How To Set A Stop Loss On Robinhood? - Wealth Quint (2024)

Traders put many kinds of orders on Robinhood for the trading of stocks, EFTs, and such funds. The major types of orders initiated by traders on Robinhood include market orders, limit orders, stop orders, etc.

However, the type of order depends on the trading technique adopted by the trader. The stop-limit order is the combination of two different forms of orders i.e. limiting order and stopping order.

Similarly, the stop-loss order is somewhat a resultant of two orders applied simultaneously on certain funds. It is put to minimize or to put a limit on the loss while selling stocks.

The stop-loss order allows the trader to put the market on a certain stock at a price predetermined by them.

It gives access to the broker to execute the market transaction for that particular stock once the market matches the price listed by the trader.

Here, the trader sets a minimum stopping value at which the stocks can be sold by the broker. The funds can not be sold at a lower price listed by the trader.

How to Set a Stop Loss on Robinhood?

Can You Set a Stop Loss After Buying?

Can You Put a Stop Loss And Limit Sell at Same Time in Robinhood?

Can You Put Stop Loss On Robinhood After Buying Shares?

Can You Put Stop Loss On Robinhood Crypto?

How to Set Limits On Robinhood?

Why Is There No Stop Loss For Crypto On Robinhood?

Why Robinhood Stop Loss Did Not Work?

Robinhood Limit Sell Not Working?

What Happens If a Limit Order Is Not Executed?


How to Set a Stop Loss on Robinhood?

Robinhood allows you to put orders on the stocks you have accumulated in your portfolio. It can be either a stop order, limit order, or simply a market order.

If you wish to put a stop-loss order at a certain value for your stocks, you can follow the listed procedure:

Steps to Set a Stop Loss on Robinhood:

Step 1: Open your Robinhood app and login into your account

Step 2: Select a stock you wish to set an order on, it can be on the downgrade Or upward trends on the graph

Step 3: Select the trade option given on the current screen which will pop up showing two options

Step 4: Select the sell option from the popped-up menu

Step 5: Once you select the sell option, a new page asks you for putting an order and to select the kind of order you wish to put

Step 6: Here, select the stop order option by scrolling down

Step 7: Now, put a price at the given section at which you wish to put a stop-loss order for the stock

Also Check: Fix: Robinhood Account Restricted

Step 8: Confirm it by the end and your order is fixed.

Also, you can look for tutorials given by Robinhood on the full stepwise procedure for stop-loss orders.

Can You Set a Stop Loss After Buying?

Stop-loss orders are nothing but market orders that are not executed just submitted with the broker. While buying stocks, you can put a stop-loss order on them at a lower value than the current market price.

Because, if you put order the same as the current market price or a price higher than that, the order will be triggered automatically and immediately. This will make your stop-loss order change into a market order which will not be beneficial for you.

You need to set a comparatively lower price than the market price to ensure that the stop-loss order I initiated by you is successful and limits your loss to a certain value.

Right after you buy some stocks of your choice, you can also put a buy stop limit order which allows you to set a minimum stopping value of Stocks at which they can be sold and the market can be executed.

Can You Put a Stop Loss And Limit Sell at Same Time in Robinhood?

A Stop-loss order allows you to set the minimum price of a stock for which you wish to sell your stocks given that the loss is minimized.

However, on the other hand, a limit sell order allows you to put a good price on your stocks above which they can be sold. You can put these two orders simultaneously on your stocks.

Putting these two orders together will allow you to sell your stocks at the maximum profit value. It makes your stocks lie within a limit of a good and bad price listed by you.

The major advantage of putting stop loss and limit sell together is that you will get to allow the minimum good and minimum bad prices for your stocks after analyzing the market. Hence, if you wish to put these two orders simultaneously, it will be beneficial for you.

Robinhood allows you to buy shares from the platform by putting all kinds of orders. You can easily put a stop loss on Robinhood after buying shares.

You can put a buy stop-loss order which allows you to list a price on the stocks of your choice. You can set a stop order above the current price at which you can buy the stocks.

Once you list the stop price and it matches the market price, your stock buying process is triggered. It serves as a benchmark at which you will show your interest in buying the shares.

