How to Save a Down Payment While Renting (2024)

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8 Min Read | Aug 28, 2024

How to Save a Down Payment While Renting (1)

By Ramsey Solutions

How to Save a Down Payment While Renting (2)

How to Save a Down Payment While Renting (3)

By Ramsey Solutions

It might feel impossible to save a down payment while renting. After all, rent is expensive! And it’s not getting any cheaper. The national median rent for a two-bedroom apartment is $1,374.1

So, how in the world are you supposed to save a down payment big enough to buy a house when more of your money keeps going toward rent every year?

Don’t worry. Itispossible, and youcando it. Here’s the best way to save for a house.

How to Save a Down Payment While Renting: 9 Tips

Key Takeaways

  1. Follow a budget.
  2. Pay off debt.
  3. Get a roommate.
  4. Move to a cheaper apartment.
  5. Cut unnecessary spending.
  6. Sell stuff.
  7. Start a side hustle.
  8. Save bonuses and raises.
  9. Avoid rent-to-own.

1. Follow a budget.

Budgeting gives you the power to tell your money where to go instead of having to wonder where it went. It’s how you make money goals happen—like saving for a down payment.

Here’show to make a budgetthat really works:

  • Write down your monthly take-home pay.
  • List your monthly expenses—including your monthly down payment savings goal.
  • Make sure your income minus expenses equals zero.
  • Track your spending (all month long).
  • Make a new budget before the next month begins.

If you’re new to budgeting, it might take a few months to get it right, but hang in there—you’ll be a budgeting pro in no time. And you’ll be amazed at how much you can stash away each month toward your down payment savings goal.

Here's A Tip

The best and easiest way to make a budget is with the free EveryDollar app. Even if you’ve never budgeted before, you’ll be able to make your first monthly budget in less than 10 minutes.

2. Pay off debt.

Get this: On average, close to 10% of Americans’ monthly income goes toward debt payments.2That’s a 10th of your income wasted paying for stuff from the past instead of going toward your future home!

Based on that stat, someone making $4,000 a month would send $400 of it to pay off debt on average—adding up to nearly $5,000 a year. But if they paid off their debt before saving for a house, they could put that $5,000 toward a down payment each year. That’s a huge difference!

Plus, adding a mortgage and other homeownership costs (like repairs and taxes)on top ofdebt can be a big financial burden. So be patient andkeep rentinguntil you’ve paid off 100% of your debt and saved a fullemergency fundworth 3–6 months of your typical living expenses.

You can learn more about how to pay off debt with our free guide.

3. Get a roommate.

If you’re single and renting an apartment by yourself, this tip is for you. Remember how we said the national median rent for a two-bedroom apartment was at $1,374 Well, that’s barely $150 more than the median rent for a one-bedroom apartment ($1,220).3

So, instead of living alone, why not upgrade to a two-bedroom apartment for that extra $150, get a roommate, and split your rent costs in half? Based on the medians we just looked at, you’d go from paying over $1,200 on your own to paying about $687 with a roommate—a difference of $533 a month or $6,396 a year!

4. Move to a cheaper apartment.

Moving is never fun, but it could help you save a ton on rent and add thousands to your down payment savings over a year.

See how much house you can afford with our free mortgage calculator!

Take our imaginary bachelor friend Joel, for example. He currently lives in Franklin, Tennessee. He’s living his best life about 20 minutes from the live-music scene of downtown Nashville, but he wants to buy a house—and it’s hard for him to save while paying the higher rent prices that come with living in such a popular area.

So, Joel packs up his two-bedroom Franklin apartment and moves further south to the less crowded, more rural city of Columbia. Joel goes from paying rent of $2,925 in Franklin to paying $1,800 in Columbia.4,5He can now save over $1,000 a month—more than $12,000 per year—toward his down payment goal.

If you’re like Joel and are renting in a popular (aka expensive) neighborhood, consider sacrificing some razzle-dazzle to live in an area with cheaper rent. Then, put the extra cash you pocket each month toward your down payment savings and watch it explode with growth!

Here's A Tip

Don’t let your monthly rent exceed 25% of your monthly take-home pay. If you’re paying more than that, you’rerenting more than you can afford.

5. Cut unnecessary spending.

Another way to boost your down payment savings is to cut back on expenses you don’t need. After you’ve reached your down payment goal, you can add those things back into your budget.

Here are some ideas onhow to cut spending:

  • Eat out less and buy generic-brand groceries.
  • Replace vacations with staycations.
  • Avoid buying new products and shop for used ones. (This doesn’t apply to toothbrushes and underwear.)
  • Cancel some of yourstreaming servicesand stick with one or two (or even use somefree ones).
  • Trade your gym membership for free at-home workouts on YouTube.

6. Sell stuff.

No doubt you’ve got a bunch of stuff lying around your apartment or rental home that you don’t use anymore—so sell it! If you live in a high-traffic area, you could have agarage sale. Or you couldsell onlineusing platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist or eBay.

