How to Make Money On Pinterest In [currentyear] ($1,000+ Per Month!) (2024)

Since 2010, Pinterest has been helping people find DIY projects, recipes, products they love, how-tos, and thousands of other random things. It’s both a creative outlet and a marketer’s dream — meaning you can learn to make money on Pinterest in several different ways.

There have been changes over the years to how you can make money on Pinterest, specifically related to affiliate marketing. But Pinterest content is getting so much better, and every user is getting a more authentic experience.

Now, if you want to make extra money fast, most of the items on this list will take time to build. If you’re looking for something quick and easy, online surveys through Branded Surveys or Survey Junkiemight be a better fit.

However, if you’re more interested in long-term strategies for making money — read on. There are opportunities for bloggers, virtual assistants, affiliate marketing directly through Pinterest, and more.

Quick Links

  • 1. Become a Pinterest virtual assistant
  • 2. Start a blog
  • 3. Use Pinterest to drive traffic to your eCommerce site
  • 4. Affiliate marketing on Pinterest
  • 5. Gain a skill from Pinterest and monetize it
  • 6. Do a joint promotion with a brand
  • 7. Help people shop your look
  • 8. Teach people your Pinterest strategy
  • Tips for making money on Pinterest
  • Create eye-catching pins
  • Know how to describe your pins
  • Interact with other pinners
  • Make sure you have a business account
  • Use Tailwind to schedule pins
  • Have a press or media kit
  • Always be transparent about your partnerships
  • Follow Pinterest’s guidelines and best practices
  • Learn about changes to the platform
  • The final word on learning how to make money on Pinterest
  • FAQs

1. Become a Pinterest virtual assistant

Pinterest virtual assistants help bloggers, social media influencers, and online business owners optimize their Pinterest accounts. This includes things like:

  • Creating pins
  • UsingTailwindfor scheduling
  • Automating the pinning process
  • Doing keyword research
  • Working with Pinterest Ads Manager to run Promoted Pins (Pinterest’s version of Facebook ads)
  • Creating sales funnels, opt-ins, and more

One of the things Pinterest virtual assistants like so much about the work is that it’s insanely flexible — you work when you want and where you want — and it stays interesting. Most Pinterest virtual assistants have several clients, and they perform different kinds of Pinterest management tasks for each one.

How much can you make as a Pinterest virtual assistant? Each client is worth around $500/month — sweet! If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, thePinterest Virtual Assistant Coursewill teach you how to make money on Pinterest as a virtual assistant. You learn about everything in that list above, plus how to find, land, and retain clients.

Want to make $500/month playing on Pinterest?

Pinterest virtual assistants design pins and help business owners grow their business with Pinterest.

Learn how to start as a Pinterest VA

How to Make Money On Pinterest In [currentyear] ($1,000+ Per Month!) (1)

2. Start a blog

There are plenty of items on this list that will help you make money on Pinterest, but blogging has the highest earning potential of them all.

Over the years, Pinterest has become a massive platform that allows bloggers to reach millions of people on the internet every year. There’s a common misconception that Pinterest is just another social media platform like Instagram, TikTok, and the rest — but that simply isn’t true. It’s much more powerful in terms of helping bloggers make money with their content.

Just like you likely found this article by typing“how to make money on Pinterest”in Google — the same thing happens on Pinterest. It’s a search engine, but it’s based on images instead of text.

This is why bloggers in many different niches become extremely successful with Pinterest marketing, from food bloggers to personal finance bloggers and more.

Here’s the quick and simple version of how making money with a blog on Pinterest works:

  • Start a blog! We highly recommend Bluehost, which is the hosting service this blog was built on. We love it because it comes with WordPress, and you can create a professional-looking site for less than $3/month. Learn more in our How to Start a Blog: Step-by-Step Guide.
  • Choose a blogging niche (food, personal finance, fashion, etc.)
  • Create content and post it on your blog, and monetize it with ads, affiliate products, or even sponsored placements
  • Create a Pinterest account
  • Create pins for blog posts you want to share on Pinterest (i.e. an interesting image that shows what your blog post is about)
  • Post the image on Pinterest

Now there’s more to it than that, of course, but that’s essentially how it works. When a Pinterest user searches for something that matches your blog post, they’ll be able to see your Pin, click on it, and ultimately see your ads or buy products from you — and that’s how you make money with Pinterest.

