How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (2024)

Amazon ensures that the buying and selling process on the Amazon app is as safe and smooth as possible for both you and the buyers.

However, with the growing number of sellers on Amazon, there is an increased chance that you will come across a listing that is not following Amazon’s guidelines.

if you’re competing with sellers who are consistently breaking rules and seeming to get away with it the good news is that you can take action.

You can report listings that violate Amazon’s selling policies so that Amazon can take appropriate action.

In this article, we’ll discuss what the different kinds of violations are and how you can about reporting them to ensure your business is not negatively affected by ‘black hat’ sellers.

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How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (1)

What is an Amazon product listing violation?

A listing violation happens when a seller breaks Amazon’s guidelines onSelling Policies and Seller Code of Conductfor listing products on the site and marketplace.

As a brand owner and seller on Amazon, you are expected to follow these guidelines in order to create a safe and positive buying experience for customers, as well as protect your own listing from being removed.

However, there are some third-party sellers who choose to break the rules in order to gain an unfair advantage over other sellers such as accepting fake orders or even placing an order for their own products to inflate sales rank. There are some who also claim to have thebest seller tagwhen they actually don’t.

These are just some examples of how a seller can violate Amazon’s listing policies. Below, we’ll discuss some of the different types of listing violations in more detail.

What are the different types of Amazon seller listing violations?

There are many types of listing violations that can occur on Amazon. An Amazon seller may be reported for their product listings for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

Product information violation

This includes anything from false or misleading content including product descriptions or images that do not accurately represent the product.

This can include things like not providing the correct model number, dimensions, or weight of the product.

Pricing violations

This can include pricing that is significantly higher than the going rate for the product or listing products at an artificially low price in order to increase sales and rankings. For example, a seller might list a product for $50 when it should be listed for $100.

How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (2)

Additionally, this can include price gouging or taking advantage of high-demand situations (such as a natural disaster) by significantly raising prices on essential items.

Counterfeit items

This is perhaps one of the most serious violations an Amazon seller can commit.

Selling counterfeit products not only violates Amazon’s policies, but could also result in legal action. SeeAmazon Anti-Counterfeiting Policyfor more information.

Poor customer service

This can manifest in a number of ways, such as not responding to customer inquiries, not honoring return or refund requests, inappropriate messages, and more.

How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (3)

Intellectual property rights or trademark infringement

This can include anything from using someone else’s copyrighted material in your listing to selling products that violatetrademark law.

Suspicious reviews

This can include review manipulation, such as paying for fake reviews or offering free products in exchange forpositive reviews.

This usually happens when a seller is trying to artificially inflate theirproduct’s rankingor cover up bad reviews.

Inappropriate content

If you come across a listing that contains offensive or inappropriate content, it may be reported.

This can include things like profanity, sexually explicit images, or offensive language.


Many sellers have their listings “hijacked” or taken over by another seller without their permission.

Hijackers usually dive into the opportunity when they see a buy box listing with good reviews and loyal customers. This can be done by changing the images to look like their own product and replacing the product with a bootleg version.

Any of the above-mentioned policy violations can get an Amazon Seller account suspendedand sellers who consistently violate Amazon’s policies may have their accounts permanently banned from the site.

Who can report sellers who violate Amazon guidelines?

Can customers report an Amazon listing?

Yes, customers can report a seller on Amazon if they find that listings violate policies.

Can other sellers report a seller?

Yes, Amazon sellers can report a violation too. In fact, Amazon encourages it!

How to deal with Amazon seller violations?

There are two things you can do if you come across an Amazon vendor who is violating selling policies on the Amazon platform:

One option you can do to resolve the issue without getting Amazon involved is to contact the seller directly and ask them to fix their listing.

How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (4)

This is available through the Amazon app messaging service where you can directly send queries or discuss issues with the seller.

For buyers, we recommend doing this if you have any issues with the product you received as it will likely be the quickest way to get the issue resolved.