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All the shares bought will match with your given price or simply be less than the listed price. You can buy shares on Robinhood and put a buy stop-loss order as soon as you buy it.

It benefits you for maximizing your profits and helps you in minimizing your loss while buying certain stocks.

Can You Put Stop Loss On Robinhood Crypto?

The working and organization system of crypto on Robinhood differs from that of other stocks. Robinhood allows all sorts of orders on stocks, EFTs, mutual funds, and such investments.

However, this may differ from what they offer for crypto traders. The crypto-related management is overlooked by Robinhood crypto which works independently from the other investments.

And hence, the forms of orders allowed on all kinds of other stocks vary from that allowable for the crypto trades on Robinhood.

Robinhood crypto does not allow you to put a stop-loss order on any form of crypto using Robinhood. It allows only two basic forms of orders namely market orders and limited orders.

The traders can not put other orders on crypto they wish to buy or already have in their account.

How to Set Limits On Robinhood?

By default, every sale on Robinhood falls in the market order. However, the trades may want to put a limit order or a stopping order on selling or buying Stocks of their choice.

If you wish to put limits on your Robinhood such that your limits are considered while selling or buying the stocks, you can.

Once you reach your account on Robinhood, you will see a buy option. On clicking it, all the order options will display on the screen and hence you can select limit order from this list.

You will now have to put a price at which you wish to buy the stocks and in case of selling, the minimum price at which you will sell them. After putting the price you wish, simply confirm it to complete putting a limit order.

Why Is There No Stop Loss For Crypto On Robinhood?

Robinhood Crypto is famous amongst the rapid crypto dealers as it allows you to make market orders on crypto and that too for even the odd hours of the day.

But, a major question in the minds of crypto traders is why they can not put a stop loss on it. The answer to this is simple, the Robinhood app does not support stop loss in the case of crypto.

This is majorly due to the absence of central exchange for crypto and also the unavailability of books for crypto on Robinhood.

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Why Robinhood Stop Loss Did Not Work?

Robinhood stop-loss easily works on the stocks on which you put it. However, when the market price does not match with the price listed by traders, you might think that Robinhood’s stop loss did not work for you.

This is not it, Robinhood stop loss is only applied when the market value crosses your announced price for selling and buying stocks.

Also, you can report to the Robinhood help center if you can notice an increased price and your stop-loss is still not triggered.

Robinhood Limit Sell Not Working?

The major reason behind your Robinhood limit not working is that the number of shares you are putting for the order is not enough.

If you have placed large orders on low-volume funds or securities, you will have to face this. However, it is caused when the price does not match with the accumulated price of available shares.

Various other factors like market opening situation, the volume of the order, possible liquidity, availability of the extended hours can vividly occur after the possibility of limit sell not working properly.

You can wait for the volume of available stocks to match with your listed prices and hence execute the order. Then, your limit sell will automatically start working, if not you can contact the Robinhood help center.

What Happens If a Limit Order Is Not Executed?

A limit order allows you to pay the least or equivalent amount to your listed price. However, limit orders are only executed during the market sessions or simply the working hours of the market.

If your limit order is not executed, you will have to analyze the market yourself and put a market order which is best suitable to you by your expertise.

Limit orders prevent unnecessary losses and if they are not executed, the chances of loss during a trade are increased and hence affecting the profit value for the trader. You can put a limit order again when the shares match a certain volume.


Stop-loss order on Robinhood allows you to sell and buy your stocks at the best possible value by making them fall in the range of maximum to minimum. The major working principle of stop-loss order is to minimize your losses and maximize your profits by putting orders on all stocks and securities by using the Robinhood platform.

Further Readings:

  • Can You Trade After Hours On Robinhood?
  • How to Find Penny Stocks on Robinhood?
  • How to Fix “Total Must be Greater Than 10” on Binance?
  • Why Can’t I Trade Options on Robinhood?
  • Why I Can not Buy Crypto on Robinhood?
How To Set A Stop Loss On Robinhood? - Wealth Quint (2024)


How do I set a stop-loss limit on Robinhood? ›

How to Set a Stop-Loss Order in Robinhood on a PC
  1. Log into your Robinhood account.
  2. Click on the three horizontal dots on the top right corner.
  3. Navigate to the option order screen.
  4. Click on “Stop Price.”
  5. Insert the desired amount.
  6. Select “Continue” and choose between the one-day or 90 days time options.
Mar 7, 2022

Can you set stop-loss on Robinhood crypto? ›

With a sell stop limit order, you can set a stop price below the current coin price. If the coin falls to your stop price, it triggers a sell limit order. Crypto will only be sold at your limit price or higher.