Start a blog today

Ready to harness the power of Pinterest and take off with your blog? The first step is to start one, and Bluehost has monthly pricing of less than $3/month.

Get started with Bluehost

How to Make Money On Pinterest In [currentyear] ($1,000+ Per Month!) (2)

3. Use Pinterest to drive traffic to your eCommerce site

If you have an eCommerce site (selling printables on Etsy, for example), you can drive traffic to your site and make money with Pinterest.

Here’s data that shows why Pinterest is an important tool for your eCommerce site:

  • 90% of users say that Pinterest helps them decide what to buy
  • 78% say it’s helpful to see content from brands they see on Pinterest
  • 66% buy something after seeing it on Pinterest
  • Pinterest brings in 33% more traffic to shopping sites than Facebook does

If you’re an online shop owner, you can utilize Pinterest in the same ways that bloggers do. That’s creating pins to promote new products, putting together boards for different styles or themes, doing keyword research, etc.

You can even create Promoted Pins, which look like normal pins but are basically Pinterest’s version of Facebook ads. You can optimize your Promoted Pins to meet different goals (traffic, brand awareness, app installs, etc.) You can choose to place ads in browse mode. But you can also do it in search mode, where you would pick the keywords a user would need to search to see your ads — this is a valuable placement because you’re getting ads in front of people who are searching specifically for your product, or at least ones like it.

4. Affiliate marketing on Pinterest

Affiliate marketing is when you partner with companies to promote products and/or services. The company gives you a unique link (affiliate link) that you insert in your posts or pins. When someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase, you’re paid a commission — this is called making a conversion.

Affiliate marketing is one of severaldifferent ways that bloggers make money, but it’s also a legit way to make money on Pinterest. You can find affiliates through networks likeShareASale,FlexOffers, and more. Once you have affiliates to work with, you create pins with affiliate links in the text.

Here are a few really important things to know about affiliate marketing on Pinterest:

  • Some companies don’t let you post their affiliate links on Pinterest, so always check with the company’s affiliate manager and read the rules of your contract.
  • Some companies will not allow you to take images from their site to be used when creating pins, even if you are an affiliate. Amazon is one example.
  • When posting affiliate links, Pinterest does not want you to mask or shorten the affiliate link. They want you to be as transparent as possible.
  • You always need to disclose your affiliate relationship. This is required by the FTC. The easiest thing to do is put #affiliate or #affiliatelink in your pin.

If you’re interested in learning more about affiliate marketing, whether it’s on Pinterest or through your blog, we highly recommend that you check out friend-of-the-blog Michelle Schroeder-Gardner’s course,Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. She regularly makes around $50,000/month from affiliate marketing alone, and she’s done it all without selling her soul.

Learn how to make passive income on Pinterest

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money on Pinterest if you have a fairly large following, and this course explains how to get started.

Join Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing

How to Make Money On Pinterest In [currentyear] ($1,000+ Per Month!) (3)

5. Gain a skill from Pinterest and monetize it

Another way to think about Pinterest is as a huge learning library. You can put in the most random stuff and find that someone, somewhere has pinned something about it. You can learn how to decorate cakes, build furniture, make origami stars, and much more. Not only can you find all of these different things, but you can also collect and organize them.

But what if you did something with all of that knowledge you’re collecting? There are so many different things you can learn how to do on Pinterest, a lot of them are marketable skills, like:

  • Starting a podcast
  • Calligraphy
  • Home organization
  • Knitting or crochet
  • Photography

That’s just scratching the surface of what you can learn how to do on Pinterest. Rather than focusing on how to make money on Pinterest, think about what you can learn from Pinterest. And here’s the cool part: depending on what you decide to do, you can turn to Pinterest once again to promote your products or services.

6. Do a joint promotion with a brand

This is when a pinner works directly with a brand to create pins that promote the company’s products. It can be product placement things, like “10 ways to repurpose Coca-Cola cans” or “5 epic Airbnb vacations.”

To make money on Pinterest through a joint promotion, you’ll need a successful account and be able to create really awesome pins, which would include:

  • The concept of the pin
  • Photography
  • Brand placement
  • Design of pin

If you’re looking for brands to work with, Pinterest recommends checking out thePin Collective.

7. Help people shop your look

Shop the Look pins are a really popular way for pinners to earn money by promoting products they are literally wearing or using.

