How To Run 10k In An Hour (Or Faster) (2024)

When it comes to running, once you reach the 10km mark it’sa common goal to try and run 10k in an houror less!

After spending a few weeks or months building up your distance running abilities, it’s nice to change tact and focus on your speed a little.

After all,you’ll likely find that your 10k time is not too far off the one hour mark already– all we need to do now is work on that speed element a little!

In this post, I’ll give expert tips on how to become a better, and faster, 10k runner – and the strategies you should use to get to your 1 hr 10k target!

(I also share somefree training plansat the end of the post).

Ready to run a 10k in an hour (or under?)

Let’s jump in!

How To Run 10k In An Hour (Or Faster) (1)

10k In An Hour – Training Tips

First off, let’s walk through some training practices you can put into place to improve your speed and work towards the 10k/hr target.

Speed Up With Speed Work

Struggling to increase your base speed to break that 1 hour mark?

It’s time to introduce some speed workouts to your running schedule.

Doing dedicated speedwork makes you a faster, and more economical runner.

With all speedwork, you are going to be increasing the intensity – for at least short periods – so just be mindful that the injury potential increases too. If you even feel you’re pushing a muscle too hard, scale things back.

Here are my 3 favorite forms of speed work to smash your 10k in one hour target:

1. Tempo Runs.Tempo runs are similar to your regular runs, but with an interesting spin. During a tempo run, you start off super slow – nice, easy jogging for the first few minutes – before very gradually dialling up the speed.

Every few minutes you want to dial up the speed and intensity a little more, a little more – until you reach the point where your pace is practically unsustainable.

Push it for a few more minutes here – as long as you can hold – then spend 5 minutes gradually dialling the speed back to your initial, easy job.

2. Fartleks.Dumb name, fun workout. Fartleks involves random intervals of running fast, then nice and slow recovery intervals.

The whole idea is to mix things up, be unpredictable and structureless, and have fun.

These are fun to do in parks, where you can use your surroundings to set challenges (i.e. “I’ll run hard to that fountain, then jog to the next corner”).

3. Interval Training.Interval training is like Fartleks, but more structured. A popular one is 400m repeats – run fast for 400m, then do a slow 400m for recovery. If you have access to a running track, these are perfect.

Overwhelmed? Just want to finish your 10k? Check out our Couch To 10k Training Plans!

Cross Train for Power

Powerful runners are fast runners, and the best way to increase your power is through cross training.

Spending some non-running time focussing on yourlegs, glutes, and core, can help improve your running speed and economy.

The best way to do this is in a gym, preferably with a trainer. But you can get the same benefits with a good home exercise routine, using your body weight and some resistance bands.

Yoga, pilates, and Crossfit-style classesare other popular forms of cross training.

Do Your Long Runs Easy

To run a fast 10k, you don’t necessarily have to be running 10k’s every weekend in training.

Incorporate a weekly long, easy run into your training schedule –but don’t be tempted to run them at 10km/hr pace.

Instead, use them as an opportunity to get your body used to endurance-style running. If you try and go too fast, you’re more likely to crash and burn – and gain no benefit from the workout.

Practice running 6 miles every day (6 miles is 9.65km) to hone your feel for the distance.

Do your long runs at a relaxed, conversational pace– and enjoy them!

How To Run 10k In An Hour (Or Faster) (2)

10k In An Hour – Strategies For Your Run

Sometimes how you run your 10k is more important than your training.

The conditions you run in can befavorable,orthey canmake things tougher.

There’s a few things you can do to make your 10k in an hour target more achievable,without rigging it(for example, running downhill for 10k ?).

Here’s some tips to bare in mind:

Be Rested, Be Recovered

Your body is optimally primed when it’s both well rested, and well recovered.

This means that you should ensure you’ve been baggingplenty of sleep for the two nights priorto your 10k in an hour attempt.

It also means that you shouldavoid intense workouts in the 3-4 daysleading up to your attempt. When we train hard, itcreates micro-tearsin our muscle fibers which take time to heal and recover. You want to allow for this window to ensure your legs are in great condition before going for your 10k, otherwise they might slow you down a little.

Avoid Poor Weather Conditions

When your environment is challenging, it can slow you down. This means you want to avoid:

  • uncomfortable heat
  • uncomfortable cold
  • humid conditions
  • rain (or sleet / snow)
  • windy conditions(although a tailwind could give you an unfair advantage?).

Choose a day where the conditions are calm, and similar to those you’ve been training in!

Choose The Right Running Surface

Did you know thatmost runners are notably slower when they’re running on trails?

Same goes forrunning on the beach– even hard-packed sand – simply avoid it, it slows you down.

Choose arunning surface which is both forgiving and easy– whether it’s apavement/sidewalk,road, oroffroad track.

And remember thatvery soft underfoot conditions slow you down!

Likewise, remember tothink about gradientswhen you’re planning your 10k route.

Very light uphills and downhills are fine, but avoid anything with a noticeable gradient.

If you choose an uphill, you’re giving yourself a big disadvantage.

And if you plan a route which in mainly downhill . . . well, that’s just cheating !