How do you set a perfect stop-loss? ›

Most of the traders use the percentage rule to set the value of the stop-loss order. Usually, the one who wants to avoid a high risk of losses set the stop-loss order to 10% of the buy price. For example, if the stock is bought at Rs. 100 and the stop-loss order value is set to 10% (Rs.

Can you set a stop-loss and limit sell at the same time on Robinhood? ›

Not only is it possible to enter the market on a limit and place a protective stop at the same time, but it is encouraged to help protect large losses and manage risk.

What is the difference between a stop-loss and a stop limit? ›

While stop-loss orders guarantee execution if the position hits a certain price, stop-limit orders build in the limit price the order gets filled at.

Can you set a stop-loss and limit sell at the same time? ›

Placing a one-cancels-the-other order, or what is also commonly referred to as a bracket order, allows you to have both a limit order and a stop order open at the same time. This allows you to lock in your potential profits and limit your losses all with one order.

Why did my stop limit order not execute? ›

However, if there isn't a bid—or a combination of several bids—then your order won't be executed. In widely traded stocks with high volume, this is usually not a problem, but in thinly traded or volatile markets, your order may not get filled.

What is the difference between a limit and a stop limit? ›

How Are Limit Orders Different From Stop Orders? A limit order sets a maximum price that you're willing to pay or a minimum price that you're willing to accept on a sale, whereas a stop order is triggered when an asset reaches a certain price and filled at the next available price.

What is the 6% stop loss rule? ›

6% rule: No new trades will be opened for the remainder of the month if the sum of your losses for the current month, and the risk in open trades, hits 6% of your total account equity. A goal of any trader, especially one just starting out, is long-term survival.

What is the 2% stop loss rule? ›

One popular method is the 2% Rule, which means you never put more than 2% of your account equity at risk (Table 1). For example, if you are trading a $50,000 account, and you choose a risk management stop loss of 2%, you could risk up to $1,000 on any given trade.

What is the 10% stop loss rule? ›

A stop-loss order is placed with a broker to sell securities when they reach a specific price. 1 These orders help minimize the loss an investor may incur in a security position. So if you set the stop-loss order at 10% below the price at which you purchased the security, your loss will be limited to 10%.

What is the best ratio for stop-loss and take profit? ›

In general, the best ratio is 1:3, so the profit should be 3 times bigger than the loss. For example, if your Stop Loss equals 50 pips, the Take Profit should be 150 pips. In some cases, other Risk/Reward ratios are possible.

Is it better to take profit or stop-loss? ›

A stop-loss (SL) is a limit order that specifies how much loss you are willing to take on a trade. It prevents you from making additional losses on a trading position. A take-profit (TP) works as the exact opposite of a stop-loss. It specifies the price to close out a position for profit.

What is a good stop-loss percentage for crypto? ›

On cryptocurrency trades that are in profit, the minimum Stop Loss amount is 10% of the initial amount invested subtracted from the current profit of the trade. The formula is as follows: Profit - (Invested amount X 0.1) = Minimum SL amount.

Can I set stops in Robinhood? ›

With a sell stop limit order, you can set a stop price below the current price of the stock. If the stock falls to your stop price, it triggers a sell limit order.

Can you set sell limits on Robinhood? ›

With a sell limit order, you can set a limit price, which should be the minimum amount you want to receive for a contract. The contract will only be sold at your limit price or higher. If the market is closed, the order will be queued for market open.

Can I set a stop-loss and take profit? ›

Take-Profit Order Example

The trader might create a take-profit order that is 15 percent higher than the market price in order to automatically sell when the stock reaches that level. At the same time, they may place a stop-loss order that's five percent below the current market price.

What is a good stop-loss limit? ›

Stock Trader explained that stop-loss orders should never be set above 5 percent [3]. This is to avoid selling unnecessarily during small fluctuations in the market. Realistically, a stock could fall by 5 percent midday, but rebound.

