How to Monetize a Website | Mailchimp (2024)

Learn how to monetize a website in 8 different ways, and the basics you need to know to make money from a website with this guide to website monetization.

It is exhilarating to hear that you can work out of the comfort of your own home and earn money. The fact that you can earn money from creating and running websites can spark joy in many people.

At the same time, when you first start, you immerse yourself in wave after wave of dense information. It is easy to get lost in a significant amount of endless articles. You can feel like it is too much and slow down or give up altogether.

We are here to tell you that you can keep that level of excitement and let it drive you forward. Before you know it, you will be monetizing a portfolio of websites.

Yes, you do have to start somewhere; you do have to ensure that you have a plan of action and are using the right tools to succeed.

If you are interested in learning how to monetize a website correctly, this comprehensive guide will certainly be helpful.

Website monetization

There are many ways to monetize a website. Of course, the most popular is selling ad spaces, but there are many other great ways to generate income.

The best way for your website depends on your plans, target audience, and personal preference. This is where the plan of action comes into play. It can be easy to think that bloggers or website owners simply create a website, place some content, and then watch as the money rolls in.

Sure, anything is possible, but in many cases, it will help to have a few key points in mind. These critical aspects include a growth mindset, at least a 6-month time commitment, and the right tools.

So now that we have a brief overview of these fundamentals out of the way, what is website monetization?

Website monetization is making a website or blog make money for you. It is an essential concept because website monetization helps you generate active or passive income from your website and can enable you to scale your operations. However, regardless of the way that you are monetizing the website, you will notice one common or shared component.

Interesting and quality content

The key trait is simple; the site can draw an audience and keep them by providing valuable content that resonates with them. This quality content continues to draw in a larger audience, and the website's value increases.

In many cases, the website makes an implicit or explicit promise to the respective audience. For instance, it might teach the audience to get rich, it could provide valuable advice on landing a technology job, or it can help individuals to meditate.

Whatever the case may be, the website acts as a vital source of information on, typically, a specific theme and obtains enough engagement to have substantial revenues.

In a nutshell, establish a site, create compelling content, maintain your website, grow your audience, and monetize. The website creator establishes trust and continues delivering quality content, and the audience regularly returns to learn or solve their problems.

Once you understand this process, you can look at the next step.

How will you monetize?

You can partner with a service such as Google Adsense or affiliate platforms. Alternatively, you can make money directly by selling courses, putting your content behind a paywall, or flipping websites. The type of monetization you choose will depend on your goals, website offerings, and style.

It is here where you will need to think about your goals. For example, if you are trying to earn upwards of $100,000 every 6 months, your approach would be different from someone looking to make $3,000 per month.

If you are wondering how much you can earn from your website, remember that it depends on you.

Remember, many kinds of websites make money, the website you choose will align with your goals, passions, and needs. Once you are more clear about what you are trying to do, you can start taking the right actions to monetize your website.

How to receive funds

Regardless of your preferred method of monetization, it is necessary to have different ways to collect the funds.

Here are a few ways to receive funds.

  • Receive your funds directly into your bank account with ACH processing.
  • Withdraw your earnings into payment wallets like PayPal and Payoneer.
  • Use Stripe accounts to receive funds.
  • Consumers can send funds to places like your respective Square or Cash App accounts.
  • Other options such as and other vendors that enable you to implement their processing link on your website.

Depending on the method you choose, the process of setting up payments might be as simple as providing the name of your account. For instance, “support me by sending payments to my Paypal or ID.”

Alternatively, another way is to connect a specific account and add a Pay Now button to make the process as simple as possible.

In some methods, like Adsense, the system will ask you to input your financial information to obtain earnings for the respective actions.

Another vital point to remember here is to have a process that works when you have a hundred or a hundred thousand buyers. This point is quite crucial in minimizing stress as your website grows and obtains more support from an eclectic fanbase.

Now, it is time to take a closer look at the ways to monetize your website.

Ways to monetize a website

When individuals start to dive into the fundamentals of monetizing a website, many want to save money when starting. It makes sense to want to minimize risks when starting out. That is why it is no surprise when people ask if they can monetize a free website.

How to Monetize a Website | Mailchimp (2)

Yes, it is possible to monetize a free website as there are a wide variety of ways to monetize a website. So if you are wondering how much it costs to monetize a website, remember that it can be free or cost less than $100.

