How to Profit From Inflation (2024)

Inflation can make investing challenging if you're not prepared for it, but several investments tend to fare well during periods of rising inflation. Commodities, inflation-indexed bonds, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), and consumer staples are all investments that maintain value and generate returns throughout economic fluctuations.

You can also invest in real estate, mortgage-backed securities, and collateralized debt obligations through exchange-traded funds, but these are risky investments.

Key Takeaways

  • Several asset classes perform well in inflationary environments.
  • Tangible assets, like real estate and commodities, have historically been seen as inflation hedges.
  • Some specialized securities can maintain a portfolio's buying power, including certain sector stocks, inflation-indexed bonds, and securitized debt.
  • Inflation-sensitive investments are accessed in various ways as both direct and indirect investments.

How Is Inflation Measured?

Inflation is a measurement of the change in prices of goods and services. It is expressed as a rate in percentage form and indicates how much prices have changed from the last time it was measured. It may seem counterintuitive to promote inflation, but a moderate inflation rate is good for an economy because it promotes growth, lending, and borrowing.

The U.S. Federal Reserve targets a 2% average inflation rate over time as most consistent with its dual mandate in promoting price stability and maximum employment. Several agencies specifically choose the prices of goods, services, and influencing factors to measure the inflation rate.

Inflation Indicators

The most common economic measurements used to gauge inflation are the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the Producer Price Index (PPI), and the Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index:

  • The CPI measures the weighted average urban consumers pay for a standardized market basket of goods and services. It is reported monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
  • The PPI is a weighted average of prices realized by domestic producers. It includes prices from the first commercial transaction for many products and some services. It is also reported monthly by the BLS.
  • The PCE Price Index is the Federal Reserve's preferred inflation gauge. The PCE is a broader measure than the CPI and is weighted based on consumption measures used to derive the gross domestic product rather than on a household spending survey as the CPI. It is released monthly by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

All three of these indices provide an alternative "core" reading, excluding the more volatile food and energy prices. Another alternative inflation measure is the Trimmed Mean PCE Price Index from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, which excludes from each monthly calculation spending categories with the most extreme price moves in either direction.

Investable Assets for Inflation

While inflation's effects on the economy and asset values can be unpredictable, history and economics offer some rules of thumb.

Inflation is most damaging to the value of fixed-rate debt securities because it devalues interest rate payments as well repayments of principal. If the inflation rate exceeds the interest rate, lenders are, in effect, losing money after adjusting for inflation. This is why investors sometimes focus on the real interest rate, derived by subtracting the inflation rate from the nominal interest rate.

Longer-term fixed-rate debt is more vulnerable to inflation than short-term debt. The effect of inflation on the value of future repayments is correspondingly greater and compounds over time.

The assets that fare best under inflation are those assured of bringing in more cash or rising value as inflation increases. Examples would include a rental property subject to periodic increases in rent or an energy pipeline charging rates tied to inflation.

Real Estate

Real estate is a popular choice because it becomes a more useful and popular store of value amid inflation while generating increased rental income.

Investors can buy real estate directly or invest in it by purchasing shares of a real estate investment trust (REIT) or specialized fund.

Real estate fared particularly well during an outbreak of persistent inflation during the 1970s. But real estate is also vulnerable to rising interest rates and financial crises, as seen in 2007-2008.


When inflation picks up, investors often turn to tangible assets likely to rise in value.

For centuries, the leading haven has been gold—and, to a lesser extent, other precious metals—causing pricesto rise as inflation rises. Gold can be purchased directly from a bullion or coin dealer or indirectly by investing in a mutual or exchange-traded fund (ETF) that owns gold. Investors can also get exposure to a commodity by purchasing shares of the companies that produced it directly, or indirectly through an ETF or specialized mutual fund.

Many investments have been historically viewed as hedges—or protection—against inflation. These include real estate, commodities, and certain types of stocks and bonds.

Commodities include raw materials and agricultural products like oil, copper, cotton, soybeans, and orange juice. Commodity prices tend to rise alongside the prices of finished products made from those commodities in inflationary environments.

For example, higher crude prices elevate the price of gasoline and transportation. Sophisticated investors can trade commodities futures or the shares of producers. On the other hand, exchange-traded funds investing in commodity futures will tend to underperform the price of a rising commodity because their futures positions must be rolled as they expire.


Investing in bonds may seem counterintuitive as inflation is typically harmful to fixed-rate debt. That's not the case for inflation-indexed bonds, which offer a variable interest rate tied to the inflation rate. In the United States, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are a popular option, pegged to the Consumer Price Index.

When the CPI rises, so does the value of a TIPS investment. Not only does the base value increase, but since the interest paid is based on the base value, the interest payments increase with the base value increase. Other varieties of inflation-indexed bonds are also available, including those issued by other countries.

Inflation-indexed bonds can be accessed in a variety of ways. Direct investment in TIPS, for instance, can be made through the U.S. Treasury or a brokerage account. They are also held in some mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. For a more aggressive play, consider junk bonds. High-yield debt—as it's officially known—tends to gain in value when inflation rises, as investors turn to the higher returns offered by this riskier-than-average fixed-income investment.


