How to Negotiate Salary with Your Employer and Get the Raise You Deserve (2024)

A crucial element of your job satisfaction and happiness is getting paid what you deserve. If you're earning less than what your skills, experience, and contributions are worth, it can lead to decreased job satisfaction and a lack of commitment to the company and its goals. Therefore, knowing how to negotiate salary using a positive and informed approach is essential to your success.

Receiving fair compensation for your work can help increase your productivity and how you value yourself while providing you with the financial stability and security you need to plan for your future. However, if you're wondering how to negotiate a higher salary at work, there are numerous factors to consider first.

The economic climate, timing, and your current salary play critical roles in whether you'll get the raise you want. You'll also have to prove how your value surpasses your current pay package by quantifying your contribution to the company.

In this article, we show you some practical salary negotiation tips to help you secure your financial future. By doing your research, assessing your worth, preparing yourself, and being open to compromise, you can learn how to negotiate salary and reach an agreement that benefits both you and your employer.

How to Negotiate Salary After You Get a Job Offer

Once you've received a written job offer, most hiring managers will allow you to think about it before giving an answer. Remember, if you don't negotiate, you could be leaving money on the table. Let's take a brief look at how to negotiate a salary offer to help you respectfully and confidently ask for what you want and deserve.

Before the salary negotiation, gather information about industry standards, pay ranges for similar positions, and the company's financial state. Then, in your salary negotiation email, acknowledge and express gratitude first for the offer but clarify that you would like to discuss the salary. Present your research and highlight your skills and experience that justify a higher salary. Remember to be specific about your desired salary range but be flexible and open to compromise.

If the company is unwilling to increase the salary, consider negotiating other benefits such as flexible work hours, more paid time off, or professional development opportunities. And if the employer is not willing to budge on salary, it's essential to be prepared to walk away from the offer. Remember, you are negotiating for a fair and mutually beneficial agreement. If the salary is not what you need, it may be best to continue your job search.

How to Negotiate Salary in Your Current Job

Whether you're planning for your annual review or about to ask for that well-deserved promotion, the best way to negotiate salary is to build a bulletproof case. So, what does that mean? To give yourself the best chance of getting a raise, take some time to present a transparent and compelling demonstration of why you're worth what you're asking for, using solid facts to back it up.

Learning how to negotiate a salary and ask for a raise is a delicate and extensive process, but with the proper preparation and a clear understanding of your worth, you'll have all you need to move forward. Read on to discover the key steps to make your case in your salary negotiation.

Do Your Research

Knowing how to negotiate salary effectively starts with knowledge. Before entering into negotiations, you must gain key insights into your market value. Start by researching salary data for your job title and location to determine the average pay for someone with your skills, experience, and qualifications. This will give you a solid starting point on which to base your salary expectations.

You can also use industry reports to find out if there is a high demand for skilled workers in your field. This information can give you more bargaining power in your negotiations. Additionally, you can speak to other professionals in your industry for guidance and browse similar jobs online to help you determine if you’re being fairly compensated.

Quantify Your Value

Determining how to negotiate salary with your employer involves conducting an honest and insightful self-assessment or performance review. For example, if you're negotiating a promotion salary, consider how can you position yourself as a beneficial high performer who would be challenging to replace. What factors warrant a salary increase? The more information you have, the better prepared you'll be to answer questions from your employer. Write everything down and use the following talking points to help guide you:

  • Keep a record of your key accomplishments, recent training, projects, and contributions. This information can help demonstrate the measurable ways you have impacted the company.
  • Use metrics to prove you deserve a salary increase. Clearly show how you have surpassed your KPIs. How is your performance reaping dividends for the business?
  • Take a close look at your current job responsibilities and identify areas where you have taken on additional tasks or made significant contributions. Remember to use solid examples whenever possible.
  • If you have received positive feedback from coworkers, customers, or superiors, include this information in your request for a promotion or raise.
  • Discuss with your employer any future projects or initiatives you plan to take on and how they will add value to the company. This can help demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to your work.

Consider Benefits and Perks

When negotiating your salary, it's essential to consider the non-financial benefits and perks of the job as well. These can significantly impact your overall compensation and job satisfaction. For example, you may value health insurance coverage, flexible hours, or professional development opportunities. Researching your company's benefits package and identifying what benefits are most important to you is the first step in this process.

It's also a good idea to ask your employer if any benefits or perks can be added or improved as part of the salary negotiation process. In addition to the benefits package, it’s crucial to consider the total value of benefits and perks when determining your desired salary. For instance, a flexible schedule, more time off, or the option to work from home may be worth more to you than a higher salary.