What is a reasonable stop-loss? ›

There are no hard-and-fast rules for the level at which stops should be placed; it totally depends on your individual investing style. An active trader might use a 5% level, while a long-term investor might choose 15% or more.

What is an example of a stop-loss limit? ›

A stop-loss order is a buy/sell order placed to limit losses when there is a concern that prices may move against the trade. For instance, if a stock is purchased at ₹100 and the loss is to be limited at ₹95, an order can be placed to sell the stock as soon as its price reaches ₹95.

How do you place a stop-loss order example? ›

For example, a trader may buy a stock and place a stop-loss order with a stop 10% below the stock's purchase price. Should the stock price drop to that 10% level, the stop-loss order is triggered and the stock would be sold at the best available price.

What are the different types of stop losses? ›

There are two types of stop-loss orders: one to protect long positions (sell-stop order), and one to limit losses on short positions (buy-stop order).

Why is my stop-loss not triggered? ›

If price crosses limit price quickly, it will be either partially executed or not executed at all. You should check for liquidity to set this gap between limit and trigger price. The more liquid the stock is, the closer can be difference. The less liquid the stock is, you should keep a wider range.

Why stop-loss not working? ›

The principal reason stop-loss orders don't work is because stock prices aren't serially correlated. This means that what happened yesterday or last month does not necessarily affect what will happen today, tomorrow or next month. Past price movements of stocks do not determine future price movements.

What is a stop limit order to sell example? ›

Stop-Limit Order Example

If shares of XYZ decline to the stop price of $60, the 100 shares of XYZ will be sold as long as a minimum price of $58.50 can be obtained. If the stock price has dropped sharply, and a sell order cannot be executed at $58.50 or higher, the 100 shares of XYZ will remain unsold.

Are stop limits a good idea? ›

Risk Management: Stop-limit orders are an effective way to manage risk. By setting a stop price, investors can limit their losses if the market moves against them. By setting a limit price, you can ensure that you don't get filled at a price that is too high or too low.

What is the difference between a stop order and a stop limit order on Robinhood? ›

The difference between a stop-loss and a stop-limit appears when the stock price hits the stop. With a stop-loss, the order becomes a market order. With a stop-limit, the order becomes a limit order. The implications of becoming a market order versus a limit order can be significant.

What is a stop limit order Robinhood? ›

A stop limit order lets you add an additional trigger to your trade, giving you more specificity over your order execution. When the options contract hits a stop price that you set, it triggers a limit order. Then, the limit order is executed at your limit price or better.

What is the 7% loss rule? ›

To make money in stocks, you must protect the money you have. Live to invest another day by following this simple rule: Always sell a stock it if falls 7%-8% below what you paid for it. No questions asked. This basic principle helps you cap your potential downside.

What is a 20% stop-loss? ›

To limit the potential loss on this stock purchase, the investor sets a stop-loss order at 20% below the purchase price, which equals $20 per share. If the price of the red-hot tech stock declines to $20, then that triggers the investor's stop-loss order.

What is the 2% and 6% rule? ›

As a rule of thumb, limit your Total Capital at Risk in any one industry sector to 3 times your (maximum) Capital at Risk per stock (e.g. 6% of your capital if you are using the 2 percent rule).

What is the 5 3 1 rule in trading? ›

The number 5 stands for choosing 5 currency pairs that a trader would like to trade. The number 3 stands for developing 3 strategies with multiple combinations of trading styles, technical indicators and risk management measures. The number 1 guides traders to choose the most suitable time for trading.

What is the max loss rule? ›

You can create a max loss rule in day trading for yourself and ask for your broker's help in upholding it. That means when you hit a certain threshold, be it a number of trades, a total loss dollar amount, or a certain number of losses, you are prevented from trading for the rest of the day.

Is 20% stop loss good? ›

The best trailing stop-loss percentage to use is either 15% or 20% If you use a pure momentum strategy a stop loss strategy can help you to completely avoid market crashes, and even earn you a small profit while the market loses 50%

Do stop losses work in a crash? ›

Does stop loss work in boom and crash? Stop-loss is designed to stop the trading process automatically when a price movement gets out of hand. But the speed of the boom and crash market means SL orders can find it hard to respond quickly enough.

