How To Make Money Blogging: 8 Ways To Monetise Your Blog Instantly (2024)

This post may contain affiliate links

Last updated: October 25, 2023

Are you wondering how to make money blogging? Perhaps you already have a blog, and want to start earning money from it. Or maybe you are planning to start a blog so you can earn some extra money from it.

Either way, blogging is a valid and legitimate way to earn extra money.

Many bloggers have been able to earn enough money from blogging to give up their ordinary jobs and blog full-time.

Many other bloggers use their blogs to generate additional part-time income.

It is possible for everyone to monetise their blog at any stage, and start earning money.

Related: advantages and disadvantages of blogging

How To Make Money Blogging: 8 Ways To Monetise Your Blog Instantly (1)

Here are 8 ways you can earn money from a blog:

Affiliate sales are when you promote a product or service on your blog, and a reader buys it through your personal link. It is similar to someone earning a commission in a regular sales job.

There are lots of affiliate programmes that you can sign up for to start promoting items and earn money from their sale. Some companies have their own affiliate programmes, such as eBay (called the eBay Partner Network) and Amazon (called Amazon Associates). Others are members of affiliate networks, one of the most popular being Affiliate Window. Within Affiliate Window, you can request to become an affiliate for those brands (for example, Boots, Waitrose and New Look are all part of Affiliate Window). When you become an affiliate, you can access links to a brand’s products and webpages which contain your own affiliate ID. Purchases made through these links are tracked back to you.

An affiliate link does not mean that there is any extra cost to the buyer who clicks through and purchases something via one of your affiliate links. Instead, the company whose product was bought pays you, the affiliate, a commission for the promotion and sale of the product.

Learn How To Make Money Using Affiliate Links

Some bloggers earn tens of thousands of pounds each month from affiliate marketing. For example, you link out to your favorite vegan gym clothing using an affiliate link that earns you a little cash if someone buys through your link.

One of the highest affiliate earners out there is Michelle Schroeder-Gardner from the blog Making Sense of Cents. Michelle really knows her stuff, as is evident from her income reports.She makes over $50,000 a month from affiliate sales alone! Her affiliate marketing course, Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing, has taught other bloggers how to start doing the same. It’s a step-by-step guide to earning money from affiliate links, and she shares the precise strategies she uses to make money in this way. I am an alumnus of her course, and highly recommend it if you are serious about making money through affiliate marketing.

Tip: affiliate links must always be disclosed. I also recommend only promoting brands and products that you generally have an honest regard for and truly recommend.

Bloggers can earn money by publishing sponsored posts on their blogs. Sponsored posts come in different forms. Sometimes, a blogger will publish a pre-written piece of content which has been sent to them. Generally the piece of writing will include a link back to the brand’s website or product. Alternatively, bloggers are paid to write their own content about a brand or product. The companies are paying for either the promotion, the backlink to their website, or both.

Sometimes, bloggers will also be paid to review a product they have been sent. Some bloggers also charge to run giveaways for brands. While receiving free gifts is of course nice, they don’t pay bills and therefore bloggers will also charge the company a fee to cover their time.

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Tip: any blog post which has been paid for must be disclosed as such. You must also disclose a product that was received for free. Certain free gifts are also counted as income in tax terms, so keep accurate records of any products you receive. Again, I also recommend only posting relevant and quality content to your blog.

A blog is a great platform for a blogger to sell their own products. There are many types of products you could sell, and different ways to do it:

Selling Digital Products

Many blog themes these days come with the capability to set up an online shop. Buyers can instantly download the product from your site. Examples of digital products you could sell are e-books, recipes, stock photos, WordPress themes, plugins, planners, calendars, meal planners, fitness guides and e-courses.

Selling Physical Products

You can also set up an online shop on your blog. You could sell your own handmade items, arts and crafts, books, clothing, accessories, audioguides, CDs, artwork and photographs. The list goes on, really.

Linking To Another Shop

You can link from your blog to a shop held elsewhere, such as your eBay store or Etsy shop. It’s also possible to promote your own direct sales online store (Avon or Stella & Dot, for example).

Tip: it’s important that the product you’re promoting on your blog ties in with your blog’s niche. Selling recipe books on a technology blog, for example, is unlikely to be of much interest to your regular readers.

If you have a skill or relevant experience, you can sell your own professional services via your blog. Perhaps you work in a certain field already and want to take your work freelance, or you just have a certain skill set that you know people would pay for.

Examples of the types of services you could sell from your blog include social media management, IT assistance (PowerPoint or Excel, for instance), freelance writing, graphic design, life coaching, virtual assistant, consulting, seminars and search engine optimisation.

