How to Make Money as a Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide) (2024)

Are you ready to transform your blogging hobby into a profitable business? Imagine being your own boss, working from anywhere, and generating a steady income from your passion.

In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to make money as a blogger.

Key Takeaways in this Blog Post

  • Grow your blog’s reach and make money blogging with strategies like affiliate marketing, display advertising, sponsored content & selling products/services.
  • Analyze market demand to maximize the profitability potential of your niche and stand out in a crowded market.
  • Overcome common challenges by diversifying income sources, optimizing SEO & engaging readers to unlock the potential of your blog!

How Much Money Can You Make Blogging?

How to Make Money as a Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide) (1)

When starting your blogging journey, you might wonder about the potential earnings. In the initial year, bloggers can expect to make between $500 to $2,000 per month. As you gain more traffic and subscribers, your income can significantly increase. For instance, after two years, some bloggers have reported making over $100,000 annually.

Here are a few key points to consider when estimating your blogging income:

  • You don’t need to be a professional writer to make money blogging.
  • Utilizing multiple revenue strategies can help maximize your earnings.
  • Successful bloggers often use similar approaches to generate income.

How Long Does It Take to Make Money Blogging?

The time it takes to generate income from blogging can vary based on numerous factors such as your niche, content quality, and marketing strategies.

On average, it may take around 20 months to begin making money from a blog. Nonetheless, some bloggers achieve this faster, while others may not earn any money.

Here are some factors that can influence the timeline for monetizing a blog:

  • Your chosen niche. Certain niches are more competitive than others, which might lengthen the time needed to make money. Examples of competitive niches are fashion, finance, and travel, as they already have numerous established blogs, making it challenging to differentiate yourself. To stand out in a competitive niche, you need exceptional content and increased promotional efforts. Opting for a less competitive niche might make earning money from blogging easier.
  • The quality of your content. Producing high-quality content increases your chances of monetizing your blog since readers will be more engaged with your posts. Ensure your content is well-written, informative, and relevant to your audience’s interests. If unsure about your content’s quality, seek feedback from friends, family, or fellow bloggers.
  • Your marketing efforts. Proactively promoting your blog and attracting traffic is vital for generating income. Many promotion methods are available, such as social media, email marketing, and guest blogging. In addition, optimizing your website for search engine visibility by using appropriate keywords and incorporating SEO techniques is crucial.

Remember, your success in making money from blogging depends on your ability to create valuable content, choose a suitable niche, and effectively market your blog to your target audience.

Understanding Blog Monetization

Monetizing your blog means turning your online corner of the world into a profitable business, allowing you to earn money blogging doing what you love.

Sounds exciting, right? But how do successful bloggers actually make money? They use a combination of creative monetization strategies such as:

  • Selling services
  • Online courses
  • Advertising
  • Paid subscriptions
  • Merchandise sales
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsored content
  • Consulting services

To make money blogging, you need to choose a profitable niche, scale your blog content, and promote and grow your blog.

With dedication and the right strategy, making money blogging is achievable for anyone.

If you grasp and apply diverse monetization strategies, your blog’s potential can be fully unleashed.

Passive vs. Active Income

Passive income streams allow you to generate income with minimal effort, such as through investments or rental properties, while active income streams require more effort, such as freelancing or consulting.

Both can be used to supplement your blogging income, helping you reach your financial goals.

For example, setting up an online store on your blog and selling products or services generates active income.

A solid foundation for your blogging business, ensuring financial stability and growth, can be built by merging passive and active income streams.

Diversifying Revenue Sources

Your blog’s financial stability and growth potential hinge on the diversification of your revenue sources.

One way to diversify your income sources is by creating a self-hosted WordPress blog, which gives you more control over your blog’s design, functionality, and monetization options.

You could explore the following strategies to diversify your income sources as a blogger:

  • Developing WordPress plugins
  • Selling WordPress themes
  • Selling graphics on your WordPress site
  • Offering consulting services
  • Discovering sponsored content opportunities
  • Creating paid subscriptions
  • Selling physical products
  • Selling software tools

These strategies can be especially helpful when starting a new blog and looking for ways to generate income through blog articles.

