How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (2024)

Getting your real estate license is only the first step to being an effective real estate agent. Continuing your education in real estate can help you develop these essential skills. To do well, you also have to master the art of sales, particularly how to market yourself as a REALTOR. Without honing these skills, your business will dry up, and you won’t have that constant stream of leads needed to be successful.

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (1)

Why Real Estate Marketing Is a Crucial Step for Agents

Unless you have an outstanding reputation already, it is tough to have a constant pipeline of people coming in to use your services. It makes marketing even more important, and it is something that your agency cannot do without.

However, as a real estate agent, certain marketing methods will give you much better results than others. You also must look at the fact that you might not always have the time needed to make a marketing method work effectively.

Various marketing methods can deliver results that will exceed the amount of time and effort you put in to get them going. You also have to understand how you can leverage the new technologies we use today to make your marketing efforts reach more people. It is one of the many things that real estate professionals have to understand in today’s world.

Are you curious about how to market yourself as a REALTOR successfully? Here are 20 different ways a Real Estate Agent can market themselves.

1. Generate a Strong Online Presence as a Real Estate Expert

One of the first things real estate agents need to understand is that the online world holds the key to success. The majority of your real estate marketing should happen online, as this is where most people try to find a property.

The main challenge is that marketing online requires a completely different mindset and skillset from what you are probably used to. It also requires that you have a good understanding of various methods and platforms.

For example, the mindset and knowledge you need to market on Facebook will be completely different from marketing on Google. You might need to hire many professionals to get the results you desire from these marketing methods.

No matter what you do, you must build a strong foundation of knowledge to achieve exceptional results in your online marketing endeavors. While realtor marketing has changed dramatically with the introduction of the Internet, some foundational things will always stay the same.

2. Combine Online Marketing with Postcards for Maximum Effectiveness

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (2)

While there are some instances where real estate agents can get away with an exclusively online approach to marketing, top-producing real estate teams and solo agents combine their online efforts with real estate mailers.

Direct mail postcards and the real estate industry have had a long and successful track record, and for one very good reason: real estate postcards work. Although it doesn’t scale and reach as large of an audience as Google or Facebook Ads will, the focus on a particular subdivision(s) will allow you to stand out as an expert in your target area.

The biggest distinction between online marketing and direct mail marketing is while the former is mostly effective for obtaining buyer leads, real estate postcards are great for generating listings, which play an even further role in establishing expertise in an area.

Why? When you list a home, it’s your information that goes on the For Sale sign; it’s your headshot that gets placed in the marketing materials. That extra brand recognition is absolute gold in real estate, and postcard marketing is the most effective way to stand out.

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (3)

3. Build a Website and Blog

An online presence is a crucial part of being successful at marketing in real estate. That is why you must have a website and a blog as the foundation of your brand. Many real estate agents start with social media, but that would be a massive mistake.

A website or blog is the foundation you need to start building up a consistent brand. It is the place where you can post your content and promotional material. It is also a place where you can show listings and do advanced presentations that you could not do anywhere else.

Most importantly, when you build a blog, you are building a great asset that will be useful to you for years to come.

4. Be Present On Social Media

It is crucial to have a presence on social media because this is where most people will spend their time. While social media is not especially tuned for people looking to buy property, it is still a place where you can reach their eyeballs and build a brand. You can use many strategies to build a brand on social media, but the most important thing is posting useful content and engaging material.

You can provide educational guides and other important content that will entice people to want to visit your website. They will also want to subscribe to your page when you post funny and extremely entertaining memes. By doing these things, you can get people to associate you with funny and engaging content.

They will be more likely to buy from you based on your personality. Your content will also be shared by many more people, which will build your profile even further.

5. Use SEO Optimization to Drive Organic Traffic to Your Website

One way of having a steady stream of traffic to your website is to use SEO techniques. The crucial thing about SEO is finding the right keywords to target. After finding great keywords, you can then create SEO content and materials to get your website to the top of Google rankings.

