How to open two files together in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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How to open two files together in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 09 Sep, 2022




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Prerequisites: Reading and Writing text files in Python

Python provides the ability to open as well as work with multiple files at the same time. Different files can be opened in different modes, to simulate simultaneous writing or reading from these files. An arbitrary number of files can be opened with the open() method supported in Python 2.7 version or greater.

The syntax is used to open multiple files

Syntax: with open(file_1) as f1, open(file_2) as f2


  • file_1: specifies the path of the first file
  • file_2: specifies the path of the second file

Different names are provided to different files. The files can be opened in reading, write or append modes respectively. The operation is performed synchronously and both the files are opened at the same time. By default, the files are opened to support read operations.

Text files for demonstration

How to open two files together in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (3)


How to open two files together in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (4)


Steps Needed

Steps used to open multiple files together in Python:

  • Both the files are opened with an open() method using different names for each
  • The contents of the files can be accessed using the readline() method.
  • Different read/write operations can be performed over the contents of these files.

Example 1:

Opening both the files in reading modes and printing contents of f1 followed by f2.


# opening both the files in reading modes

with open("file1.txt") as f1, open("file2.txt") as f2:

# reading f1 contents

line1 = f1.readline()

# reading f2 contents

line2 = f2.readline()

# printing contents of f1 followed by f2

print(line1, line2)


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Example 2:

Opening file1 in reading mode and file2 in writing mode. The following code indicates storing the contents of one file in another.


# opening file1 in reading mode and file2 in writing mode

with open('file1.txt', 'r') as f1, open('file2.txt', 'w') as f2:

# writing the contents of file1 into file2



The contents of file2 after this operation are as follows:

How to open two files together in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (5)

How to open two files together in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (6)


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How to open two files together in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (7)

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How to open two files together in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


How to open two files together in Python? - GeeksforGeeks? ›

Using open() function

But there is a way we can use the with statement to open and read multiple files using the open() function. Here's the code: Above, we used the open() function for each file wrapped within the with statement. Then we used the read() function and stored them in the variable.

How to open two files together in Python? ›

Using open() function

But there is a way we can use the with statement to open and read multiple files using the open() function. Here's the code: Above, we used the open() function for each file wrapped within the with statement. Then we used the read() function and stored them in the variable.

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How to concatenate two files into a new file using Python?
  1. file1 = open('file1.txt', 'r') file2 = open('file2.txt', 'r')
  2. content1 = file1. ...
  3. file1. ...
  4. destination_file = open('concatenated.txt', 'w')
  5. destination_file. ...
  6. destination_file. ...
  7. #text1.txt I love roses #text2.txt I love dahlias too.
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Can you run 2 Python files at once? ›

Yes, you can run multiple python scripts at once and In python, we use multi-threading to run multiple works simultaneously. The simplest solution to run two Python processes concurrently is to run them from a bash file, and tell each process to go into the background with the & shell operator.

How do you open multiple files at once? ›

You can do this by holding down the ctrl key and clicking on each file, or by clicking and dragging to select a group of files. Once the files are selected, press the Alt key and then press Enter on your keyboard.

How do I open a file in two modes in Python? ›

In Python, there are six methods or access modes, which are:
  1. Read Only ('r'): This mode opens the text files for reading only. ...
  2. Read and Write ('r+'): This method opens the file for both reading and writing. ...
  3. Write Only ('w'): This mode opens the file for writing only.
Aug 26, 2022

How to link two files in Python? ›

# Creating a list of filenames filenames = ['file1. txt', 'file2. txt'] # Open file3 in write mode with open('file3. txt', 'w') as outfile: # Iterate through list for names in filenames: # Open each file in read mode with open(names) as infile: # read the data from file1 and # file2 and write it in file3 outfile.

How do I link two files together? ›

For example, if you are using Word or Google Docs, start by creating a third document and naming it accordingly — such as “combined file” or “final project.” Then: Open the two files you want to merge. Select all text (Command+A/Ctrl+A) from one document, then paste it into the new document (Command+V/Ctrl+V).

How do you join two items in Python? ›

One simple and popular way to merge(join) two lists in Python is using the in-built append() method of python. The append() method in python adds a single item to the existing list. It doesn't return a new list of items. Instead, it modifies the original list by adding the item to the end of the list.

How to run multiple files in Python? ›

Step 1: Create multiple Python files to run
  1. print("This is file 1")
  2. print("This is file 2")
  3. print("This is file 3")
  4. def run(): print("This is file 1")
  5. def run(): print("This is file 2")
  6. def run(): print("This is file 3")
Jul 11, 2023

How do you loop multiple files in Python? ›

To use a for loop to iterate over files in a directory, we first need to use the os. listdir() function to get a list of all files in the directory. We can then use the for statement to loop over each file and perform the desired operation.

How do I view two files at the same time? ›

Open the 2 documents. Select View > View Side by Side. If you scroll up or down, the other scrolls as well.

How do I select two files at the same time? ›

How to select multiple files
  1. Click on one of the files or folders you want to select.
  2. Hold down the control key (Ctrl).
  3. Click on the other files or folders that you want to select while holding the control key.
  4. Continue to hold down the control key until you select all the files you want.
Jul 1, 2024

How do I open two blend files at once? ›

So, if you want to open two blend files at same time. You just have to start two Blender. Maybe you are confusing the . blend file with a scene.

How do you combine two things in Python? ›

To concatenate, or combine, two strings you can use the + operator.

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This can be done using the open() function. This function returns a file object and takes two arguments, one that accepts the file name and another that accepts the mode(Access Mode).

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Using glob module

In this example, the Python script utilizes the glob module and 'glob. glob' function to iterate through files in the specified directory. For each file encountered, it opens and prints both the file name and its content to the console, using 'os. path.

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.