How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning] (2024)


  • How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning] (87)
  • Sneh Ratna Choudhary

  • Last Updated:&nbspMarch 28, 2024

This is an easy guide to learn how to scan QR Codes with Android phones. Find out how to scan QR Codes on Android without an app for specific Android versions and models.

How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning] (88)

💻 Key takeaways:

1. Google Lens integration within the camera app on Android 8 and above allows scanning QR Codes by activating Google Lens suggestions and pointing the camera at the QR Code.

2. Download a third-party QR Code scanner app for Android versions 7 and below, such as Kaspersky’s QR Code Reader, QR, and Barcode Reader by Gamma Play, QR Code Reader by Scan, or Neoreader QR Scanner.

3. For Samsung Galaxy phones, use the native QR Code scanner by pointing the camera at the QR Code for 2-3 seconds.

From delivering discounts to allowing consumers to listen to their favorite Spotify playlist while they shop, QR Codes are versatile in their use case. Marketers and big brands alike have begun to run campaigns based on cost-effective QR Code technology.

Imagine you come across a QR Code on a flyer with a text that reads “Scan for discounts.” It’s your favorite brand, having an annual discounted sale on the product you’ve been eyeing for a while. Or imagine your favorite restaurant making scanning and accessing everything from the menu to the payment terminal more accessible. QR Codes have long automated restaurant operations to ensure they cut costs and increase efficiency.

You take your Android phone out but are unable to scan the QR Code. Or you’re unsure which app to use or how you can scan it.

If you’ve been in a similar situation, or are just wanting to know how you can scan a QR Code with your Android device, here’s where the answers are.

Read on to find out!

Table of contents

  1. How to scan QR Codes with Android phones?
  2. Scan QR Codes on Android without an app: an easy guide
    a. Android 7 and below
    b. Android 8 and above
    c. Google Pixel
    d. Samsung Galaxy

3. Frequently asked questions

How to scan QR Codes with Android phones?

Scanning QR Codes with Android phones is as simple as opening up the camera app, thanks to the latest updates in the software. If your phone doesn’t have a built-in QR code scanner, you can download a QR code scanner app from the Google Play Store. There are many free and paid QR code scanner apps available for Android devices.

If you have an older device or simply are facing issues with scanning a QR Code, know that there are three ways to scan a QR Code with Android phones:

  1. Using the native camera
  2. Using Google Lens
  3. Using a third-party app (for older versions)

Scan QR Codes on Android: An Easy Guide

Whether you have a phone with Android 7 and older, or the latest Google Pixel, here’s your guide to how to scan QR Codes on Android devices. Let’s dive into the specifics for each category.

How to scan QR Codes on Android 7 and below

On Android 7 and below, QR Code scanning requires a dedicated app. Pick from our list of third-party QR Code Scanner apps to scan and access QR Codes on your Android phone.

Some of the popular third-party apps for scanning QR Codes are:

  1. Kaspersky’s QR Code Reader
  2. QR and Barcode Reader by Gamma Play
  3. QR Code reader by Scan
  4. Neoreader QR Scanner
  5. QR Droid

How to scan QR Codes on Android 8 and above

If you’re using Android eight (Oreo) and above, you can use the integrated QR Code scanner built into Google Lens, which is as precise as an image annotation tool. To try it out, follow these steps:

Using camera

  1. Open the camera app
  2. Click ‘More’ or access ‘Settings’ and activate Google Lens suggestions
  3. Point your camera at a QR Code to scan its contents

Using Google Lens

How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning] (89)


Google Lens is an AI interface by Google, Google Lens recognizes everything in the camera including QR Codes. It is available on both the camera app as well as Google Assistant.

You can also download the Google Lens app and follow the same steps. Once you open the Google Lens app, point it for 2-3 seconds at the QR Code, and a pop-up with the redirected content will appear.

Using Google Screen Search

How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning] (90)

You can also use Google Screen Search to scan QR Codes. Here’s what you’d have to do:

  1. Take a picture of the QR Code
  2. Open the image and long-press the home button
  3. Click “what’s on my screen?”
  4. A pop-up with the URL appears

If your smartphone’s screen search is not on, open the Google app and tap navigation. From the settings, enable “Screen search”.

How to scan QR Codes on Google Pixel

As a Google smartphone, the Google lens feature is built right into the native camera for Google Pixel users. All you need to do is open the camera app, point it at the QR Code, and a link associated with the QR Code will appear as a pop-up above the code.

How to scan QR Codes on Samsung Galaxy

How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning] (91)

Scanning QR Codes on Samsung phones depends on the OS you are using. For Samsung OS 9 and above, QR Code scanning is a native feature in the camera. For OS below 9, you may need a QR Code scanner app.

Here’s how to scan QR Codes on Samsung in two ways:

Using the native camera

To scan the QR Code using the native camera, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Swipe down to access “Quick settings” and select “QR Code scanner”
  2. This opens the camera app
  3. Aim it at the QR Code for 2-3 seconds

If the QR Code still doesn’t scan, you may have to enable it. Click “Settings” in the top left and toggle on the “Scan QR Codes” option to enable it.

