How to make Homemade Chicken And Dumplings - Dining and Cooking (2024)

Salt pepper garlic powder onion powder
3 Tbls Better than bullion chicken flavor
Fresh parsley you can use dry parsley if you don’t like fresh the fresh is really strong
fresh thyme
Red pepper flakes opitional
2cups flour
1-1/3 cup heavy cream I highly suggest instead of milk
-1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1Tbls baking powder
God bless enjoy

Hi everybody everybody I’m back everybody Jeannie young is back and I’m back with yet another amazing recipe today I’m going to show you all how to make chicken and dumplings chicken and dumplings is on the menu at the Young’s house and I’m so excited to share with

You all how I make my homemade dumplings I heard you also request you all said Gina baby you have a video up there for chicken and dumplings but you don’t actually show us how to make the dumplings you use homemade frozen dumplings well today I want to show you

How to make these dumplings homemade from scratch and lesson here these bad boys are so good they’re so simple to make do not require a lot of ingredients and listen here they’re gonna be amazing here’s what you’ll need to make tuna Youngstown homemade chicken and dumplings you all never have my homemade

Chicken and dumplings baby you better make yourself okay everyone let’s start off by showing you what lovely ingredients you’re going to need you will need fresh thyme I have a bundle of fresh thyme it’s nice and beautiful you’re going to need fresh parsley as well as celery make sure you wash all

Your vegetables off okay you’re going to need fresh garlic and I might use two large cloves you’re going to need a large onion as well as better than Boyan chicken base flavoring when you purchase this and you open it up after you open it up and use it you want to store this

In your refrigerator this right here is love and a jar it’s amazing flavor it’s gonna give you a beautiful chicken flavor in your broth okay you’re gonna need red chili pepper flakes those of you that are not fan of heat then you don’t have to use it I

Just want just a little bit of heat just enough to tickle the back of the throat not enough to burn anybody socks off we’re just gonna use just a little bit the spices will be cracked black pepper garlic powder and onion powder and salt and you can see that I have some

Beautiful chicken here I have chicken thighs I have chicken legs I have chicken breasts and wings that I have washed and I’ve washed a chicken with lemon cold water and salt okay you’re gonna need some fresh carrots okay these are the kind of carrots that I like to

Use to have that somewhat of a crinkle look to them you’re gonna need carrots as well as peas I highly suggest when you choose your piece you get fresh peas don’t get those kind out of the can because they’re always soggy emotional now as far as our homemade dumplings the

Ingredients that you will need is two cups of flour and that’s the all-purpose flour that I’m using you’re going to need one tablespoon of baking powder 1/2 a teaspoon of salt 1/2 a teaspoon of cracked black pepper and 1 in 1 thirds cup of milk now as far as the milk you

Can use any kind of milk that you would like to use if you wanted to use a buttermilk by all means you can and right here you can see that I’m going to use my lovely walk that I absolutely love to use so many of you ask me every

Day Gina where did you get your walk from my dad purchased this walk for me years and years and years ago as a Christmas gift and it came in a wolfgang puck collection of a pot set and this walk came with it I used this walk for almost everything that I cook it’s

Amazing but I found that if you look up what Wolfgang Puck walks you can find it on Mazon all right make sure your hands are impeccably clean let’s get started with this amazing quick and simple recipe Gina young Sal what is the last time you all had chicken and dumplings it’s been

A while for my household and we are so excited now speaking about the other recipe that I have up those frozen dumplings are top of the line the name brand is Rami our EA Mei I believe that’s the correct spelling but if it’s

Not you can look it up but it comes in a green and white and clear bag they are frozen they’re homemade and all you do is you just drop them into your broth and they are amazing I use those and I use the noodles when I make homemade

Chicken and noodles check those out if you don’t want to make your dumplings or your noodles you know from scratch all right so remember I told you I’ve washed the chicken now the big part of making a beautiful broth is you want the bone of the chicken that bone is gonna give you