Before I left my job to go self-employed in February 2017, I had mainly worked in administrative and secretarial jobs for many years. Consequently, I learned a lot about IT and diary management. People are always looking for virtual help in these areas. Have a think about what you could offer others, as there will definitely be a problem out there that you can solve for someone with your specific set of skills.

Tip: many of these skills are ones you can learn through blogging!


How To Make Money Blogging: 8 Ways To Monetise Your Blog Instantly (2)

Your blog’s sidebar or footer are good places to place adverts. You can display ads in these areas that can earn you money over time. The most popular and well-known ad networks are AdSense (from Google) and

You use a piece of code generated from the ad network to display the ad on your site.

There are different ways to earn money from displaying ads on your blog. CPC (Cost Per Click) ads earn you money when someone clicks on the ad. CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) ads pay you a certain amount every time an ad unit is viewed on your site that many times.

Displaying ads is not a quick way to make money at all, as payment amounts are usually very low. Generally, the more traffic that visits your blog, the more money you will earn through ad networks. It can be worthwhile, therefore, if you generate a lot of traffic to your site.

Tip: display ads in prominent positions on your blog. I don’t recommend displaying too many ads, however, as this can be distracting or annoying for your readers.

How To Make Money Blogging: 8 Ways To Monetise Your Blog Instantly (3)

Instead of going through an ad network to display ads on your blog, you can sell your blog’s advertising space directly to others. This could be to other bloggers, who want to generate more traffic to their site, or to companies.

Many bloggers offer advertising space in their sidebar area, for example, and have set rates for doing this. Other bloggers or brands can usually pick the duration the advert will run for.

There are also websites and plugins you can use to find advertisers, such as BuySellAds. These link you directly with advertisers who are looking to display ads on a website.

Tip: you will be more likely to get approached for direct advertising the higher your blog traffic. As always, I only recommend running adverts which are relevant to your blog and its readers.

How To Make Money Blogging: 8 Ways To Monetise Your Blog Instantly (4)

This method of earning money from your blog is becoming more popular. Sometimes, if you have something of value to offer, people will pay to access more of your content. Creating a members-only section of your site which people pay to have access to is a good way of earning money.

Your members-only site could include a community forum, premium content blog posts, downloads, images, webinars, podcasts, videos or other learning resources that you don’t otherwise offer for free on your blog.

Within your members-only area you can promote your own products and affiliate links to earn more money from your blog.

Tip: there are many ways you can pay to set up a members-only site on your blog. If you want to give it a go and try it out for free first, try the s2member WordPress plugin.

How To Make Money Blogging: 8 Ways To Monetise Your Blog Instantly (5)

This way of making money really fascinates me, and it’s actually something that happens a lot. Some bloggers make money by building up their blog to the point where it is earning money, and then sell it. You can sell an existing blog which is already fully monetised for a decent amount of money. The hard work is already done so it’s an instant earner.

If you know how to monetise a blog and start earning money from it, then you have the potential to make money selling blogs. This could be a really lucrative way to earn extra money, as starting a blog is very inexpensive in the first place.

Tip: if you want to sell your blog, try You could also pick up a blog here for a bargain, monetise it, and flip it for profit!

Go For It!

There are so many ways to make money from a blog, and anyone can do it if they know how.

A few things to remember:

  • you need a blog to earn money from (of course).
  • it takes a while to start earning money. You can do it as quickly as possible if you optimise your site for money making from the start.
  • passive income is the goal. Meaning your blog earns you money while you go about your daily life. However, not all of these methods are passive and it does take a lot of work to getto the stage where it looks good, has great content and communicates its trustworthiness to its readers.

I hope these pointers gave you an insight into how bloggers make money.

Blogging is completely worthwhile, whether your goal is to earn money or not, so I highly recommend blogging to everyone.

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How To Make Money Blogging: 8 Ways To Monetise Your Blog Instantly (6)

Have a look at my other blogging tips.

How To Make Money Blogging: 8 Ways To Monetise Your Blog Instantly (2024)


How To Make Money Blogging: 8 Ways To Monetise Your Blog Instantly? ›

Share your posts on social media.

The 'publish content and they will come' method isn't really enough. People need to know your content exists. Sharing links to your blog posts on various social media platforms is a good way to drum up awareness and increase views.

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However, there are a few ways that you can make money off your blog, even if you're blogging as a beginner.
  1. Make money from online ads.
  2. Ask for donations.
  3. Become a freelance blogger.
  4. Sell eBooks.
  5. Do some affiliate marketing.
  6. Write sponsored posts.
  7. Get sponsored by a brand.