In most cases, you only need 2 or 3 methods. However, in some cases, you can make enough from one approach. Here are the best ways to monetize your website.

1. Google AdSense

You can generate income by allowing Google to place ads on your website. Then, you get paid when someone clicks on those ads. It would help to learn a little more about Google Adsense and how it works to see why this method works for many websites.

Google helps searchers find information on websites, the platform also helps businesses reach customers. As a website owner who provides information on a website, you can earn by having a site that draws a certain level of engaged users.

Individuals and businesses use Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising to reach their audience. When someone from your audience interacts with the ads, you earn. Although Google Adsense is not the only game in town concerning advertising placement, it is the most popular and straightforward.

All you need to do is apply to be an AdSense partner. Google will review your application, and if you get the approval, you can start showing ads on your website almost immediately. The best part is that you can use the same Google Adsense on multiple websites.

Advertisers pay Google each time someone clicks on their ads. In return, Google pays you a share of what the advertisers paid. You get paid between the 21st and the 26th of the month.

If you are wondering how many views you need to have on your website to earn, the number will vary. Still, it is a good idea to have at least 50 views per day. This shows that you are on the right track and can help you to have more who are interested in clicking on a few ads and going to the advertisers’ landing page.

You might also wonder how much Google Adsense will pay you per 1000 views. The answer is that it will vary depending on how many people click through the ads and visit the advertiser. The more interested people that click on the ads, the higher the earnings.

2. Direct advertising

Google Adsense works as a middleman between you and advertisers. You can choose to work directly with advertisers. This route will require a little more effort, but you can keep all the earnings for yourself.

The best part is that you get to negotiate the price. If you have quite a bit of web traffic, it gives you immense negotiating power. Conversely, you might not earn much from this method at the beginning stages if you have very little traffic.

Another significant aspect is that you can choose where and how the ads appear on your website. You can show the ads at the bottom of the page as side banners or pop-ups. You can also vary the pricing for each location.

You have to choose between the pay-per-click or pay-per-visitor model. The former only pays when someone clicks on the ad link, while the latter pays based on the number of page visits.

The best option depends on your website traffic and how often you expect visitors to click on the link. In general, pay-per-click pays more.

Building relationships with advertisers can be challenging at first. But a good strategy can help you get it done. You need a media kit that shows your website statistics and pricing and relevant visibility on online platforms like LinkedIn and SellerCrowd to help you get advertisers. If you object to specific ads, ensure your media kit contains such information.

You can also let your readers know you are willing to put up your ads on your website to get the word out.

3. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing has been present for quite a while. Still, it is making headlines due to its substantial earning potential. Here is how it works. First, you promote a product or service on your website and encourage your readers to purchase them using your unique link. When they make a purchase, the company that owns the product or service offers you a share of the selling price.

Affiliate marketing is great if you promote or review products on your blog. It also works if you make how-to guides or share your thoughts on different areas of life. You put in a good word for the product and insert your link.There are two ways to make affiliate marketing: direct and indirect.

You get your affiliate link directly from the company with the direct approach. Say you are an affiliate for a toothbrush company. You go to the company website or email their team for an affiliate link. Then, you get a commission each time someone buys a toothbrush using your link.

The indirect approach is to join an affiliate network, such as CJ Affiliate, ClickBank, and ShareASale. You can also affiliate with big e-commerce brands like Amazon.

Both approaches have pros and cons, so you should make your choice based on what works for you.

4. Charge for your content

Suppose you have many dedicated readers, and the idea of putting ads on your website doesn't sit well with you. In that case, you can ask your readers to pay for your content. These can be a one-time fee or recurring fee.

This approach typically works well for niche blogs and websites. This may alienate some readers, but website owners minimize this by having a mixture of free and paid content.

Depending on how you structure the site and create content, it could help you develop a firmly knitted community. This method works well if you are an authority or inside source in your chosen niche.

Many website builders allow you to set up paywalls for your content. Using a WordPress site, you can set up the paywall by implementing a member site plugin such as WP-members and simple membership.

You can also choose to set up different membership tiers.

You can significantly earn with this approach if you have people interested in paying for your content.

5. Request donations

If you have many dedicated readers and putting your content behind a paywall doesn't sit well with you, you can politely ask your readers for donations.

This approach can be the least profitable as not everyone would donate. Moreover, even those who want to donate might not know how much to contribute.