An amazing broth and amazing flavor and some of the skin is great to have in your broth it’s almost like you need it to make that beautiful flavor come out into your breath so I have the skin the skin you can see the skin is off of some

Of the thighs and then I left the skin purposely on the skin is on some of the legs and some of the lakes I took the skin off all right and then I have some breast underneath here that there’s no no bone and no skin so let’s put our

Chicken into our pan just like so you can see that I have a little bit of the water out so we can fit our chicken in I’m just gonna put this chicken in just like so look at that big leg beautiful my goodness whoo-whee but make you some you know

Honestly I haven’t even started the recipe and my mouth is salivating right now salivating I’m making sure that I take off the what is it the seeds from my lemon guys when I was washing and cleaning my chicken some seeds got in there so I’ll

Make sure that I take that out just like so here are some of the boneless skinless pieces and here’s those breasts that I spoke about beautiful my goodness listen here now I’ve even seen some people take the whole roasting chicken put that bad boy down into their crock pot or down them

To whatever pot they’re gonna use and they use that whole chicken too dissimilar and make a beautiful broth you can do that as well or if there’s a certain part of the chicken that you want to use you can do that okay you don’t have to use all of

The pieces like I’m using I just happen to have you know a couple of pieces hanging around so that’s what we’re going to use all right now next I’m gonna wash my hands and then I’m gonna show you what we’re gonna do next anytime you’re dealing with raw meats

You always want to wash your hands so that you don’t transfer bacteria to any of your spices or anything else that you may touch ok everyone my hands are impeccably clean first thing you want to do is you want to put some seasoning down into your chicken in the water I’m

Gonna put some salt in there don’t you dare be afraid to season if you’re that person that’s afraid to season things then your food will have no flavor and that won’t be good season your food guys salt onion powder is amazing in chicken broth as well as garlic powder cracked

Black pepper is definitely a must get your some in there just like this I’m gonna put a nice amount in here you go baby all right and then some red chili pepper flakes not a lot it’s a little bit that’s it it’s not gonna burn

Anybody and then I like to go in right away with two tablespoons of this better than Boyan it is a beauty it’s amazing it’s so tasty once you taste this oh my goodness whoo-whee listen here you have a match made in heaven anything you put this in I’m gonna put

This in a refrigerator so I don’t forget it’s very important that you put that in the refrigerator after using okay now we’re gonna set this aside and we’re going to start to cut some of our veggies I’m gonna put just one and a half sprigs just wanted a half sprig

That’s all I’m gonna need I’m not a fan of time but when you make homemade chicken and dumplings or homemade chicken a noodle soup you need some fresh thyme I do like fresh thyme but I don’t like dried thyme you can’t get me to eat dried thyme for nothing in

The world this right here put it right in there with the stem and all and you see that’s just a little bit cuz I might use a little bit more a little later okay so now let’s go ahead and grab some garlic okay so we have our garlic and

Our onion let’s go ahead and chop up some of the onion I’m gonna use half of this onion it’s going to go in our broth it’s gonna give you an amazing flavor and later we’re gonna use some more onion this onion right here is it’s gonna cook so long it’s just gonna kind

Of disintegrate down into flavor land if you can understand what I’m saying it’s gonna cook so long it’s just gonna like I said to centigrate but it’s gonna give off so much flavor trust me when I tell you this all right beautiful onion going in now that onion

Later we’re going to cut some more and we’re going to put some more in later and what the onion will do later is you’ll be able to see that onion and you’ll be able to bite down into it and it’s not gonna be cooked as long as this

Onion okay but I’ll show you everything in detail so now we’re going to give this garlic a nice whack just like so by giving it a whack you are able to take the skin off very easy if you don’t whack it like that you’re gonna be

Pilling for days trying to get that skin off I don’t want to be pilling for days okay so then I’m going to whack it one more time just to give me some assistance in the cutting process just like so you don’t have to chop this up

Super fine like I said this is gonna cook so long it’s just going to disintegrate into the flavor okay if you wanted to put slices in there you better believe you can but there’s some people that don’t like to bite down into huge slices okay that’s all mine this get it in there