Here are some ideas on what to sell:

  • Clothes
  • Jewelry
  • Books
  • Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs
  • Toys and games
  • Home decor
  • Furniture
  • That guitar you never got around to playing

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7. Start a side hustle.

If you really want to hit the gas on your down payment savings, pick up another job on the side. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You won’t be working there forever. Choose something simple you won’t totally hate doing after your day job.

Here are someside hustle ideas:

  • Drive for Uber or Lyft
  • Babysit
  • Dog walk or pet sit
  • Clean houses
  • Sell products on Etsy
  • Become a tutor
  • Give music lessons
  • Do freelance work on Fiverr
  • Wash and detail cars
  • Mow lawns or do yard work
  • Shovel driveways

8. Save bonuses and raises.

Do you have opportunities for bonuses at your job? Maybe you’re in a role where you can increase your commissions the harder you work. Or you might bedue for a raise. Whatever your job situation, another great way to save for a house while renting is to dedicate any extra money you earn at work toward your down payment goal.

Avoid the temptation to fall into the trap oflifestyle creepwhenever your income increases—instead of using the money to increase your standard of living, throw it all into your house savings.

9. Avoid rent-to-own.

Before we wrap up, we have to shift gears here to warn you about rent-to-own homes. Arent-to-own homeis a house you agree to rent for a few years before you buy it. The point is to lock in a house you want even if you can’t afford it yet.

You might be tempted to choose this option, but rent-to-own homes come with fees and other costs that wind up making themmoreexpensive than traditional homeownership. That’s why our final tip for saving a down payment while renting is to avoid rent-to-own.

For example, with rent-to-own, you’ll pay a nonrefundable fee calledoption money. That’s the fee that gives you the option to purchase the house later. On top of that, your rent will likely be higher because some of it may go toward your future purchase as part of a built-in down payment.

You can start to see why this isn’t a great idea. Why fork over a whole bunch of extra money to lock yourself into a bad deal instead of just saving the money by yourself? What if you decide you don’t want to buy that particular house after the rental period is over? All the extra money you paid for the rent-to-own agreement would gobye-bye. Bad idea!

Instead, stick to a traditional rental agreement, skip rent-to-own fees, and save up your down payment using the other eight tips. You’ll be glad you did.

How Big of a Down Payment Do You Need?

As we wrap it up, there’s one last important question we need to answer: How much should you save for a down payment? Let’s break it down.

You should aim to put down at least 20% of the home price to avoid paying private mortgage insurance (PMI), an extra fee that runs about $75 a month for every $100,000 you borrow. A smallerdown paymentlike 5–10% is okay for first-time home buyers, but be ready to pay PMI.

Whatever you do, never buy a house with a monthly payment that’s more than 25% of your take-home pay on a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage.

And though it may be tempting to use a mortgage with extremely low down payment requirement—like an FHA, VA or USDA loan—don’t do it. You’ll wind up with higher monthly payments, more debt overall, and tons of pointless fees.

Just keep these guidelines in mind, and you’ll be in really good shape. You’ve got this!

Next Steps

1. Download the free EveryDollar app so you can easily make a detailed monthly budget and keep track of your savings.

2. Get our free Down Payment Guide to take an even deeper dive into how you can crush your savings goal.

Free Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

The first step to budgeting for a house is to set your down payment goal. Aim for 20% so you can avoid paying for private mortgage insurance (though 5–10% is okay if you’re a first-time home buyer). Then, start saving money. Make sure to create a detailed budget each month and stick to it.

You can stash your down payment in a simplemoney market accountorhigh-yield savings account. You won’t make tons on interest, but you won’t lose money either. As long as you keep your savings liquid and in a place that’s easy to access, you’ll be good to go.

As soon as you’re debt-free with a full emergency fund of 3–6 months of your typical expenses, you’re ready to start saving for a house!

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Ramsey Solutions

Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

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How to Save a Down Payment While Renting (2024)


How to Save a Down Payment While Renting? ›

Find cheaper ways of doing things, such as taking staycations, using coupons and borrowing books from the library. Sell one of your cars and put the savings towards your down payment. Pay off your credit card debt; stop paying interest and start funding your dream.

How to save down payment while renting? ›

5 Ways to Save for a Down Payment While Renting
  1. Open a Savings Account for Your Future Down Payment. ...
  2. Cut Your Monthly Expenses. ...
  3. Get Out of Debt. ...
  4. Earn Money From a Side Hustle. ...
  5. Apply for Down Payment Assistance Programs.
Feb 22, 2024

How can I save more money for a down payment? ›

Find cheaper ways of doing things, such as taking staycations, using coupons and borrowing books from the library. Sell one of your cars and put the savings towards your down payment. Pay off your credit card debt; stop paying interest and start funding your dream.

