How to Receive Financial Breakthrough? | King Jesus Ministry (2024)

How to live in the presence of God

Overcoming a Hard Knock Life

The Resurrection of Jesus: Easter Sunday

Your Testimony of Jesus is a Weapon 2

Your Testimony of Jesus is a Weapon

Jesus, Our Greatest Friend!

Understanding What True Love Is: Part 3

How To Pray When You Feel Depressed

Understanding What True Love Is: Part 2

Understanding What True Love Is

How To Walk in Compassion And Love

Do You Know The Good News? The Good News of the Gospel

How To Claim What Belongs To You Through Prayer?

Returning to God’s Presence

Perfect Love Misunderstood

Victory Over Adversity

The Priestly Blessing

The Promise of Jesus During Difficult Times

Who is Jesus? Part 2: (The person of Jesus and His Humanity)

Who is Jesus? (The Revelation of Jesus)

Tips on Getting Ready for The New Year

Jesus: The Reason for The Season

Fight Your Battles From Victory

Jesus is Coming Soon: The Rapture of the Remnant Bride

The Prayer Series Part 4: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done

The Greatest Awakening Is Now

The Reality of Heaven and Hell

The End Time Revival

Believing For Your Breakthrough

How to Effectively Lead in Times of Crisis.

End Time Shaking and Revival

The Prayer Series Part 3: Hallowed Be His Name

The Prayer Series Part 2: How To Pray From The Position Of A Son?

The Prayer Series Part 1: How To Get Your Prayers Answered

Your Struggle Is Not Your Identity

How To Keep Your Deliverance

How To Be Free From Sexual Bondage?

Emotional Deliverance

Winning the War in Your Mind

How to Be Set Free from Addictions

How to Be Set Free From Your Own Will?

Why Do We Need Deliverance?

Creativity and Divine Intelligence

Back 2 School Backpack Slam

Myths, Misconceptions, and The Truth About Deliverance

Four Commonly Asked Questions About Deliverance

If you live in the U.S., read this!

What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit?

Why the body of Christ needs to return to the house of God!

Five Facts About Prayer

What Every Believer Should Know About the Holy Spirit

How to be Led by the Holy Spirit

4 Things That Initiate Breakthrough

How to Walk Under Open Heavens?

Prayer Changes Things

The Glory of New Life and the Resurrection of Jesus

Why Should You Attend Bible School?

Why You Must Transition to the New Glory

Cleansing the Bride of Christ for His Return

The Glory of New Life

Why Does the Church Need Revival Today?

The Transition to the Latter Glory

Red Light District: Part 1

How to Win the Battle in the Spirit?

The Heart of God the Father

Building a Culture of Love in the Church

Resting in God

It’s Time We Stand

The Necessity of the Supernatural

What is a Prophetic Alert?

Coming Into Unusual Favor

How Do You Gain Favor?

Honoring God with our First Fruits

How to Develop A Relationship with God?

The Battle Of The Mind

The Benefits of Firstfruits

The Truth About The Coming of Christ

The Goodness of God During This Year

Do You Believe God Is A God of Miracles?

3 Keys to Having An Effective Prayer Life

How to Pray Against the Attacks of the Enemy?

The War Between Good and Evil

The Purpose of Sufferings: 7 Reasons Why God Allows It

8 Keys Every Successful Kingdom Leader Needs

What Does God Ask of Christians When Voting?

How the Jewish Feasts Point to God’s Last-Days Timetable

The Partaking of His Sufferings

Why Does God Allow Us To Go Through Sufferings?

What is Yom Kippur?

Your Praise is a Weapon

The Power of the Plow

The Highest Calling

The Importance of Watchmen

Essential Biblical Principles for Leadership

The Parable of the Weeds in These Times

Going Through A Hard Time?

Why Does God Allow Trials?

Why Has The Warfare Intensified?

How Does the Word of God Produce Faith?

How Do I Know If I Am Truly in the Presence of God?

The Evidence of the Presence of God

How To Abide In The Presence? The Presence of God Revealed.

Is Your Faith Being Tested?

How You Can Obtain Victory Over Your Crisis!

What If I Don’t Feel The Presence of God?

Restoring the Presence of God

The Purpose of God and Crisis

The Revival Has Already Begun

What Does the Olympics Have To Do With the Call To Revival?


You Are Revival

Are You Ready to be Consumed by a Revival?

The Reset

Do you recognize the times we are living in?

End Time Economy

The Second Coming

Why do we watch and pray?

Why We Need Revival Now?

Why We Need to Watch and Pray

Watch and Pray

What is Your Faith Founded On?