The website at the top of its rankings gets about 70% of the traffic, and you could get many targeted visitors to your website.

If you can enhance the look and feel of your website, you are much more likely to get results when combined with SEO. After you have ranked your website at the top, you only have to spend time and effort maintaining things to get the same results.

6. Buy Ads on Google for Quick Traffic

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (4)

For real estate agents who are not interested in doing long-term marketing and traffic building, you have Google PPC ads as a way to get quick traffic to your website.

This marking method is for the real estate agents that have a lot of money they are willing to spend upfront to gain traction faster. PPC marketing is a foundational part of Internet marketing. However, it is very costly to do upfront.

It is even more difficult to do if you don’t know what you are doing. You could spend a lot of time and money doing PPC marketing without any results. This is why hiring an expert is crucial to getting the results you want with this marketing method.

7. Master Facebook Advertising

Facebook marketing is similar to PPC marketing except that you can now use images. That one factor changes things considerably, and you have to understand the different contexts in which people are using each platform. People using Facebook are there to look at articles and interact with their family or friends. However, people searching on search engines are looking to get information about a certain topic.

With the way things are, it is crucial to understand how to market effectively on Facebook. It is the second most popular online marketing channel, and it is only growing with time. It is also the channel that offers you the most targeting options. Facebook has collected a wealth of information on the people using its platform, and you can turn that information into more conversions for your real estate empire.

8. Build a Page on Facebook

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (5)

You don’t just have to pay for advertising on Facebook if you are a real estate agent. You can also build your own fan page and turn it into a brand. However, you have to remember that this method isn’t as lucrative as you think.

Facebook only allows you to target a small percentage of people with each post you make, and you will have to pay extra to reach everyone. You are also not in control of the page, and it could get shut down at Facebook’s discretion. That is a major factor you have to remember when using platforms that are not your website.

Additionally, when you combine a Facebook page with their Custom Audience platform, you can narrow your marketing efforts towards your target audience.

9. Use Drone Footage to Showcase Homes

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (6)

One aspect of marketing that many people never talk about is the quality of the footage used to showcase our property. Real estate agents take for granted how important presentation is in their business. You must present properties in the right way, which means having a good understanding of what appeals to potential buyers.

The drone industry has taken off in recent years, and it is something you can use to showcase your properties. You can spice up your virtual tours by having a drone photographer build a 3D map of the property. People are more willing to look at the property when they know it is laid out in beautiful 3D.

They will also be able to make a much better decision without having to visit the property themselves. It means that people who are coming to visit are the ones who have seen the virtual tour and like the property.

10. Create Email Newsletter for Prospective Buyers

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (7)

One of the things about marketing on other platforms is that you don’t control your customer list. It is why email marketing is such a crucial component of realtor marketing. By using email marketing, you can have an audience that is completely yours. You can continue to market to them on your own terms, and it is something that you can grow into a substantial asset.

The key to email marketing is to build in value when sending messages to people. It means providing valuable content without too much promotion. You also need to have a good content schedule to keep people interested and occupied.

Only a certain subset of people will ever be in the target market at any one time, but you guarantee that you will reach them when they get to that stage.

11. Create Professional Video Introductions for Every Property

A professional video introduction is a great way for you to improve your brand. By using this technique, you are much more likely to give people the impression that you are one of the more successful people in the real estate agent industry.

The more professional your presentations and videos, the better you will be at attracting prospective buyers. It will give these buyers the feeling that you are someone they can trust and depend on.

It will also ensure that they are getting an accurate picture of what the property looks like. When they show up, it means they are a lot more interested than someone who has only seen a few old and blurry pictures.

12. Build a Brand on LinkedIn

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (8)

LinkedIn is also a great place for you to build up your brand. It is usually the place where professionals will hang out on the Internet. If you are looking to attract a professional audience to one of your properties, it might be the right choice for you.