Using Bixby Vision

Bixby Vision is Samsung’s version of Google Lens, built into Samsung devices with OS 7 and above. To use this:

  1. Open the camera app
  2. Select ‘Bixby Vision’
  3. Enable permission to use it, if you haven’t used it before
  4. Point it at the QR Code and click “Go” to access the QR Code content

Frequently asked questions

1. What happens when you scan QR Codes?

When consumers scan QR Codes, a number of things can occur. Businesses can use QR Codes to deliver coupons, product information, and deals or use them to ask shoppers to leave reviews and feedback and follow them on social media.

2. Are QR Codes free?

Yes, QR Codes can be generated for free online. Although these QR Codes are static codes and, once downloaded, cannot be edited. To change QR Code destination or content, you need editable QR Codes.

3. How do I download a QR Code on my Android phone?

Once you create a QR Code using a QR Code generator like Uniqode, you can download it in the file formats available. It is then saved to your phone’s gallery. You can share online or print the QR Code image to share offline.

4. Why won’t my Android camera scan a QR Code?

Your Android camera may have smudges, or you may be too close or too far from the QR Code. Ensure that the QR Code is clearly visible in the camera and not blurry. This can ensure that the QR Code is scannable by the camera.

How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning] (92)

Author Details

Sneh is a Content Marketing Manager at Uniqodeand has a penchant for all things tech and startups that improve human lives. She adores dogs, Radiohead, and Michael Gary Scott.

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How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning] (101) How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning] (102)

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How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning] (2024)


How to Scan QR Codes on Android Phones [+Tips to enable scanning]? ›

On your compatible Android phone or tablet, open the built-in camera app. Point the camera at the QR code. Tap the banner that appears on your Android phone or tablet. Follow the instructions on the screen to finish signing in.

How do I enable QR code scanning on my Android phone? ›

Here are some tips for using the built-in QR code reader in Android 14:
  1. Open the Quick Settings panel.
  2. Tap on the Scan QR code tile.
  3. Point your phone's camera at the QR code.
  4. The QR code will be scanned and the information encoded in it will be displayed on your screen.
Mar 27, 2024

Does Android have built in QR scanner? ›

For Samsung OS 9 and above, QR Code scanning is a native feature in the camera. For OS below 9, you may need a QR Code scanner app. To scan the QR Code using the native camera, here are the steps to follow: Swipe down to access “Quick settings” and select “QR Code scanner”

Do all phones have the ability to scan QR codes? ›

Most smartphones come equipped with software that allows them to download a QR Code reader.

Why is QR not scanning? ›

If your camera not scanning QR code, chances are, you're either trying to scan it in poor lighting or are either too close to the code or not close enough. You need to ensure you're at an appropriate distance from the QR code and have sufficient light. You can even ask someone to hold up a flashlight while you scan.

Why can't Androids scan QR codes? ›

If the camera on your phone is too close or too far from the QR code, the camera might not be able to scan it. Bring your camera close to the QR code. Then, slowly move the camera back from the QR code. Hold your camera about a foot away from the QR code.

How do I know if my phone can scan a QR code? ›

How to Scan a QR code on an Android Phone. If you're running Android 8 or later, you can scan a QR code by opening the camera app, pointing your phone at the QR code, and tapping the pop-up banner. If you don't see the pop-up banner, you can use the Google Lens app to scan the QR code instead.

Do you need an app on your phone to scan a QR code? ›

You can also try to scan QR Codes without an app. To test if your camera is equipped to do this, use the following steps: Open your Camera app and point it steadily for 2-3 seconds towards the QR Code you want to scan. Whenever scanning is enabled, a notification will appear.

How to scan QR code on Samsung? ›

Samsung devices with Android 9 and up also have a QR scanner shortcut in Quick Settings. It uses the Camera app, so it's similar to the method above, but this technique might be a little faster. Swipe down from the top of the screen twice to open Quick Settings. Tap Scan QR code.

Why is my Samsung not scanning QR codes? ›

Please note: If the QR Code won't scan you may need to enable it by going to: Camera > Settings icon > Toggle on Scan QR codes. Bixby Vision is an image search feature automatically installed on most Samsung devices. Simply point the camera at an object, image or location and Bixby Vision will tell you more about it.

What is the main problem with QR codes? ›

Malicious URL Embedding: By encoding a harmful URL into a QR code, attackers can lead individuals to download malware or unwanted software. Once scanned, these QR codes can initiate the download and installation of malware, putting personal data at risk.

How do I activate the QR scanner on my Samsung? ›

1 Swipe down your screen to access your Quick Settings and tap on QR Scanner. 2 Tap OK to proceed to the next step. 3 The Camera app will then be launched where you can scan QR Code. Once the QR Code is scanned, you should be able to launch the webpage below.

Why is my QR code not showing up on my Android phone? ›

If your Android is not scanning the QR Code, ensure that you've updated your phone's system to the latest Android OS version. Launch the Camera app and point it steadily at the QR Code for nearly 3 seconds. If the QR Code still doesn't scan, press and hold the QR Code icon next to the shutter button on your camera.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.