Start a Blog

Before you make money blogging you have to actually start a blog to make money with. This will allow you to establish your online identity, build an audience and bring traffic to your blog.

From there you can begin to make money blogging with the suggestions later in this article.

More blog traffic can lead to more income. Start by selecting a strategic blogging niche and let people know about your blog.

Choose the right blogging platform and web hosting service, such as WordPress and SiteGround, and set up a unique domain name and logo.

Then, enhance your branding with a visually appealing WordPress theme and appropriate font styles.

Choosing a Profitable Niche

How to Make Money as a Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide) (2)

A profitable blog niche has the potential to become incredibly successful if it meets three key criteria: it should have a large enough audience to generate traffic, it should have monetization potential, and it should be something you’re passionate about.

Questions to Ask Yourself

When deciding on an overall topic for your blog (i.e. niche) there are a few ideas to think about. Consider asking yourself the questions below as you make your choice.

Q1: Which topics interest me?

Understanding your interests is crucial when selecting a niche, as it helps maintain long-term commitment and motivation towards your blog. Make sure you choose a topic you are both passionate and knowledgeable about. Reflect on your professional experience, educational background, or personal connections that can lead to trusted and well-written content.

Q2: Who will be my target audience?

Knowing your potential readers is vital, as it enables you to create content that appeals to them. Determine your target audience by thinking about the information they seek, the challenges they face, and the possible solutions you can provide. By doing so, you’ll be able to create and monetize a blog that effectively resonates with their needs.

Q3: Which blog niches generate revenue?

While many topics can lead to successful blogs, some are more financially viable than others. Assess which sales opportunities exist in your chosen niche – affiliate links, sponsored content, or selling digital products, for example. By understanding the revenue potential from the beginning, you’ll be in a better position to monetize your blog effectively.

Analyzing Market Demand

Analyzing market demand when selecting a niche can help you maximize its profitability potential. Keyword research can uncover the latest trends related to your topic, allowing you to stay on top of the conversation.

The blog idea generator tool is designed to assist you in performing smart keyword research to come up with blog post ideas that will truly draw readers in.

Getting your content the recognition it deserves, even in a competitive niche, is achievable through crafting remarkable content and active blog promotion.

Distinguish yourself and your blog content to stand out and make your mark in a crowded niche.

Identifying Monetization Potential

The monetization potential of your niche is limitless, depending on the demand for the products or services you offer, the competition in the market, and the potential for growth.

To uncover the monetization potential of your niche, explore the market demand, evaluate the competition, and evaluate the potential for growth.

Understanding market demand is essential for any business to understand how much of a product or service consumers are willing to purchase. You can gain valuable insights into market demand by researching the current market size, trends, and potential for growth.

To monetize your blog, you can explore strategies like affiliate marketing, display advertising, sponsored content, and selling your own products and services.

Profitable Blog Niches

Although various types of blogs can generate income when managed strategically, some common profitable niches include:

  • Business and marketing blogs
  • Finance blogs
  • Health blogs
  • Fashion blogs
  • DIY and crafts blogs
  • Nutrition and food blogs
  • Lifestyle blogs

Creating High-Quality Content

How to Make Money as a Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide) (3)

Crafting top-notch content is key to drawing in and captivating readers. Good design and readability are essential for ensuring an enjoyable experience for the reader.

Using a font size of 16pt or higher, crafting captivating headlines, and breaking up the text with subheaders will make your blog posts more inviting.

Including a relevant featured image at the top of a your blog article or post can help make your blog more memorable and engaging.

SEO Optimization

SEO optimization is essential for a blog’s visibility on search engines like Google. It can help your blog rank in the top results for relevant queries, boosting organic traffic and visibility.

You can create effective URLs by keeping them short, using hyphens to separate words, and including the target keyword.

Keyword rankings are a great way to monitor your blog posts’ performance in search engine results.