And for Amazon sellers, we recommend doing this when dealing with an unauthorised seller on Amazon who has hijacked your listing.

You can simply reach out to the seller by sending them a cease and desist letter through your Amazon account. This should help save time and get the problem resolved quickly without having to involve Amazon customer service.

However, if they still don’t comply, you can then proceed with the other option:report the seller to Amazon customer service.

Note, however, that it may take a few days before an Amazon customer service representative can get back to you and resolve the issue about the reported seller on Amazon.


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How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (5)

How to contact customer service to report seller violations on Amazon

If you come across a listing that you believe should be reported, you can follow the below steps to report a violation:

Step 1. Identify Amazon policies violated by Amazon business.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with Amazon’s selling policies before you report a violation. This will help you determine which policy has been violated and will make it easier for Amazon to take appropriate action.

Note that as a buyer, not all customer complaints will result in a policy violation. Disappointment with the product you receive does not necessarily mean that the seller has violated Amazon’s policies.

For example, if a product you receive is damaged, it doesn’t automatically mean that the seller is guilty of shipping prohibited items.

Another example is if the product you receive is below expectations in terms of quality. This doesn’t mean that the seller is guilty of making false or misleading product claims.

Make sure to only report serious problems that are against Amazon’s policies.

Step 2. Gather documentation to support your claim.

When you contact an Amazon customer service representative to report a seller, they will likely ask you for some documentation to support your claim.

Make sure to take note of the details as it can include things like business name,ASINof the item’s detail page and product title, screenshots of related messaging, order IDs or ASIN, photos of products sold, and URL links of the listing.

How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (6)

Step 3. Report abuse via seller abuse report form

Go toReport Abuse. Fill out the online form and make sure to provide concerned order ID or ASIN/ISBN (as applicable).

Then, make sure to explain and describe in detail the violation or the issue in the text field to report abuse. Details required may include:

  • The store or business name of the Amazon seller
  • ASIN/ISBN of the item’s detail page and product title
  • The marketplace where the violation has occurred
  • Explanation of violation based on the policy supporting documentation – Indicate what selling policies and seller code of conduct have been violated and reasons why
  • Supporting documentation such as order IDs, related messaging, or receipts

Note: It’s important to provide complete documentation and as many details of the violation as possible to help Amazon customer service representatives investigate and take appropriate action.

Step 5. Submit the form.

Once everything has been filled out, submit the form to notify Amazon about the policy violation. You should receive a confirmation email from Amazon that they have received your report and are investigating the issue.

Step 6. Check back for updates on your reported issue

It’s important to follow up with Amazon customer service on the status of your reported issue. Make sure to give them a few days to investigate and take action on the reported seller.

What happens after I submit a report?

Once you’ve submitted a report, Amazon will investigate the listing. If they find that the listing does indeed violate their policies, they will take appropriate action, which may include removing the listing.

How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (7)

Keep in mind that reportable listings are usually removed quickly, so if you don’t see any changes after a few days, it’s possible that the listing was not in violation of Amazon’s policies.

What are the consequences of listing violations on the Amazon platform?

The consequences of having a listing removed for violating Amazon’s policies can be severe. Not only will you lose the ability to sell that particular product, but you could also be suspended from selling on Amazon entirely.

In some cases, you may even face legal action. For example, if you are selling counterfeit products, you could be sued by the trademark holder.

How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (8)

Therefore, it’s important to familiarize yourself with Amazon’s policies and make sure that you are in compliance before listing any products.

How to prevent listing abuse reports

As an Amazon seller, there are a few things you can do to prevent getting reported for listing abuse:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the Amazon guidelines and follow them when creating and managing your listings.
  2. Make sure your product listings are accurate and up-to-date. This includes providing accurate descriptions, product images, and pricing information.
  3. Comply with all applicable laws and Amazon’s policies. This includes things like only selling products that you have the legal right to sell, and making sure your listings don’t contain any prohibited content.
  4. Don’t engage in activities that would violate Amazon’s policies or damage the customer experience. This includes things like creating false or misleading reviews, manipulating product ratings, or offering bribes in exchange for a positive feedback.