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Share your posts on social media.

The 'publish content and they will come' method isn't really enough. People need to know your content exists. Sharing links to your blog posts on various social media platforms is a good way to drum up awareness and increase views.

Can you make $1,000 a month with a blog? ›

But the competition out there is tough, and it's getting tougher. But… If you can start a blog in a niche that you're obsessively passionate about, one that isn't too saturated, where you can build a decent audience, then you can make a cool $1000 per month, or more, from blogging. Especially as a freelancer!

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Earning $100/mo blogging: 6 to 12 months. Earning $1,000/mo blogging: 1 to 2 years. Earning $10,000/mo blogging: 3 to 4 years. Earning $25,000/mo blogging: 4 to 5 years.

Which blog site is best for earning money? ›

Best Blogging Platforms to Make Money in 2024
  • WordPress.
  • Medium.
  • Blogger.
  • Squarespace.
  • Wix.
  • Ghost.
  • Tumblr.
  • Weebly.
Mar 22, 2024

How much does Google pay for 1000 views on a blog? ›

How much (On average) you will make from 1000 Views? The average (CPM) that you will receive from your blog posts will range from $1.2 per 1000 views to developing countries. In case of traffic coming from developed countries, your average CPM will be $4 to $6. But everything is depend upon your Niche/ Subject Content.

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But ideally, long, engaging articles (probably 1000-2000 words) generate better results. Moreover, if you are a beginner, you can start with 5-10 blog posts per week or a minimum of 1-2 posts per day with optimized content to rank your blog higher on the search engines.

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Blog owners with 10,000 to 100,000 monthly page views often earn between 2 cents and 10 cents for each page view from advertising, equating to $200 to $10,000 per month. Sponsored articles range in price from $25 to $750 for each post, depending on the size of the audience, genre, and individual sponsorship agreement.

Which types of blogs make the most money? ›

Several types of blogs can be profitable if you know how to manage them strategically but here are the most common:
  • Business and marketing blogs.
  • Finance blog.
  • Health blogs.
  • Fashion blogs.
  • DIY and crafts blogs.
  • Nutrition and food blogs.
  • Lifestyle blogs.
  • Travel blogs: How to make money as a travel blogger.

How much can you realistically make from a blog? ›

It's not unrealistic to make between $0.01 – $0.10 per page view in many blogging niches across display and affiliate ads. So if you get 1,000 page views a month, you can make between $10-$100 per month. But if you can get to 100,000 page views a month you can make between $1,000 – $10,000 off of your blog per month.

How often should I blog to make money? ›

There is no set rule about how often you need to post a blog to your site except one: your posting schedule should be consistent. If you start out posting a blog every day, try to keep that pace. If you post a blog every two or three days, then that should be your schedule.

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1. Ad Networks. Joining an ad network is one of the most common ways that bloggers make money. Basically, you just sign up with one — such as Google Adsense or — and then ads get displayed on your site.

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Beginners often make money online with blogging by incorporating affiliate marketing, displaying ads, or writing sponsored content. Focus on building content and an audience first, then gradually introduce more monetization strategies as your own blog gains traction.

How much a beginner earn from blogging? ›

Some beginners may not earn much in the first several months, while others may generate a substantial income. In India, the average beginning salary for a blogger is roughly 0.3 lakh per year (2.5k per month).

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17 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Blog
  1. Publish Long-Form Blog Posts.
  2. Write About Trending Topics.
  3. Use Long Blog Post Headlines.
  4. Comment on Related Blogs.
  5. Repurpose Content For Different Platforms.
  6. Promote New Content In Email Newsletters.
  7. Guest Blog On Legit Blogs In Your Niche.
  8. Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO.
Jun 21, 2024

How fast can I make money from my blog? ›

According to recent research, it takes an average of 21 months to start making money with a blog. However, that is just the average. The statistics show that 28% of bloggers start earning money from blogging within 6 months and 34% are making a full-time income within 2 years of starting their blog.

How soon can you monetize a blog? ›

If you're not approved, then wait until you have at least 100 visitors per day. If you're promoting affiliate products, then start monetizing right away. If you're selling your own products or services, wait until you have at least 1000 email subscribers. This can take up to 6 months, but will generate the most income.

How to get 100,000 page views on blog? ›

So, while there are no guarantees, if you publish engaging blog content once per week in a decent niche and promote it well, you could potentially reach 100,000 page views per month between 6 months and 2 years after starting. But it requires patience and perseverance.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.