How to lower ping and ultimately reduce lag in video games (2024)

What is ping? Ask any gamer and they might say it’s the main cause of performance-sapping lag. But there’s no need to rush out and buy expensive new hardware to fix the issue. We'll show you what affects ping, how to improve ping speeds, and give you tips to level up your gaming, like using a dedicated gaming optimization app to help give your games maximum power.

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Ping is a measure of latency, or how quickly a signal is sent from and returned back to your computer. In a gaming context, ping is the amount of time a game takes to recognize your gameplay. For example, when playing Zelda, you want to know right away if Link slayed his enemies, not wait for your computer to register if they’ve even crossed paths.

And while pro gamers are able to avoid high pings atall costs, perhaps even by upgrading their equipment to the latest and greatesthardware, recreational online gamers generally are left to troubleshoot theirown devices. To that end, consider this your ultimate guide on how to lowerping and, ultimately, reduce lag in video games.

What affects ping?

Internet connection speed, above all else, affectsping. And foronline gamers, internet connectionspeed is everything. Speed can also be affected by how much data a network isjuggling and how many users are on that network at the same time.

How to lower ping and ultimately reduce lag in video games (1)

To put ping in a non-gamer context, think of playingfetch with a dog. The farther we throw the stick and the rougher the terrainthe dog has to take to get to it, the longer it will take them to bring it back. The amount of milliseconds — ping is measured in ms — that we’retwiddling our thumbs waiting for the dog to return with our thrown stick iscalled latency or, in gamer terms, lag for short.

So, when gamers are scratching their head asking, “Why am I lagging?” The answer is often high ping. For this reason, to reduce lag,you need to reduce ping.

How to lower ping? You can do this by improving theroute your internet takes to connect to gaming servers. In other words, you canhelp establish a better connection between your computer and gaming servers.

Why is my ping so highand is lower ping better?

Lower ping is better than high ping, because low pingmeans less lag. And less lag means smoother gameplay. On the flip, high pingmeans a longer lag. It also means you probably have a poor internet connection speed.

How to lower ping and ultimately reduce lag in video games (2)

Remember, ping is how long it takes a device to “gofetch” data from another server. So, the less time it takes — meaning the lowerthe ping — the quicker your game can be played.

There are a number of reasons why ping can be high,many of which you can correct yourself. Some reasons your ping might be highinclude:

  • Routersand how updated theyare, where they’re placed, and whether their firmware is up to date
  • Computersand whether they’re outdated, un-optimized for gaming, or need to be cleaned
  • Cacheson your router or modems whether they’re full
  • The number of devicesyour network is supporting
  • A game’s settingsand whether they’re over-optimized
  • Applications and programsrunning in the background on your device
  • Auto-updatesthat go into effect during your gameplay

You might also be wondering “Well, what is a good ping?” Realistically, anything below 100 ms is playable, but everyday gamers could strive for a ping of 50 ms or lower. Professional gamers, on the other hand, might want a ping around 20 ms or lower.

You can run a ping test on most computers, though how to do so differs across manufacturers. Some online ping tests also exist. To simplify, an internet speed test can also provide context to your ping rate.

At the end of the day, if your game is performing just fine, you probably don’t need to worry about your ping. But if your game is lagging, lowering ping is crucial to level up your gaming performance. It’s also very doable, beginning with a few troubleshooting steps.

3 steps to improve ping and internet speed

How can you lower ping? It all begins with optimizingyour internet connection speed, because this is what most often affects pings.As tempting as it may be, you might want to wait to tinker with your gamesettings or gaming setups until you’ve taken the following steps to improveyour home’s network connection. This will help you troubleshoot whether it’sreally your network connection that’s the culprit of your high ping or if it’ssomething directly related to your gaming setup.

How to lower ping and ultimately reduce lag in video games (3)

Step 1: Conduct computer maintenance

Running through acomputer maintenance checklistcan go a long way inspeeding up your device and how clearly it can communicate with a gamingrouter. Even dust that’s piled up over time can cause overheating, because ourcomputers are not receiving proper ventilation.

