  • Continue being a team player.Whatever the result is, do not stop being an excellent employee. Keep the consistency going, and the company will eventually recognize your hard work.

Utilizing tools like to outline achievements, track progress, and present data can help employees demonstrate their value and justify their request for a raise in a clear and organized manner. Just as streamlines collaboration and task management, adopting a systematic approach to asking for a raise can increase the chances of success and ensure that important points are communicated effectively to decision-makers.

How to Negotiate Your Raise

Negotiate Your Worth. After your receive an initial job offer or pay review, you can counteroffer for more money. Alternatively,you may prefer greater flexibility, additional holiday leave, or a performance bonus.

So your boss accepted the proposal, but before you agree to an exact figure, a lot of negotiation is bound to happen. You can’t expect your employer to give in easily. You need that extra effort to negotiate your way to a more desirable increment. Here are some helpful tips in negotiating for a raise you deserve.

  • Back your desired rate with data.

In proposing your desired increase, you can’t just crunch numbers just because you think they are enough for your value. You need to defend it with data that you can get from researching current job market trends. Evaluating the data and leveraging this to your value will help you justify why you deserve that increment. Those figures didn’t come up from anywhere—they are actual data.

  • Put in mind how the business is doing.

It becomes tough to ask for a pay raise when you know the business is facing some financial woes. This makes you inclined to be more considerate of the current situation. If the business experiences a bumpy road, you might want to lower your proposed increase. But if the business is growing, this might be the best time to aim higher.

  • Don’t mention the target range; go for the highest rate you want.

Avoid mentioning a range, as this implies that you are willing to settle for the lowest number in the range. This gives the employer the chance to choose the lowest number in your target range. Instead, go for the highest justifiable bid. This gives both parties enough wiggle room to negotiate since your employer might offer lower than your desired rate.

  • Avoid comparing yourself to others.

In emphasizing your accomplishments, remember to focus on your own. Never bring up how you outrank or do better than your coworkers. Not only is this professional, but it lessens your chance of getting your proposal approved.

  • Don’t state an ultimatum.

Whether your pay raise gets approved or not, you shouldn’t be giving an ultimatum. Threatening to leave your job because you don’t get an increase is beyond unprofessional. No employer would want to hear that from their employee, which could even result in cutting you off.

  • Practice your negotiation skills.

Sometimes, you can’t trust it by negotiating spontaneously. You need to practice negotiation to get the best possible result. After all, this is for your salary. Use this one shot to good use and make it count by coming prepared. You can get some help from a friend who could practice with you. Along with that, you may also get powerful tips by taking up thisonline negotiation course.

  • Keep the optimistic spirit.

Regardless if you got your desired rate or had a lower offer, keep the positivity in you. Rejections are normal, and they shouldn’t cause your demotivation.

Keep these pointers close to heart when you are asking for a salary bump, and you will be an inch closer to securing that pay raise. Together with your burning desire, instill the value of acceptance that no matter what the result is, you’ll accept it willfully. Because at the end of the day, you will never know what you will get if you didn’t even try to ask.

Need that extra push to get you going? Here are top career development courses from Skill Success you can bring with you in acing your proposal:

  • Assertiveness: Seventeen Steps to Rock Star Confidence
  • Effective Communication
  • Master Persuasion Psychology

Skill Success Expert Insight

"I always advise individuals seeking a pay raise to meticulously document their contributions and align them with their company's strategic goals. I emphasize creating a personal narrative that showcases not just what you've achieved, but how those achievements have directly impacted the organization's success. In my experience, understanding the decision-maker's priorities and choosing the right moment for the conversation are crucial. I also advocate for continuous learning and skill enhancement as they significantly bolster one's negotiation leverage. Personally, I believe that confidence in one’s value, coupled with a solid preparation that includes quantifiable results, forms the cornerstone of a successful pay raise discussion."

Recommended Courses

1. Learn To Unlock Your Compensation

Learn to Unlock Your Compensation is a comprehensive course designed for individuals seeking to understand and maximize their earning potential. Led by seasoned HR professional Daniel Space, this course offers a deep dive into the intricacies of compensation, from how it’s determined by companies to common pitfalls to avoid when negotiating for a raise.

This course stands out for its practical approach to understanding compensation. Daniel Space draws from nearly two decades of experience in HR, offering insider insights and real-world strategies for increasing your pay. By providing a behind-the-scenes look at how companies structure compensation packages and offering tips for navigating negotiations, this course equips learners with the knowledge and confidence needed to advocate for themselves effectively.