As long as your account is set up as a business account (what you need to do if you want to make money on Pinterest), you cancreate Shop the Look pins. For items you’ve tagged in your pins, someone can click on that little blue dot, see the item, make a purchase, and you earn a commission. In some ways, it’s similar to affiliate marketing, but it’s with individual products on individual pins.

8. Teach people your Pinterest strategy

When you get really good at any of those ideas above, the next step is to make money on Pinterest by leveraging your Pinterest knowledge.

If you managed to find several brands to work with you, other pinners will want to know how. Create some successful Pinterest campaigns for different clients, and give people that knowledge.

You can monetize your Pinterest knowledge with courses, ebooks, coaching, etc. Having a blog will help you share your journey and reach other people who want to do the same.

Tips for making money on Pinterest

Now that you know how to make money on Pinterest, it’s important to stay on top of growing your Pinterest audience, and here’s how:

Create eye-catching pins

Pinterest is a visual tool, and your pins need to stand out. And if you’re also trying to make money on Pinterest, then they definitely need to look professional.

Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to come up with creative, high-quality images for your pins. Canva is a free tool for creating digital images for Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram, but you can also use it for flyers, invites, business cards, etc. Canva is super easy to use, and there are lots of free designs that you can edit with your own text and images.

Know how to describe your pins

Pinterest is a search engine like Google, so you want to describe your Pins using searchable keywords. Start by looking at the pins that pop up at the top of your feed. I bet they’re simple and to-the-point descriptions. That’s what you want.

You can do some easy keyword research in the search bar. Start typing something related to your niche. If you’re a cooking/food-based pinner, start with a search for “how to cook” and let Pinterest fill in the rest. What pops up will show you what people are currently searching for.

How to Make Money On Pinterest In [currentyear] ($1,000+ Per Month!) (4)

Using hashtags is also really useful for searching for things, so don’t forget to add those too.

Interact with other pinners

Pin other people’s pins, click their follow links, etc. Pinterest is a search engine, but it’s also a social media platform. This is an overall best practice on Pinterest. It says, “Thanks for following me.” You can always unfollow people if you don’t like what’s showing up in your feed.

Make sure you have a business account

If you want to learn how to make money on Pinterest, you need a business account. This is a must do if you want to reach out to any brands for partnerships, affiliate links, etc. Business accounts are free and give you access to analytics, among other things.

Use Tailwind to schedule pins

Tailwind is a marketing app that was created just for Pinterest and Instagram. It can help you with analytics, promoting Pins, but one of the things it does really well is helping you create a pinning schedule. Tailwind costs $9.99 a month, and pinners swear by it.

Have a press or media kit

Media kits tell potential partners key facts and statistics about your blog, business, or Pinterest following. Having a media kit is one of the easiest ways to tell people what you can offer their business.

You can useCanvafor your media kit, and it should include:

  • A short bio about you and your business
  • A list of your services
  • Number of impressions and/or following
  • Information about your audience

Always be transparent about your partnerships

This is another one we’ve already said, but it’s too important to overlook. If you are using affiliate links or partnering with brands in any capacity, you have to let your audience know. The FTChas clear guidelines about this. All it takes is a simple #affiliate or #affiliatelink in the text of your pin to fulfill the FTC regulations.

Follow Pinterest’s guidelines and best practices

To stay on the up and up as you make money on Pinterest, respect the platform by following their guidelines. You can find Pinterest’s Community Guidelines here, and it’s for both business account owners and personal users.

Learn about changes to the platform

Pinterest has changed a lot since it first launched in 2010. Those changes can affect the way you earn money through Pinterest. To learn about them, read emails they send and check out Social Media Today.

The final word on learning how to make money on Pinterest

There’s a lot of opportunity to make money on Pinterest. You can build a business for yourself by starting a blogand use Pinterest to grow your audience. Or, you can work from existing business owners as a Pinterest virtual assistant and help them grow their business with Pinterest.


How to Make Money On Pinterest In [currentyear] ($1,000+ Per Month!) (2024)


How do you get paid on Pinterest? ›

Pinterest doesn't pay content creators directly. Primary ways to make money with Pinterest involve using the platform as a marketing or influencer tool, where earnings come through outside sources like your own business, an affiliate program or a brand you work with.