Another consideration: Are your ethernet cables up todate? Ethernet cables are available in categories ranging from 3 to 8, or Cat 3to Cat 8. The higher the category, the better your internet bandwidth andtransmission speed. Most households have a Cat 5 or greater ethernet cable,which suffices for gaming because it can handle internet speeds of 1,000 Mbpsor higher. Outdated cables, however, might not even be able to handle speedshigher than 100 Mbps.

Step 2: Revisit your router setup

Our routers are the mainframe of our internet connectivity and they too deserve a little TLC. Consider the following router maintenancetips:

  • Clear your router’scache:A full internet cache bogs down our devices. Do a hard reset on yourrouter toclear cookiesentirely and give yourdevice a clean slate.
  • Place your router in an open space:Objects and even walls can obstruct our wireless internet connections. Evaluate whether your router is in an open space and maybe reposition it to a higher spot, because signals angle downward. Also readjust the antennas.
  • Update your router’s firmware:Think of how our devices slow down when software or security updates are necessary. The same can be true for routers, so make sure your router’sfirmwareis up to date.

Step 3: Run an internet speed test

Now that your devices are up to snuff, it’s time to do an internet speed test to determine whether it’s really your internet connection that is affecting yourdownload speed.

You can conduct an internet speed test by inputting “internet speed test” into Google. Click the “run speed test” button for a gauge on what your current download speed is. If your speed score is low — below 100 Mbps — this could be an indication that the internet may be the problem.

Keep in mind that internet speeds vary depending on the number of users that are on your network at the same time. For this reason, consider doing a few internet speed tests throughout the day to determine if your bandwidth is overwhelmed. You might also want to plug your computer directly into an ethernet cable to see how the numbers change.

9 more tips to reduce lag and fix ping

An unfortunate truth is we sometimes have to makesacrifices to improve our gameplay, including ditching Wi-Fi altogether,disconnecting other devices from your network, and even lowering the visualquality of games.

But one thing you should never sacrifice to lower pingis yourvideo game security— even though it can betempting, don’t disable your gaming security software orVPNto achieve a faster connection. Instead,consider the following pointers to reduce ping, listed from the least to morepainstaking sacrifices.

How to lower ping and ultimately reduce lag in video games (4)

1. Close background programs and applications

There are a lot of things fighting for our computer’sattention, programs and applications running being one of them.

By force closing these, you’re directing your device’s attention entirely toward what’s important: your game. You’re also minimizing your internet bandwidth because there are fewer programs and applications nursing its connection. Some common programs to consider closing include Spotify, Zoom, Netflix, and even Twitch, if you’re not live-streaming yourself.

But manually keeping track of all your open applications can be a hassle. That’s one reason why our gaming and performance experts built a dedicated gaming optimization app. Norton 360 for Gamers will automatically detect games you're playing, freeing up resources from power-hungry apps and ensuring your games have the power they need.

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2. Temporarily disable updates

Enablingautomatic updatesfor software andapplications is a great way to stay on top of your cybersecurity and ensureyour devices are running optimally. Still, these updates can require a lot ofyour computer’s attention. For this reason, if you’re experiencing lag in videogames, you might want to considertemporarily disabling your updates so that they don’t hinder your gameplay.Just be sure to enable them once you push pause for the day.

3. Use an ethernet cord

Think of an ethernet cord like an IV. It’s providing direct nourishment to your device —in the form of an internet connection— because it’s plugged directly into your device. While it’s not the mostconvenient of ways to lower ping, because your ethernet cord might not be nearyour gaming setup, you can invest in a powerline adapter to connect to anethernet cable away from your router.

Still, using an ethernet cord most often provides amore stable internet connection versus Wi-Fi, which is being tugged and pulledby many users and devices. In the event Wi-Fi is your only option, be sureyou’re on a 5GHz network versus 2.4 GHz.

4. Remove other devices from your network

Just like those programs and applications that fightfor our device’s attention, our connected devices, too, are competing for ourWi-Fi. And when you consider the rise ofIoT, our routers have to juggle a lot. There’ssmart TVs, computers, cellphones,smart watches, even our wirelessgaming headsets. Then, multiply that by how many people live under one roof andyour internet connection might simply be overwhelmed. If you’re experiencinglag in your video game, consider disconnecting these other devices or evenusers from your network — looking at you, roommate who’s always onTikTok.