Related: What’s a Good 10k Time? Average 10k Times

Fuel Properly Before

Regardless of the time of day you do your 10k, you want to ensure your body has ample stores of carbohydratesto draw on throughout the hour.

I recommend asnack or small meal 90-120 minutes out, then anenergy gel or high-carb snack (trail mix, banana) 15 minutes beforeyou start running.

You probably aren’t going to be running long enough to need to refuel during your run, but if you find dropping energy levels to be a problem you can consider another gel at the 30 minute mark.

Plug In

Research hasshownthat listening to music during exercise can improve your performance, and running is no different.This articlerecommends focusing on songs with atempo of 120-130bpmandchoosing familiar tracks with uplifting lyrics.

My recommendation?

Music can often be useful when you start to flag. I don’t listen to anything during the first half of an intense run, andI wait until I need a boost before a push play.

Run a Consistent 10km / hr Pace

When it comes to success in bagging your sub 60 minute 10k,pace is essential.

And forget that final sprint –the key is to run a constant, even pace throughoutyour hour.

This means you have to runslightly fasterthan:

6:00 minutes per kilometer, or

9:40 minutes per mile.

I recommend sticking to5:50min/km, and 9:25min/mile– that little buffer allows for any mishaps or slow-downs near the end!

Go out too fast and you’ll suffer later on (the crash and burn approach).

Go out too slow and you’ll never make up the lost time.

Plan for success, and run a constant pace throughout.

10k Training Plans – Free, Customisable, Downloadable

Looking for a training plan to follow?

Check out asummary of all our 10k training plans here, or select a specific one from the images below!

Each training plan isavailable in both PDF and Google Sheets / Excel formats, so are easy tocustomise to suit your own timetable!

Every plan is designed by ourUESCA-certified coach, and has been road tested by hundreds of runners!

As an avid runner and fitness enthusiast with a deep understanding of training methodologies, let me delve into the key concepts discussed in the article about running a 10k in under an hour. My expertise is grounded in years of personal experience, continuous research, and practical application of various training techniques.

Training Tips:

  1. Speed Work:

    • Tempo Runs: Gradual speed increase during the run, pushing to unsustainable pace, then easing back.
    • Fartleks: Unpredictable intervals of fast and slow running, adding an element of fun and variety.
    • Interval Training: Structured repeats, such as 400m sprints followed by slow recovery, enhancing speed and endurance.
  2. Cross Training for Power:

    • Strengthening legs, glutes, and core through gym workouts or home exercises, using body weight and resistance bands.
    • Yoga, pilates, and CrossFit-style classes as effective cross-training methods.
  3. Long Runs:

    • Incorporate a weekly long, easy run for endurance without necessarily running at the target pace.
    • Practice running 6 miles (approximately 9.65km) regularly to develop a sense of distance.

Strategies for the Run:

  1. Rest and Recovery:

    • Ensure optimal rest by getting plenty of sleep in the days leading up to the 10k attempt.
    • Avoid intense workouts 3-4 days before the run to allow for muscle recovery.
  2. Weather Conditions:

    • Choose favorable weather conditions, avoiding extremes such as uncomfortable heat, cold, humidity, rain, or strong winds.
    • Opt for a day with calm conditions similar to those experienced during training.
  3. Running Surface:

    • Select a forgiving and easy running surface, avoiding trails, beaches, or very soft underfoot conditions.
    • Consider gradients in the route, avoiding noticeable uphills or downhills.
  4. Fueling:

    • Consume a snack or small meal 90-120 minutes before the run, followed by an energy gel or high-carb snack 15 minutes before starting.
    • Consider additional energy gels if needed during the run.
  5. Music:

    • Listening to music with a tempo of 120-130bpm can enhance performance.
    • Start playing music when you need a boost, not necessarily from the beginning of the run.
  6. Consistent Pace:

    • Maintain a consistent pace throughout the hour, slightly faster than 6:00 minutes per kilometer or 9:40 minutes per mile.
    • Aim for 5:50min/km and 9:25min/mile to account for potential slow-downs or mishaps.

In conclusion, achieving a sub-60 minute 10k requires a well-rounded approach, blending targeted training practices with strategic planning for the actual run. Following these expert tips and incorporating them into a personalized training plan can significantly enhance your chances of reaching this challenging but rewarding goal. For those looking for structured training plans, the article provides free, customizable, and downloadable options designed by a certified coach and validated by numerous runners.

How To Run 10k In An Hour (Or Faster) (2024)


How To Run 10k In An Hour (Or Faster)? ›

To run 10K in under 60 minutes, you must follow a well-rounded training program with interval workouts, fartleks, tempo runs, hills, distance runs, cross-training workouts, and strength training. Distance Run: Base-building run to improve your aerobic endurance.

Is it hard to run 10km in 1 hour? ›

While advanced runners can finish in under 45 minutes, anything under one hour is considered pretty fast for a 10K. The majority of finishers in any given race will probably fall in the 1-2 hour range.

Is 10 km in 1 hour good? ›

Good 10K Times

Decently fit runners are likely to finish a 10K race in about 60 minutes. Advanced runners can complete a 10K quite a bit faster, at around 45 minutes.