However, you must understand how marketing on LinkedIn works so that you don’t overdo it and get banned. Professional courtesy is quite important there, and it is something you need to understand very well.

13. Network with Other Real Estate Agents

Building a network of people in your industry is always a great way to maintain a strong business. This marking method works in every industry, and the real estate industry is no different. You will be able to send potential customers you cannot sell over to your counterparts and vice versa.

It is an excellent way for you to get a steady stream of customers without doing anything. It is also something you can do with your customers as well, and it is a great marketing method that doesn’t cost you much money. All you have to do is be friendly and deliver exceptional service so that people will want to talk about you to their friends and family.

14. Build a Presence on Twitter

Twitter is a social media website that has some of the most famous people posting daily. It is an excellent way for you to build a brand and reach a broad audience.

If your tweet goes viral, you could potentially have hundreds or even thousands of people visiting your website. The key to success here is to slowly and consistently build a following by providing valuable information and a lot of humor. It is one of the easiest ways to be successful with social media, and it is a website that will be here for a long time.

15. Don’t be Afraid to Cold Call

One of the most intimidating marketing methods is cold calling. It is essentially calling someone out of the blue to try and pitch what you are selling. Many people are afraid of this marking method, but it is usually the best way to succeed.

Cold calling is also the most lucrative because you have access to an almost unlimited number of people. If you do the preparations correctly, you will also get a targeted list of people you can reach out to.

Cold calling is also a method that will always be here. Because of its lack of popularity, it is something you can do without too many competitors. It is one of the easiest marketing methods to use on people in your local.

16. Print Business Cards

You should always have a stack of business cards to hand out to people in your local area. It is an effective way of branding your business, and it doesn’t cost you a lot of money.

The cost is a designer and the price of printing the cards. Once you have handed the cards out, you can expect to get calls as people go into the property market.

17. Send Real Estate Postcards

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (9)

REALTOR postcards are a great way of marketing to potential customers. It allows you to keep in touch without being too overbearing. It is usually a great way of marketing to people on the fence about using your services.

Some great examples of postcards to send to your real estate farm are Just Listed postcards and Just Sold postcards.

When sending postcards, it is imperative to use a service that focuses on real estate postcards. Their postcard templates for real estate should be easy to customize, full color, and not require any order minimums.

18. List Your Properties on Popular Real Estate Websites

One of the easiest ways to market your properties is to list them on major real estate websites. There are websites like Zillow that allow you to list your properties, and they are home to a massive audience. When you list your properties on these platforms, you get access to millions of visitors every month.

It could potentially change your entire business, as you would have people interested in your property without doing any other form of marketing. By doing things this way, you are much more likely to find success when promoting your next property.

19. Constantly Monitor and Innovate Over Your Competition

It is not enough for you to be a great marketer in your field. You also have to keep constant tabs on your competition to know what they are doing. Marketing is essentially a battlefield, and you have to win against your competitor.

It means figuring out what they are doing and finding ways to do it better for your potential customers. The best real estate agents are the ones that understand this reality.

20. Hire Talented Photographers and Video Editors

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (10)

When it comes to creating content for your marketing efforts, it’s essential to invest in top-tier talent. Typically, the most experienced professionals in this field command higher fees. Nevertheless, the content they create will reach a wide audience.

The key is to consider the value you’ll receive from these services, which often outweighs the initial cost. This should be your perspective when enlisting external expertise for any aspect of your business.

Navigating the Digital Age for Success: How to Market Yourself as a REALTOR

In real estate, one crucial aspect is hard to ignore, particularly for agents who haven’t yet built an outstanding reputation: marketing.

Attracting a consistent flow of prospects can be quite challenging if your name doesn’t immediately connect with potential clients. This is why real estate marketing has become incredibly vital, transitioning from just a strategy to an indispensable element of your business’s growth and success.