Can you save money while paying rent? ›

Consider getting a roommate, for example, to help split the rent and other expenses, or even moving into a smaller, less expensive rental to save money each month. If a move is out of the question, you might even try renegotiating your lease with your landlord.

How to save 100k for a house deposit? ›

It may seem impossible to save so much in a short period of time, but it can be doable with a plan.
  1. Assess Your Current Financial Situation. ...
  2. Set a Clear Savings Goal. ...
  3. Develop a Savings Plan. ...
  4. Cut Back on Expenses. ...
  5. Increase Your Income. ...
  6. Explore Down Payment Assistance Programs. ...
  7. Save Windfalls and Extra Income.

How to come up with a down payment for a house fast? ›

Here are some options.
  1. Receive gift money. A gift from a family member or someone else with whom you have a close relationship may be part of your down payment, in some cases. ...
  2. Take a loan from your 401(k) or other retirement plan. ...
  3. Sell something. ...
  4. Receive a windfall. ...
  5. Give your savings a boost.

How much do I need to save for a down payment? ›

How much money do I need to save for a down payment? A traditional down payment is 20% of the home price, but buyers often put much less down. An FHA loan down payment, for example, can be as small as 3.5%. For reference, the median-priced home is about $409,000, according to Redfin.

How do I avoid a downpayment? ›

The two main types of loans that don't usually require a down payment are VA loans and USDA loans. Some alternatives to no-down payment mortgages include low-down payment loans, such as a conventional or FHA loan, down payment assistance and gift funds.

Where to park money for down payment? ›

1. Park the savings somewhere you can earn more money
  • High-yield savings account: High-yield savings accounts earn their name by offering significantly higher earning potential than standard savings accounts. ...
  • Money market account: Money market accounts are a cross between a checking and savings account.
May 20, 2024

How do people get enough money for a down payment? ›

Potential homeowners can come up with the down payment by getting a part-time job or borrowing from family. Family members can also contribute gifts of lump sums of cash, though there are tax considerations worth noting for gifts. Downsizing to a smaller apartment—saving rent—can save thousands of dollars per year.

How much of my paycheck should I save for rent? ›

It's the idea that you should budget a minimum of 30% of your gross monthly income (i.e., your before-tax income) for housing costs, and it's practically a personal finance gospel. Rent calculators often use the 30% rule as a default assumption to determine how much house you can afford.

What is the rule for saving rent? ›

The 30% guideline is one way to look at rent as part of your income. You can also use the 50/30/20 budget as a guide to figure out how much you can afford to spend on rent. This method allocates your take-home pay (after taxes) to 50% for needs, 30% for wants and 20% for savings and additional debt payments.

Why is renting better than owning? ›

Moving flexibility: You have much more flexibility with changing your home and moving around. This is great for individuals not set on living in the same place for years to come. Building credit: Renting can help build your credit if you can't buy yet, or give credit references if you're a good renter and need them.

How to save for a house while renting? ›

Avoid rent-to-own.
  1. Follow a budget. Budgeting gives you the power to tell your money where to go instead of having to wonder where it went. ...
  2. Pay off debt. ...
  3. Get a roommate. ...
  4. Move to a cheaper apartment. ...
  5. Cut unnecessary spending. ...
  6. Sell stuff. ...
  7. Start a side hustle. ...
  8. Save bonuses and raises.
Aug 28, 2024

What is the fastest way to save 100K? ›

Five tips to help you save $100,000 faster
  1. Live below your means and cut frivolous spending. ...
  2. Be hyper-aware of every monthly expense and ruthlessly cut back to save faster. ...
  3. Pay down high-interest debts like credit cards first. ...
  4. Find the financial institution that will get you the highest interest rate.
Mar 27, 2024

How long does it take to save a down payment? ›

If you put aside $400 a month to save for a down payment, it will only take 15 months to save for the 3% down payment, while the 20% down payment would take 100 months—that's a difference of more than 8 years.

Can you save money by renting instead of buying? ›

Owners come out ahead of In at least seven major cities in California, long-term renting is cheaper than owning a home. Renters save $900,540 on average in California over a 30-year period. in at least 51 U.S. cities. On average, owners saved $175,811 over a 30-year period.

Where should I keep my down payment savings? ›

If you're thinking about buying a home in the near future, a high-yield savings account is the best place to store your savings. Your money will be protected by federal deposit insurance if the account is held at an FDIC-insured bank or NCUA-insured credit union.

How much for a down payment on a $200,000 home? ›

To purchase a $200,000 house, you need a down payment of at least $40,000 (20% of the home price) to avoid PMI on a conventional mortgage.

Is it good idea to pay off a rental? ›

Generally speaking, it may make financial sense to pay off a rental property loan if an investor is: Conservative or risk averse. Nearing retirement and doesn't want to deal with rental property. In a low tax bracket without the need for tax deductions.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.