Is 1,000 monthly views good on Pinterest? ›

1,000 to 10,000 monthly Pinterest views – You are just beginning. You have likely recently started your account or just recently began pinning more often. over 50,000 views – You're starting to gain traction on the platform. You are doing something right.

How much can you make on Pinterest a month? ›

You can earn somewhere between $50 and $200 monthly for 10,000 to 40,000 page views.

How many followers do you need on Pinterest to make money? ›

Most users don't know it, but it's never about the followers on Pinterest. You can have a few followers on the platform and still earn with affiliate programs. It depends on the strategy you choose to generate revenue from this platform.

How does Pinterest payment work? ›

We charge you for accumulated spend for your active ads on the first day of the following month, or when you reach your billing threshold, whichever comes first. You can prevent further spend by pausing your ads, which stops your Pins from serving. Please note our list of accepted payments .

How to make passive income on Pinterest? ›

9 Pinterest affiliate marketing tips to earn passive income
  1. Know the rules.
  2. Create several pins per post.
  3. Schedule pins in advance.
  4. Enable rich pins.
  5. Pin to group boards.
  6. Optimize for SEO.
  7. Build an email list through Pinterest.
  8. Analyze pin performance.

How long does it take for Pinterest to get views? ›

Typically, the first 3-6 months are when you'll really see growth start to happen on Pinterest. You'll be establishing your niche on the platform and seeing what content resonates with your Pinterest audience.

How do Pinterest monthly views work? ›

Total Monthly views on Pinterest represents the number of times all of your Pins have been seen by users in a single month. It includes both views on your profile and in search results. Monitoring this metric can help you track the overall reach and visibility of your content on the platform.

What gets pinned the most on Pinterest? ›

Home decor is the most popular category on Pinterest, with over 23 billion pins and 682 million boards dedicated to this category. This category is particularly popular among millennial women, with over 70% of users being female and under the age of 40.

What is the average income of Pinterest users? ›

Pinterest usage reach in the United States 2021, by household income. As of February 2021, 21 percent of respondents in the United States who were using Pinterest said that they earned 30,000 U.S. dollars or less. A further share of 40 percent stated that their household income was over 75 thousand U.S. dollars.

Can Pinterest be a source of income? ›

Pinterest is an excellent platform to drive affiliate sales and earn commissions. Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission for bringing leads and sales to an online retailer's website. Pinterest users can create pins/boards which include attractive products and add their affiliate links to the post.

How well does Pinterest pay? ›

Average Pinterest hourly pay ranges from approximately $25.92 per hour for Ambassador to $112 per hour for Salesforce Developer. Salary information comes from 1,358 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisem*nts on Indeed in the past 36 months.

How do beginners make money on Pinterest? ›

People can make money on Pinterest by using the platform to promote an external website or securing sponsorships to monetize their content. Affiliate marketing, Pinterest Shopping, and brand collaborations are some of the best ways to make money on Pinterest.

Will Pinterest pay you? ›

Will Pinterest pay me directly? Pinterest does not facilitate payment for monetisation programmes such as product tagging, affiliate links or brand partnerships. For those programmes, you'll organise payment terms and logistics directly with your brand or affiliate partners.

How to turn Pinterest views into money? ›

Just create a Pin in the app, add the paid partnership label with a simple toggle and tag your partner brand. Once they approve the request, their brand name will show up on your Pin. When you use the paid partnership tool, you work directly with brands to define the payment terms and process.

How to become a Pinterest influencer? ›

10 ways to nail your Pinterest influencer strategy
  1. Use keywords in your profile description. ...
  2. Create your first board. ...
  3. Create boards that relate to your personal influencer brand. ...
  4. Reshare content from other social platforms. ...
  5. Follow Pinners in your niche. ...
  6. Start a group board. ...
  7. Keep an eye on your audience insights.

Is Pinterest free or paid? ›

Yes, Pinterest is free to use. You can create an account, browse boards, and pin images without paying anything.

How to join Pinterest Creator Fund? ›

What Are the Pinterest Creator Fund Requirements?
  1. At least 18 years old.
  2. US Resident.
  3. Have an active Pinterest account.
  4. Be part of an underrepresented community.
  5. Don't benefit from the platform's other monetization programs.
  6. 750 to 10,000 followers Pinterest account.
  7. Align the content with the current funding cycle's focus.
Sep 22, 2023

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Views: 6319

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.