Your Marketing Game Plan

As a real estate agent, your marketing game plan needs to be flawlessly managed, zeroing in on strategies that deliver elevated outcomes. While this might appear simple on the surface, it’s a complex process that demands creativity and precision and the tricky task of striking the perfect balance between the time you put in and the results you achieve.

Real estate agents frequently juggle numerous responsibilities, sometimes limiting their capacity to fully leverage marketing methods’ potential.

This leads to a crucial question: How can you pinpoint and embrace marketing strategies that generate returns that outweigh the time and effort invested in implementing them?

Solutions to Effective Marketing in Real Estate

The solution can be found in a forward-looking mindset that embraces the latest technological advancements while still utilizing traditional methods. In this digital era, real estate agents need to adeptly navigate and harness the revolutionary technologies available to them, seamlessly integrating these tools into their marketing efforts.

The possibilities that technology offers in real estate marketing are numerous. In the field of real estate, the modern agent’s toolkit has never been more dynamic.

This includes using social media platforms to establish a compelling online presence, incorporating AI-driven tools for personalized email marketing campaigns, and utilizing virtual reality for immersive property tours.

Understanding these tools and effectively adapting them to your unique needs can be a game-changer, helping you expand your reach, capture a larger audience, and ultimately drive more business.

To stay competitive in today’s fast-paced real estate landscape, agents must recognize the importance of marketing and strive to become proficient in using cutting-edge techniques and technologies to enhance their marketing efforts.

Why Certain Real Estate Agents Shine

Real estate marketing isn’t just an important step; it’s an ongoing journey for agents looking to establish themselves in this competitive industry. It involves exploring and integrating various strategies, understanding the potential of emerging technologies, and continually adapting to the digital age.

This is what separates everyday agents from the remarkable ones, making their marketing the leading force in shaping their path to success.

How to Market Yourself as a REALTOR with Effective Marketing Strategies

These 20 methods show you how to market yourself as a REALTOR successfuly. Real estate marketing should be done offline and online to ensure you have maximum success. Postcards are great because they allow you to target both online and offline customers without much effort.

You can use Wise Pelican to get access to ready-made templates for your postcards. Sign up for a free account today by clicking the link below:

How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out (2024)


How To Market Yourself As A REALTOR And Stand Out? ›

Key Takeaways. Working as a real estate agent or broker can be fulfilling and financially rewarding, but it's not easy. A career in real estate requires drumming up business, promoting yourself, tracking leads, handling complex paperwork, providing customer service, and much, much more.

How to market yourself as a realtor? ›

How to market yourself as a realtor
  1. Understand your potential clients. ...
  2. Expand your network. ...
  3. Partner with an agent in another state. ...
  4. Create a professional website. ...
  5. Analyze your website visitors. ...
  6. Write an industry blog. ...
  7. Build an effective contact page. ...
  8. Request reviews from satisfied clients.
Jun 28, 2024

How do you make yourself stand out as a real estate agent? ›

7 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Stand Out from the Competition
  1. Get Your Own Website.
  2. Create a Lead Magnet for Your Website.
  3. Find Your Specialty.
  4. Make Yourself Available.
  5. Go the Extra Mile.
  6. Choose Marketing that Makes an Impression.
  7. Strengthen your Brand.
  8. Network like a champ.

How do you introduce yourself as a realtor? ›

Follow these steps to assist you in writing an introduction letter as a realtor:
  1. Open with a greeting. ...
  2. Explain your background. ...
  3. Include relevant experiences. ...
  4. Show how you can help their real estate needs. ...
  5. Provide contact methods. ...
  6. Include closing.
Jun 24, 2022

How do I make my real estate listing stand out? ›

Follow these real estate listing tips from our real estate experts on how to make your online listing stand out.
  1. Drop the Price on a Weekend. ...
  2. Offer to Pay January Taxes. ...
  3. Offer a Bonus to Agents. ...
  4. Present Honest Details. ...
  5. Keep It Simple (and Clean) ...
  6. Get 3D Videos and Floor Plans. ...
  7. Use Professional Photographers. ...
  8. Know the Keywords.
Apr 5, 2023