All that flavor baby you hear me whoo boom make sure you wash these off and it’s always okay to use these little what are we gonna call these the frilly parts of your celery don’t waste it put it right in there okay it’s nothing but flavor just make

Sure you wash your veggies off well I’m gonna use one celery stalk s flavor for our broth and then I’m going to go through this and cut it once again this right here will disintegrate as well but then later we’ll go back and we’ll put

More in and like I said that celery will be able to bite down into it and see it this right here is just to flavor it there you go baby get right in there just like so so now we have all of our beautiful seasonings we have garlic we have onion

And celery and not to mention that better than Boyan chicken flavoring let’s bring this up to us a to a medium boil get this chicken cooked the chicken will take around about 35 to 40 minutes to cook fully and once it’s cooked fully we’re gonna take the chicken out and I’m

Going to show you what we’ll do next okay guys while we wait on our chicken to cook I just wanted to show you all prints and pollo they are actually snacking on carrots they love carrots and they love sweet potatoes I thought I’d show you them why they enjoy a nice

Snack it’s Friday night at the Young’s house everybody’s eating good at the Young’s house even the puppies okay everyone I just want to show you what our beautiful broth is looking like and you know the chicken the hack done the dogs actually here my husband coming in

Through the garage so you can hear them barking in the background okay I’m just pushing those beautiful veggies down into the broth and I’ll show you this once the chicken is done let’s make our way over back to the island and I’m going to show you how quick and simple

It is to make these lovely beautiful dumplings okay everyone so now I’m gonna show you how to make these really quick and simple yet so tasty nice beautiful and fluffy dumplings quick and easy 2 cups of all-purpose flour we’re gonna put 1/2 a teaspoon of salt in I’m gonna

Put you some pepper in you only need a half a teaspoon I like to just kind of eyeball my pepper okay because it’s gonna be hard to grind this pepper into the measuring spoon all right just like so you’re gonna need one tablespoon of baking powder

Just like so I’m gonna put just a tiny bit of more guys just a tiny bit off okay and then we’re going to need one in 1/3 cup of your milk or your buttermilk I’m gonna mix everything in just like so get everything well incorporate it in

This manner and really it’s a simple nothing hard about this recipe right here it’s going to come in together into somewhat of a ball and then we’re just gonna take a spoon and we’re gonna make like little balls and just kind of drop them in okay just like that okay

Everyone so this right here that is the dough really quick and simple right you don’t have to do anything else to it if you want it to a lot of people like to put fresh herbs in theirs and it looks nice and beautiful but you don’t have to

And what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna just grab it this way and kind of just throw it into your broth that way okay and I’ll show you but we’re going to let this set I’m going to cover it with plastic wrap until we’re ready to use

This and this will set into the refrigerator until we’re ready to use it okay everybody it has been 40 minutes our chicken is fully cooked now what we need to do is take every piece of chicken out of the pan out of this beautiful brach that we made let it cool

For a minute and then go in and take all the chicken off of the bone we’re just going to set it on that cookie sheet right there and we’re going to get rid of the skin you don’t want that skin so take off the skin if you wanted to leave

Your chicken wings whole like that a lot of people like to do that but we’re just gonna take the skin the meat off set it on here and then we’ll be left with this beautiful broth and then I’ll show you what we’re gonna do next okay everyone right here you can see

That tarik has taken all of the meat and he’s shredding it off the bone getting rid of the bones in the fat and all of the meat that we’re gonna use is right here okay and soon as it’s nice and shredded you can leave it in big chunks like this if

You like no problem but if you want to shred it then you can we’re going to shred ours up just by using two forks and you’re just gonna do it in this motion and you’ll have shredded chicken in your broth and you can see I have a beautiful broth here so flavorful listen

Here I tasted this broth and it’s absolutely amazing but what you’re going to see when you take your chicken out is that your broth is gonna go way down so a lot of your broth has evaporated so just add some more water to it and then

