How to read a JSON response from a link in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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Last Updated : 24 Feb, 2021




There is a huge amount of data available on the web and most of them are in form of (JavaScript Object Notation) JSON. But it is difficult for humans to directly read and use it. To resolve this problem in python we have different libraries which help us to read the JSON data fetched from the web. These libraries have objects and functions which helps to open the URL from the web and read the data.

To read a JSON response there is a widely used library called urllib in python. This library helps to open the URL and read the JSON response from the web. To use this library in python and fetch JSON response we have to import the json and urllib in our code, The json.loads() method returns JSON object. Below is the process by which we can read the JSON response from a link or URL in python.


  • Import required modules.
  • Assign URL.
  • Get the response of the URL using urlopen().
  • Convert it to a JSON response using json.loads().
  • Display the generated JSON response.



# import urllib library

from urllib.request import urlopen

# import json

import json

# store the URL in url as

# parameter for urlopen

# store the response of URL

response = urlopen(url)

# storing the JSON response

# from url in data

data_json = json.loads(

# print the json response



How to read a JSON response from a link in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (3)

In this way, one can easily read a JSON response from a given URL by using urlopen() method to get the response and then use json.loads() to convert the response into a JSON object.


How to read a JSON response from a link in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (5)


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How to read a JSON response from a link in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (6)

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How to read a JSON response from a link in Python? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


How to read a JSON response from a link in Python? - GeeksforGeeks? ›

Getting JSON from the URL. To request JSON from an URL, you need to send an HTTP GET request to the server and provide the Accept: application/json request header with your request. The Accept header tells the server that our client is expecting JSON.

How to read JSON from URL? ›

Getting JSON from the URL. To request JSON from an URL, you need to send an HTTP GET request to the server and provide the Accept: application/json request header with your request. The Accept header tells the server that our client is expecting JSON.

How to get JSON data from URL Python requests? ›

To request JSON data from the server using the Python Requests library, call the request. get() method and pass the target URL as a first parameter. The Python Requests Library has a built-in JSON decoder and automatically converts JSON strings into a Python dictionary. If JSON decoding fails, then response.

How to get data from JSON response in Python? ›

How to Extract Data From a JSON Response in Python?
  1. Step 1: Import the Required Libraries. First, ensure you have the necessary libraries. ...
  2. Step 2: Make an HTTP Request. Use the requests library to make an HTTP request to the desired API endpoint. ...
  3. Step 3: Parse the JSON Response. ...
  4. Step 4: Extract Specific Data.

How to read JSON file from local in Python? ›

How to Read JSON Files?
  1. Open the json file using the open() function.
  2. Use the json.load() function and pass the file object.
  3. Proceed by using the results of json. load() as a normal Python dictionary, and print the contents!
Apr 16, 2024

How to read a JSON response from a link in Python? ›

To read a JSON response there is a widely used library called urllib in python. This library helps to open the URL and read the JSON response from the web. To use this library in python and fetch JSON response we have to import the json and urllib in our code, The json. loads() method returns JSON object.

How to get JSON response from a website? ›

You can retrieve data from a website in JSON format using web scraping techniques with tools like Python's BeautifulSoup or Scrapy libraries. Check out tutorials on websites like W3Schools or Real Python for step-by-step guides. Below is a quick example against the website you provided.

How to read JSON request in Python? ›

To read JSON data, you can use the built-in json module (JSON Encoder and Decoder) in Python. The json module provides two methods, loads and load, that allow you to parse JSON strings and JSON files, respectively, to convert JSON into Python objects such as lists and dictionaries.

How to get JSON data from Internet in Python? ›

How to get json data from remote url into Python script
  1. Method 1. Get data from the URL and then call json. loads e.g. ...
  2. Method 2 json_url = urlopen(url) data = json.loads( print data.
  3. Method 3 check out JSON decoder in the requests library. import requests r = requests.get('url') print r.json()
Jul 30, 2016

How do I access JSON responses? ›

Getting a specific property from a JSON response object

Instead, you select the exact property you want and pull that out through dot notation. The dot ( . ) after response (the name of the JSON payload, as defined arbitrarily in the jQuery AJAX function) is how you access the values you want from the JSON object.

How do you parse JSON responses in Python? ›

To parse JSON strings in Python, use the json. loads() method from the built-in json module. This method converts a JSON string into a Python object. If the input string is not valid JSON, json.

How to parse a JSON response? ›

Example - Parsing JSON

Use the JavaScript function JSON.parse() to convert text into a JavaScript object: const obj = JSON.parse('{"name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York"}'); Make sure the text is in JSON format, or else you will get a syntax error.

How to read a JSON file from a path in Python? ›

Read JSON file in Python
  1. Import json module.
  2. Open the file using the name of the json file witn open() function.
  3. Open the file using the name of the json file witn open() function.
  4. Read the json file using load() and put the json data into a variable.
Aug 23, 2023

How to read a value from a JSON file in Python? ›

The load()/loads() method is used for it. If you have used JSON data from another program or obtained it as a string format of JSON, then it can easily be deserialized with load()/loads(), which is usually used to load from string, otherwise, the root object is in list or dict.

How to extract data from JSON file using Python? ›

Fetch all Values from JSON file

Import JSON from the modules. Open the JSON file in read-only mode and load the JSON data into a variable using the Python load() function. Print the variable where the JSON data is loaded. The load function stores the JSON data as a Python dictionary of key-value pairs.

How to query JSON data in URL? ›

You must encode a JSON object as a string and include it in the query string portion of the URL to pass it in a URL. The object can be encoded as a string using the 'encodeURIComponent()' function, and the encoded string can then be included in the URL.

How to get JSON data from URL in Chrome? ›

Answer. Google Developer Tools will be displayed at the bottom of the browser. Locate the JSON on the left column and select the "Response" tab. Copy and paste the JSON into a text document for further review.

How to read JSON file in web browser? ›

Steps to open JSON files on Web browser (Chrome, Mozilla)
  1. Open the Web store on your web browser using the apps option menu or directly using this link.
  2. Here, type JSON View in search bar under the Extensions category.
  3. You will get the various extensions similar to JSON View to open the JSON format files.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.