How To Save Money For Travel In 15 Easy Steps » Maps & Bags (2024)

Need some tips on how to save money for travel? We have many realistic, down-to-earth advice for you.

One of the reasons you probably think you can’t travel as much as you wanted is money. Maybe an international vacation once a year if your bills don’t completely suck your bank account, and that’s it.

After all, traveling to Europe is costly, especially if you’re traveling to western countries, which happen to be very expensive.

Well, saving money isn’t that easy. We give up present satisfaction for future rewards.

That can be pretty difficult for some people, especially if they’re used to splurge every once in a while because they “deserve” it.

The thing is you deserve the whole world, but life isn’t fair and you can’t have everything you want.

Unless you have a lot of money, of course, then it actually makes no sense for you to be reading this anyway, but if you’re anything like us, middle-class folks (the largest class in the US), chances are you could travel more if you knew how to save a little more money for it.

Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.

Warren Buffett

For that reason, we decided to tell you exactly how you can change your mindset and what actionable things you can do today to save money.

That’s what we do when we want to travel. In other words, what we do all year long because we’re always going somewhere.

Granted, we don’t follow all these tips 100% of the time, but the cost of living in a small city in the Netherlands isn’t very high, and we share the expenses.

We’ll also share with you a detailed Google spreadsheet where you can have an excellent overview of your personal expenses. To have access to this spreadsheet, sign up for Maps ‘N Bags newsletter here.

How To Save Money For Travel In 15 Easy Steps » Maps & Bags (1)

6 tips for having a saving-money mindset:

Set an apart savings account for your travel

By opening dedicated savings account for your travel you’ll have a clear overview of your progress because all the money you have there is only for your trip. Period.

Also, you won’t risk using that money to pay for something or buying that clothe/ gadget you’ve just seen and would love to have, but you don’t necessarily need it.

Put your monthly expenses on paper and figure out how much you can cut back

How can you save for travel if you don’t know how much you can save at all?

First of all, put all of your monthly expenses on paper (or in a free spreadsheet you can find in our library, click here to have access to it), then analyze where you’re spending more money on and if that is really necessary.

Chances are you probably have lots of unnecessary expenses that you don’t even know about because they are all small. But at the end of the month, they all sum up, and your money is gone.

Well, finally, cut them back. But continue reading because we’ll give you some tips below on how to do it.

How To Save Money For Travel In 15 Easy Steps » Maps & Bags (2)

Have a clear idea of the budget you need

Now that you know approximately how much you can save, think about your trip. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do there? Are you going on a 7-day trip around Ireland or on a 3-month backpacking trip in South America?

How much money do you need to do this trip? At our library, we also have a spreadsheet to calculate approximately what you’d spend on your trip, just fill the file with values.

With this overview in hands, ask yourself if that is realistic given the monthly amount you could actually save.

If it’s not, time to think about another more affordable trip. If it’s realistic, it’s time to set goals and work backward.

That’s what we always do when we plan anything: working at the blog, saving for a trip, saving for a house, etc.

Let’s say you need $3000 for that 3-month backpacking trip in South America.

It’s April and you want to travel in January to get familiarized with the region before carnival because then you want to party in Rio de Janeiro. Who wouldn’t? It’s amazing.

Anyway, with this in mind, you have nine months to save $3000, so your monthly goal is $333. See?

Because you’re breaking it down into smaller parts, it’s much clearer what you have to do every month to achieve your goal.

How To Save Money For Travel In 15 Easy Steps » Maps & Bags (3)

Transfer your money right away

Is it payday? Then religiously transfer the money to your dedicated savings account. No discussion. Better yet, set up an automatic withdrawal, and if you ever forget to transfer it yourself, it’s already taken care of.

Do I need this vs Do I want this

Discipline is essential to achieve any goal in life, and it’s no different when you have to save money.

On the way to work, you saw a beautiful jacket that would look amazing on you? Think again, how many jackets do you already have? Is that necessary or it something that you want?

If you answered yes to the second question, forget about that jacket. You don’t need it.

You’re a strong and independent man/ woman who can survive without spending more than necessary. Besides, it’s only for a short period. Discipline, guys.

Think about your reward

An excellent way to keep you motivated is by having a vivid, shiny and beautiful image of the place you’re going to visit. Print it and hang it on the wall or put it in a little frame on your office desk.