What sets Learn To Unlock Your Compensation apart is its focus on demystifying the compensation process. Instead of overwhelming learners with complex theories or jargon, Daniel Space breaks down the key concepts in a clear and accessible manner. Additionally, his extensive experience working with top companies across various industries lends credibility to the course content, providing learners with valuable insights they won’t find elsewhere.

As someone who values transparency and empowerment in the workplace, I appreciate the practical advice offered in this course. Daniel Space’s expertise shines through as he navigates the nuances of compensation, offering actionable tips and real-world examples to help learners navigate their own negotiations with confidence. Whether you’re a recent hire looking to understand your worth or a seasoned professional seeking to increase your pay, Unlock Your Compensation offers valuable insights that can benefit anyone looking to maximize their earning potential.

Who is this course for?

Unlock Your Compensation is ideal for anyone looking to take control of their financial future. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or looking to advance to the next level, this course offers practical strategies for increasing your pay and advocating for yourself in the workplace. With its accessible approach and expert guidance, Unlock Your Compensation is suitable for all individuals seeking to unlock their earning potential.

2. Career Development Secrets For 2022 And Beyond

Explore the cutting-edge strategies of career development with the enlightening course, “Career Development Secrets For 2022 And Beyond.” This comprehensive program, led by experienced HR professionals Uli and the duo, offers invaluable insights into navigating the evolving landscape of career advancement in the modern era.

This course stands out for its forward-thinking approach to career development. Uli and the team draw from over 30 years of corporate experience, coupled with their expertise as certified Master Coaches, to provide learners with a roadmap for success in the ever-changing job market. By unveiling the latest trends, strategies, and tools for career growth, this course empowers participants to stay ahead of the curve and achieve their professional aspirations.

What sets “Career Development Secrets For 2022 And Beyond” apart is its focus on future-proofing your career. While many courses offer generic advice on resume writing and interview skills, this program delves deeper, offering insights into emerging trends and technologies shaping the future of work. From mastering remote collaboration to leveraging digital networking platforms, participants gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic job market.

As someone passionate about staying abreast of industry trends and advancements, I find this course to be incredibly insightful. Uli and the team’s wealth of experience and expertise shine through as they guide participants through the complexities of modern career development. By providing practical strategies for adapting to change and seizing new opportunities, this course equips learners with the tools they need to thrive in the digital age.

Who is this course for?

“Career Development Secrets For 2022 And Beyond” is ideal for anyone seeking to future-proof their career and unlock new opportunities for growth. Whether you’re a recent graduate embarking on your professional journey or a seasoned professional looking to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving landscape, this course offers valuable insights and actionable strategies for success. Regardless of your industry or career stage, if you’re ready to take your career to the next level, this course is for you.

3. Successful Career Management In The Corporate World

Empower your career trajectory with the enlightening course, “Successful Career Management In The Corporate World.” Tailored for ambitious individuals navigating the corporate landscape, this program offers invaluable insights into career management strategies and demystifies the process of promotions within a corporate environment.

This course excels in providing practical guidance for career advancement in the corporate world. Whether you’re seeking to accelerate your career path, preparing for an upcoming promotion, or simply looking to grow personally and professionally, this course offers actionable advice to help you achieve your goals. With a focus on mindset, personal development planning, and effective communication strategies, participants gain the tools they need to navigate the complexities of corporate life and chart a course for success.

What sets “Successful Career Management In The Corporate World” apart is its holistic approach to career advancement. While other courses may focus solely on resume writing or interview skills, this program goes beyond surface-level tactics to address the deeper dynamics at play in corporate environments. By providing insights into how promotions work, guidance on building a career plan, and strategies for working effectively with managers and senior stakeholders, this course equips participants with a comprehensive toolkit for success.

As someone who values continuous growth and development in my career, I find this course to be incredibly valuable. The practical advice and actionable strategies offered by the instructor provide a roadmap for navigating the corporate world with confidence and intentionality. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in your career, the insights shared in this course can help you unlock new opportunities for growth and advancement.

Who is this course for?

