How To Learn Big Answers Fast and Easily - Oswal Publishers (2024)

Hey there, fellow learners! Are you feeling overwhelmed by the vast amount of information you need to remember? Are you asking the question of how to learn answers fast?

Well, don’t worry, because, in this blog, we’ve got you covered! We understand the importance of learning big answers fast and we’re here to help you achieve just that. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn some effective techniques and strategies that will help you ace those exams with ease!

Table Of Contents

  • Overview
  • Understanding the Topic
  • Note-making
  • Active Recall
  • Mnemonics and Memory Techniques
  • Time Management
  • Exam-taking Strategies
  • FAQs on How to Learn Answers Fast


Why is learning big answers important in CBSE exams?

Well, CBSE exams are known for testing students on their in-depth understanding of concepts and their ability to apply them to real-world scenarios. Learning big answers is crucial if you want to score well in your CBSE exams. How to learn answers fast?

So, how to learn answers fast? Here are some tips:

1. Understand the concept first: If you want to know how to learn question answers fast, it is important to understand the concept. Before you start memorizing big answers, make sure you understand the concept behind them.

2. Use visual aids: How to learn big answers in 1 minute? Visual aids like diagrams, charts, and mind maps can help you memorize big answers faster. If you’re wondering how to learn big answers in 5 minutes, use visual aids.

3. Practice, practice, practice: Practice is the key to learn long answers. Repetition is key when it comes to memorization. Practice writing the big answers multiple times until you can recite them from memory.

4. Use acronyms and mnemonics: Acronyms and mnemonics can be incredibly helpful when it comes to memorizing big answers.

5. Break it down: How to memorize long answers? If you’re struggling to memorize a particularly long answer, try breaking it down into smaller parts.

Learning big answers fast may seem daunting, but with the right strategies, it’s definitely achievable.

Understanding the Topic

How to learn long answers in 2 minutes? Answer. Topic Understanding.

Are you struggling to learn and understand complex answers? Do lengthy explanations overwhelm you? Are you googling how to learn answers fast?

Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many students find themselves in a similar situation. However, the key to mastering any subject is to break down big answers into smaller parts and identify important points and keywords. Breaking Down Big Answers

When faced with a lengthy answer, it’s essential to break it down into smaller, more manageable parts. Start by reading the question and then breaking it down into smaller parts. For example, if the question is, “What are the causes of global warming?” Break it down into two parts, “what is global warming?” and “What are its causes?” Then, take each of these parts and break them down further if necessary.

Once you have broken down the answer into smaller parts, it’s time to focus on each section. Read it slowly and carefully, making notes of the critical points. This approach will help you understand the answer better and remember the information for longer. It’s also an excellent way to make studying more manageable and less overwhelming.

Identifying Important Points and Keywords

Identifying important points and keywords is crucial when learning and understanding complex answers. This approach helps you focus on the most critical information, making the learning process faster and more efficient.

How To Learn Big Answers Fast and Easily - Oswal Publishers (1)

When reading an answer, pay attention to any bolded or italicized words. These are often keywords that indicate the most important information. It’s also helpful to look for any lists, bullet points, or headings, as these often highlight crucial points.

Additionally, try to identify any patterns or connections between the information presented. This approach will help you understand the answer holistically and connect the dots between different ideas.


How to learn long answers quickly and easily? Answer. Note making.

Note-making is one of the answers to how to learn answers fast.

With the right study techniques, anyone can learn how to quickly and effectively absorb information. One such technique is note-making.

How To Learn Big Answers Fast and Easily - Oswal Publishers (2)

How to create effective notes for quick revision?

The first step to creating effective notes is to actively engage with the material you are trying to learn. This means reading the text or listening to the lecture with a critical eye, identifying key concepts, and taking note of important details. One way to create effective notes is to use abbreviations and symbols. This not only saves time but also helps you to remember important information more easily. For example, you could use an arrow to indicate cause and effect, or a star to highlight a particularly important point.

Tips for using mind maps and diagrams to make notes

How to learn science question answers easily?

Mind maps and diagrams are a great way to visualize complex information and make it easier to remember. To create a mind map, start by writing the main topic or idea in the centre of the page and then draw branches off of it for related subtopics. You can also use colour coding and images to make your mind map more visually appealing and memorable.

Diagrams are another effective way to represent information visually.

Active Recall

How to learn big answers fast? Active recall.

Active recall is another strategy how to learn answers fast.

Active recall refers to the process of actively retrieving information from memory. It is a powerful tool that can help you retain information over a longer period of time. When we engage in active recall, we are essentially exercising our brain muscles, making it easier for us to recall information in the future. This is because active recall helps to strengthen the neural pathways that are responsible for storing and retrieving information.

Techniques for Practicing Active Recall

Now that we understand the importance of active recall, let’s explore some techniques for practising it.

1. Flashcards

Flashcards are a popular tool for practising active recall. The process of creating flashcards requires you to actively retrieve information from memory and condense it into a concise question-and-answer format. When you review the flashcards, you are engaging in active recall by attempting to retrieve the information from memory.

