How to Level a Yard in 8 Proven Steps - The Importance of Landscape Grading (2024)

Last Updated June 24, 2024

How to Level a Yard

Here is a quick guide on how to level your yard. Click any of the steps for more information below. Can it be done in less steps? Sure, but you will probably compromise the long term success. The amount of time it will varies greatly. Depending on the size of your yard, how uneven it is, and the amount of holes to fill.

  • Step 1: Mow your lawn
  • Step 2: Dethatch your lawn as needed
  • Step 3: Dig up the grass in the sunken area of the lawn
  • Step 4: Make a soil mix with topsoil, sand and compost
  • Step 5: Fill sunken areas and holes with the soil mixture
  • Step 6: Even out the entire lawn
  • Step 7: Water your lawn
  • Step 8: Reapply the soil mix as needed

The Importance of Yard Leveling

If you are looking for information on how to level a yard, you probably know it is instrumental in keeping your landscape aesthetically pleasing. A level yard provides stability to your outdoor landscape. It also allows you to avoid serious damage and costly repairs to your foundation.

Your lawn must slope away from your home gradually to allow rainwater to drain away slowly from your foundation. If rainwater runs toward your home, the water will accumulate around the foundation walls. This will cause moisture to build up. Weakening your foundation. It may even become more serious. Seeping through foundation walls and filling your basem*nt with water.

If your home does not have a basem*nt or is built on a slab, moisture can seep into the wooden floor joists. The water will rot the joists. Threatening your home’s structural integrity.

The problems don’t end there though. Poor leveling will also damage your gardens, trees, and landscaping.

As well as potential standing water issues. A breeding ground for mosquitos. Which are not only pests but carry diseases.

Reasons for Yard Leveling

How to Level a Yard in 8 Proven Steps - The Importance of Landscape Grading (1)

Even if you have leveled your yard in the past, landscape grading may be needed in cases where bumps and lums are created by:

  • tree or brush removal
  • sewer installation
  • tree root growth
  • damage from animals
  • installation of new features (such as a pool)
  • settling
  • drainage issues

So over time, you will want to look for these signs that you need to level your yard.

How Do I Know if There is a Landscape Grading Problem?

The most simple way to check for yard leveling problems is to look for standing water. If you don’t have proper drainage, you know that you have a problem.

If you want to be more precise with your landscape grading, you can measure your yard’s slope. To do this you will need the following tools:

  1. Hammer
  2. Two 3 ft. long stakes
  3. 100+ ft. string
  4. Carpenter’s level

The ground around your home should slope away approximately 1/4-inch down for every foot away from your home. This comes to around 2 ft. per 100 ft. So at 100 feet from your house, the ground should be 2 ft. lower than at the base of your home.

To accurately measure the slope of your yard’s landscape grading grab a 3 ft. long wood stake. Drive it 1 ft. deep in the dirt at the bottom of your house. Then measure a 100 ft distance away from your house. At that spot drive a second 3 ft. long stake into the soil.

At ground level on the stake by the house attach a string. Run the string to the second stake. Attach it to the stake with the string level. Use a carpenter’s level to achieve this.

With the string attached to both stakes, measure the distance from the ground to the string on the far stake.

If you measure a drop from 3 inches to 2 feet, you may be able to do the leveling yourself. However, if the drop is greater than that, or it slopes upward, it is highly recommended that you hire a professional to grade the yard.

For very steep slopes you may consider planting ground covers or building terraces.

How to Level a Yard in 8 Proven Steps - The Importance of Landscape Grading (2)

If you decide to take on the task of landscape grading yourself, you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • Lawn Mower
  • Hand rake
  • Thatch rake [or dethatching machine]
  • Plastic leaf rake
  • Large push broom
  • Shovel
  • Edger
  • Wheelbarrow

You will also need the following materials:

  • Sand
  • Topsoil
  • Compost

How to Level a Yard [8 Steps]

So you’re ready to take on landscape grading yourself. Use these 8 steps for how to level a yard to ensure great results.

STEP 1: Mow Your Lawn

How to Level a Yard in 8 Proven Steps - The Importance of Landscape Grading (3)

Yard leveling starts with mowing your lawn. Make sure you cut it short. But be careful not to cut it too short. If you cut to the point that the stems of the blades of grass are visible, then your grass may dry out.

STEP 2: Dethatch Your Lawn [As Needed]

How to Level a Yard in 8 Proven Steps - The Importance of Landscape Grading (4)

Begin preparing the lawn for landscaping grading by closely examining the roots of your grass. Assess your lawn’s amount of thatch.

The thatch is a mix of living and dead plant material in a layer where the grass stems meet the soil and roots.

A thatch greater than 1/4 to 1/2 inch will keep your grass from getting proper water and air.

If you have more than 1/2 inch remove the thatch.

For a smaller lawn, you can use a thatch rake. For larger lawns use a dethatching machine. Which you can rent at most home improvement stores.