Stocks have a reasonable chance of keeping pace with inflation—but when it comes to doing so, not all equities are created equal. For example, high-dividend-paying stocks tend to get hammered like fixed-rate bonds in inflationary times. Investors should focus on companies that can pass their rising input costs to customers, such as those in the consumer staples sector.

Loans/Debt Obligations

Leveraged loans are potential inflation hedges as well. They are a floating-rate instrument, meaning the banks or other lenders can raise the interest rate charged so that the return on investment (ROI) keeps pace with inflation.

Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)—structured pools of mortgages and consumer loans—respectively, are also an option. Investors do not own the debts themselves but invest in securities whose underlying assets are the loans.

MBS, CDOs, and leveraged loans are sophisticated, somewhat risky (depending on their rating) instruments, often requiring fairly large minimum investments. For most retail investors, the feasible course is to buy a mutual fund or ETF that specializes in these income-generating products.

Pros and Cons of Investing for Inflation

There are pros and cons to every type of investment or hedge. The primary benefit of investing during inflation is to preserve your portfolio's value. The second reason is that you want to keep your nest egg growing, even if it's at a slower rate.

Accepting inflation as a necessary condition of a growing economy—and thus investing gains—can lead you to diversify your holdings to account for times when one asset type loses value and another gains it.

Spreading the risk across various holdings is a time-honored method of portfolio construction that is as applicable to inflation-fighting strategies as it is to asset-growth strategies.


  • You preserve your portfolio value

  • Forces you to diversify holdings for preservation

  • Maintains your income's buying power


  • Increases your exposure to risk

  • Can divert you from your long-term goals

  • Your portfolio may become overweight in some classes when you diversify

What Are the Worst Things to Invest in During Inflation?

Some of the worst investments during high inflation are retail, technology, and durable goods because spending in these areas tends to drop.

Where Should I Put My Money When Inflation Is High?

Commodities, inflation-protected securities, and funds derived from them are traditional hedges against inflation.

How Can I Protect My Money From High Inflation?

One of the most widely accepted ways to maintain value is to have a widely diversified portfolio where commodities, bonds, and inflation-protected investments balance out losses from stocks or other assets that lose value during rising inflation.

The Bottom Line

There is an old saying, "The inflation tail should never wag the investment dog." It still rings true because changing strategies and reallocating during times of high inflation can cause more losses than if you weather the inflation storm.

Set your investing goals and timetables for your investment plan, diversify, and don't swerve. And remember, there are no guarantees when you're investing. Traditional inflation hedges don't always work, and unique economic conditions sometimes deliver excellent results to surprising assets.

I'm well-versed in investments, especially regarding inflationary environments. Commodities, inflation-indexed bonds like Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), consumer staples, real estate, mortgage-backed securities, and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) are my forte. Let's break down the concepts highlighted in the article.

1. Inflation Measurement: Inflation gauges the change in prices of goods and services, expressed as a percentage. Agencies like the Bureau of Labor Statistics use indices like CPI, PPI, and the PCE Price Index to measure inflation rates.

2. Investable Assets for Inflation: Inflation can impact fixed-rate debt negatively. Tangible assets like real estate, commodities (gold, precious metals, raw materials), and inflation-indexed bonds fare better during inflation due to their value appreciation or increased income generation.

3. Real Estate: Real estate becomes more valuable during inflation and generates increased rental income. It can be invested in directly or through real estate investment trusts (REITs).

4. Commodities: Tangible assets like gold and other commodities tend to rise in value during inflation. They include raw materials and agricultural products whose prices rise with inflation, making them a popular hedge.

5. Bonds: While fixed-rate bonds suffer, inflation-indexed bonds like TIPS offer variable interest rates tied to the inflation rate. They increase in value as the CPI rises.

6. Stocks: Not all equities perform equally during inflation. Companies capable of passing rising costs to customers, like those in the consumer staples sector, tend to fare better.

7. Loans/Debt Obligations: Leveraged loans, mortgage-backed securities, and collateralized debt obligations are considered inflation hedges due to their variable interest rates or underlying assets.

8. Pros and Cons of Investing for Inflation: Investing during inflation preserves portfolio value and can diversify holdings but increases exposure to risk and might divert from long-term goals.

9. Worst Investments During Inflation: Retail, technology, and durable goods investments tend to drop during high inflation.

10. Where to Invest During High Inflation: Commodities, inflation-protected securities, and funds derived from them are traditional hedges against inflation.

11. Protecting Money From High Inflation: Maintaining a diversified portfolio with commodities, bonds, and inflation-protected investments balances losses from assets affected by rising inflation.

12. The Bottom Line: Changing investment strategies during high inflation can lead to more losses. Setting goals, diversification, and maintaining consistency in investment strategies is key.

Understanding these concepts helps navigate investments during inflationary periods, balancing risk and returns across various asset classes to maintain portfolio value and potential growth.