How can I speed up my 10K time? ›

  1. Increase your weekly mileage by 10-20 percent. ...
  2. Spend more time training at threshold pace. ...
  3. Build your speed and running economy with intervals. ...
  4. Practise your goal race pace. ...
  5. Do a long run each week to build stamina. ...
  6. Pick a racing environment that suits your mindset. ...
  7. Think about the terrain.
Nov 16, 2021

How quickly should I be able to run 10km? ›

Most runners who are reasonably fit and clock 15–30 miles per week can expect to finish a 10K race in 50–70 minutes. More advanced runners will usually finish in 43–50 minutes. Exceptionally fit runners can average a mile every 7 minutes, whereas more casual runners can expect to run a mile every 10–14 minutes.

Is 30 minutes a good 10k time? ›

Reasonably fit runners are likely to finish a 10km race in around 60 minutes. Advanced runners can compete a 10km quite a bit faster, at around 45 minutes. The typical 10km running times will change based on your fitness level.

How long does it take the average person to run a 10k? ›

It isn't easy to determine a precise average time it takes to run a 10k among all runners and walkers that complete the distance worldwide. However, we've run some calculations, and an average finishing time for an athlete running (as opposed to walking) a 10k is between 45 and 55 minutes.

How many calories does a 10K run burn? ›

As a very general rule of thumb, an average-sized runner burns 100 calories per mile ran – or 60 calories per kilometre ran – which means a four-mile run would burn approximately 400 calories, or to burn 600 calories you should aim to run 10km.

How to run 10K in 60 minutes? ›

Sub-60 Minute 10K Training Plan | 9:39 Race Pace
  1. Race pace = 9:39/mile.
  2. Easy run = 11:30/mile.
  3. Long run = 11:30-13:00/mile.
  4. Strong finish = 10:45-11:00/mile.
  5. Tempo run = 9:49/mile.
  6. Hill repeats = 9:16/mile.
Feb 12, 2024

Can I run 10km without training? ›

Your current level of fitness and your athletic background are the main factors in determining whether you could run a 10K without training. If you are exercising regularly, pulling it off shouldn't be a problem.

How do I pace my first 10k? ›

Here's a sample pacing strategy for a 10k using a negative split, split into 3 parts:
  1. First 3k (miles 0-2) Start off around 5s/km slower than your target pace for the first 3k. ...
  2. 4-7k (miles 3-4) It is common for people to dip around halfway into the race. ...
  3. From 7k (miles 4-6.2) Now you've got 3k to go.
Mar 30, 2023

How to increase stamina for running 10k? ›

Tempo runs

Tempo runs are a popular way to increase stamina for long-distance runners. A tempo run is about running at about 90% of your personal 'racing' speed – this gives your body just enough time to remove all the lactic acid you produce without it becoming painful (although it will still feel hard).

How can I get a fast 10k? ›

Here are ten ways to make $10k quickly:
  1. Become A Freelancer. Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to make money quickly. ...
  2. Invest In Cryptocurrency. ...
  3. Participate In Online Surveys. ...
  4. Become A Virtual Assistant. ...
  5. Do Odd Jobs. ...
  6. Create An Online Course. ...
  7. Become An Affiliate Marketer. ...
  8. Sell Your Stuff.

What is the average speed for a 10k run? ›

For intermediate runners, who have a fairly robust training schedule (regularly completing 3 to 6 mile runs), an average 10K time would be around 45-60 minutes. That equates to an average speed of around 7-9mph over the course.

How to run 10k for beginners? ›

In such a case you should allow 4 months to train from nothing to 10k. Week 1: Run for 15 mins, then walk for 1-2 mins, then run for a further 15 mins. Repeat this once more in the week with rest days in between each day of training. On Sunday go for a 2 mile continuous run and make a note of your time at the end.

What percentage of the population can run 10km? ›

It's about an hour running, and any exercise taken for that long without a break is not nothing. The fact that that only 27% of people can run (or will train enough to run) a 10k proves it.

Is 10km per hour fast? ›

Generally, from a base endurance (sometimes called zone 2) development perspective, men run between 8 and 10km/h. Good runners can run up to 12km/h in this training zone. Very good runners run up to 15km/h. Elite runners above 15km/h up to about 17km/h.

How quickly can you learn to run 10k? ›

Beginner runners should build up to that 10k distance over 8 to 10 weeks. So, your first and second week might have a long run of three to four miles. Your third and fourth week can go up to five, and then the rest of the weeks should go up to six or seven miles each to get you comfortable with that 10k distance.

How fast is running 10 km per hour? ›

Running Pace Conversion Chart
Kilometers Per HourMiles Per Hour10K
27 more rows

How fast to run 10k in 60 minutes? ›

Sub-60 Minute 10K Training Plan | 9:39 Race Pace
  1. Race pace = 9:39/mile.
  2. Easy run = 11:30/mile.
  3. Long run = 11:30-13:00/mile.
  4. Strong finish = 10:45-11:00/mile.
  5. Tempo run = 9:49/mile.
  6. Hill repeats = 9:16/mile.
Feb 12, 2024

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.