STEP 3: Dig up the grass in the sunken area of the lawn

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Check your yard for divots and low spots deeper than 2-3 inches.

Remove the grass from on top of them. To do this, put the blade of a shovel on the outer edge of a low spot. Slide it down and under about 2-3 inches to make sure you get under the roots of the grass. Then remove the sod by prying the grass up with the shovel. Exposing the dirt underneath.

STEP 4: Make Soil Mix: Topsoil, Sand and Compost

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Make a top dressing mix to fill in the area beneath the grass in sunken areas of your lawn:

  • 2 parts topsoil
  • 2 parts sand
  • 1 part compost

The soil and compost give your grass the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Sand on the other hand does not easily compact easily. Keeping your yard level over time.

STEP 5: Fill Sunken Areas and Holes with Soil Mixture

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Fill the hole from step 3 with the mix from step 4. After filling the holes, be sure to place the grass back on top of it.

STEP 6: Even Out the Entire Lawn

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Once you have filled the holes and divots, cover your entire lawn with about 1/4 to 1/2 inches of the mix.

Keep this layer thin. Err on the side of caution. Even if you think you need more than 1/2 inch. If you put too much down, you may choke your grass.

If you still think you need more, you can reapply in step 8.

STEP 7: Water the Lawn

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Run sprinklers to water your lawn. This will help the soil mix settle in the grass to fill air pockets, and revitalize your lawn.

Jumpstarting the introduction of the new nutrients from soil mixture.

STEP 8: Reapply Soil Mix [As Needed]

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You might have to do more than 1 layer of the soil mix to completely level your yard.

You should apply the 2nd layer by repeating steps 5 and 6 after you see the grass begin to grow, or when you can’t see the first soil mix layer anymore.

That’s it. You’re done! Now you know how to level a yard.

Important Things to Remember While Yard Leveling

For best results keep these tips in mind:

  • The best time to level your yard is during the dry season. If done during a rainy season there is a good chance for soil erosion
  • Proper backfill at the foundation is very important. If the soil is too close to the wall cladding then you risk termites getting into your house
  • Any soil removed from the lawn can be reused while grading

Conclusions on Landscape Grading

Leveling your yard is very important to protect your home and landscape from long-term damages and expensive costs to fix.

If your landscape grading issues are minor you can follow the 8 steps above on how to level a yard yourself.

However, if you have major issues with your lawn’s slope, you should contact a professional. They’ll know how to level a yard with more extensive issues. It may be that your landscape grading needs commercial-grade equipment, and a professional eye to identify all problems.

If you’re in southeast Pennsylvania, Cider Mill Landscapes may be able to help you. Fill out the form below for a free consultation or call us at: (484) 574-4666.

Still Have Questions on How to Level a Yard?

Here are some of the frequently asked question that we get on yard leveling.

How much will it cost to level my yard?

If you already have some basic tools, leveling your yard shouldn’t be too expensive, especially if you don’t have a lot of uneven areas to fix.

For motorized dethatching tools, you can find simple ones for as little as $100. While a thatching rake will go for about $35. Renting these tools is also an option, that will probably go for around $100/day, depending on the tools you choose.

Manual aerators are available for as little as $30, or you can spend up to $300 for more advanced models. Renting an aerator can cost around $90 per day. If you prefer to have a professional aerate your lawn for you, it can cost anywhere between $80 and $120.

As for the materials needed, they’re usually priced below $10 each. When it comes to grass seed, prices will go from $1.50 to $7 per pound.

What is the best time of year to level your yard?

The ideal time to level your yard is during the months of March to October. This is when your grass is in its active growing phase, which makes it easier to achieve a smooth and even surface.

However, consider your grass type.

For yards with warm-season grasses, late spring is the recommended time for leveling.

If your yard has cool-season grass, it’s best to level it during the fall season.

When is it not a good time to level my lawn?

There are certain situations when you should avoid leveling your lawn. If any of the following conditions apply, it’s best to hold off on leveling:

  • When the ground is frozen.
  • When the lawn is waterlogged or excessively wet.
  • When your lawn is already stressed due to drought, diseases, or pests.
  • When your lawn is currently undergoing treatments for other issues.
  • In these cases, it’s important to allow your lawn to recover and stabilize before attempting any leveling activities.

Is it necessary to use topdressing for my lawn?

No, it is not necessary. However, applying a thin layer of topdressing to your lawn can provide more benefits than you might expect.

Besides helping to even out uneven areas, topdressing can also address other common issues such as:

  • weed growth
  • diseases
  • poor drainage
  • lackluster grass

It has the power to rejuvenate existing grass, breathing new life into it, or serve as a fresh foundation for planting new seeds.

Furthermore, topdressing can assist in improving aeration, enhancing soil quality, promoting seed germination, and facilitating the decomposition of thatch. Additionally, it introduces beneficial microbes from the compost, which help regulate the levels of important elements like nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus in the soil.