Taste your broth and see if it needs to be Reese’s and I’ll taste my broth and if I feel like it needs to be Reese’s –n we’ll use those same seasonings and put a little bit more in to reap since we’re replacing a little bit more water

Okay I’ll be back after the chicken is ready to go back in okay everybody now it’s time for the nitty-gritty here’s where everything happens so fast from here our chicken is nice and beautifully taken off of the bone okay put that chicken right back in there make sure

You get all the skin in attendance and any bones off of your chicken and next you want to give it a nice whirl around just like so you want to bring that back up to temperature because the chicken has cooled down somewhat now we’re gonna put this right here is the frilly part

Off of the celery remember I said don’t throw that part away this is around about two celery stalks and the onion put that in there the other half of the onion and then I have one more sprig the other two sprigs of thyme you know the

Time pieces fall off of the little stick and I got rid of the stick we’re just gonna put that in there just like so for added flavor okay check me out we’re gonna cook this celery in this onion for around about let’s just say 10-15 minutes okay

We’re gonna go ahead and put our beautiful carrots in just like so let them start to get nice and tender everything is starting to look nice and beautiful right like I said everything happens so fast from here on out and then your peas your peas go in the last

10 minutes of the cooking process and really you can put your peas in the last five minutes okay because they’ll continue to cook as long as your you know your soup is nice and hot all right so this has just been sitting on the counter after we took it out of the bag

Alright so we’re gonna let this simmer for around about fifteen minutes and then we’re gonna come back and I’m gonna show you how to put your beautiful homemade dumplings into your soup okay everyone while we wait on everything to come up to a nice boil and

The veggies to get nice and tender let’s take some of this fresh parsley that we’ve washed look how beautiful and green it is let’s cut some of this up this is going to give you an amazing flavor as well as a beautiful color right on top of your dumpling this is a

Must and I highly suggest that you use fresh you can use the dried if you want okay you can’t but and you’re making chicken and dumplings take that extra step to use the fresh parsley and a little bit goes a long way okay trust me

When I tell you this so we have this done and out the way I’ll be back after our veggies nice and tender and you cook your veggies as long as you would like to cook yours if you’re that person it wants your veggies extra soft and cooked

Yours a little bit longer before you put your dumplings in alright and the dumplings won’t take any time to cook but when you put your dumplings in remember you want to make sure you put a lid on top so that they can steam a little bit and get nice and fluffy

Okay everybody let me show you what our beautiful broth looks like you can see nice and beautiful we’ve got these huge pieces of chicken going all throughout all of our veggies in this broth right here is to absolutely die for I did have to go in and seize him once again and

What I did was I actually put a teaspoon more of my chicken better than Boyan in here a little bit more garlic and onion powder and cracked black pepper okay so now that everything is ready we’re going to take here’s what our dog looks like it’s been just

Sitting in a refrigerator we’re gonna take you could take an ice cream scoop if you’d like or you can just use a tablespoon as I’m going to show you and then I’m going to use a butter knife see that there and then we’re just going to drop these babies right in to your

Beautiful mixture or your beautiful broth okay try not to put them together because they’ll cook together and you’ll have you know dumplings that are stuck together but like I said if you have an ice cream scoop that’s even better this right here is what I like to call free

For me the dumplings but it’s real simple you know just like this don’t put too many in your pan don’t put too many in your pan okay you don’t want to overcrowd them alright if you wanted to make extras for more people then what I highly suggest it just get some some

Type of chicken broth or turkey broth or something on the side and drop extra dumplings into that and then as they grab their chicken soup they can add more dumplings but you just don’t want to overcrowd this pan and make it too thick okay you can see that they’re

Already starting to form get beautiful and fluffy this right here is how cheating Yong jun-hyung makes homemade dumplings you all ask for it well here you go you’ve got a great recipe that you can make for your family friends and loved ones if you all enjoyed this video make sure to give me

A thumbs up and if you haven’t subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bell so you can be notified every time de yong uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everybody you know all about Gena young

And what I’m doing in this kitchen on a daily basis alright looks like that might put three more in and then we’ll put the little and quickly so that they can steam okay you kind of take your butter knife as I did if they don’t form a circle and kind