The constant memory of what expects you in a few months will work as a fuel to bring you a step closer to your goal.

Oh, and very important: tell your friends and family about your plans! I love sharing my ambitions with them because this way they’ll also think twice before suggesting going out for dinner when we can go for a coffee only.

How To Save Money For Travel In 15 Easy Steps » Maps & Bags (4)

How to save money for travel in 15 easy steps

Yes, we know it: There’re lots of expenses that we just can’t cut, but on the other hand, there’re a few actionable steps you take today to grow your travel savings faster, and maybe probably enjoy more your holidays. Here are some effective ways to do it:

1. Get rid of cable

Instead of spending $50 per month on cable television, purchase the most basic plan of Netflix which costs around $9, and has lots of excellent titles.

Besides, many channels have a free & legal online stream, and you don’t watch that much television anyway, do you? If you do, find a new hobby.

2. Read more

Change watching television by reading books and blogs. Reading is excellent for your memory, helps against stress, helps sleeping better, and makes you smarter.

Note that I’m only mentioning a few benefits of it, this list is much longer.

On top of that, reading blogs (like this one) is free, and there’s a lot of good content on the internet to help you get to know the world better, or even your holiday destination.

And if you have a kindle, Amazon has lots of intriguing free books available.

How To Save Money For Travel In 15 Easy Steps » Maps & Bags (5)

3. Spend less on lunch

Instead of going for that packed sandwich from the grocery store, bring your own wraps, yogurt, and fruits.

This way you’re not only saving money but also (hopefully) being much healthier by eating more natural stuff. Google is your friend, and the internet is jam-packed with decent recipes. Two birds, one stone.

Oh, and now you can use your lunch break to go for a walk in the park.

4. Replace your light bulbs

Energy is among the most costly monthly bills we have, so make yourself a favor and change your incandescent light bulbs to CFL or LED – they can cut off at least $100 a year from your energy bill.

We know $100 a year doesn’t seem much, but costs can quickly stack up, and every little helps.

5. Quit smoking

It smells bad, it makes your teeth yellow, and it costs a lot of money. Not to mention your health, which you already know by now.

Spending $10 a day on a pack would cost you $3,650 a year. With that money, you can travel for a month in South America or in our beloved Ireland.

Honestly, that’s the best thing you can do for your life. In fact, after doing this little math, Frank stopped smoking himself. A few months later we went to Brazil, and it was awesome.

We know it’s much easier said than done, but you must want it, otherwise you’ll never stop with it, and usually, financial motivations work pretty well.

How To Save Money For Travel In 15 Easy Steps » Maps & Bags (6)

Read next: Best destinations to visit under $20 a day

6. No gifts, please

Is your birthday around the corner? Let your parents and friends know that you rather receive money instead of a gift.

Make it clear that you would be happy with whatever amount that is, but you can definitely use some extra cash to achieve your goal a tad faster.

7. Buy second hand

Many times we can save a lot by simply buying 2nd hand stuff. Think of books, electronics, furniture, decoration, anything.

Stop by that hip second-hand store for clothes, next time you (really) need something. You might surprise yourself with your findings.

8. Cut back fancy coffee

We all love Starbucks. Their brownies are delicious. True. But it’s just too expensive. That doesn’t mean you should skip caffeine at all, just change that $5 vanilla latte for a $2 simple coffee from an unbranded shop.

This way you can seriously save at least $500~ a year.

9. Change your supermarket

Here in the Netherlands, we have an excellent supermarket store in every corner called Albert Heijn (AH).

They often have everything you need, and the quality of their products is good. However, that’s the most expensive store by far in the country.

You can cut back a lot every month by simply going to a cheaper grocery store. To demonstrate, we used to buy a teeny tiny pepper mill every couple of months at AH.

It costs around $2.50. Not a big deal. But one day, Frank stopped by a tiny grocery store in our street and bought a 32oz peppercorns bag for $2. We didn’t have to buy pepper again for over a year.

How To Save Money For Travel In 15 Easy Steps » Maps & Bags (7)

10. Eat out less often

Restaurants – fast food or not – are getting more and more expensive. So, go eating out less often and enjoy a bigger savings account.

Seriously, learn to cook, and you’ll save much more at home, but it’ll possibly save you also during your travels too.