Practice Your Salary Negotiation Script

If you’re apprehensive about what to say when negotiating your salary, start by writing a script. A well-designed script can be an excellent tool to help calm your nerves and handle pushbacks. Once you've written it, practice your delivery with a mentor or business-savvy person who can coach you on projecting confidence and answering unforeseen questions or discussions.

Consider the following elements when writing your script:

  • Mention your research on the company's compensation policies and market rates for similar positions. This shows that you have done your homework and are knowledgeable about the industry.
  • Clearly articulate your unique skills, experience, and qualifications and how they align with the company's needs and goals. Use these things to explain why you believe you are worth a higher salary.
  • State the exact salary figure you have in mind, being as specific as possible.
  • Show that you are flexible and open to other forms of compensation, such as benefits, bonuses, or paid time off.
  • End the negotiation by expressing your gratitude and commitment to the company. Remember to ask when you can expect to hear back from them.

Remember to be confident, professional, and respectful when negotiating salary. It's also important to listen carefully to the employer's perspective and be open to counteroffers or alternative compensation packages.

Set Up a Meeting to Discuss Your Salary Negotiation

At this point, you have all the information you need to move forward with your request for a salary increase. If you want help with how to negotiate a salary offer via email, our sample shows you how to invite your manager to a meeting to discuss your raise. Remember to keep it brief and courteous.

You can use this salary negotiation example email for ideas and language, tweaking the information as necessary.

Subject: Request for a meeting to discuss salary

Dear (Manager's Name),

I hope this email finds you well. I have been working for (Company Name) for (duration of time), and I have consistently demonstrated my commitment and dedication to my role. I would like to schedule a meeting with you at your convenience to discuss my compensation and future opportunities for growth within the company.

I have taken on additional responsibilities and made significant contributions to the company, and I believe my performance and achievements warrant a review of my current salary. I would be grateful if we could discuss this matter further, as I want to ensure that my compensation aligns with my responsibilities and market standards.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

(Your Name)

After the meeting, follow up with a thank-you email or note to your manager, reiterating your appreciation for the opportunity to discuss your salary and confirming any agreements made.

Stay Positive

Although you now have a better understanding of how to negotiate salary, remember that the outcome of a raise request doesn't define your worth as a person. If you’re unsuccessful this time, focus on your accomplishments and value to the company and remind yourself of the skills and achievements that make you a valuable employee. Seek support by talking to friends, family, or a mentor about your situation. Keep a positive attitude, continue to work hard, practice gratitude, and be open to future opportunities.

Find a Company that Pays You the Salary You Deserve

Learning how to negotiate salary is an essential skill that benefits across your career. However, if your employer can't accommodate your needs, it may be time to look for a new job opportunity. Monster can help you find one. Sign up for a free profile, upload your resume, and connect with recruiters in your field. Plus, you'll get access to expert salary negotiation advice, job search tips, and industry insights.

How to Negotiate Salary with Your Employer and Get the Raise You Deserve (2024)


How to Negotiate Salary with Your Employer and Get the Raise You Deserve? ›

Use your previous work performance as the basis of your request for a raise, but also talk about your plans for your future performance. Discuss your goals and how you want to continue to grow within the company.

How do you answer "Why do you deserve a raise"? ›

Use your previous work performance as the basis of your request for a raise, but also talk about your plans for your future performance. Discuss your goals and how you want to continue to grow within the company.

How do you convince the company you deserve a raise? ›

  1. Prepare your case and determine what value you bring ahead of time.
  2. Rehearse your raise request and get feedback from others before the actual meeting.
  3. Schedule a meeting to request a raise at a good time to boost your chance of approval.
  4. In the meeting, show confidence, use data, and be specific.

How do you ask for a raise when you know you deserve it? ›

Tips for asking for a raise
  1. List your accomplishments from the past six months, the past year and your time with the company. ...
  2. Know what a competitive salary looks like for your position. ...
  3. Let your boss know what's in it for them. ...
  4. Be confident. ...
  5. Provide your request in writing.

How do you politely negotiate a higher salary? ›

Here are eight tips for how to negotiate a salary that can help you tactfully and confidently ask for what you want.
  1. Become familiar with industry salary trends. ...
  2. Build your case. ...
  3. Tell the truth. ...
  4. Factor in perks and benefits. ...
  5. Practice your delivery. ...
  6. Know when to wrap it up. ...
  7. Get everything in writing. ...
  8. Stay positive.
Dec 4, 2023

How do you say I deserve a pay rise? ›

When asking for a raise, say you'd like a raise and list specific accomplishments and quantifiable results. You can also explain what skills and experiences you've gained and how you've expanded the ways in which you contribute to your team.