“Successful Career Management In The Corporate World” is ideal for ambitious individuals looking to take control of their career path and achieve success in the corporate world. Whether you’re preparing for a promotion, seeking to advance your career, or simply looking to grow personally and professionally, this course offers valuable insights and strategies to help you reach your goals. Regardless of your industry or career stage, if you’re ready to take your career to the next level, this course is for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I ask for a raise?

Generally, it’s appropriate to ask for a raise annually, during performance reviews or after completing a significant project or contribution. However, timing may vary based on your company’s review cycle or financial year.

2. What if my company is going through financial difficulties?

If your company is experiencing financial challenges, it might not be the best time to ask for a raise. Instead, focus on contributing to the company’s recovery and revisit your request when the financial situation improves.

3. How can I document my achievements to support my request for a raise?

Keep a record of your accomplishments, including completed projects, positive feedback from clients or colleagues, and any awards or recognitions. This documentation can serve as evidence of your contributions and impact on the company.

4. How do I handle a situation where a colleague gets a raise and I don’t?

Focus on understanding the criteria for raises within your company. If comfortable, discuss your performance and contributions with your manager and inquire about opportunities for growth and what is needed to qualify for a future raise.

5. Can I ask for benefits or perks instead of a salary increase?

Yes, if a salary increase is not possible, consider negotiating for non-monetary benefits such as flexible working hours, additional vacation time, professional development opportunities, or remote work options.

Key Takeaways

Implementing the strategies and tips outlined in this article can significantly enhance your chances of successfully negotiating a pay raise. By proactively demonstrating your value, exceeding expectations, and adopting a strategic approach to discussions and negotiations, you position yourself as an indispensable asset to your organization. Remember, understanding your worth and effectively communicating it is key to career advancement. Let these insights empower you to approach your next pay raise discussion with confidence, backed by a well-prepared case that highlights your contributions and aligns with your company’s goals and values.

For those looking to further their professional development and strengthen their negotiation skills, the Skill SuccessAll Access Passpresents an invaluable opportunity. With access to over 4,000 on-demand video courses, you can enhance your expertise, learn new skills, and gain the confidence needed to justify your worth and successfully negotiate a pay raise. Whether you’re aiming to improve your communication, leadership, or specific job-related skills, the All Access Pass provides the resources to accelerate your career growth. Embrace this chance to level up your life, expand your knowledge base, and become a more compelling advocate for your professional advancement.

Recommended courses for you

This blog was originally authored by Hazel Santos. The content was last updated on May 5, 2024.

How to Justify "Why I Deserve a Raise" | Skill Success Blog (4)

Barbara Isla

Barbara is a multifaceted professional with a diverse skill set. She is a writer, a licensed real estate broker, and an experienced corporate training consultant specializing in supervisory and managerial skills for both emerging and multinational corporations. Barbara is also a public speaker, often invited to impart her knowledge to college students.

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How to Justify "Why I Deserve a Raise" | Skill Success Blog (5)

Barbara Isla

Barbara is a multifaceted professional with a diverse skill set. She is a writer, a licensed real estate broker, and an experienced corporate training consultant specializing in supervisory and managerial skills for both emerging and multinational corporations. Barbara is also a public speaker, often invited to impart her knowledge to college students.

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How to Justify "Why I Deserve a Raise" | Skill Success Blog (2024)


How to Justify "Why I Deserve a Raise" | Skill Success Blog? ›

You can include your key achievements to justify your input to the company. Ensure that you state your recent accomplishments that happened since the previous pay rise. Among the evidence, present any awards or accolades that the company gave you. Include comparison salary figures if you're underpaid for your role.

How do I explain why I deserve a raise? ›

Here are some reasons why you may deserve a raise:
  1. You do more than your job requires. Your work performance is often one of the strongest arguments for receiving a raise. ...
  2. You show initiative. Companies generally like employees who take the initiative to do things without being asked. ...
  3. You're reliable.
Feb 1, 2024

How to write a justification for a raise? ›

You can include your key achievements to justify your input to the company. Ensure that you state your recent accomplishments that happened since the previous pay rise. Among the evidence, present any awards or accolades that the company gave you. Include comparison salary figures if you're underpaid for your role.

How do you answer why you should get a raise? ›

"I believe I'm worth that much to this company and here are the reasons why: I (bring in more money to this company than others in my position/pay/ encourage others to work harder/ help those on higher positions than me/ bring about a fresh or unique perspective/ am being hit with the effects of inflation/ have ...