They show how your posts rank for certain keywords and can help you focus your content creation and optimize your new blog posts for search engine rankings.

Engaging Readers

Engaging readers is crucial for building a loyal audience and increasing your blog’s monetization potential. To engage your audience, you can:

  • Pose questions
  • Provide free downloads
  • Give advice
  • Invite them to join your email list
  • Personally reach out and connect with them

Providing value to your audience can help you build a dedicated and passionate fan base, as well as generate the daily page views necessary to making money with your blog.

The success of your blog can be secured by understanding your audience and creating content that resonates with them.

Gaining Credibility as a Blogger

There are many bloggers who have figured out the best way to build a good reputation online.

Here are two ways you can do it too.

Consider Guest Blogging

Expanding your online presence in the blogosphere is crucial for building your reputation. Reach out to online publications within your niche and pitch guest post ideas. Include a link to your blog as evidence of your experience. Browse your favorite publications and identify ones that publish content from outside contributors. You can also research where popular bloggers in your niche get published.

Approach writers or editors via email or LinkedIn with your pitch. Don’t be discouraged by rejections; persistence and improved outreach efforts will lead to success in getting your pitches accepted. Although not all guest posting opportunities offer financial compensation, they provide valuable networking, broader readership, and expertise establishment. Additionally, guest blogging generates backlinks to your blog, enhancing its search engine optimization (SEO).

Collaborate with Experts

Working closely with experts in your field establishes credibility, broadens exposure, and grows your audience. Reach out to successful individuals within your niche, such as successful guest writers or popular publication editors. Propose conducting an interview with them, either as a guest post or for publication on your own blog. This reciprocal arrangement benefits both parties by increasing each other’s exposure.

Additionally, cross-promote other bloggers in your industry. Share their articles on your social media posts and blog, and interact with them on platforms like Twitter. They’ll likely start reading and promoting your content in return, further helping you build your reputation and expertise.

Building an Email List

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For bloggers to have dedicated readers who appreciate their recommendations and a profitable sales channel, building an email list is indispensable.

Here are some tips to help you build and maintain a successful email list:

  1. Set up opt-in forms and lead magnets to capture more subscribers.
  2. Maintain a positive relationship with your readers by avoiding spamming or over-sending.
  3. Select a specific day and time to send out your newsletter.

By following these tips, you can build a strong email list and effectively engage with your audience.

ConvertKit is an email-marketing service that can help you create and manage campaigns to reach your target audience.

They also allow you to connect directly with your audience and get rewarded for your hard work through subscriptions.

Opt-in Forms and Lead Magnets

Opt-in forms are pop-ups or slide-ins that can help you capture more subscribers, while lead magnets are incentives that you offer in exchange for a subscription – a great way to grow your list.

Opt-in forms allow website visitors to subscribe to receive emails on a regular basis. Offering an incentive, such as a lead magnet, in exchange for a subscription can entice readers to join your email list.

Email Marketing Best Practices

ConvertKit is a great choice to manage email subscribers and is the email marketing platform that I use.

An email list is an invaluable tool for businesses, as it allows you to easily reach out to your customers, subscribers, or website visitors with email messages, newsletters, updates, and promotional material.

Keeping your target audience consistently updated with the latest news and offerings from your business can be achieved by utilizing an email list.

Top Monetization Strategies for Bloggers

How to Make Money as a Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide) (5)

There are several top monetization strategies for bloggers, including:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Display advertising
  • Sponsored content
  • Selling products and services

Each strategy has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, such as the potential for low yields, the necessity of continually creating new content, and the likelihood of competition.

Affiliate marketing is an exciting process of recommending products to your blog’s audience and earning a commission when they purchase the product using your custom link.

Display advertising with a platform like Google Adsense is a powerful type of online advertising that can help you maximize the potential of your own blog page, using ads in various formats such as square, landscape, or skyscraper.

Sponsored content is an excellent opportunity to create content in partnership with a brand or company, usually related to the brand or company, and provides a great way to promote their products or services.