How to Profit From Inflation (2024)


What is the best way to profit from inflation? ›

Several asset classes perform well in inflationary environments. Tangible assets, like real estate and commodities, have historically been seen as inflation hedges. Some specialized securities can maintain a portfolio's buying power, including certain sector stocks, inflation-indexed bonds, and securitized debt.

Can you profit off inflation? ›

I-bonds. Similar to TIPS, I-bonds (or inflation-indexed bonds) are designed to keep pace with inflation, making them a good investment if you're wondering how to profit from inflation.

Who will profit the most from inflation? ›

Let's explore the industries that are most likely to benefit from inflation and understand why they are able to do so.
  • Financial Sector. ...
  • Utility Companies. ...
  • Healthcare Providers. ...
  • Consumer Staples. ...
  • Technology. ...
  • Industrial Stocks. ...
  • Strategies For Mitigating The Effects Of Inflation. ...
  • Leverage Inflation: Use It To Your Advantage.
Feb 16, 2023

Who gets richer during inflation? ›

Inflation can have varying effects on different wealth brackets with the middle class benefiting from real estate assets, but facing challenges in other areas. The "wealth effect" benefits those with substantial assets from increased asset values, like stocks, real estate and entrepreneurial endeavors.

What sells best during inflation? ›

What Sells Best During Inflation?
  • Long-lasting goods.
  • Low-cost items.
  • Local products.
  • Bulk products.
  • Second-hand products.
  • Substitute products.
  • Long-term payments and subscriptions.
  • Home services.

Is cash king during inflation? ›

Inflation: Inflation eats away at the purchasing power of cash. Because of that and the low yield of cash assets, cash steadily loses value. The time value of money: Because of inflation and other factors, cash is worth more now than it will be in the future.

Who benefits from inflation? ›

Inflation allows borrowers to pay lenders back with money worth less than when it was originally borrowed, which benefits borrowers. When inflation causes higher prices, the demand for credit increases, raising interest rates, which benefits lenders.

What are the worst investments during inflation? ›

Cash, fixed-rate bonds and certain types of stocks are generally seen as poor investment choices during high inflation.

What investment beats inflation? ›

Common anti-inflation assets include gold, commodities, various real estate investments, and TIPS. Many people have looked to gold as an "alternative currency," particularly in countries where the native currency is losing value.

Who is most hurt by inflation? ›

Inflationary oil supply shocks tend to hurt the least affluent by more than the most affluent. Inflationary monetary shocks do the opposite: They hurt the most affluent more than the least affluent.

Who is the richest person ever with inflation? ›

Most sources agree that, adjusting for inflation, John D. Rockefeller (1839–1937) was the richest man in the United States. Business magnate and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller is widely considered the wealthiest American in history.

Where is the best place to put your money right now? ›

Places to Keep Your Short-Term Cash

CDs, high-yield savings accounts, and money market funds are the best places to keep your cash when it comes to interest rates. Treasury bills currently offer attractive yields at the lowest risk. Learn how they compare in terms of yield, liquidity, and guarantees.

How to make money in high inflation? ›

How to profit from inflation
  1. Real estate. Single-family homes financed with low, fixed-rate mortgages tend to perform well during periods of inflation. ...
  2. Value stocks. Some research has shown that value stocks tend to do better than growth stocks during periods of inflation. ...
  3. Commodities. ...
  4. TIPS. ...
  5. I-Bonds.

Who doesn't benefit from inflation? ›

Last, retirees face many disadvantages regarding inflation. It is true that Social Security and other government benefits are adjusted for inflation. However, benefit increases often lag prices, so retirees may be forced to absorb price increases.

Is inflation worse for rich or poor? ›

Prior research suggests that inflation hits low-income households hardest for several reasons. They spend more of their income on necessities such as food, gas and rent—categories with greater-than-average inflation rates—leaving few ways to reduce spending .

What is the best way to beat inflation? ›

  1. How to Beat Inflation. Investing in assets with returns that outpace the rate of inflation is one of the best ways consumers can beat inflation. ...
  2. Beat Inflation by Investing in Gold. ...
  3. Invest in Stocks to Beat Inflation. ...
  4. Beat Inflation with Real Estate. ...
  5. TIPS Are Designed to Beat Inflation. ...
  6. Beat Inflation with I Bonds.
Mar 21, 2024

What is the best way to reverse inflation? ›

In modern times, the preferred method of controlling inflation is through contractionary monetary policies imposed by the nation's central bank. The alternative is a cap on prices, which don't have a great record of success. In either case, soft landings are hard to pull off.

What are the best assets against inflation? ›

Common anti-inflation assets include gold, commodities, various real estate investments, and TIPS. Many people have looked to gold as an "alternative currency," particularly in countries where the native currency is losing value.

How can I make my money keep up with inflation? ›

Five tips for protecting your money during high inflation
  1. In times of inflation, prices increase and the value of currency decreases.
  2. Keep the money you set aside for the future in an account that earns interest.
  3. Identify expenses that can be trimmed by tracking your spending.
  4. Focus on paying down variable rate loans.

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