5. Check the game server’s ping

It can sometimes be the case that it’s not you or yourinternet connection’s fault for a high ping —it might be the server ofthe game you’re playing that has a low ping. If you know the game server’sIP address, you can check this oryou can visit sites such asGame Server Pingthat list popular video games. If the game server’s ping is high, that could be a clear indication ofwhy your ping is also high while gaming.

6. Select a gamer server closest to you

Another thing to consider is how close a game serveris to your device, physically. The farther apart you are, the longer it takesfor the two to communicate, so the higher your ping will be. Just think of howfast you can communicate with someone sitting beside you versus someone inanother country. Good news is some games allow you to choose which game serversyour device communicates with. If this is the case for your game, always pickthe gamer server closest to your physical location.

7. Adjust your frame rate

Nowadays, gaming visuals are downright impressive. Butthe better the visuals — consider HD quality versus standard —the moreenergy it takes for your device to compute them. If you’re experiencing highping, you may need to optimize your game’s settings, beginning with your framerate. Worth noting is the higher your frame rate, the better quality yourgame’s animation will be. In your game’s settings panel, try lowering the frame rate on your game and see if it improves your gameplay.

8. Upgrade your router

The fact isequipment deterioratesover time, including the router that supports our internet connection and, in turn, affects lag invideo games. Consider how old your router is and also consider upgrading it ifthe rest of these troubleshooting steps and tips haven’t been a success.

A newer device should give you the latest andgreatestrange and strongest signalfor your wireless connection. Avid gamers might evenwant to consider springing for a gaming router that, as the name alludes, isoptimized for gaming. Some include a Quality of Service feature that means therouter will prioritize gaming traffic above other internet traffic.

9. Contact your internet service provider

If you can’t seem to find a solution for the lag inyour video game, it might be time to call in the professionals. Contact yourinternet service provider for advanced troubleshooting tips to lower your pingand, finally, reduce lag in video games.

The bottom line:Lowering ping improves your online gaming performance

While people turn to video games for differentreasons, with some consideringgaming a form of relaxationand others determinedto beat their competition, no gamer wants to experience lag — and every gamerwants to reduce lag. Thankfully, just maintaining your devices can make a bigdifference in your gaming experience. So, go forth, lower your ping, and higherthose leaderboard rankings!

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How to lower ping and ultimately reduce lag in video games (2024)


How to lower ping and ultimately reduce lag in video games? ›

Simply moving closer to your router can help reduce ping. Poor internet connection: Slow internet speeds mean slower server response times and can cause lag. Distance from the server: Connecting to a server in another country or continent will increase ping by forcing data to traverse long distances.

How do I reduce lag in ping? ›

Simply moving closer to your router can help reduce ping. Poor internet connection: Slow internet speeds mean slower server response times and can cause lag. Distance from the server: Connecting to a server in another country or continent will increase ping by forcing data to traverse long distances.

How to reduce lag in video games? ›

Connect to the router with an ethernet cord to get more reliable internet speeds. Try restarting your modem and router if speeds are still slow. Try lowering the graphics settings in your game to improve your latency issues. If you already lowered graphics, try updating your graphics driver or replacing hardware.

How to get low ping in games? ›

10 Ways to Lower Your Ping
  1. Make sure your connection is clear. ...
  2. Use a wired connection. ...
  3. Double-check your game server location. ...
  4. Use a gaming VPN. ...
  5. Make sure your drivers and software are up to date. ...
  6. Restart your computer, console, or router. ...
  7. Upgrade your router/modem. ...
  8. Upgrade your internet plan.
Oct 31, 2023

Why am I lagging in games with low ping? ›

If your ping and latency are sitting at reasonable levels and you are still experiencing lag, you may just have an unstable connection. This is where your device is disconnecting and reconnecting to your internet and causing something called 'packet loss'.

Is 0 ping possible? ›

In a nutshell, in real life, a 0 ping is nearly impossible. But you can get a ping that is close to 0 by making some efforts.