How do you write a letter explaining why I deserve a raise? ›

Be specific

Using the research you've collected, outline how much of a raise you're requesting. Explain how the amount you're asking for aligns with the average salary for someone with your experience and skills. Mention that you're requesting a salary increase because of your hard work or successful outcomes.

How do you prove you are worth a raise? ›

How can you prove your worth when asking for a raise?
  1. Know your market value.
  2. Track your accomplishments.
  3. Prepare your pitch.
  4. Choose the right time.
  5. Negotiate with tact.
  6. Follow up with gratitude.
  7. Here's what else to consider.
Sep 27, 2023

How do you justify asking for pay rise? ›

The below strategies provide a solid framework for how to justify a pay rise so you can come to the conversation prepared.
  1. Research industry standards. ...
  2. Highlight your achievements. ...
  3. Outline Professional Growth. ...
  4. Emphasise Your Future Value. ...
  5. Request a Performance Review.
Jul 7, 2023

How do you write a justification for a higher salary? ›

Justification for an increased salary

Show your value by listing work accomplishments, employee strengths, and qualifications, including quantifiable examples. Be specific and express how your successes brought value to the company. The more evidence you present, the more reasonable your request will seem.

How do you justify a promotion and salary increase? ›

Consider factors such as your experience, education, certifications, and achievements. To justify a salary increase during a promotion, highlight your achievements, responsibilities, and the value you bring to the new role, supported by market research showing competitive salaries for similar positions.

What is an example of a good justification? ›

An example of a justification that can be satisfactorily described in words might be 'an increase in income will lead to an increase in demand for normal goods' (although even here an indifference curve diagram would make the same point with a greater degree of rigour).

What not to say when asking for a raise? ›

What Not to Say When Asking for a Raise
  1. "I will Quit this job if I don't get a raise!" ...
  2. "I know my Co-worker makes X amount" ...
  3. "I want more money!" ...
  4. "I need a pay raise because (insert personal problems) ...
  5. "I want my salary to be increased by(x)." ...
  6. "I have received other offers from company X." ...
  7. "You are underpaying me."
Jun 7, 2023

How to get a well-deserved raise? ›

Here are five ways to prove you deserve a pay rise:
  1. Skill Up to Get Ahead. If you've completed a new qualification, finished some training or are undertaking a new career development program, make sure your boss knows about it. ...
  2. Go Above and Beyond. ...
  3. Team Leadership. ...
  4. Business Benefits. ...
  5. A Case for Innovation.

How to list accomplishments for a raise? ›

How to present your achievements to your manager
  1. Detail the actions you took and the tasks you completed. After you provide context, you can start to discuss the actions you took and the tasks you completed for your specific project. ...
  2. State the results you achieved. ...
  3. Add the appropriate closing.
Jun 27, 2024

How do you professionally say I deserve a raise? ›

Keep these examples in mind:
  1. I haven't had a raise in [amount of] years, so it's time for a raise.
  2. I know that [coworker] is making more than me, so I need a raise.
  3. I've been here for [amount of] years, so I need a raise.
  4. Other companies have reached out offering me more money.
May 8, 2024

Why do I deserve a raise answer? ›

Share Your Achievements:

When asking for a raise, talking about what you've accomplished is important. Take the time to mention the projects you've finished and any awards or praise you've received. This helps your boss understand the value you bring to the company and why you deserve more money.

How to justify an increase in salary? ›

When making your case for a raise, it's essential to articulate the benefits to your employer. Highlight how your contributions have positively impacted the company's success, whether through increased productivity, cost savings, improved efficiency, or enhanced customer satisfaction.

How do you say I deserve a higher salary? ›

The conversation might begin with, "I'm grateful for the challenges and responsibilities I have taken on over the last year and a half. I've consistently exceeded my goals, and I'd like to talk about adjusting my salary to reflect this higher level of contribution."

How to convince your boss you deserve a raise? ›

How to Ask For a Raise
  1. Understand why you are asking for a raise.
  2. Rehearse what you want to say.
  3. Gather salary data for your position.
  4. Bring it up to your manager before the company review cycle.
  5. Share a list of your accomplishments and impact.
  6. Ask about possible promotions.

What do you say when accepting a raise? ›

Related: How to discuss a salary hike with your manager Express your gratitude Start your response by expressing sincere thanks and appreciation for your salary increase. Acknowledge the organisation's recognition of your hard work and contributions, and express your gratitude for the associated opportunities.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.