Setting up donation channels on your website is easy. You can add donation buttons linked to your website on Stripe and PayPal. If your website or blog accepts crypto donations, you can ask your readers to donate crypto assets by listing your respective cryptocurrency addresses.

Make sure you politely and consistently promote your readers to make donations. It would help if you made the donation process as easy as possible.

6. Sell products and services

Unlike affiliate marketing, where you sell other people's products, this approach involves selling your products and services. The best part is that you can sell anything. These include digital products such as artwork and books, physical products, and services.

A few content creators aggregate their content into specific packages or programs and sell these as digital products. For instance, if your audience is looking to lose weight, you might create a compelling diet plan and sell that.

If you have other products and need to create an online store, you will have to set up and start an e-commerce store. Thankfully, many hosting platforms offer e-commerce solutions. You can also sign up on dedicated e-commerce hosting providers like Shopify and BigCommerce.

There are many ways to market your products. You can sporadically create content that revolves around your offerings. Alternatively, you can take a general approach and organically recommend your products and services in your content.

7. Flipping websites

Flipping websites is a fun way of monetizing websites. You start a website and help it grow in popularity. You invite others to check the website and bid on it. You then sell the website at a fair price.

Many factors determine how profitable a website can be. One of them is the website traffic and the profits that it generates. Other essential factors are the SEO value of the domain name and the website niche.

To get a good picture of how much you can sell a website, you should check out website listing platforms such as Empire Flippers.

You should also note that flipping a website requires considerable time and resources. So even if you intend to sell a website, you can apply other methods in this guide to make the website generate income for you.

8. Sponsored content

Sponsored content (also known as paid content or native advertising) is similar to ads in that someone pays you to advertise something on your website. They can be in the form of paid reviews, sales announcements, product launches, event coverage, or offers.

It is entirely up to you to determine the type of sponsored post you want on your site. You can also determine if you or the sponsoring brands have to write the posts. Many websites charge more if they are also creating sponsored posts.

Although sponsored posts can be a lucrative venture, you don't want to overdo it. Ideally, you want to ensure your regular posts outnumber the sponsored posts by a wide margin. You also want to ensure the sponsored posts do not hurt your brand or annoy your audience.

How long does it take to monetize a website?

The process of monetizing a website takes time and resources. However, the deciding factor is the monetization model.

How to Monetize a Website | Mailchimp (3)

If you are running sponsored posts or doing affiliate marketing, the quality of your website traffic matters more. You can earn significantly from affiliate marketing with 1,000 unique monthly visitors, provided these visitors are deeply interested in your content offering.

Regardless of your model, it would help if you still had time to grow your revenue. It is a general heuristic that it takes 3 months to start earning from a website. That is mainly because search engines and advertising networks ignore new websites until they show consistency for a few months.

If you implement digital marketing and SEO techniques, you can begin to earn considerably well within 6 months.

How to build a website

One of the easiest and quickest ways to build a website is using the Mailchimp website builder.

The easy-to-use website builder allows you to customize your pages, choose a domain, and measure your website's performance.

The Mailchimp website builder focuses on those looking to get started as quickly as possible with minimal hassles. However, in some cases, more advanced website developers might find the tool too restrictive for their needs. The Mailchimp website builder is great for those who want to hit the ground running.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Enter the name of your website and choose an audience from the drop-down menu.
  • Design your web pages and add content to your website. You can use the website builder to add or remove pages, edit your website's elements such as font and colors, and set up your site's cookie banner.
  • Add a custom domain name. If you don't have a custom domain name, you can use the Mailchimp domain in the meantime. But remember to get a custom domain name ASAP.
  • Turn on site tracking to measure your website traffic and unique visitors. You can choose to track with Google Analytics, Mailchimp, or Meta Pixel (formerly Facebook Pixel).
  • Edit the SEO, URL, and social share settings for each page on your website. You can also implement SEO techniques to help drive more traffic to your website.
  • Preview your website to see how it will apply on mobile and desktop browsers. If everything looks good, hit the review and publish buttons for your website to go live. Accept the terms from MailChimp.
  • Congratulations! You now have a live website. You can come back to the website builder any time to make changes to your website.

Build your website

Monetizing your website can be a challenging and exciting experience. It will require a bit of thought, time, attention, and resources, but the result can definitely be worth it.

As you have learned from this guide, website monetization is simple, but it is not extremely easy. That is where the fun begins! Website monetization over the long term compels you to have a great website with outstanding content that matters to your specific audience.