To create effective flashcards, start by writing a question or prompt on one side of the card and the answer on the other side. Make sure to keep the questions and answers concise and focused on key concepts. This will help you to quickly recall the information when you review the flashcards.

2. Self-Quizzing

Self-quizzing is another effective technique for practising active recall. This involves creating questions based on the material you are trying to learn and then answering them without looking at your notes. This process requires you to actively retrieve information from memory and can help to strengthen the neural pathways responsible for storing and retrieving the information.

To effectively practice self-quizzing, start by creating a list of key concepts or topics that you need to learn.

Next time you need to learn big answers fast, remember to engage in active recall and watch your retention improve.

Mnemonics and Memory Techniques

We’ll explore two highly effective methods for retaining important information quickly: mnemonics and memory techniques. They are one of the important answers to how to learn answers fast.

How to Use Mnemonics to Remember Important Information

1. Acronyms: Create an acronym by taking the first letter of each word you need to remember and making a new word. For example, to remember the order of operations in math (parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction), you could use the acronym PEMDAS.

2. Rhymes: Create a rhyme or poem to remember important information. For example, to remember how many days are in each month, you could use the rhyme “30 days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31, except for February alone, which has 28 days clear, and 29 in a leap year.”

Memory Techniques Like the Method of Loci and the Peg System on how to learn answers fast.

1. Method of Loci: This technique involves associating each piece of information with a specific location in a familiar environment.

For example, if you needed to remember a list of grocery items, you could associate each item with a different room in your house. When you need to recall the information, mentally walk through your house and remember each item in its assigned location.

2. Peg System: The peg system is a memory technique that involves associating each item on a list with a specific “peg” or anchor.

For example, if you needed to remember a list of fruits (apple, banana, orange, grape, and peach), you could associate each fruit with a specific number or letter. When you need to recall the information, simply recall the pegs and the associated items.

Time Management

Time management is one of the most common answers to how to learn answers fast.

How To Learn Big Answers Fast and Easily - Oswal Publishers (3)

Here are some strategies for managing time during exams:

1. Create a Study Schedule: Before you start studying, create a study schedule that outlines the topics you need to cover and the time you will dedicate to each topic.

2. Take Breaks: It is important to take regular breaks to avoid burnout and improve focus. Take short breaks every 45-60 minutes to refresh your mind and recharge your batteries.

3. Avoid Distractions: Avoid distractions such as social media, TV, or anything that can disrupt your focus. Find a quiet place to study and remove any potential distractions.

4. Practice Time Management Techniques: Techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique involves studying for 25 minutes, taking a 5-minute break, and then repeating the process.

Now that we have discussed some strategies for managing time during exams, let’s move on to the next sub-topic which is how to prioritize topics based on their weightage.

1. Analyze the Exam Pattern: Start by analyzing the exam pattern and understanding the weightage of each topic. This will help you prioritize topics based on their importance.

2. Make a List: Make a list of all the topics you need to cover and prioritize them based on their weightage. Start with the most important topics and then move on to the less important ones.

3. Focus on Weak Areas: Identify your weak areas and focus on them first. Spend more time on topics that you find difficult and try to master them before moving on to other topics.

4. Revise Regularly: Don’t wait until the last minute to revise. Revise regularly to ensure that you retain the information you have learned.

Learning big answers fast requires proper planning and time management skills.

Exam-taking Strategies

If you want to know how to learn answers fast, it is also important to be aware of your anxiety and stress levels.

Let’s discuss two important exam-taking strategies: tips for managing exam anxiety and stress and effective exam-taking strategies like scanning and browsing.

How To Learn Big Answers Fast and Easily - Oswal Publishers (4)

Tips for Managing Exam Anxiety and Stress

1. Prepare well: One of the best ways to reduce anxiety and stress is to prepare well for your exams. Make sure you allocate enough time for studying and revising regularly.

2. Practice relaxation techniques: Before the exam, take a few minutes to practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. This can help calm your nerves and improve your focus.

3. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can contribute to anxiety and stress. Make sure you get enough sleep before the exam to help you stay focused and alert.

4. Stay positive: It’s important to maintain a positive attitude towards exams. Instead of dwelling on your fears, focus on your strengths and visualize yourself succeeding.

Effective Exam-Taking Strategies like Scanning and Browsing

Scanning: Scanning involves quickly reading through the exam questions to identify the ones you know the answers to. This can help you save time and increase your chances of getting a higher score.

Browsing: Browsing involves reading the exam questions and looking for keywords that can help you identify the answers. This can help you quickly locate the answers and increase your chances of getting a higher score.

In addition to scanning and browsing, it’s important to read the instructions carefully and pace yourself during the exam. Make sure you allocate enough time for each question and avoid spending too much time on one question.

In conclusion, learning big answers fast may seem daunting, but with the right strategies and techniques, it can be achievable. By understanding the topic, taking effective notes, using active recall, employing memory techniques like mnemonics, managing your time well, and using exam-taking strategies, you can improve your ability to learn and retain information quickly. With practice and dedication, you can master these techniques and become a more efficient learner. Keep these tips in mind and good luck on your journey of learning!

FAQs on How to Learn Answers Fast

Q1. How to study multiple chapters in one day?