On top of that, unprocessed food has a positive impact on your health and pocket at the same time. Again, two birds, one stone.

11. Ditch your landline

Who still has a landline anyway? Ditch your landline and only use your smartphone to make calls. Besides, you can also make calls through WhatsApp or Skype using WiFi. Seriously, stop spending money on it.

12. Cancel your gym membership

We have only told you to stay healthy so far, and now we want you to cancel your gym membership? What the heck?

Yes, that’s exactly what we’re saying. The only difference now is that you’ll exercise in the park, see wildlife, and breathe fresh air.

Seriously, put your headphones on, wear your athletic clothing as usual and go running outdoors.

You’ll notice that going for a morning jog outdoors is a kick-ass way to begin your day. Oh, and you don’t pay for that.

13. Use less or sell your car

This is a difficult one, especially if you live in the United States – it’s a vast country, and public transportation isn’t extensive outside the biggest cities.

We live in the Netherlands, so we basically use the train to visit other towns, or ride our bikes there (the Netherlands is quite flat).

So for us, it’s a tad easier to save money by doing this, but if you can, try using Uber shared rides or ride a bike yourself.

It’s good for your health and pocket – win-win. Oh, and don’t be afraid to go walking. Just wear proper shoes and start slowly while listening to some music.

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14. Stop going out

Don’t worry, you don’t need to cut out your social life, but instead of going out and spending a lot of money in bars, clubs, and movies stay at home and invite your friends over for a movie-night for example.

A bottle of a $10 wine, some snacks, Netflix (remember: the basic plan), and you’re set for the night at much lower expenses than at the movies itself.

Agree with your friends to do it in each other’s place every week you’d go out with them.

15. Cut your own hair

Okay, this might be more difficult for guys, but ladies, look, you can totally cut your own hair at home. It might seem scary at first, but if you start slowly, you won’t ruin your look.

On YouTube, you can find lots and lots of tutorials teaching you how to simply cut your hair to cut a specific look.

That’s how I learned how to cut my hair at home, and I have been doing this for years now. The first time, it wasn’t so nice, but I managed to learn enough to look good. You can do it too!

Wrapping up on how to save money for travel

By following these tips, you can grow your travel savings account at least $6,400 a year! Impressive, right?

And these are only 15 tips from among many things you can do to save more money. Have some advice yourself?

Comment below your tips, this way you can help other readers too. And, of course, we’d love to hear from you!

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  • How To Save Money For Travel In 15 Easy Steps » Maps & Bags (10)

Our best travel tips & resources:

Here're our all-time favorite travel tips & resources so that you can save money and plan your travel logistics hassle-free! For more travel resources, check out our travel tips.

  • Saving money: Fly on offseason, winter (not Xmas or NYE), Tuesday, or Wednesday! According to experts, these are the cheapest days to fly.
  • Travel insurance: Before you leave for your trip, make sure you have a valid travel insurance policy because accidents happen on the road. We have been paying for Safety Wing travel insurance for a little over a year now, and we happily recommend them to our family and friends.
  • Accommodation: We usually stay in mid-range comfy hotels or private rooms in hostels. These are the sites we use to book accommodation: for hotels (excellent flexible cancellation policy) and Hostelworld for hostels (low deposit and easy cancellation).
  • Tours:We absolutely love booking guided tours with locals to get a history lesson while sight-seeing, especially food tours and walking tours! We book all of our tours using Viator and GetYourGuide.
  • Transportation: We use Google Maps to figure out how to get around a place using public transport. When we book a rental car, we always use Discover Cars to find the best deal.
How To Save Money For Travel In 15 Easy Steps » Maps & Bags (2024)


What is a good amount to save for travel? ›

The average vacation costs about $1,200 per person. If you're traveling as a family of 4, aim to save at least $4,800.

How can I save travel costs? ›

How to save money for travel?
  1. Set your intention.
  2. Plan your travel budget.
  3. Set up a direct debit to your savings account.
  4. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions.
  5. Look for offers in shops.
  6. Limit online shopping.
  7. Save on energy bills.
  8. Give yourself a cooling-off period for purchases.

How can I travel and not spend a lot of money? ›

  1. Pick an Affordable part of the World to Travel. While you can find ways to travel for less anywhere around the world, especially with the tips below, certain places are cheaper to travel than others. ...
  2. Slow Down…. ...
  3. Avoid paying for Accommodation. ...
  4. Eat for Cheap. ...
  5. Give Yourself a Daily Budget.