How do realtors get more clients? ›

Here are 11 ways to get clients in real estate:
  1. Buy Real Estate Leads. ...
  2. Engage With Your Community. ...
  3. Ask Existing Clients for Referrals. ...
  4. Create a Website. ...
  5. Post On Social Media. ...
  6. Specialize In a Niche. ...
  7. Try Cold Calling. ...
  8. Host Open Houses.
May 12, 2023

How do I sell real estate like a pro? ›

How to Sell a House By Owner in California in 6 Steps
  1. Step 1: Price Your Home Competitively. ...
  2. Step 2: Make Your Home Market-Ready. ...
  3. Step 3: Increase Your Property's Visibility. ...
  4. Step 4: Organize Home Showings. ...
  5. Step 5: Review, Compare, and Negotiate Offers. ...
  6. Step 6: Finalize the Sale Seamlessly.

How to talk like a realtor? ›

How to Talk to Real Estate Clients: Ultimate Guide
  1. #1. Be Grateful and Genuine. ...
  2. #2. Don't Ambush People - Ask First! ...
  3. #3. Listen with Intent. ...
  4. #5. Make Yourself Humble. ...
  5. #6. Be Honest. ...
  6. #7. End Every Conversation on a Positive Note (then Follow Up) ...
  7. #8. Be Aware. ...
  8. #9. Respond Fast!
Aug 21, 2023

Is it hard starting out as a real estate agent? ›

Key Takeaways. Working as a real estate agent or broker can be fulfilling and financially rewarding, but it's not easy. A career in real estate requires drumming up business, promoting yourself, tracking leads, handling complex paperwork, providing customer service, and much, much more.

How do I make my house look bigger when I sell it? ›

20 Expert Staging Tips to Make a Small House Look Bigger
  1. Utilize vertical wall space. ...
  2. Choose furniture and greenery that fits the space. ...
  3. Avoid dark furniture and dark colors in general. ...
  4. Consider corners. ...
  5. Add an interesting item to each room. ...
  6. Place a low bed near a window. ...
  7. Use white or light-colored bedding.
Aug 16, 2021

How to stand out as an agent? ›

8 Ways Realtors Can Stand Out From Their Competitors
  1. Enhance The Client Experience. ...
  2. Be Professional When Approaching Prospects. ...
  3. Find Your Speciality & Excel At It. ...
  4. Build A Formidable Online Presence. ...
  5. Get On Google My Business. ...
  6. Invest In Branding. ...
  7. Build Your Network And Connections. ...
  8. Sponsor Local Events.

How can I make my listing more attractive? ›

Here's 10 tips to make your real estate listing more attractive to potential buyers:
  1. Start with great photos. ...
  2. Use descriptive language. ...
  3. Include a virtual tour. ...
  4. Emphasize the location. ...
  5. Show off the outdoor space. ...
  6. Include details about the property's energy efficiency. ...
  7. Highlight any recent renovations or updates.
Dec 28, 2022

How do I organize myself as a real estate agent? ›

Apps like Trello and Todoist can help real estate brokers and agents prioritize their most important tasks to ensure they get everything done on time. These task management tools make it easy to keep track of critical due dates to ensure every aspect of a transaction is handled correctly before closing.

How do I introduce myself as a realtor on Facebook? ›

Update your profiles to add that you "work" at your brokerage, or even change your profile name to something like: Heather, REALTOR AT (XYZ Brokerage). Overall, start marrying your name and real estate together. We want people to think of real estate when they think of you!

How do I market myself as a real estate referral agent? ›

If you're thinking about becoming a real estate referral agent, one of the best ways to market yourself is by getting involved in online real estate communities and forums. By giving value and feedback, you can show that you're an expert in the field and build trust with potential clients.

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.