Revival Starts With You

No Matter What, You Must Keep Moving Forward

Persevere At Any Cost

What You Need to Know About the Father’s Blessing

A Fresh Baptism of Fire

What Will Happen in This New Era?

End Time Pentecost: The Beginning of a New Era

What Does Pentecost Prophetically Represent?

The Restoration of the Altar: Rebuilding Your Altar with God

How to Have Peace in Times of Crisis?

The Faithful God In An Uncertain World

Victory Over Depression

The Faithful God In An Uncertain World

4 Powerful Steps to a Quick Spiritual Breakthrough

What Are You Thinking?

End Time Economy (The Final Reset)

Need A Reset In Your Life?

7 Traits All Godly Women of Influence Have

Why Creative Miracles Are Available to All Believers

How to Have Unshakable Faith During Times of Crisis?

How to Have Unshakable Faith

How to Overcome Fear

The Greatest Victory: The Power Of The Blood

How to Have Breakthrough Prayer in Times of Crisis

The Necessity Of The Supernatural

Why Believe in Jesus: Chapter 1

Peace in Times of Crisis and How to Overcome

The Power of the Blood of Jesus

What Is Going On In the World?

King Jesus Ministry Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Are You Living by Faith or By Fear?

The Purpose of Revival

Revival: Restoring The Presence of God

End Time Revival: What Revival Really Is

Revival Starts With You

God Wants You To Know Him

Stepping into the Unknown

Why Serving Matters

Overcome The End Time Shaking

This Anointing Will Empower You to Fulfill Your Divine Assignment

Anointing and Divine Connection

End Time Revival

The Law of First Fruits

The Church Must be Alert

Do Not Skip The Process

The Ways of God Pertaining to Healing

The Times We Are Living In

The Ultimate Remedy for This Destructive Trait

Why We Need A Revival Now

Process for Purpose

A Fresh Infilling Of The Holy Spirit

Feeling Spiritually Dry and Defeated?

Putting God First

The Revelation of Honor

Building Expectation For 2020

Redemption and Vision for 2020

The Revelation of Jesus Part 2: Why Believe in Jesus?

The Revelation of Jesus

Celebrating Victory: What is the Importance of Praise?

What is Praise?

War Against the Spirit of Jezebel: Identifying this Spirit

The Process For Purpose

What You Need To Know About The Spirit of Jezebel

Mysteries of Divine Purpose: The Original Intent From God

The Power of The Blood

What Season Are You In?

The Midnight Cry

The Mysteries of the Presence of God

Preparing for Purpose

The Mysteries of the Purpose of God

Encountering the Presence of God

The Presence

Anointed for Purpose and Destiny

Breakthrough Anointing

Faith Goes Beyond Expectation

Limitless God

End Time Signs: What Are They and Why Are They Happening?

Serving In The Kingdom of God

How The Blood of Jesus Sets Us Free

Contamination and Cleansing

How To Make The Word of God Part of Your Daily Life

What is a Vow?

The Power of the Vow

Steps To Freedom

The Healing of a Broken Heart: The Steps To Freedom

Healing The Broken Heart

Is Salvation A One Time Thing?

The Holy Calling and Purpose

How to Have Breakthrough Prayer

Signs of the Remnant

Miracles Require These Three Things

The Grace of God: Our Motivation

Above All Things You Must Guard Your Heart

The Healing of A Broken Heart

How to Live a Life Free From Stress

The Restoration of the Presence of God

Step Out of Stagnation and Arise

Dreams Are Part of The Outpouring

Perseverance Matters

4 Things That Provoke the Move of the Spirit

Change the Narrative of Your Nation

You Have More Authority Than You Think

Spiritual Warfare: Spirit of Jezebel

We Should Not Allow our Emotions to Control Us

Change Starts In The Heart

How to be a Benefactor in the Kingdom of God

The Restoration of Fatherhood

What the Role of the Father Really Is

What Is Pentecost Sunday? Why Do We Celebrate It?

How Do You Know You Were Baptized in the Spirit?

It Is Time You Get Rid of Stress

How to Walk in Supernatural Faith?

What Are You Expecting for the Rest of the Year?

Women of God in This Generation

7 Things All Godly Women of Influence Have in Common

The Marks of a Woman of God

What Are the Marks of a True Woman of God?

Inner Healing and Deliverance

Are You Free From Your Past or Are You Blindly Burying It?