Selling products and services, such as digital products like ebooks, courses, and software, as well as physical products like apparel and accessories, can also be a lucrative strategy.

Now let’s dive deeper into the above strategies.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing allows you to generate passive income by recommending products to your audience and earning a commission on each affiliate product sold.

As long as you choose the right programs and products, you won’t need an enormous number of buyers to reach your first $1,000.

Gaining access to an affiliate program can be a great way to boost your income.

Most programs have a minimum requirement when it comes to blog visits and sales volume. Some of them may even need you to have a certain social media following.

Display Advertising

Display advertising is an effective way to reach your target audience and promote your message or call to action.

Through visuals like images and videos on websites, apps, and other digital platforms, you can create:

  • Banner ads
  • Pop-up ads
  • Video ads
  • Native ads
  • Interstitial ads

These visual ad formats help capture the attention of your audience in the ad space.

To get started with display advertising, follow these steps:

  1. Choose an ad network such as Google AdSense or another ad network.
  2. Create an ad campaign and set up the targeting parameters for your ads.
  3. To maximize the performance of your ads, monitor them and adjust your targeting parameters as needed.

Sponsored Content

How to Make Money as a Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide) (6)

Sponsored content, also known as sponsored posts, is a great blog monetization strategy, that allows bloggers to:

  • Create content for brands and companies in exchange for payment
  • Supercharge their income
  • Extend their reach and visibility
  • Foster relationships with brands and companies

Sponsored product reviews are an excellent way for businesses to demonstrate the value of their products to their customers and show why they are worth investing in.

Selling Products and Services

Selling products and services is an exciting way to monetize your blog and make the most of your expertise.

You can offer your own products and services, such as e-books, courses, and consulting.

Some great products to sell that can help you make a profit include:

  • Beauty products and cosmetics
  • Jewelry
  • TV and smartphone accessories
  • Designer sunglasses
  • Children’s toys and games
  • Shoes
  • Video games
  • Pet supplies

Promoting Your Blog

Increasing blog traffic and visibility necessitates promoting your blog online.

By promoting your blog through social media marketing, guest posting, and collaboration, you can create a strong base of readers and followers, which is crucial for a successful and profitable blog.

LinkedIn, Pinterest, and TikTok are great options for promoting your blog on social media platforms.

To find forums and message boards to promote your blog, join topically relevant groups on sites like Facebook and LinkedIn or do a Google search for terms like “your niche + forum” and “your niche + online groups” to discover existing community-run sites.

Social Media Marketing

How to Make Money as a Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide) (7)

Bloggers can leverage Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to amplify their blog. Each social network has its own unique audience, so it’s important to choose the ones that best match the interests of your readers.

Maintaining consistent branding across social media platforms allows the relationships you build on social media to translate into results on your website.

Guest Posting and Collaboration

Guest blogging is an effective way to reach an already established audience and promote your own blog content.

It’s a great opportunity to get a few ideas, get your message out there and expand your reach.

Give a shoutout to other bloggers on your social media posts and blog. Engage with them on Twitter to show appreciation for their work.

By supporting other bloggers in your industry, you can build long-lasting relationships and grow together.

Marketing and Expanding Your Blog

Marketing and expanding your blog goes hand in hand with promoting it.

As a matter of fact you’ll notice a lot of overlap with the marketing suggestions below.

Optimize for SEO

Optimizing your blog for search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial in driving organic traffic from search engines like Google. To rank high in search results, create informative and high-quality content targeted to your audience using long tail keywords. To make this process easier, use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs. If you’re new to SEO, consider taking a free online SEO course or exploring resources like Wix’s SEO Learning Hub.

Create a Blog Newsletter

Creating an email newsletter will help retain your blog’s visitors and encourage them to return for future posts. To encourage subscribers, offer lead magnets (like free e-books, guides, or coupon codes) and use eye-catching opt-in forms on your website. Once you have an email list, maintain a strong relationship with your readers by sending your newsletter consistently and avoiding spammy content.