How much can I make with 10000 day trading? ›

Profit Margins

Day traders get a wide variety of results that largely depend on the amount of capital they can risk, and their skill at managing that money. If you have a trading account of $10,000, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, or $500.

What are the disadvantages of stop-loss? ›

Here are a few disadvantages of using a stop-loss concept:
  • Short term fluctuations. The main disadvantage of using stop loss is that it can get activated by short-term fluctuations in stock price. ...
  • Selling stocks too soon. ...
  • Investors have to take the call on stop loss limit. ...
  • Costly.

Should you always trade with a stop-loss? ›

Stop-losses prevent large and uncontrollable losses in volatile trades. If you're not using stop-losses, it's only a matter of time when a large losing position will get out of control and wipe out most of your trading profits, eventually even your entire account!

What is the trigger price in stop-loss? ›

Trigger price is the price at which your buy or sell order becomes active for execution at the exchange servers. In other words, once the price of the stock hits the trigger price set by you, the order is sent to the exchange servers.

What is 80 20 rule in crypto trading? ›

The 80-20 rule can also be applied when choosing which assets to trade. One way to do this is to minimise your portfolio concentration by only trading the 20% of assets that generate 80% of the results.

What is the 5% rule for crypto? ›

If you had $10,000 net portfolio five years back, and invested $500 (5% of your savings) in Bitcoin, your investment would have been worth $15,555 today, bring the net portfolio to over $25,000 ( a 250% growth of total portfolio value from only 5% of the portfolio).

Can you set limit orders on Robinhood? ›

Due to high volatility in the options market, Robinhood requires you to set a limit price for all options trades. With a buy limit order, you can set a limit price, which should be the maximum price you want to pay for a contract. The contract will only be purchased at your limit price or lower.

How do you place a stop limit on a stock order? ›

Narrator: To enter a Sell Stop Limit Order, you must enter a Stop price below the current security price and a Limit price less than or equal to the Stop price, ideally the lowest price you're willing to accept.

What is the difference between stop-loss and stop limit on Robinhood? ›

A buy-stop order is a type of stop-loss order that protects short positions; it is set above the current market price and is triggered if the price rises above that level. Stop-limit orders are a type of stop-loss, but at the stop price, the order becomes a limit order—only executing at the limit price or better.

How to do custom orders on Robinhood? ›

Go to the stock's detail page. Select Trade. Select Buy or Sell. Choose the order type you want to use.

Should you always do limit orders? ›

Bottom line. Your choice of market order or limit order depends on the specific circ*mstances of the trade, but if you're worried about not getting a certain price, you can always use a limit order. You'll ensure that the transaction won't occur unless you get your price, even if it takes longer to execute.

Why did my stop-loss not work? ›

When the price drops or rises very fast, a market stop loss might execute at worse prices, and the limit stop loss might not execute at all. Check the next section to find out more about limit stop losses. Market orders are there to buy or sell something as fast as possible at the best available price right now.

What is the 2 stop-loss rule? ›

One popular method is the 2% Rule, which means you never put more than 2% of your account equity at risk (Table 1). For example, if you are trading a $50,000 account, and you choose a risk management stop loss of 2%, you could risk up to $1,000 on any given trade.

What is a stop-loss limit order example? ›

A stop-loss order is a buy/sell order placed to limit losses when there is a concern that prices may move against the trade. For instance, if a stock is purchased at ₹100 and the loss is to be limited at ₹95, an order can be placed to sell the stock as soon as its price reaches ₹95.

What is the difference between a limit sell and a stop limit sell? ›

A sell limit order will execute at the limit price or higher. Overall, a limit order allows you to specify a price. A stop order includes a specific parameter for triggering the trade. Once a stock's price reaches the stop price it will be executed at the next available market price.

What is the difference between buy stop and sell stop? ›

A buy stop order is entered at a stop price above the current market price. Investors generally use a buy stop order to limit a loss or protect a profit on a stock that they have sold short. A sell stop order is entered at a stop price below the current market price.

What is a good stop limit? ›

There are no hard-and-fast rules for the level at which stops should be placed; it totally depends on your individual investing style. An active trader might use a 5% level, while a long-term investor might choose 15% or more.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.