How to justify an increase in salary? ›

The below strategies provide a solid framework for how to justify a pay rise so you can come to the conversation prepared.
  1. Research industry standards. ...
  2. Highlight your achievements. ...
  3. Outline Professional Growth. ...
  4. Emphasise Your Future Value. ...
  5. Request a Performance Review.
Jul 7, 2023

How to argue for a pay rise? ›

Bring evidence

If you're asking for a pay rise, you should have lots of evidence of why you deserve one. "Know what you've achieved either from a work setting or what you've done to develop yourself, maybe to support your team, support your line managers.

How do I convince my employer to pay me more? ›

How to ask for more money
  1. Be confident and positive. Walk into the room with confidence and good posture. ...
  2. Ask questions. ...
  3. Prove your value. ...
  4. Start the salary discussion. ...
  5. Keep it professional. ...
  6. Use smart negotiation techniques. ...
  7. Listen and ask questions.
Jun 9, 2023

What are your salary expectations' best answers? ›

Here are examples of what you could say:
  • “I'm looking for something in the $85,000 to $100,000 range, but this could change based on what I learn about the role."
  • “I believe an annual salary between $70,000 and $80,000 reflects my skills and experience level. However, I'm flexible and open to hearing your budget.”
Jun 23, 2023

What not to say when asking for a raise? ›

That said, there are certain words and phrases that you should avoid when asking for a raise.
  1. "I Deserve a Raise Because I Have Been Here 'X' Amount of Years." ...
  2. "I Feel That…" ...
  3. "X Is Making More than Me." ...
  4. "I'm Overdue for a Raise." ...
  5. "I Will Leave if I Don't Receive a Raise of X Amount."
Jan 27, 2023

What is the most professional way to ask for a raise? ›

6 Tips for How to Ask for a Raise (and Get It)
  1. Benchmark your salary. Take the time to learn the average starting salaries for your position and similar roles. ...
  2. Quantify your achievements. ...
  3. Prepare for a discussion. ...
  4. Practice how to ask for a raise. ...
  5. Use strong language. ...
  6. Have a fallback position.
Apr 3, 2024

What is a realistic raise to ask for? ›

Aim for a 5% to 10% raise for a standard increase. If you're underpaid or have extra duties, 10% to 20% could be fair. Back it up with research on sites like Glassdoor and highlight your achievements. Pick the right time to ask, like after a big project win.

How do you negotiate salary gracefully? ›

Salary Negotiation Tips 21-31 Making the Ask
  1. Put Your Number Out First. ...
  2. Ask for More Than What You Want. ...
  3. Don't Use a Range. ...
  4. Be Kind But Firm. ...
  5. Focus on Market Value. ...
  6. Prioritize Your Requests. ...
  7. But Don't Mention Personal Needs. ...
  8. Ask for Advice.

How to politely ask for a high salary? ›

Use your current salary, other job offers or statistics you've recently read about your field to explain why you would like a higher salary than the initial offer. Use expressions like “I had something a little higher in mind” or “I was expecting something within the 5 to 7,000 range” to do this without seeming rude.

How to counter a salary offer? ›

How to Negotiate a Salary Counter Offer
  1. Pause before responding.
  2. Ask a follow-up question.
  3. Turn the salary expectation question around.
  4. Get the salary range.
  5. Conduct comparative salary research.
  6. Prepare an organized argument.
  7. Ask for a 10-to-20-percent bump.
  8. Look for non-salary levers to pull.

Why do you deserve your expected salary? ›

Once you have decided on your target salary, confidently pitch it to the recruiter. Begin by discussing your experience and professional achievements, and explain your worth in a convincing manner. This will demonstrate to the recruiter that you understand your value and deserve what you are asking for.

How to justify a higher starting salary? ›

These were:
  1. Highlight specific accomplishments and results you achieved (48 percent)
  2. Know the range of salary you want and have justification for the increase (39 percent)
  3. Show an understanding of what is important to the company (37 percent)
  4. Come prepared with your history of performance reviews (26 percent)

What do you say in response to a pay raise? ›

Related: How to discuss a salary hike with your manager Express your gratitude Start your response by expressing sincere thanks and appreciation for your salary increase. Acknowledge the organisation's recognition of your hard work and contributions, and express your gratitude for the associated opportunities.

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