Why Prayer Is Important For Our Lives

Three Breakthrough Prayer Principles

Essential Revelations of the Resurrection

3 Things Every Believer Must Know

Spiritual Warfare: The Power Of The Vow

How A Vow To God Can Change Your Situation

The Shekinah and Kabod Glory

Spiritual Warfare: The Status of the Enemy

How to Remove Any Authority the Enemy Has Over You?

Spiritual Warfare: Rebellion

Rebellion Will Not Lead You To Victory

It Is Worth Fighting For

Why It Is Hard to Love People

Spiritual Authority

How to Walk in the Love of God

The Mystery of Love Part 3

Love Through Truth, Discipline and Obedience

The Mystery of Love Part 2

What the True Love of God Is

Purposes of Accusations

The Mystery of Love

Do Not Let Your Heart Grow Cold

The I Am

The Will of God

The Shaking of the End Times

Deliverance from a Jezebel Spirit

How To Build Your Faith?

Training in Miracles and Healings

What Happens When We Fast?

7 Things Happen When You Fast

How to Know the Will of God?

How to Pray and Know the Will of God?

Access to the Presence and Power: Breakthrough Fast

How Worship Leads to Peace

Why Men Should Pray?

How to Find Rest In A Chaotic World?

Breakthrough In Our Impossibilities

The Goodness of God

The True Marks of the Sonship Part 2

Why You Need The New Mantle

The True Marks of The Sonship

What To Do When You Have Unanswered Prayers?

End Time Disappointments

How to Receive a New Mantle?

End Time Distractions Part 2

The Foundation of the Prophetic

What Does the Spirit of Prophecy Mean?

End Time Distractions

The Vision of the New Mantle

Fresh Oil and End Time Distractions

Why Do We Need A Fresh Infilling of the Spirit?

How to Use the Word of God to Pray

The Secret Place of Prayer

Praying with the Word of God

Why Does God Want Us To Fast?

How Fasting Can Result in Your Breakthrough

The Priority of Prayer

How to Pray from a Position of Justice

Prayers of the Righteous

Why Is There an Absence of Priesthood in the Church?

What Does Restoring the Priesthood Mean?

Are You Walking in the Vision God Has for Your Life?

What Happens When You Have Vision?

Who Are You Called To Be?

Spiritual Warfare on Finances

How to Receive Financial Breakthrough?

Spiritual Warfare in the Mind: How to be Free from Demonic Thoughts

What to do When the Devil Attacks Your Mind?

The Importance of the Gift of Tongues

What are Strongholds?

How to be Free From Demonic Strongholds

The Mysteries of Tongues Part 1

How to Be Free From Temptations?

True Marks of Sonship

Consequences of Being Removed from the Presence of God

How to be Mobilized in Intercession and Prayer

The Deep Cries Out

Identity as Sons and Daughters of God

Distractions and Disappointments

How to Overcome Persecution

The Glory and the Goodness of God

Obedience and Opportunities

How to Deal With Accusations?

The Mysteries of the Power of God

Accusations and Persecutions of the End Times

End Time Prayer and Intercession: SMS Summer 2018

The Restoration of the Priesthood

Divine Order: SMS Summer 2018

God Secrets: SMS Summer 2018

Exploring the Prophetic: SMS Summer 2018

End Time Prayer and Intercession: SMS Summer 2018

Mentoring in the Prophetic Gift: SMS Summer 2018

Moral Authority: SMS Summer 2018

Divine Order

The Mystery of Praying in Tongues

Having Trouble Hearing God?

The Faith That Releases the Supernatural

End Time Strategies of the Enemy: SMS Summer 2018

Moral Authority

Understanding Sonship: SMS Summer 2018

7 Strategies the Enemy Uses to Stop You

Understanding Sonship

How to Move Forward in Life

Supernatural Encounter Jamaica

What Does it Mean to be a Child of God?

True Marks of Sonship

Fatherhood and Sonship

What is the True Meaning of Fatherhood?

Is My Faith Generational?

How to Overcome Disappointments

End Time Disappointments

How to Stay Focused

How to Overcome Distractions

Supernatural Encounter New Zealand

End Time Intercession

Intercession From the Secret Place

9 Things About Prayer

Submission, Unity and Calling

How To Be Free From Shame

Authority and Submission

Free From Shame

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Maturity Begins With Responsibility

Boldness and Perseverance

The Law, Order and Boundaries of the Family

The History Behind Our Tabernacle

What Does Praying in Tongues Produce?

The Best of Deborahs 2017 Part 1

Hidden in His Presence

What Happens When You Pray in Tongues?

3 Ways To Develop Your Calling

Ethiopia 2018 Special

The Benefits of Praying in Tongues

6 Things You Need To Know About Praying in Tongues

The Best of SMS 2018 Part 2

What is Praying in Tongues?