Why is my ping so high but my internet is good? ›

High ping is caused by delays between devices communicating with gaming servers, resulting in input lag and performance issues. There are many possible underlying causes for high ping, including network bandwidth, a weak signal, and even physical distance from the game's server.

Why am I lagging even with good internet? ›

Wi-Fi will lag when playing even the best online games based on two factors: your bandwidth, which is how much data can be transferred at a time (the higher the number, the better) and your ping, which is how long it takes requests from your network to reach and then come back from the server (the lower the number, the ...

How do I clear lag in games? ›

  1. Check Your Internet Speed and Bandwidth. ...
  2. Aim for Low Latency. ...
  3. Move Closer to Your Router. ...
  4. Close Any Background Websites and Programs. ...
  5. Connect Your Device to Your Router via an Ethernet Cable. ...
  6. Play on a Local Server. ...
  7. Restart Your Router. ...
  8. Replace Your Router.

Will faster internet reduce ping? ›

Internet connection speed, above all else, affects ping. And for online gamers, internet connection speed is everything. Speed can also be affected by how much data a network is juggling and how many users are on that network at the same time. To put ping in a non-gamer context, think of playing fetch with a dog.

Will a better router improve latency? ›

Whatever this lag is, it's the base of your connection. A router can't lower it. In other words, that's the best possible latency level a good router can give you—in most real-world cases, it will be slightly worse. So, when it comes to lag, the router's job is to eliminate any extra.

How to improve internet latency for gaming? ›

To improve latency whilst gaming, try a few simple tweaks such as restarting your device, closing down apps and using a wired connection during gameplay. This will help to lower ping, reduce latency and enhance your overall gaming experience.

How do I fix my laggy ping? ›

How to lower your ping: 11 fixes to reduce lag
  1. Close software you're not using. ...
  2. Restart your device. ...
  3. Remove other devices from the network. ...
  4. Remove Wi-Fi obstructions. ...
  5. Reset your internet connection. ...
  6. Factory reset your router. ...
  7. Use a wired internet connection. ...
  8. Play on local servers.
Dec 20, 2023

How to fix game lag? ›

Here's how to fix lag issues:
  1. 5 Ways to Reduce & Fix Lag. ...
  2. Check your Wi-Fi connection. ...
  3. Boost your Wi-Fi signal & speed. ...
  4. Improve your gaming connectivity with powerline or MoCA adapters. ...
  5. Reduce bandwidth for other programs and applications. ...
  6. Manage your home network.

How do I fix high ping in games? ›

How to lower ping: 11 fixes
  1. Restart your router and device. ...
  2. Use a VPN. ...
  3. Close all unused background applications. ...
  4. Remove unused devices from your Wi-Fi network. ...
  5. Connect to a different game server. ...
  6. Update your device. ...
  7. Use an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi. ...
  8. Get an internet plan with higher bandwidth.
May 23, 2024

Why am I lagging with high ping? ›

High ping is caused by delays between devices communicating with gaming servers, resulting in input lag and performance issues. There are many possible underlying causes for high ping, including network bandwidth, a weak signal, and even physical distance from the game's server.

How do I make my ping faster? ›

How to lower your ping: 11 fixes to reduce lag
  1. Close software you're not using. ...
  2. Restart your device. ...
  3. Remove other devices from the network. ...
  4. Remove Wi-Fi obstructions. ...
  5. Reset your internet connection. ...
  6. Factory reset your router. ...
  7. Use a wired internet connection. ...
  8. Play on local servers.
Dec 20, 2023

How do I lower my input delay and ping? ›

Competitive gamers go to great lengths to reduce input lag, but improving gameplay responsiveness isn't just for professionals—anyone can do it.
  1. Turn off V-Sync.
  2. Check Your Monitor.
  3. Test Your Gamepad.
  4. Modify Your Frame Rate.
  5. Optimize Peripherals.
  6. Learn More.

What is lag in ping? ›

In online video gaming, ping refers to the time taken for data to travel from your computer to a server (or another player's computer) and then back to your computer. That measurement is known as latency – sometimes also called lag – between the computer and its server.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.