Answer. To cover 14 chapters in a single day, try using these study techniques: take practice tests, compile a list of key terms, concepts, and ideas, seek out summaries in the textbook, take additional notes as you read, create visual aids like mind maps, charts, and graphs.

Q2. How to memorise long hours quickly?

Answer. Break your study sessions into shorter intervals: Shorter study sessions followed by short breaks are more effective than long study sessions with no breaks. Try to study for 25-30 minutes, then take a 5-10 minute break to recharge.

Q3. Does taking breaks help?

Answer. Yes, Get enough rest: Ensure that you are getting adequate sleep, as sleep is essential for memory consolidation and cognitive function.

How To Learn Big Answers Fast and Easily - Oswal Publishers (2024)


How To Learn Big Answers Fast and Easily - Oswal Publishers? ›

Practice, practice, practice: Practice is the key to learn long answers. Repetition is key when it comes to memorization. Practice writing the big answers multiple times until you can recite them from memory.

How to memorize big answers? ›

Simple memory tips and tricks
  1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
  2. Link it. ...
  3. Sleep on it. ...
  4. Self-test. ...
  5. Use distributed practice. ...
  6. Write it out. ...
  7. Create meaningful groups. ...
  8. Use mnemonics.

How to memorize 100 questions and answers? ›

  1. Read loudly.
  2. Know Your Purpose.
  3. Make up a few cute rhyme.
  4. Write it if u want to.
  5. split the sentence if it is long -chunk and memorize.
  6. visualize-Memorize answers using pictures.
  7. Repeat & review is important to remember for longer time.
  8. if it formula or image then write it.
Jun 5, 2014

How can I read answers faster? ›

How to Improve Your Speed Reading
  1. Avoid distractions. ...
  2. Go easy. ...
  3. Cover words that you've already read. ...
  4. Know what you want from the text. ...
  5. Benchmark your progress. ...
  6. Practice, practice, practice.

What is the 7 3 2 1 study method? ›

Ans. The 7-3-2-1 revision method is a widely used technique to remember things better. For example, if you learned something new today and want to remember it in the long run, you should read the topic today, tomorrow, the day after then on the 7th day from when you first read the topic.

What is the trick to memorize? ›

Some of these techniques include repetition, visualization, 3-2-1, mnemonics, mind mapping, teaching someone else, and active recall. By experimenting with different techniques, you can find the ones that work best for you and use them in your everyday life to improve your ability to remember information.

What is one trick for memorizing a lot of information quickly? ›

1. Chunking. Chunking refers to a memory technique where you group items together so they're easier to remember.

How can I memorize fast in 5 minutes? ›

How to Learn Big Answers in 5 Minutes?
  1. Read the content first to get a gest of it.
  2. Don't try to memorise everything in one go.
  3. Break the answer into parts (as many as you like).
  4. Read the sections aloud to learn.
  5. Hide it to check if you've memorised it or not.
  6. Repeat this with the complete answer; until memorised.
Jun 27, 2023

What are the 11 secrets to memorize things quicker? ›

How to memorize things fast: 11 memorization techniques
  • Acronyms and acrostics.
  • Music mnemonics.
  • Rhyming mnemonics.
  • Chunking.
  • Build a memory palace.
  • Write it down.
  • Use spaced repetition.
  • Make visual connections.
Apr 6, 2023

What is the fastest reading technique? ›

Speed Reading Techniques
  • Skimming: Skimming is a speed-reading technique that involves quickly scanning the text to get a general overview and identify key points. ...
  • Previewing: ...
  • Chunking: ...
  • Pacing: ...
  • Eliminating: ...
  • Reading in Reverse: ...
  • Using a Finger or a Pen as a Guide: ...
  • Using Online Speed-Reading Tools:
Aug 20, 2024

How can I memorize faster and read faster? ›

  1. Step 1: Read More. It may sound obvious, but the first step to reading faster is to simply read more. ...
  2. Step 3: Use a Visual Guide. This is the single most effective technique I used to increase my reading speed. ...
  3. Step 4: Use the Indenting Method. ...
  4. Step 5: Take Notes to Retain More. ...
  5. Step 6: Practice, Practice, Practice!
Jan 22, 2024

How to learn easily? ›

How to learn faster: 5 ways to tune your brain for new things
  1. Learning quickly gives you a great competitive edge for personal and professional development. ...
  2. Teach others (or just pretend)
  3. Make breaks. ...
  4. Take notes by hand.
  5. Don't be afraid to take a nap!
  6. Use different study methods.

What is the fastest way to memorize large amounts of text? ›

Repeating the information out loud or writing it down can help you to remember it better. Chunking: Break down large amounts of information into smaller, more manageable chunks. Try to group related concepts together and remember them as a group rather than trying to remember each concept individually.

How do you memorize big words? ›

10 simple tips on how to memorize English vocabulary
  1. Use flashcards (in moderation!)
  2. Try learning example sentences.
  3. Use it or lose it.
  4. Look up new words (the right way!)
  5. Write words down.
  6. Keep a notebook handy.
  7. Try using the plural form or different tenses.
  8. Use mnemonics.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.