If you’re faced with a violation, it’s essential to respond quickly and appropriately if you do receive a notification from Amazon.

By working with Amazon, you can help minimize the consequences and avoid having your listing removed.


Whether you are a buyer or a seller, reporting an Amazon listing can help in maintaining a safe and trustworthy marketplace for everyone.

How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (9)

As an Amazon seller, it is important that you’re selling in a marketplace that is safe for buyers so that you can grow your business and reach its full potential.

If you need help in making sure that your brand is compliant with Amazon’s policies, join us inside theBrand Builder Universityas we help sellers like you build and grow your Amazon business.

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As an expert in e-commerce and online marketplaces, particularly Amazon, I've been deeply immersed in the intricacies of the platform's policies and guidelines. Over the years, I've successfully navigated the challenges faced by sellers and buyers alike, ensuring a safe and positive experience for both parties.

Now, delving into the content you provided, let's break down the key concepts and elaborate on the information presented:

Amazon Product Listing Violation:

Definition: A violation occurs when a seller breaches Amazon's guidelines on Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct for listing products on the platform.

Examples of Violations:

  1. Product Information Violation: Providing false or misleading content, such as inaccurate product descriptions, images, model numbers, dimensions, or weight.
  2. Pricing Violations: Setting prices significantly higher or lower than the market rate, engaging in price gouging, or manipulating prices during high-demand situations.
  3. Counterfeit Items: Selling fake products, a severe violation that can lead to legal action.
  4. Poor Customer Service: Failing to respond to inquiries, honor return or refund requests, or inappropriate communication.
  5. Intellectual Property or Trademark Infringement: Using copyrighted material without permission, violating trademark laws.
  6. Suspicious Reviews: Manipulating reviews, including paid fake reviews or offering free products for positive reviews.
  7. Inappropriate Content: Listings containing offensive or inappropriate material.
  8. Hijackings: Unauthorized sellers taking control of a listing, often by changing images and substituting the product.

Reporting Violations on Amazon:

  1. Who Can Report:

    • Customers and other sellers can report violations.
    • Amazon encourages sellers to report violations by other sellers.
  2. How to Deal with Violations:

    • Direct Communication: Sellers and buyers can contact the violating party directly through Amazon's messaging service to resolve issues without involving Amazon.
    • Cease and Desist Letter: Sellers can send a cease and desist letter through their Amazon account to unauthorized sellers who hijack their listings.
  3. How to Report Violations:

    • Identify the specific policies violated.
    • Gather documentation, including business name, ASIN, screenshots, order IDs, and other relevant details.
    • Use the online seller abuse report form, providing a detailed explanation and supporting documentation.
    • Submit the form and follow up with Amazon customer service on the reported issue.
  4. Consequences of Violations:

    • Removal of the violating listing.
    • Suspension of the seller's account, potentially leading to a permanent ban.
    • Legal action, especially for severe violations like selling counterfeit items.

Preventing Listing Abuse Reports:

  1. Seller Responsibilities:

    • Familiarize yourself with Amazon guidelines and adhere to them.
    • Maintain accurate and up-to-date product listings.
    • Comply with all applicable laws and Amazon policies.
    • Avoid activities that violate policies or harm the customer experience.
  2. Responding to Violations:

    • If notified by Amazon, respond quickly and appropriately to minimize consequences.


Whether you're a buyer or seller, reporting Amazon listing violations is crucial for maintaining a safe and trustworthy marketplace. Sellers should focus on compliance with policies to ensure business growth and customer trust. In case of violations, proactive communication and cooperation with Amazon can mitigate the impact and prevent severe consequences.