How to Level a Yard in 8 Proven Steps - The Importance of Landscape Grading (2024)


How to Level a Yard in 8 Proven Steps - The Importance of Landscape Grading? ›

Remove grass from sunken areas: Dig up the grass from any sunken areas that are deeper than a couple inches. Fill sunken areas and divots: Add topsoil to low spots to even out the lawn and create a smoother, more even surface. Establish your grade slope: Use a laser or string to guide your grade slope.

How do you grade and level a yard? ›

Remove grass from sunken areas: Dig up the grass from any sunken areas that are deeper than a couple inches. Fill sunken areas and divots: Add topsoil to low spots to even out the lawn and create a smoother, more even surface. Establish your grade slope: Use a laser or string to guide your grade slope.

What is the best way to level an uneven yard? ›

Step 1: Prepare your topsoil mixture by combining equal parts of topsoil and sand. Step 2: Spread the prepared soil mix over the divots and sunken areas in your lawn. Step 3: Use a shovel to remove excess soil and create a level surface for high spots or bumps.

How do you determine landscape grade? ›

Simply take “rise over run” and use arctangent (tan-1) to find theta (θ) – that's your grade in degrees. Returning to our example, the rise is 2 and the run is 6. So, you'd take 2 over 6 (or 2/6) to get . 33.

How do you grade uneven ground? ›

Start by removing any debris, rocks, or vegetation from the area to create a clean working space. Next, use a shovel or a garden rake to distribute topsoil or fill material to fill in low spots. Gradually build up the low areas, periodically checking the level with a straight board or level.

Can I regrade my yard myself? ›

If you measure a drop from 3 inches to 2 feet, you may be able to do the leveling yourself. However, if the drop is greater than that, or it slopes upward, it is highly recommended that you hire a professional to grade the yard. For very steep slopes you may consider planting ground covers or building terraces.

Is grading a yard difficult? ›

If you're making minor adjustments to the strip of land around your foundation or other yard features, regrading your lawn is a relatively manageable project. On the other hand, yard grading can become a huge undertaking if you have a large, uneven, or steeply sloped lawn.

What is the cheapest way to level ground? ›

Using crushed stone or fill dirt is your most budget-friendly option. It's effective and easy on the wallet.

Can you put soil on top of grass to level? ›

If your lawn has uneven areas or depressions, laying topsoil over the grass can effectively level the surface, providing a smoother, more even terrain for healthy grass growth.

Should I level my lawn with sand or topsoil? ›

Due to the adverse effects of adding pure sand on your lawn by itself, it is better to use a mixture of sand and dry topsoil to level uneven sections on your lawn. You can make your lawn leveling soil by mixing pure sand and dry topsoil in a ratio of 1:1.

What is the best equipment to level ground? ›

Bulldozers. Bulldozers' incredible size and power make them some of the best equipment for leveling ground for large projects.

How much does it cost to level a sloped backyard? ›

The average homeowner spends $2,175 to level a yard. Depending on yard size, labor costs, materials, and additional services, most homeowners pay between $1,022 and $3,339 . Leveling a yard to improve drainage, combat erosion, or provide a stable base for construction costs an average of $2,175 .

What is proper land grading? ›

While six inches is the required minimum slope, nine to twelve inches of grading is often effective. The most important aspect of the installation is the angle of the slope since it needs to be angled in a way that ensures the water will flow in both the correct direction (away from the home) and at a steady pace.

How to properly grade a yard? ›

  1. Planning and Potential Problems. Before grading the yard around your home or building, make sure it's free of pipes that go to the house. ...
  2. Find Your Slope. ...
  3. Order a Load of Dirt. ...
  4. Find the High and Low Points in Your Yard. ...
  5. Smooth the Dirt. ...
  6. Stamp Down the Dirt. ...
  7. Plant New Grass. ...
  8. Soak the Dirt.

What is the best material to level a lawn? ›

The Best Fill Dirt For Leveling A Yard

Experts recommend topdressing the yard using friable soil, which is a mixture of top soil and sand. It is easiest to spread when applied dry and in smaller particles. However, it is important to first ensure it has the right pH level to suit the area where it will be placed.

What is the best equipment for leveling a yard? ›

Bulldozers. Bulldozers are versatile machines used for various tasks, including grading. They are particularly useful for rough grading and pushing materials such as soil, rocks and debris. Bulldozers are commonly employed in land clearing, site preparation and construction of embankments or trenches.

What machine can I use to level my yard? ›

Bulldozers. Bulldozers' incredible size and power make them some of the best equipment for leveling ground for large projects.

What is the mixture for leveling a yard? ›

Topdressing involves spreading a leveling mix of topsoil, compost, and fine sand. The soil should not contain mulch or plant debris, which can smother the grass. The best sand to use is play sand, which you can buy at any home center. A typical mixture is 40 percent sand, 40 percent topsoil, and 20 percent compost.

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.