How can I be frugal when traveling? ›

But it doesn't have to be as costly as you might think with these 12 tips for saving money on travel.
  1. Pack light. ...
  2. Shop at local grocery stores. ...
  3. Pack snacks. ...
  4. Get yourself into the airport lounge. ...
  5. Arrive early. ...
  6. Get TSA PreCheck or Global Entry membership fees reimbursed. ...
  7. Take advantage of credit card free night certificates.
Jul 10, 2024

How much money do you realistically need to travel? ›

How much cash do you need on vacation? You should have roughly $50 to $100 per person every day of your trip.

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How to save money fast? ›

Canceling unnecessary subscriptions and automating your savings are a couple of simple ways to save money quickly. Switching banks, opening a short-term CD, and signing up for rewards programs can also help you save money. Making a budget and eliminating a spending habit each day can help lead to long-term savings.

Where to put money for travel? ›

Keep your travel fund in a separate savings account

With a high-yield savings account, you'll earn a specific percentage of interest on your money, known as an annual percentage yield (APY). That interest is compounded, too, so you'll grow your savings even faster.

How much money do I need to travel? ›

As an approximate guide, I generally allow about $2,000 (£1,000 / €1,500) a month when backpacking around the world. Cities tend to be the most expensive places to stay so allow more if you are spending more than a few days in major cities.

How to get free trips? ›

How to travel for free: 5 smart tips
  1. House-sit or pet-sit. Love animals? ...
  2. Volunteer. Volunteering can be a rewarding way to travel for free while making a positive impact. ...
  3. Take advantage of overbookings. ...
  4. Reconnect with family and friends. ...
  5. Use your credit card reward points. ...
  6. Cruise ship crew. ...
  7. Flight attendant.
2 days ago

How should I travel with cash? ›

Guidelines/Tips for Traveling with Cash
  1. Carry as little currency as possible.
  2. Carry cash in a money belt that sits on your waist (under your clothes) or a money pouch that hangs around your neck.
  3. Keep cash concealed and close to your body at all times.

How can I travel if I'm broke? ›

45 Genius Travel Hacks For When You're Broke AF
  1. Plan around off-peak travel times.
  2. Stay in hostels.
  3. Take free classes.
  4. Fill up on free hostel food.
  5. Venture off-the-beaten-path to save money.
  6. Treasure experiences over material things.
  7. Work in a hostel.
  8. Check visa costs before you travel.
Nov 7, 2022

How much money should I set aside for travel? ›

Miller recommends using the 70/20/10 breakdown. This means 70 percent of your income should go toward household expenses, including debt. Twenty percent should be put into savings, including retirement. That leaves 10 percent of your income for wants, including travel, or for additional savings.

Is $500 enough for a trip? ›

Key takeaways. Despite high prices for airfare, hotels, and car rentals, it's possible to get away for under $500 a person. You don't need to sacrifice fun or good food. You just need to be more creative about where you find it.

What is the cheapest way to take a vacation? ›

Stay with friends or family. It's not glamorous—and some people might not even consider it a true vacation—but staying with friends or family is definitely an easy, cheap vacation idea. Plus, you'll get to spend time with the people you love! Every savings goal starts with a budget.

What is a good amount of money to travel with? ›

If you are going all cash or even part cash then creating a budget is key. As a rough estimation, budget $50-100 per person for each day that you will be away. This should cover your accommodation, food, drink and transportation costs.

What is a reasonable travel budget? ›

2) The average domestic trip costs about $144 per day while international trips come to about $271 per day. The major expense associated with travel and vacations is transportation. About 44% of travel funds are spent on getting to, from, and around your vacation destination.

Is 5000 enough for a vacation? ›

Strategic budget travelers will find $100 per day is enough for a vacation. But someone with a luxe disposition might realize that even $5,000 is not enough. For most, the average cost of travel hovers somewhere in the middle based on when and where you go, how you get there and what you do after you arrive.

How much does a 7 day vacation cost? ›

The average cost of a one week vacation in the U.S. is $1,991 or $3,982 for a couple. ¹ However, how much you spend on a vacation can vary greatly depending on where and when you travel and what you plan to do when you arrive.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.