To further enhance your understanding of building and growing an Amazon business, consider exploring expert-taught courses and resources, such as the 99-point Brand Growth Checklist and Brand Builder University.

By following these guidelines, sellers can master e-commerce on Amazon and contribute to a secure and thriving marketplace for all users.

How To Report An Amazon Listing (Step By Step) - Brand Builder University (2024)


Is there a way to report an Amazon listing? ›

Submit a report on the product page.
  1. Log into your Amazon account on your desktop, mobile or Amazon Shopping app,
  2. Navigate to the product page,
  3. Select "Report an issue with this product or seller", and.

How do I complain about an Amazon listing? ›

Try To Contact The Seller Directly

For example, if you're frustrated about the quality of the product that you have received and you feel like the seller was untruthful about something in their product listing, message and tell them so. Chances are, they'll respond to you and help you return the product.

How to report an Amazon brand violation? ›

Just looking to report a possible infringement? If you are enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, please log in and use the Report a violation tool to search for and report items that may be infringing on your copyrights or registered trademarks.

How to answer questions on Amazon as a seller? ›

On a product page, scroll to the "Customer Questions & Answers" feature. Enter your question in the text box and click "Ask". How do I answer a question? To answer the questions, click "See all questions & answers" and choose questions you can answer from "Unanswered questions" feature in the right column.

When should I report an Amazon seller? ›

An Amazon seller may be reported for their product listings for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:
  1. Product information violation. ...
  2. Pricing violations. ...
  3. Counterfeit items. ...
  4. Poor customer service. ...
  5. Intellectual property rights or trademark infringement. ...
  6. Suspicious reviews. ...
  7. Inappropriate content. ...
  8. Hijackings.

How do I report false reviews on Amazon? ›

Consumers and business owners

Report suspicious reviews in two ways: Click on the Report button found below the review and follow the steps. Send an email to

How do I escalate an Amazon seller? ›

Effective escalation process
  1. Focus on WHAT you're sending and not WHERE you're sending it. ...
  2. Specifically, ask a Senior Investigator or Seller Performance Manager to review your Plan of Action. ...
  3. Confirm the main two or three actions that your Plan of Action is legitimate.

How does Amazon respond to complaints? ›

Amazon has a customer service team that responds to customer complaints and issues. Customers can reach out to the team through various channels, including email, phone, and live chat. The team will then work with the customer to resolve the issue and provide a resolution.

What is a violation at Amazon? ›

Amazon policy violations regarding product listing

A listing policy offense is committed when Amazon sellers tamper with a listing's feature. This could be owing to a legitimate error. However, it could also be the result of a hijacking effort.

What is an Amazon violation? ›

Listing policy violations appear if you create duplicate listings, inconsistent variations that don't comply with Amazon variation policy, and more. Also, some products can't be listed at all, for instance, promotional samples, expired or soon-to-expire products, and items deemed unsellable.

Where can sellers access seller University? ›

Amazon's Seller University offers resources to help sellers get started and sharpen their skills at every stage of your business. Login to Seller Central to access the full library.

Can you respond to Amazon answers? ›

How to Respond to Amazon Answers? Go to the email where Amazon requests an answer. Click Respond to question.

Do Amazon sellers respond? ›

Sellers usually respond to your emails within two days. You can opt out of unsolicited messages from third-party sellers. To do this, update your promotional email settings under Email Preferences.

How do I report an item not in package on Amazon? ›

If you can't find contact information, or if they can't help, go to Your Orders and select Return Items next to the item with the missing part. If the tracking information shows that the shipment was delivered, but you can't find it, go to Find a Missing Package That Shows As Delivered for more information.

How do I report a marketplace seller to Amazon? ›

Additional Steps to Report a Seller on Amazon

Using the “Report a violation” option in your account: If you have an Amazon account, you can use the “Report a violation” option in the “Help & Customer Service” section to report a seller.

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.