Discover the Mysteries of Praying in Tongues

The Best of SMS 2018 Part 1

The Devil Knows Who You Are, Do You?

How to Find Your True Identity

The Lost Tribes of Israel

What is the Power of the Resurrection?

The Power of The Resurrection

How to Seek the Presence of God

The Danger of Losing the Presence of God

The Father’s Blessing

What Happens When the Presence of God is Removed?

Five Signs God is Calling You into Ministry

Why You Stopped Feeling The Presence of God

God First: House of Prayer

Difference Between Grace and Presence

Glory vs. Presence

Do You Accept Responsibility for Your Actions?

3 Keys to Success Society Ignores

End Time Chosen Remnant

How To Find The One?

What is the Husband’s Role in Marriage?

The Demonstration of the Spirit and Power

Marriage 101: The Hard Truths About Marriage

What is the Principle of Headship?

Why Did God Establish A Headship?

The Birthing of a Mega Economy

Is There Iniquity In My Tongue?

The Law, Order and Boundaries of the Family

Gender Roles in Christianity: Why is the Husband the Head of the Household?

The Evidence of Mega Faith

What is Your Source?

Why Do You Limit God Only To Your Needs?

Faith for the End Time

The Gift Imparted Through the Holy Spirit.

What Happens in the Mega Cycle?

Who is a Son/Daughter of God?

What is the Blessing from the Father?

Reflection to the New

5 Things You Need to Know About Prayer

What Is The Truth About Prayer?

The Need of the Holy Spirit

Things the Church Must Have as a House of Prayer

What Should The Church Be About?

What is a Mega Cycle?

What Can You Expect in 2018?

The Importance of the Feasts in a New Year

What is the Revelation of Jesus?

7 Powerful Ways to Overcome Fear and Depression

What is the Danger of Living in Fear?

End Time Signs: A Call to Repentance

How to Deal with Depression During the Holidays

Why Do We Get Depressed During the Holidays?

How To Identify the Signs

The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Are You Supposed to Fear God? Fear of God in the Bible

The Fear of God vs The Fear of Man

Carriers of His Presence

How Empowered Are You by the Holy Spirit?

8 Steps to Beat Depression

How To Overcome Sadness and Depression

The Origin of the Supernatural Power of God

How Will The Truth Set You Free?

How To Have A Deeper Relationship With God?

Attitude of Gratitude

Vision or Ambition?

What is Your Purpose?

The Mysteries of the Supernatural Power of God

The Secrets To Increase Your Faith

How to Receive the Mega Faith

How to Overcome Fear for Good?

Overcoming Fear with Boldness

What Does Faith Look Like in the Face of Trials?

The Evidence of the Mega Faith in You

Pursuing Prophecy

Faith in the Storm

End Time Mega Faith

The Blessings of God

End Time Chosen Remnant

End Time Chosen Remnant

How to Hear the Voice of God

How to hear God?

End Time Signs

The Demonstration of the Holy Spirit and Power

3 Things You Need To Know About the End Times

The Demonstration of the Holy Spirit and Power

What God is Saying to the Body of Christ Today

Carriers of His Presence

The Prophetic

The End Times

What God is Saying to the Body of Christ Today

Carriers of His Presence

How to Hear From God?

What is Your Focus in the Midst of the Chaos?

The Power of Prayer

Times of Restitution

A Call To Repentance

The Cleansing and Washing of the Bride

End Time Signs: The Second Coming of Christ

Faith the Starting Point of the Supernatural

Feeling spiritually emotionally weak?

What the Prophet Sees

End Time Remnant

Spiritual Immaturity

The Power of Fatherhood

Appropriation of the Supernatural Power Through the Dying of Self

The Origin of Worship

Purpose, Calling, and Career Part 2

Appropriation of the Supernatural Power Relationship

Purpose, Calling, and Career

Heavenly Visitation and the Miraculous

The Importance and the Relevance of His Resurrection

An Encounter with the Holy Spirit

The Life of Christ In the Now

Faith of the End Times

Worship of the End Time

Character and Maturity

An Intimate Relationship With God Part 2

An Intimate Relationship With God

Intimacy with God

The Blessings from the Father

VISION DAY: Sending Out Disciples, HOP Leaders & Mentors.

The Impartation of the Holy Spirit

Miracles in the House of God

Pastor Benny Hinn: A Night of Miracles

The Meaning of Jubilee

CAP 2016 Holy Spirit Encounters

How to Receive Financial Breakthrough? | King Jesus Ministry (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.