Of move it you know in that motion so you can get a circle you know kind of like this okay I’m gonna do just two more and I’m satisfied put the lid on and I’m gonna let you know how long these bad boys cook you all are in for the treat of

Your life once you feed this right here to your family members trust me you’re not gonna be able to get rid of them that easy they’re gonna keep coming back for this right here Gina young staff let’s get a little one we’re gonna let these cook I know I said

One more but I do want to put one more in this pan because I know when I make my bowl I’m gonna put at least five of these in my bowl all right just like this I’ll be back when they’re fully cooked and five minutes before this is

Completely done we’re going to throw those fresh peas in and we’re going to put that beautiful fresh parsley right on top as a garnish be back okay everyone it’s time to put the peas in just like so don’t over don’t put them right on top of your dumplings and way

Your dumplings down okay just kind of swirl them in I like to use the whole frozen bag of the piece I don’t know about you all but I love frozen peas especially and my chicken and dumplings just like this baby and now it’s time the dumplings aren’t done but it’s time

To put our beautiful fresh parsley right on top of the dumplings get that little and so these can finish cooking so we can give this a try hurry up I’m so excited look at this girl you are something else in that kitchen you hear me oh I hear you that’s what I’m here

For guys okay everybody it’s been 15 minutes and you keep your lid cover you can do you can do your lid partially like this you don’t get a whole lot of stem steam and that’s how I had this I had it just a little bit cracked open so

Something that steam can come out 15 minutes you want to cook them so they can be nice and cooked in the outside nice and cooked in the inside as well let’s make our way over to the island we’re gonna say a beautiful prayer over Gina young style chicken and dumplings

101 you all never had these before you better make you some you better make yourself look at this guy’s it couldn’t be more beautiful what beautiful meal to have for your family Friday night at your house any night of the week you can make this for your family look at this

Whoo look at this guys look how beautiful oh my goodness you know you better make you some we’re gonna plate this up let’s see our prayer now heavily father Lord Jesus we thank you for this beautiful meal today lord I thank you for this gift that you’ve

Given me to share with the world we thank you for your mercy please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts we make you our Lord and Savior Lord we thank you for protecting us for keeping us safe every day and loving us we thank

You for the roof over our head the food the love the peace and the joy that you bring us daily amen okay everyone it’s time to dive in and of course of course I’m gonna give you all the first bite look at this would you just look at this Gina young style

Chicken and dumplings 101 y’all never have this before you better make yourself look at that mm-hmm let’s get another view on that just like so all right first thing we want to do is we want to taste you always have to taste the broth first okay let’s give

This beautiful broth of taste you don’t even have to season this you don’t need any salt you don’t need any pet any pepper it’s already done for you you don’t need crackers you don’t need cornbread it’s all in that bow right there for you look at this look at that beautiful seasoning mmm

Oh that’s so good my goodness one more time I have to one more time Oh mmm and it has the perfect amount of heat by putting that red pepper flake is perfect it makes you not need any more pepper you know so then we’re gonna go

In with our four we’re gonna take a bite look at this beautiful chicken first of all take a bite of that chicken oh look at that chicken my goodness oh time for that dumpling oh they are fluffy oh it’s so beautiful let’s see I want you all to see the

Inside look at this take a look at the inside it’s like a beautiful pillow it’s yet so fluffy and so flavorful oh you better ask somebody about Gina yeah look at this taste that now I’m gonna go in with the dumpling and the meat and the veggies mmm and carrot I want everything

On that fork you all taste this and let me know what you think about you know yo mmm I feel like I’m not getting a really good picture make sure y’all click on their notification bill tell all your family and friends everything you know about Gina young make sure to give me a

Thumbs up and as always god bless each and every one of you thank y’all for watching good night but not before we take one more bite one more bite guys more bye it’s so good beautiful you better make yourself honey you better make your son look at that

How to make Homemade Chicken And Dumplings - Dining and Cooking (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.