While it does require patience, due diligence, and a certain amount of regular activity, you can learn, build skills, and earn.

If you have questions or concerns about building your website, feel free to browse around our resources or reach out to our team for assistance.

If you are ready to build your website and get to a place where you can monetize your website, get started today!

How to Monetize a Website | Mailchimp (2024)


How to Monetize a Website | Mailchimp? ›

How Many Visitors Do You Need? A large number of visitors increases your chances of attracting advertisers and, hence, of monetizing your traffic. To be attractive to advertisers, you must have at least 10,000 organic views per month. This website monetization model also works well for a small audience volume.

How many views do I need to monetize my website? ›

How Many Visitors Do You Need? A large number of visitors increases your chances of attracting advertisers and, hence, of monetizing your traffic. To be attractive to advertisers, you must have at least 10,000 organic views per month. This website monetization model also works well for a small audience volume.

Can I earn money from a website? ›

Selling your website has potential to make you a lot of money all at once. In fact, some people make a decent living from “flipping” websites much like what others do with houses and real estate. It's the same concept, but it's in the digital world.

How to monetize a listing website? ›

How do I monetize my website's online directory?
  1. Sell listings to local businesses.
  2. Offer claims for listings.
  3. Use featured listings.
  4. Offer tiered plans.
  5. Charge different prices for various categories.
  6. Put ads on your site.
  7. Sell affiliate products.
  8. Recommend a premium membership to visitors.
Sep 11, 2023

How many visitors does a website need to make money? ›


For example, if you sell your products or services for $100, you will need to sell 1,000 units during the year to generate a 6-figure profit. Assuming your conversion rate is the average 2%, you need to generate 1,000/0.02 or 50,000 monthly visitors to your site.

How do I make $100 a day on AdSense? ›

How to Estimate Your Traffic Needs for $100/Day in AdSense
  1. If the RPM is $2.75 then 100/2.75 = 36.36 so you need around 36,360 visitors a day.
  2. If the RPM is $4.50 then 100/4.50 = 22.22 so you need around 22,220 visitors a day.
  3. If the RPM is $6.10 then 100/6.10 = 16.39 so you need around 16,390 visitors a day.

How much money per 1,000 views a website? ›

How much does AdSense pay per 1000 views? Roughly $0.2 – $2.5 per 1,000 views. Although it depends on many factors including the content of your site, location of your users, time on site and device breakdown. Use our AdSense revenue calculator above to find out how much you could earn with your website.

How do I monetize a small website? ›

Here are the best ways to monetize your website.
  1. Google AdSense. You can generate income by allowing Google to place ads on your website. ...
  2. Direct advertising. ...
  3. Affiliate marketing. ...
  4. Charge for your content. ...
  5. Request donations. ...
  6. Sell products and services. ...
  7. Flipping websites. ...
  8. Sponsored content.

How long does it take to monetize a website? ›

The time it takes to start earning money from a website can vary depending on the topic you cover, how good your content is, how much you promote it, and the methods you use to make money. Generally, seeing a steady income stream can take a few months to a year or even longer.

What is the best website builder to monetize? ›

The Best Blogging Platforms
  1. WordPress. First on our list is WordPress. ...
  2. Wix. Wix is more of a website-building platform first, with blog content functionality built in. ...
  3. Squarespace. Another website-building platform, Squarespace, is easy to use, even for those without coding experience. ...
  4. Weebly. ...
  5. Blogger.

How can I get 1000 visitors per day on my website? ›

  1. Proven ways to get 1000+ visitors per day.
  2. Write long, thorough blog posts.
  3. The 80/20 rule of blog promotion.
  4. Focus on one traffic source at a time.
  5. Set up the basic framework – make your blog SEO friendly.
  6. Build strong connections with other bloggers.
Sep 1, 2022

How do I monetize my website traffic? ›

Website traffic monetization refers to the process of generating revenue from the visitors that come to your website. This can be achieved through various methods such as advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or selling products or services directly.

How much does the average website owner make? ›

How much does a Website Owner make? As of Sep 2, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Website Owner in the United States is $41.44 an hour.

Is 1,000 page views a month good? ›

Yes, 1K page views a month is not bad especially if they all go to a specific page that is well prepared and set up to get all the visitors to take some form of action (leave an email or click on a link).

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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.