Build a Social Media Strategy

Sharing your blog articles on social media is essential for growth. Create dedicated accounts for your blog on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. When sharing your articles, accompany them with engaging visual content that will attract potential readers. Utilize formats like Instagram and Pinterest posts, YouTube videos, TikTok clips, or Instagram reels to promote your content and direct viewers to the related blog articles.

Get Creative: Start a Podcast or Webinar

Expand your audience by exploring different content formats like podcasts, webinars, or informative videos. Offering this content for free initially helps build your audience and drives traffic to your blog. Over time, you may consider charging for access to your content, creating an additional revenue stream as you continue to promote and grow your blog.

Tracking Your Blog’s Performance

Tracking metrics can help you grow and guide your blog, get to know your audience better, create content that resonates with them, and showcase the growth and value of your blog as an influencer.

The Performance tab of Google Search Console offers insightful information on the performance of your various blog pages, such as which blog posts are driving the most traffic and what type of content your audience loves the most.

Key Metrics to Monitor

How to Make Money as a Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide) (8)

The essential metrics to keep an eye on for a blog include:

  • Overall blog visits
  • Traffic source breakdown
  • Blog homepage visits
  • Number of posts published
  • Top viewed posts
  • Average time on page
  • Organic traffic
  • Bounce rate
  • Social media engagement
  • Keyword rankings

These metrics can help you drive successful blog performance and ensure that your blog resonates with your target audience. By monitoring key metrics, you can make data-driven decisions to adjust your strategies and create content that resonates with your audience.

Adjusting Your Strategy

Valuable insights to adjust your strategies can be gained by tracking crucial metrics such as:

  • Page views
  • Time on page
  • Bounce rate
  • Conversions

This data can also help you understand which topics and content formats are successful with your audience and which ones need to be improved.

Use these insights to refine your blogging and monetization strategy, focusing on what works best for your audience and ensuring the success and profitability of your blog.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Blog Monetization

How to Make Money as a Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide) (9)

While monetizing your blog offers many opportunities, it can also present some challenges. To overcome these challenges, diversify your revenue sources, analyze market demand, optimize SEO, engage readers, use opt-in forms and lead magnets, and employ strategies like affiliate marketing, display advertising, sponsored content, and selling products and services.

Promoting your blog through social media marketing, guest posting, and collaboration is vital in increasing traffic and visibility.

Adjusting your strategy accordingly and ensuring the success and profitability of your blog can be achieved by tracking your blog’s performance and monitoring key metrics.


In conclusion, making money as a blogger is achievable with the right strategies and dedication.

By understanding blog monetization, choosing a profitable niche, creating high-quality content, building an email list, employing top monetization strategies, promoting your blog, tracking your blog’s performance, and overcoming common challenges, you can transform your blogging hobby into a thriving business.

Start your blogging journey today and discover why blogging is worth it as a source of income!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do beginners make money blogging?

Beginner bloggers can make money by leveraging affiliate marketing, selling advertising placements, offering services, writing sponsored content, and selling products. Additionally, they can monetize their blog by building an email list, running ads, and creating digital and physical products.

Can I earn $1000 from blogging?

Yes, you can make $1000 per month blogging if you choose a niche you’re passionate about and are able to build an audience.

How much money can you make as a Blogger?

As a beginner, you can make around $500 to $2,000 per month blogging with plenty of high quality content on your blog. After two years of steady growth and acquiring traffic and subscribers, it is possible to earn up to $100,000 or more annually. With consistent effort, it’s possible to make upwards of $50,000 per month from blogging.

What are some creative ways to monetize a blog?

Monetizing a blog can be done through selling services, online courses, advertising, paid subscriptions, merchandise sales, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and consulting services.

Is blogging a lucrative endeavor?

While some successful bloggers earn a substantial income, it’s essential to remember that blogging requires consistency, dedication, and a unique perspective to achieve financial success.

How to Make Money as a Blogger (Step-by-Step Guide) (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.